
static Dataset.vector.from_netcdf(path: str | Dataset, parse_geom=True, geom_name=None, x_name=None, y_name=None, crs=None, **kwargs) Dataset#

Create GeoDataset from ogr compliant netCDF4 file or xr.Dataset.

  • path (str, xr.Dataset) – Path to the netCDF4 file

  • parse_geom (bool, optional) – Create geometry objects in place of existing x, y or wkt geometry coordinates.

  • x_name (str, optional) – The name of the x, y and geometry coordinate.

  • y_name (str, optional) – The name of the x, y and geometry coordinate.

  • geom_name (str, optional) – The name of the x, y and geometry coordinate.

  • crs (int, optional) – EPSG of the data. If not given, it will be inferred.

  • **kwargs – passed to xarray.open_dataset()


Dataset containing the geospatial data and attributes

Return type:
