User manual

As a command line tool

When using Koswat as a package you can run it directly from the command line as follows:

python -m koswat --input_file path\\to\\your\\koswat.ini --log_output path\\to\\your\\output\\dir
The arguments are:

  • --input_file (required): Absolute path to the location of your general koswat.ini file.
  • --log_output (optional): Absolute path to the location of where the koswat.log will be written. If not specified it will be written at the root of the execution directory.

It is also possible to check all the above possibilities via the --help argument in the command line:

python -m koswat --help

As a sandbox

It is entirely possible to make a custom Koswat analysis using the tool as a sandbox. This means, through a script calling the different classes to generate an analysis.

As a simple example, we can rewrite the acceptance test test_given_surrounding_files_run_calculations_for_all_included_profiles:

from koswat.dike.profile.koswat_input_profile_base import KoswatInputProfileBase
from koswat.dike.material.koswat_material_type import KoswatMaterialType
from koswat.configuration.settings.koswat_scenario import KoswatScenario
from koswat.dike.profile import KoswatProfileBase, KoswatProfileBuilder
from koswat.cost_report.summary import KoswatSummary, KoswatSummaryBuilder
from koswat.configuration.settings.koswat_run_scenario_settings import (
from import KoswatSummaryExporter
from import (
from koswat.dike_reinforcements import ReinforcementProfileBuilderFactory

# 1. Define input data.
_input_dir = Path("C:\\my_koswat_input_dir")
_output_dir = Path("C:\\my_koswat_results")
_shp_trajects_file = (
    / "Dijkvak"
    / "Dijkringlijnen_KOSWAT_Totaal_2017_10_3_Dijkvak.shp"
assert _shp_trajects_file.is_file()

## Define input profile case
input_profile_case = KoswatInputProfileBase()
input_profile_case.dike_section = "test_data"
input_profile_case.waterside_ground_level = 0
input_profile_case.waterside_slope = 3
input_profile_case.waterside_berm_width = 0
input_profile_case.waterside_berm_height = 0
input_profile_case.crest_height = 6
input_profile_case.crest_width = 5
input_profile_case.polderside_slope = 3
input_profile_case.polderside_berm_height = 0
input_profile_case.polderside_berm_width = 0
input_profile_case.polderside_ground_level = 0
input_profile_case.pleistocene = -5
input_profile_case.aquifer = -2

## Define the scenario case
scenario_case = KoswatScenario()
scenario_case.scenario_name = ""
scenario_case.scenario_section = ""
scenario_case.d_h = 1
scenario_case.d_s = 10
scenario_case.d_p = 30
scenario_case.crest_width = 5
scenario_case.waterside_slope = 3

## Define the layers case
layers_case = dict(
            dict(material=KoswatMaterialType.GRASS, depth=0.3),
            dict(material=KoswatMaterialType.CLAY, depth=0.5),

## Import surroundings (TODO: update with latest implementation of SurroundingsWrapperCollectionImporter)
_surroundings_importer = KoswatSurroundingsImporter()
_surroundings_importer.traject_loc_shp_file = _shp_trajects_file
_surroundings = _surroundings_importer.import_from(_test_dir)[0]

assert isinstance(scenario_case, KoswatScenario)
_base_koswat_profile = KoswatProfileBuilder.with_data(

## Define the run settings based on the previous calculated parameters.
_run_settings = KoswatRunScenarioSettings()
_run_settings.scenario = scenario_case
_run_settings.surroundings = _surroundings
_run_settings.input_profile_case = _base_koswat_profile

# 2. Run summary
_multi_loc_multi_prof_cost_builder = KoswatSummaryBuilder()
_multi_loc_multi_prof_cost_builder.run_scenario_settings = _run_settings
_summary =

KoswatSummaryExporter().export(_summary, _output_dir)

# 3. Generate plots
assert isinstance(_summary, KoswatSummary)
assert any(_summary.locations_profile_report_list)
for (
) in ReinforcementProfileBuilderFactory.get_available_reinforcements():
    assert any(
        for _rep_profile in _summary.locations_profile_report_list
    ), f"Profile type {_reinforcement_profile.__name__} not found."
for _multi_report in _summary.locations_profile_report_list:
    _mlp_plot = MultiLocationProfileComparisonPlotExporter()
    _mlp_plot.cost_report = _multi_report
    _mlp_plot.export_dir = _output_dir