Handling model output
After running the model example from the previous step 4, the model results can be found in data/output_moselle_simple.csv
If required, it is also possible to output netCDF files as output, by modifying the TOML file. An example is shown below:
# Spatial output
path = "data/output.nc"
q_av = "q_river"
q = "q_land"
h = "h_land"
# Scalar output (mapped to the specified map)
path = "data/output_scalar.nc"
name = "Q"
map = "gauges"
parameter = "lateral.river.q_av"
name = "prec"
map = "subcatchment"
parameter = "vertical.precipitation"
reducer = "mean"
Using your own preferred programming language, the model output files can be easily read and visualized.
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