hydromt check#

Verify that provided data catalog and config files are in the correct format.

Additionally region bbox and geom can also be validated.

Example usage:#

Check data catalog file: hydromt check -d /path/to/data_catalog.yml -v

Check data catalog and grid_model config file: hydromt check -m grid_model -d /path/to/data_catalog.yml -i /path/to/model_config.yml -v

With region: hydromt check -m grid_model -d /path/to/data_catalog.yml -i /path/to/model_config.yml -r ‘{‘bbox’: [-1,-1,1,1]}’ -v

hydromt check [OPTIONS]


-m, --model <model>#

Model name, e.g. wflow, sfincs, etc. to validate config file.

-i, --config <config>#

Path to hydroMT configuration file, for the model specific implementation.

-d, --data <data>#

Path to local yaml data catalog file OR name of predefined data catalog.

-q, --quiet#

Decrease verbosity.

-v, --verbose#

Increase verbosity.

-r, --region <region>#

Set the region for which to build the model, e.g. {‘subbasin’: [-7.24, 62.09]}