What’s new?

v0.1.0rc2 (2024-02-19)

The second pre-release of Delft-FIAT.


  • A version switcher for the documentation
  • Added entries for chunking size in the settings file (settings.toml) for GeomModel
  • Chunking for geometry calculations (GeomModel)
  • Chunking for resolving temporary GeomModel output
  • New method for writing geometries from a buffer: BufferedGeomWriter
  • New function for merging vector layers: merge_geom_layers
  • Setting of amount of threads via cli


  • Better build environment creation on linux systems
  • Clarified the cli
  • Fixed chunking on a single thread
  • Fixed and clarified the shape (w, h) of GridSource and Grid
  • Fixed handling of positive nodata values in geometry calculations
  • Fixed indexing in GridModel calculations
  • Parallelisation of calculations for GeomModel (not only in risk mode)
  • Updated the installer creation (exe) on Windows (10/11)
  • Various bug fixes


  • get_bbox method of GeomSource and GridSource
  • Setting: chunk in exposure.geom.settings, deprecated in favour of chunk in global.geom
  • Setting: chunk in exposure.grid.settings, deprecated in favour of chunk in global.grid
  • Setting: chunk in hazard.settings, deprecated in favour of chunk in global.grid


  • Ability to switch between documentation/ software versions
  • Improved/ updated the page regarding exposure csv
  • Restructered user settings pages
  • Seperated user settings into: Basic, Computational & Optional

v0.1.0rc1 (2023-11-30)

This is the first and pre-release of Delft-FIAT. It aims to have a stable version of the GeomModel for calculating damages and risk for vector exposure data and an experimental version of the GridModel for calculating damages and risk for raster exposure data.


  • Documentation
  • Command line user interface
  • Main FIAT object from which it’s run
  • GeomModel; the vector based model
  • GridModel; the raster based model
  • ConfigReader; for reading the settings file
  • I/O methods and structs
    • open_csv which returns e.g. Table
    • open_geom which returns a GeomSource
    • open_grid which returns a GridSource
  • GIS related operations like:
    • geom.reproject to reproject vector files
    • grid.reproject to reproject raster files
    • overlay.clip to clip a grid based on a polygon
    • and more…
  • Ability to ‘compile’/ freeze FIAT as an application/ binary
  • Some smalller miscellaneous methods and object
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