
Model.setup_region(region: dict, hydrography_fn: str = 'merit_hydro', basin_index_fn: str = 'merit_hydro_index') dict[source]#

Set the region of interest of the model.

Adds model layer:

  • region geom: region boundary vector

  • region (dict) –

    Dictionary describing region of interest, e.g.:

    • {‘bbox’: [xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax]}

    • {‘geom’: ‘path/to/polygon_geometry’}

    • {‘basin’: [xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax]}

    • {‘subbasin’: [x, y], ‘<variable>’: threshold}

    For a complete overview of all region options, see :py:function:~hydromt.workflows.basin_mask.parse_region

  • hydrography_fn (str) – Name of data source for hydrography data. FIXME describe data requirements

  • basin_index_fn (str) – Name of data source with basin (bounding box) geometries associated with the ‘basins’ layer of hydrography_fn. Only required if the region is based on a (sub)(inter)basins without a ‘bounds’ argument.


region – Parsed region dictionary

Return type:
