Cost report module


Bases: Protocol

A Protocol defining the properties of a report in Koswat.

Infrastructure cost calculator

ProfileZoneCalculator dataclass

Calculator to determine the width of zones A and B of a reinforced profile (ReinforcementProfileProtocol). It requires its original base profile to be in its definition.

calculate() -> tuple[float, float]

Calculates the width of zones A and B for the defined instance of ReinforcementProfileProtocol. The calculation is as follows: - When dh0 has not varied with respect to the base profile, then zones A and B are calculated. - When dh0 has increased then only zone B is calculated.


Type Description
tuple[float, float]

tuple[float, float]: Calculated zone A and B respectively.


Bases: KoswatProfileProtocol, Protocol

Extension of the KoswatProfileProtocol to define the properties of a calculated reinforcement.

InfrastructureLocationCosts dataclass

Simple data structure containing the results of the costs calculations for a given ReinforcementProfileProtocol profile. The values related to zone_a and zone_b are calculated in the ProfileZoneCalculator.

InfrastructureProfileCostsCalculator dataclass

Calculator to generate all InfrastructureLocationCosts instances based on the locations of the contained infrastructure (SurroundingsInfrastructure.points) and the width of zone_a and zone_b.

calculate(zone_a_width: float, zone_b_width: float) -> list[InfrastructureLocationCosts]

Calculates the costs affecting this instance's infrastructure at all points where it is present.


Name Type Description Default
zone_a_width float

Width of zone type A.

zone_b_width float

Width of zone type `B .



Type Description

list[InfrastructureLocationCosts]: Resulting cost summaries.

PointSurroundings dataclass

Object representing a meter with x, y coordinates in a polder (or else).

__eq__(__value: object) -> bool

Overriding of the "magic" equality operator required so that PointSurroundings can be used as a key in a python dict.

__hash__() -> int

Overriding of the "magic" hash operator required so that PointSurroundings can be used as a key in a python dict.

closest_obstacle: float property

Distance to the closest (obstacle) surrounding. When no surroundings are given the value will be NaN (Not A Number), so that the value 0 is reserved for buildings at distance 0.


Name Type Description
float float

Distance to the closest surrounding.

get_total_infrastructure_per_zone(*zone_limit_collection: tuple[float, float]) -> list[float]

Gets the total infrastructure width at each of the provided zones zone_limit_collection (tuple[float, float]). The zone limits are matched by rounding up their upper limit to the surroundings_matrix keys (distances to the location in the real world). When two zones have overlapping limits (as expected) the lower one will "claim" the corresponding surrounding distance.

  • zone_limit_collection = (0, 4), (4, 11)
  • surroundings_matrix = {5: 1.5, 10: 3, 15: 6}
  • "Taken" distances per zone:
    • (0, 4) takes key 5.
    • (4, 11) takes key(s) 10 and 15 because 5 was already taken.
  • Total infrastructure width at zones = (1.5, 9)


Type Description

list[float]: list with total width corresponding to each provided zone.

SurroundingsInfrastructure dataclass

Bases: KoswatSurroundingsProtocol

Defines surroundings point collections that can be repaired or replaced.

The PointSurroundings contain a matrix (dictionary) where the keys represent the distances to an obstacle, and the values a float representing how long that infrastructure is.

InfrastructureProfileCostsCalculator dataclass

Calculator to generate all InfrastructureLocationCosts instances based on the locations of the contained infrastructure (SurroundingsInfrastructure.points) and the width of zone_a and zone_b.

calculate(zone_a_width: float, zone_b_width: float) -> list[InfrastructureLocationCosts]

Calculates the costs affecting this instance's infrastructure at all points where it is present.


Name Type Description Default
zone_a_width float

Width of zone type A.

zone_b_width float

Width of zone type `B .



Type Description

list[InfrastructureLocationCosts]: Resulting cost summaries.

MultiInfrastructureProfileCostsCalculator dataclass

Calculator that contains all possible "infrastructure" calculators (InfrastructureProfileCostsCalculator) one for each of the available infrastructures in the current KoswatScenario. Its calculate method only requires a reinforcement (ReinforcementProfileProtocol) to determine all infrastructures' costs.

calculate(reinforced_profile: ReinforcementProfileProtocol) -> list[InfrastructureLocationProfileCostReport]

Calculates the costs related to appyling the provided reinforcement_profile at all the locations where an infrastructure is present. It first determines zone A and B and then provides their widths to the inner infrastructure calculators (InfrastructureProfileCostsCalculator).


Name Type Description Default
reinforced_profile ReinforcementProfileProtocol

Reinforcement to be applied.



Type Description

list[InfrastructureLocationProfileCostReport]: Collection of reports summarizing the cost-impact of a reinforced_profile.

ProfileZoneCalculator dataclass

Calculator to determine the width of zones A and B of a reinforced profile (ReinforcementProfileProtocol). It requires its original base profile to be in its definition.

calculate() -> tuple[float, float]

Calculates the width of zones A and B for the defined instance of ReinforcementProfileProtocol. The calculation is as follows: - When dh0 has not varied with respect to the base profile, then zones A and B are calculated. - When dh0 has increased then only zone B is calculated.


Type Description
tuple[float, float]

tuple[float, float]: Calculated zone A and B respectively.


Bases: KoswatProfileProtocol, Protocol

Extension of the KoswatProfileProtocol to define the properties of a calculated reinforcement.


Bases: Protocol

build() -> Any

Instantiates a concrete object to separate its initalization from the data structure.


Name Type Description
Any Any

Intance of a created object within Koswat domain.

InfrastructureProfileCostsCalculator dataclass

Calculator to generate all InfrastructureLocationCosts instances based on the locations of the contained infrastructure (SurroundingsInfrastructure.points) and the width of zone_a and zone_b.

calculate(zone_a_width: float, zone_b_width: float) -> list[InfrastructureLocationCosts]

Calculates the costs affecting this instance's infrastructure at all points where it is present.


Name Type Description Default
zone_a_width float

Width of zone type A.

zone_b_width float

Width of zone type `B .



Type Description

list[InfrastructureLocationCosts]: Resulting cost summaries.

MultiInfrastructureProfileCostsCalculator dataclass

Calculator that contains all possible "infrastructure" calculators (InfrastructureProfileCostsCalculator) one for each of the available infrastructures in the current KoswatScenario. Its calculate method only requires a reinforcement (ReinforcementProfileProtocol) to determine all infrastructures' costs.

calculate(reinforced_profile: ReinforcementProfileProtocol) -> list[InfrastructureLocationProfileCostReport]

Calculates the costs related to appyling the provided reinforcement_profile at all the locations where an infrastructure is present. It first determines zone A and B and then provides their widths to the inner infrastructure calculators (InfrastructureProfileCostsCalculator).


Name Type Description Default
reinforced_profile ReinforcementProfileProtocol

Reinforcement to be applied.



Type Description

list[InfrastructureLocationProfileCostReport]: Collection of reports summarizing the cost-impact of a reinforced_profile.

MultiInfrastructureProfileCostsCalculatorBuilder dataclass

Bases: BuilderProtocol

Builder to set up "fix" information such as costs derived from the koswat settings (InfraCostsEnum, SurtaxFactorEnum) which directly determines the zone A and/or B costs that will be applied for each infrastructure.

SurroundingsInfrastructure dataclass

Bases: KoswatSurroundingsProtocol

Defines surroundings point collections that can be repaired or replaced.

The PointSurroundings contain a matrix (dictionary) where the keys represent the distances to an obstacle, and the values a float representing how long that infrastructure is.

Quantity cost parameters calculator


Bases: Protocol

total_cost: float property

The total cost (quantity * unit cost)

total_cost_with_surtax: float property

The total cost including surtaxes




Bases: Protocol

export(**kwargs) -> None

Exports an object model into a concrete file format.

KoswatSummary dataclass

Represents the summary of the KOSWAT analysis.

get_infrastructure_costs() -> dict[type[ReinforcementProfileProtocol], tuple[float, float]]

Gets the infrastructure costs for each profile type for those locations for which the profile type is selected.


Type Description
dict[type[ReinforcementProfileProtocol], tuple[float, float]]

dict[type[ReinforcementProfileProtocol], tuple[float, float]]: infrastructure costs without and with surtax per reinforcement type.

get_report_by_profile(profile_type: type[ReinforcementProfileProtocol]) -> MultiLocationProfileCostReport | None

Get the report for a specific profile type.


Name Type Description Default
profile_type type[ReinforcementProfileProtocol]

Type of reinforcement profile.



Type Description
MultiLocationProfileCostReport | None

MultiLocationProfileCostReport | None: Report for the profile type.

Summary costs


Bases: Protocol

export(**kwargs) -> None

Exports an object model into a concrete file format.

KoswatSummary dataclass

Represents the summary of the KOSWAT analysis.

get_infrastructure_costs() -> dict[type[ReinforcementProfileProtocol], tuple[float, float]]

Gets the infrastructure costs for each profile type for those locations for which the profile type is selected.


Type Description
dict[type[ReinforcementProfileProtocol], tuple[float, float]]

dict[type[ReinforcementProfileProtocol], tuple[float, float]]: infrastructure costs without and with surtax per reinforcement type.

get_report_by_profile(profile_type: type[ReinforcementProfileProtocol]) -> MultiLocationProfileCostReport | None

Get the report for a specific profile type.


Name Type Description Default
profile_type type[ReinforcementProfileProtocol]

Type of reinforcement profile.



Type Description
MultiLocationProfileCostReport | None

MultiLocationProfileCostReport | None: Report for the profile type.


Bases: Protocol

build() -> Any

Instantiates a concrete object to separate its initalization from the data structure.


Name Type Description
Any Any

Intance of a created object within Koswat domain.


Bases: Protocol

total_cost: float property

The total cost (quantity * unit cost)

total_cost_with_surtax: float property

The total cost including surtaxes

KoswatSummary dataclass

Represents the summary of the KOSWAT analysis.

get_infrastructure_costs() -> dict[type[ReinforcementProfileProtocol], tuple[float, float]]

Gets the infrastructure costs for each profile type for those locations for which the profile type is selected.


Type Description
dict[type[ReinforcementProfileProtocol], tuple[float, float]]

dict[type[ReinforcementProfileProtocol], tuple[float, float]]: infrastructure costs without and with surtax per reinforcement type.

get_report_by_profile(profile_type: type[ReinforcementProfileProtocol]) -> MultiLocationProfileCostReport | None

Get the report for a specific profile type.


Name Type Description Default
profile_type type[ReinforcementProfileProtocol]

Type of reinforcement profile.



Type Description
MultiLocationProfileCostReport | None

MultiLocationProfileCostReport | None: Report for the profile type.


Bases: KoswatProfileProtocol, Protocol

Extension of the KoswatProfileProtocol to define the properties of a calculated reinforcement.

Summary infrastructure costs


Bases: Protocol

export(**kwargs) -> None

Exports an object model into a concrete file format.

KoswatSummary dataclass

Represents the summary of the KOSWAT analysis.

get_infrastructure_costs() -> dict[type[ReinforcementProfileProtocol], tuple[float, float]]

Gets the infrastructure costs for each profile type for those locations for which the profile type is selected.


Type Description
dict[type[ReinforcementProfileProtocol], tuple[float, float]]

dict[type[ReinforcementProfileProtocol], tuple[float, float]]: infrastructure costs without and with surtax per reinforcement type.

get_report_by_profile(profile_type: type[ReinforcementProfileProtocol]) -> MultiLocationProfileCostReport | None

Get the report for a specific profile type.


Name Type Description Default
profile_type type[ReinforcementProfileProtocol]

Type of reinforcement profile.



Type Description
MultiLocationProfileCostReport | None

MultiLocationProfileCostReport | None: Report for the profile type.

SummaryInfrastructureCostsCsvFomBuilder dataclass


Bases: Protocol

build() -> Any

Instantiates a concrete object to separate its initalization from the data structure.


Name Type Description
Any Any

Intance of a created object within Koswat domain.

InfrastructureLocationCosts dataclass

Simple data structure containing the results of the costs calculations for a given ReinforcementProfileProtocol profile. The values related to zone_a and zone_b are calculated in the ProfileZoneCalculator.

KoswatSummary dataclass

Represents the summary of the KOSWAT analysis.

get_infrastructure_costs() -> dict[type[ReinforcementProfileProtocol], tuple[float, float]]

Gets the infrastructure costs for each profile type for those locations for which the profile type is selected.


Type Description
dict[type[ReinforcementProfileProtocol], tuple[float, float]]

dict[type[ReinforcementProfileProtocol], tuple[float, float]]: infrastructure costs without and with surtax per reinforcement type.

get_report_by_profile(profile_type: type[ReinforcementProfileProtocol]) -> MultiLocationProfileCostReport | None

Get the report for a specific profile type.


Name Type Description Default
profile_type type[ReinforcementProfileProtocol]

Type of reinforcement profile.



Type Description
MultiLocationProfileCostReport | None

MultiLocationProfileCostReport | None: Report for the profile type.

MultiLocationProfileCostReport dataclass

Bases: CostReportProtocol

get_infra_costs_per_location() -> dict[PointSurroundings, tuple[float, float]]

Gets the total costs related to infrastructures at each of the points for the profile type in profile_cost_report


Type Description
dict[PointSurroundings, tuple[float, float]]

dict[PointSurroundings, tuple[float, float]]: Total cost per location (without and with surtax).

total_cost: float property

Calculates the cost of the measure for all possible locations, regardless whether that measure is chosen by the order strategy or not.

PointSurroundings dataclass

Object representing a meter with x, y coordinates in a polder (or else).

__eq__(__value: object) -> bool

Overriding of the "magic" equality operator required so that PointSurroundings can be used as a key in a python dict.

__hash__() -> int

Overriding of the "magic" hash operator required so that PointSurroundings can be used as a key in a python dict.

closest_obstacle: float property

Distance to the closest (obstacle) surrounding. When no surroundings are given the value will be NaN (Not A Number), so that the value 0 is reserved for buildings at distance 0.


Name Type Description
float float

Distance to the closest surrounding.

get_total_infrastructure_per_zone(*zone_limit_collection: tuple[float, float]) -> list[float]

Gets the total infrastructure width at each of the provided zones zone_limit_collection (tuple[float, float]). The zone limits are matched by rounding up their upper limit to the surroundings_matrix keys (distances to the location in the real world). When two zones have overlapping limits (as expected) the lower one will "claim" the corresponding surrounding distance.

  • zone_limit_collection = (0, 4), (4, 11)
  • surroundings_matrix = {5: 1.5, 10: 3, 15: 6}
  • "Taken" distances per zone:
    • (0, 4) takes key 5.
    • (4, 11) takes key(s) 10 and 15 because 5 was already taken.
  • Total infrastructure width at zones = (1.5, 9)


Type Description

list[float]: list with total width corresponding to each provided zone.

StrategyLocationReinforcement dataclass

Represents a location and the different reinforcements that can be applied to it as well their costs. This class is used to show the final chosen state for a location.

current_cost: float property

Estimates the costs with surtax at this location for the given current_selected_measure.

current_selected_measure: type[ReinforcementProfileProtocol] property

Exposes the current selected measure for this object.

get_infrastructure_costs(reinforcement_type: type[ReinforcementProfileProtocol]) -> tuple[float, float]

Returns the infrastructure costs for the given reinforcement type (without and with surtax).


Name Type Description Default
reinforcement_type type[ReinforcementProfileProtocol]

Reinforcement type.



Type Description
tuple[float, float]

tuple[float, float]: Tuple containing the infrastructure costs without and with surtax.

get_selected_measure_steps() -> tuple[type[ReinforcementProfileProtocol], type[ReinforcementProfileProtocol], type[ReinforcementProfileProtocol]]

Outputs the selected measure following the domain (expected) steps: - Initial step, - Order step, - Infrastructure step


Type Description
tuple[type[ReinforcementProfileProtocol], type[ReinforcementProfileProtocol], type[ReinforcementProfileProtocol]]

tuple[ type[ReinforcementProfileProtocol], type[ReinforcementProfileProtocol], type[ReinforcementProfileProtocol]]: Resulting tuple.

set_selected_measure(reinforcement_type: type[ReinforcementProfileProtocol], step: StrategyStepEnum)

Changes the value reprsented in current_selected_measure and updates the dictionary of selections (history).


Name Type Description Default
reinforcement_type type[ReinforcementProfileProtocol]

Reinforcement type

step StrategyStepsEnum

Step whose


SummaryInfrastructureCostsCsvFomBuilder dataclass

Summary locations


Bases: Protocol

export(**kwargs) -> None

Exports an object model into a concrete file format.

KoswatSummary dataclass

Represents the summary of the KOSWAT analysis.

get_infrastructure_costs() -> dict[type[ReinforcementProfileProtocol], tuple[float, float]]

Gets the infrastructure costs for each profile type for those locations for which the profile type is selected.


Type Description
dict[type[ReinforcementProfileProtocol], tuple[float, float]]

dict[type[ReinforcementProfileProtocol], tuple[float, float]]: infrastructure costs without and with surtax per reinforcement type.

get_report_by_profile(profile_type: type[ReinforcementProfileProtocol]) -> MultiLocationProfileCostReport | None

Get the report for a specific profile type.


Name Type Description Default
profile_type type[ReinforcementProfileProtocol]

Type of reinforcement profile.



Type Description
MultiLocationProfileCostReport | None

MultiLocationProfileCostReport | None: Report for the profile type.


Bases: Protocol

build() -> Any

Instantiates a concrete object to separate its initalization from the data structure.


Name Type Description
Any Any

Intance of a created object within Koswat domain.

KoswatSummary dataclass

Represents the summary of the KOSWAT analysis.

get_infrastructure_costs() -> dict[type[ReinforcementProfileProtocol], tuple[float, float]]

Gets the infrastructure costs for each profile type for those locations for which the profile type is selected.


Type Description
dict[type[ReinforcementProfileProtocol], tuple[float, float]]

dict[type[ReinforcementProfileProtocol], tuple[float, float]]: infrastructure costs without and with surtax per reinforcement type.

get_report_by_profile(profile_type: type[ReinforcementProfileProtocol]) -> MultiLocationProfileCostReport | None

Get the report for a specific profile type.


Name Type Description Default
profile_type type[ReinforcementProfileProtocol]

Type of reinforcement profile.



Type Description
MultiLocationProfileCostReport | None

MultiLocationProfileCostReport | None: Report for the profile type.

PointSurroundings dataclass

Object representing a meter with x, y coordinates in a polder (or else).

__eq__(__value: object) -> bool

Overriding of the "magic" equality operator required so that PointSurroundings can be used as a key in a python dict.

__hash__() -> int

Overriding of the "magic" hash operator required so that PointSurroundings can be used as a key in a python dict.

closest_obstacle: float property

Distance to the closest (obstacle) surrounding. When no surroundings are given the value will be NaN (Not A Number), so that the value 0 is reserved for buildings at distance 0.


Name Type Description
float float

Distance to the closest surrounding.

get_total_infrastructure_per_zone(*zone_limit_collection: tuple[float, float]) -> list[float]

Gets the total infrastructure width at each of the provided zones zone_limit_collection (tuple[float, float]). The zone limits are matched by rounding up their upper limit to the surroundings_matrix keys (distances to the location in the real world). When two zones have overlapping limits (as expected) the lower one will "claim" the corresponding surrounding distance.

  • zone_limit_collection = (0, 4), (4, 11)
  • surroundings_matrix = {5: 1.5, 10: 3, 15: 6}
  • "Taken" distances per zone:
    • (0, 4) takes key 5.
    • (4, 11) takes key(s) 10 and 15 because 5 was already taken.
  • Total infrastructure width at zones = (1.5, 9)


Type Description

list[float]: list with total width corresponding to each provided zone.


Bases: KoswatProfileProtocol, Protocol

Extension of the KoswatProfileProtocol to define the properties of a calculated reinforcement.

StrategyLocationReinforcement dataclass

Represents a location and the different reinforcements that can be applied to it as well their costs. This class is used to show the final chosen state for a location.

current_cost: float property

Estimates the costs with surtax at this location for the given current_selected_measure.

current_selected_measure: type[ReinforcementProfileProtocol] property

Exposes the current selected measure for this object.

get_infrastructure_costs(reinforcement_type: type[ReinforcementProfileProtocol]) -> tuple[float, float]

Returns the infrastructure costs for the given reinforcement type (without and with surtax).


Name Type Description Default
reinforcement_type type[ReinforcementProfileProtocol]

Reinforcement type.



Type Description
tuple[float, float]

tuple[float, float]: Tuple containing the infrastructure costs without and with surtax.

get_selected_measure_steps() -> tuple[type[ReinforcementProfileProtocol], type[ReinforcementProfileProtocol], type[ReinforcementProfileProtocol]]

Outputs the selected measure following the domain (expected) steps: - Initial step, - Order step, - Infrastructure step


Type Description
tuple[type[ReinforcementProfileProtocol], type[ReinforcementProfileProtocol], type[ReinforcementProfileProtocol]]

tuple[ type[ReinforcementProfileProtocol], type[ReinforcementProfileProtocol], type[ReinforcementProfileProtocol]]: Resulting tuple.

set_selected_measure(reinforcement_type: type[ReinforcementProfileProtocol], step: StrategyStepEnum)

Changes the value reprsented in current_selected_measure and updates the dictionary of selections (history).


Name Type Description Default
reinforcement_type type[ReinforcementProfileProtocol]

Reinforcement type

step StrategyStepsEnum

Step whose


ClusterShpFom dataclass

base_geometry: LineString property

The resulting geometry of all locations excluding the profile's width.


Name Type Description
LineString LineString

Geometry representing the cluster coordinates.

get_buffered_geometry(width: float) -> LineString

The base_geometry with an applied buffer (width) that represents the polderside's width.


Name Type Description Default
width float

Profile's polderside width.



Name Type Description
LineString LineString

Resulting base_geometry with a buffer.

new_profile_width: float property

The new polderside width.

old_profile_width: float property

The original polderside width.


Bases: KoswatProfileProtocol, Protocol

Extension of the KoswatProfileProtocol to define the properties of a calculated reinforcement.

StrategyLocationReinforcement dataclass

Represents a location and the different reinforcements that can be applied to it as well their costs. This class is used to show the final chosen state for a location.

current_cost: float property

Estimates the costs with surtax at this location for the given current_selected_measure.

current_selected_measure: type[ReinforcementProfileProtocol] property

Exposes the current selected measure for this object.

get_infrastructure_costs(reinforcement_type: type[ReinforcementProfileProtocol]) -> tuple[float, float]

Returns the infrastructure costs for the given reinforcement type (without and with surtax).


Name Type Description Default
reinforcement_type type[ReinforcementProfileProtocol]

Reinforcement type.



Type Description
tuple[float, float]

tuple[float, float]: Tuple containing the infrastructure costs without and with surtax.

get_selected_measure_steps() -> tuple[type[ReinforcementProfileProtocol], type[ReinforcementProfileProtocol], type[ReinforcementProfileProtocol]]

Outputs the selected measure following the domain (expected) steps: - Initial step, - Order step, - Infrastructure step


Type Description
tuple[type[ReinforcementProfileProtocol], type[ReinforcementProfileProtocol], type[ReinforcementProfileProtocol]]

tuple[ type[ReinforcementProfileProtocol], type[ReinforcementProfileProtocol], type[ReinforcementProfileProtocol]]: Resulting tuple.

set_selected_measure(reinforcement_type: type[ReinforcementProfileProtocol], step: StrategyStepEnum)

Changes the value reprsented in current_selected_measure and updates the dictionary of selections (history).


Name Type Description Default
reinforcement_type type[ReinforcementProfileProtocol]

Reinforcement type

step StrategyStepsEnum

Step whose


ClusterCollectionShpFom dataclass

from_summary(koswat_summary: KoswatSummary, cluster_criteria: Callable[[StrategyLocationReinforcement], type[ReinforcementProfileProtocol]] = lambda x: x.current_selected_measure) -> ClusterCollectionShpFom classmethod

Maps the KoswatSummary into a file object model that can be exported into *.shp files.


Name Type Description Default
koswat_summary KoswatSummary

The summary containing the information to export.


(Lambda) Function criteria to group the locations by reinforcement type.



Name Type Description
ClusterCollectionShpFom ClusterCollectionShpFom

Dataclass instance that can be directly exported into .shp.

generate_geodataframes() -> ClusterGeoDataFrameOutputFom

Generates all geodataframes of the given clusters. The generated geodataframes correspond to the, base geometry (without buffering), the old and new geometries with their profile's width being buffered to the base geometry.


Name Type Description
ClusterGeoDataFrameOutputFom ClusterGeoDataFrameOutputFom

Resulting geodataframes wrapper maping this ClusterCollectionShpFom.


Bases: FileObjectModelProtocol

Data structure to wrap the output generated by ClusterCollectionShpFom.generate_geodataframes.

is_valid() -> bool

Checks that all GeoDataFrame properties are set.


Name Type Description
bool bool

Validation result.

ClusterShpFom dataclass

base_geometry: LineString property

The resulting geometry of all locations excluding the profile's width.


Name Type Description
LineString LineString

Geometry representing the cluster coordinates.

get_buffered_geometry(width: float) -> LineString

The base_geometry with an applied buffer (width) that represents the polderside's width.


Name Type Description Default
width float

Profile's polderside width.



Name Type Description
LineString LineString

Resulting base_geometry with a buffer.

new_profile_width: float property

The new polderside width.

old_profile_width: float property

The original polderside width.

KoswatSummary dataclass

Represents the summary of the KOSWAT analysis.

get_infrastructure_costs() -> dict[type[ReinforcementProfileProtocol], tuple[float, float]]

Gets the infrastructure costs for each profile type for those locations for which the profile type is selected.


Type Description
dict[type[ReinforcementProfileProtocol], tuple[float, float]]

dict[type[ReinforcementProfileProtocol], tuple[float, float]]: infrastructure costs without and with surtax per reinforcement type.

get_report_by_profile(profile_type: type[ReinforcementProfileProtocol]) -> MultiLocationProfileCostReport | None

Get the report for a specific profile type.


Name Type Description Default
profile_type type[ReinforcementProfileProtocol]

Type of reinforcement profile.



Type Description
MultiLocationProfileCostReport | None

MultiLocationProfileCostReport | None: Report for the profile type.


Bases: KoswatProfileProtocol, Protocol

Extension of the KoswatProfileProtocol to define the properties of a calculated reinforcement.

StrategyLocationReinforcement dataclass

Represents a location and the different reinforcements that can be applied to it as well their costs. This class is used to show the final chosen state for a location.

current_cost: float property

Estimates the costs with surtax at this location for the given current_selected_measure.

current_selected_measure: type[ReinforcementProfileProtocol] property

Exposes the current selected measure for this object.

get_infrastructure_costs(reinforcement_type: type[ReinforcementProfileProtocol]) -> tuple[float, float]

Returns the infrastructure costs for the given reinforcement type (without and with surtax).


Name Type Description Default
reinforcement_type type[ReinforcementProfileProtocol]

Reinforcement type.



Type Description
tuple[float, float]

tuple[float, float]: Tuple containing the infrastructure costs without and with surtax.

get_selected_measure_steps() -> tuple[type[ReinforcementProfileProtocol], type[ReinforcementProfileProtocol], type[ReinforcementProfileProtocol]]

Outputs the selected measure following the domain (expected) steps: - Initial step, - Order step, - Infrastructure step


Type Description
tuple[type[ReinforcementProfileProtocol], type[ReinforcementProfileProtocol], type[ReinforcementProfileProtocol]]

tuple[ type[ReinforcementProfileProtocol], type[ReinforcementProfileProtocol], type[ReinforcementProfileProtocol]]: Resulting tuple.

set_selected_measure(reinforcement_type: type[ReinforcementProfileProtocol], step: StrategyStepEnum)

Changes the value reprsented in current_selected_measure and updates the dictionary of selections (history).


Name Type Description Default
reinforcement_type type[ReinforcementProfileProtocol]

Reinforcement type

step StrategyStepsEnum

Step whose



Bases: FileObjectModelProtocol

Data structure to wrap the output generated by ClusterCollectionShpFom.generate_geodataframes.

is_valid() -> bool

Checks that all GeoDataFrame properties are set.


Name Type Description
bool bool

Validation result.


Bases: Protocol

is_valid() -> bool

Verifies if the current object is valid for import / export.


Name Type Description
bool bool

Result of the validation.

ClusterCollectionShpFom dataclass

from_summary(koswat_summary: KoswatSummary, cluster_criteria: Callable[[StrategyLocationReinforcement], type[ReinforcementProfileProtocol]] = lambda x: x.current_selected_measure) -> ClusterCollectionShpFom classmethod

Maps the KoswatSummary into a file object model that can be exported into *.shp files.


Name Type Description Default
koswat_summary KoswatSummary

The summary containing the information to export.


(Lambda) Function criteria to group the locations by reinforcement type.



Name Type Description
ClusterCollectionShpFom ClusterCollectionShpFom

Dataclass instance that can be directly exported into .shp.

generate_geodataframes() -> ClusterGeoDataFrameOutputFom

Generates all geodataframes of the given clusters. The generated geodataframes correspond to the, base geometry (without buffering), the old and new geometries with their profile's width being buffered to the base geometry.


Name Type Description
ClusterGeoDataFrameOutputFom ClusterGeoDataFrameOutputFom

Resulting geodataframes wrapper maping this ClusterCollectionShpFom.


Bases: Protocol

export(**kwargs) -> None

Exports an object model into a concrete file format.

KoswatSummary dataclass

Represents the summary of the KOSWAT analysis.

get_infrastructure_costs() -> dict[type[ReinforcementProfileProtocol], tuple[float, float]]

Gets the infrastructure costs for each profile type for those locations for which the profile type is selected.


Type Description
dict[type[ReinforcementProfileProtocol], tuple[float, float]]

dict[type[ReinforcementProfileProtocol], tuple[float, float]]: infrastructure costs without and with surtax per reinforcement type.

get_report_by_profile(profile_type: type[ReinforcementProfileProtocol]) -> MultiLocationProfileCostReport | None

Get the report for a specific profile type.


Name Type Description Default
profile_type type[ReinforcementProfileProtocol]

Type of reinforcement profile.



Type Description
MultiLocationProfileCostReport | None

MultiLocationProfileCostReport | None: Report for the profile type.