Installing FIAT

For Use

FIAT can be installled in an existing environment or the user can create a new environment. We recommened to create a new environment to avoid issues with other dependencies and packages.

New environment

To create a new environment follow the steps below.

  • Create a new environment:

    conda create -n fiat python=3.11.*

  • Activate the environment:

    conda activate fiat

  • Install FIAT from Github. After creating the new environment, you need to install all dependencies from the Deltares Github repository. You can use pip install to do so:

    pip install git+

Existing environment

If you want to install FIAT into an existing environment, simply activate the desired environment and run:

pip install git+

For Development

This is for those who wish to contribute to the development of FIAT.

  • First, clone the FIAT repository on Github into a local directory of choice:

    cd ~/{your path}

    git clone fiat

  • Create a new development environment. Make sure you either have tomli or tomllib (build-in with Python 3.11) in your base enviroment. Go into your cloned FIAT repository folder and create the environment file by running the script:

    cd ~/{your path}/fiat

    python dev

  • Then, create and activate the new environment in conda:

    conda env create -f environment.yml

    conda activate fiat_dev

  • To install all the required dependencies, run:

    pip install -e .

There you go. FIAT is now installed on your local machine for development purposes.

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