Source code for xugrid.ugrid.ugrid2d

from __future__ import annotations

from itertools import chain
from typing import Any, Dict, Optional, Sequence, Tuple, Union

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import xarray as xr
from numba_celltree import CellTree2d
from numpy.typing import ArrayLike
from scipy.sparse import coo_matrix, csr_matrix
from scipy.sparse.csgraph import reverse_cuthill_mckee

import xugrid
from xugrid import conversion
from xugrid import meshkernel_utils as mku
from xugrid.constants import (
from xugrid.core.utils import either_dict_or_kwargs
from xugrid.ugrid import connectivity, conventions
from xugrid.ugrid.ugridbase import AbstractUgrid, as_pandas_index
from xugrid.ugrid.voronoi import voronoi_topology

def section_coordinates(
    edges: FloatArray, xy: FloatArray, dim: str, index: IntArray, name: str
) -> Tuple[IntArray, dict]:
    # TODO: add boundaries xy[:, 0] and xy[:, 1]
    xy_mid = 0.5 * (xy[:, 0, :] + xy[:, 1, :])
    s = np.linalg.norm(xy_mid - edges[0, 0], axis=1)
    order = np.argsort(s)
    coords = {
        f"{name}_x": (dim, xy_mid[order, 0]),
        f"{name}_y": (dim, xy_mid[order, 1]),
        f"{name}_s": (dim, s[order]),
    return coords, index[order]

def numeric_bound(v: Union[float, None], other: float):
    if v is None:
        return other
        return v

[docs] class Ugrid2d(AbstractUgrid): """ This class stores the topological data of a 2-D unstructured grid. Parameters ---------- node_x: ndarray of floats node_y: ndarray of floats fill_value: int face_node_connectivity: ndarray of integers name: string, optional Mesh name. Defaults to "mesh2d". edge_node_connectivity: ndarray of integers, optional dataset: xr.Dataset, optional indexes: Dict[str, str], optional When a dataset is provided, a mapping from the UGRID role to the dataset variable name. E.g. {"face_x": "mesh2d_face_lon"}. projected: bool, optional Whether node_x and node_y are longitude and latitude or projected x and y coordinates. Used to write the appropriate standard_name in the coordinate attributes. crs: Any, optional Coordinate Reference System of the geometry objects. Can be anything accepted by :meth:`pyproj.CRS.from_user_input() <>`, such as an authority string (eg "EPSG:4326") or a WKT string. attrs: Dict[str, str], optional UGRID topology attributes. Should not be provided together with dataset: if other names are required, update the dataset instead. A name entry is ignored, as name is given explicitly. """
[docs] def __init__( self, node_x: FloatArray, node_y: FloatArray, fill_value: int, face_node_connectivity: Union[IntArray, SparseMatrix], name: str = "mesh2d", edge_node_connectivity: IntArray = None, dataset: xr.Dataset = None, indexes: Dict[str, str] = None, projected: bool = True, crs: Any = None, attrs: Dict[str, str] = None, ): self.node_x = np.ascontiguousarray(node_x) self.node_y = np.ascontiguousarray(node_y) self.fill_value = fill_value = name self.projected = projected if isinstance(face_node_connectivity, np.ndarray): face_node_connectivity = face_node_connectivity elif isinstance(face_node_connectivity, (coo_matrix, csr_matrix)): face_node_connectivity = connectivity.to_dense( face_node_connectivity, fill_value ) else: raise TypeError( "face_node_connectivity should be an array of integers or a sparse matrix" ) self.face_node_connectivity = face_node_connectivity # TODO: do this in validation instead. While UGRID conventions demand it, # where does it go wrong? # self.face_node_connectivity = connectivity.counterclockwise( # face_node_connectivity, self.fill_value, self.node_coordinates # ) self._initialize_indexes_attrs(name, dataset, indexes, attrs) self._dataset = dataset # Optional attributes, deferred initialization # Meshkernel self._mesh = None self._meshkernel = None # Celltree self._celltree = None # Perimeter self._perimeter = None # Area self._area = None # Centroids self._centroids = None self._circumcenters = None # Bounds self._xmin = None self._xmax = None self._ymin = None self._ymax = None # Edges self._edge_x = None self._edge_y = None # Connectivity self.edge_node_connectivity = edge_node_connectivity self._edge_face_connectivity = None self._node_node_connectivity = None self._node_edge_connectivity = None self._node_face_connectivity = None self._face_edge_connectivity = None self._face_face_connectivity = None self._boundary_node_connectivity = None # Derived topology self._triangulation = None self._voronoi_topology = None self._centroid_triangulation = None # crs if crs is None: = None else: import pyproj = pyproj.CRS.from_user_input(crs)
def _clear_geometry_properties(self): """Clear all properties that may have been invalidated""" # Meshkernel self._mesh = None self._meshkernel = None # Celltree self._celltree = None # Perimeter self._perimeter = None # Area self._area = None # Centroids self._centroids = None self._circumcenters = None # Bounds self._xmin = None self._xmax = None self._ymin = None self._ymax = None # Edges self._edge_x = None self._edge_y = None # Derived topology self._triangulation = None self._voronoi_topology = None self._centroid_triangulation = None
[docs] @classmethod def from_meshkernel( cls, mesh, name: str = "mesh2d", projected: bool = True, crs: Any = None, ): """ Create a 2D UGRID topology from a MeshKernel Mesh2d object. Parameters ---------- mesh: MeshKernel.Mesh2d name: str Mesh name. Defaults to "mesh2d". projected: bool Whether node_x and node_y are longitude and latitude or projected x and y coordinates. Used to write the appropriate standard_name in the coordinate attributes. crs: Any, optional Coordinate Reference System of the geometry objects. Can be anything accepted by :meth:`pyproj.CRS.from_user_input() <>`, such as an authority string (eg "EPSG:4326") or a WKT string. Returns ------- grid: Ugrid2d """ n_face = len(mesh.nodes_per_face) n_max_node = mesh.nodes_per_face.max() fill_value = -1 face_node_connectivity = np.full((n_face, n_max_node), fill_value) isnode = connectivity.ragged_index(n_face, n_max_node, mesh.nodes_per_face) face_node_connectivity[isnode] = mesh.face_nodes edge_node_connectivity = np.reshape(mesh.edge_nodes, (-1, 2)) return cls( node_x=mesh.node_x, node_y=mesh.node_y, fill_value=fill_value, face_node_connectivity=face_node_connectivity, edge_node_connectivity=edge_node_connectivity, name=name, projected=projected, crs=crs, )
[docs] @classmethod def from_dataset(cls, dataset: xr.Dataset, topology: str = None): """ Extract the 2D UGRID topology information from an xarray Dataset. Parameters ---------- dataset: xr.Dataset Dataset containing topology information stored according to UGRID conventions. Returns ------- grid: Ugrid1dAdapter """ ds = dataset if not isinstance(ds, xr.Dataset): raise TypeError( "Ugrid should be initialized with xarray.Dataset. " f"Received instead: {type(ds)}" ) if topology is None: topology = cls._single_topology(ds) indexes = {} # Collect names connectivity = ds.ugrid_roles.connectivity[topology] coordinates = ds.ugrid_roles.coordinates[topology] ugrid_vars = ( [topology] + list(connectivity.values()) + list(chain.from_iterable(chain.from_iterable(coordinates.values()))) ) x_index = coordinates["node_coordinates"][0][0] y_index = coordinates["node_coordinates"][1][0] node_x_coordinates = ds[x_index].astype(FloatDType).to_numpy() node_y_coordinates = ds[y_index].astype(FloatDType).to_numpy() face_nodes = connectivity["face_node_connectivity"] fill_value = ds[face_nodes].encoding.get("_FillValue", -1) face_node_connectivity = cls._prepare_connectivity( ds[face_nodes], fill_value, dtype=IntDType ).to_numpy() edge_nodes = connectivity.get("edge_node_connectivity") if edge_nodes: edge_node_connectivity = cls._prepare_connectivity( ds[edge_nodes], fill_value, dtype=IntDType ).to_numpy() else: edge_node_connectivity = None indexes["node_x"] = x_index indexes["node_y"] = y_index projected = False # TODO return cls( node_x_coordinates, node_y_coordinates, fill_value, face_node_connectivity, name=topology, edge_node_connectivity=edge_node_connectivity, dataset=ds[ugrid_vars], indexes=indexes, projected=projected, crs=None, )
def _get_name_and_attrs(self, name: str): key = f"{name}_connectivity" attrs = conventions.DEFAULT_ATTRS[key] if "_FillValue" in attrs: attrs["_FillValue"] = self.fill_value return self._attrs[key], attrs
[docs] def to_dataset( self, other: xr.Dataset = None, optional_attributes: bool = False ) -> xr.Dataset: node_x = self._indexes["node_x"] node_y = self._indexes["node_y"] face_nodes, face_nodes_attrs = self._get_name_and_attrs("face_node") nmax_node_dim = self._attrs["max_face_nodes_dimension"] edge_nodes, edge_nodes_attrs = self._get_name_and_attrs("edge_node") data_vars = { 0, face_nodes: xr.DataArray( data=self.face_node_connectivity, attrs=face_nodes_attrs, dims=(self.face_dimension, nmax_node_dim), ), } if self.edge_node_connectivity is not None or optional_attributes: data_vars[edge_nodes] = xr.DataArray( data=self.edge_node_connectivity, attrs=edge_nodes_attrs, dims=(self.edge_dimension, "two"), ) if optional_attributes: face_edges, face_edges_attrs = self._get_name_and_attrs("face_edge") face_faces, face_faces_attrs = self._get_name_and_attrs("face_face") edge_faces, edge_faces_attrs = self._get_name_and_attrs("edge_face") bound_nodes, bound_nodes_attrs = self._get_name_and_attrs("boundary_node") fill_value = self.fill_value boundary_edge_dim = self._attrs["boundary_edge_dimension"] data_vars[face_edges] = xr.DataArray( data=self.face_edge_connectivity, attrs=face_edges_attrs, dims=(self.face_dimension, nmax_node_dim), ) data_vars[face_faces] = xr.DataArray( data=connectivity.to_dense( self.face_face_connectivity, fill_value, self.n_max_node_per_face ), attrs=face_faces_attrs, dims=(self.face_dimension, nmax_node_dim), ) data_vars[edge_faces] = xr.DataArray( data=self.edge_face_connectivity, attrs=edge_faces_attrs, dims=(self.edge_dimension, "two"), ) data_vars[bound_nodes] = xr.DataArray( data=self.boundary_node_connectivity, attrs=bound_nodes_attrs, dims=(boundary_edge_dim, "two"), ) attrs = {"Conventions": "CF-1.9 UGRID-1.0"} if other is not None: attrs.update(other.attrs) dataset = xr.Dataset(data_vars, attrs=attrs) if self._dataset: dataset.update(self._dataset) if other is not None: dataset = dataset.merge(other) if node_x not in dataset or node_y not in dataset: dataset = self.assign_node_coords(dataset) if optional_attributes: dataset = self.assign_face_coords(dataset) dataset = self.assign_edge_coords(dataset) dataset[].attrs = self._filtered_attrs(dataset) return dataset
# These are all optional/derived UGRID attributes. They are not computed by # default, only when called upon. @property def n_face(self) -> int: """Return the number of faces in the UGRID2D topology.""" return self.face_node_connectivity.shape[0] @property def n_max_node_per_face(self) -> int: """ Return the maximum number of nodes that a face can contain in the UGRID2D topology. """ return self.face_node_connectivity.shape[1] @property def n_node_per_face(self) -> IntArray: return (self.face_node_connectivity != self.fill_value).sum(axis=1) @property def core_dimension(self): return self.face_dimension @property def dimensions(self): return { self.node_dimension: self.n_node, self.edge_dimension: self.n_edge, self.face_dimension: self.n_face, } @property def max_face_node_dimension(self) -> str: return self._attrs["max_face_nodes_dimension"] @property def max_connectivity_sizes(self) -> dict[str, int]: return { self.max_face_node_dimension: self.n_max_node_per_face, } @property def max_connectivity_dimensions(self) -> tuple[str]: return (self.max_face_node_dimension,) @property def topology_dimension(self): """Highest dimensionality of the geometric elements: 2""" return 2 @property def face_dimension(self): """Return the name of the face dimension.""" return self._attrs["face_dimension"] def _edge_connectivity(self): ( self._edge_node_connectivity, self._face_edge_connectivity, ) = connectivity.edge_connectivity( self.face_node_connectivity, self.fill_value, self._edge_node_connectivity, ) @property def edge_node_connectivity(self) -> IntArray: """ Edge to node connectivity. Every edge consists of a connection between two nodes. Returns ------- connectivity: ndarray of integers with shape ``(n_edge, 2)``. """ if self._edge_node_connectivity is None: self._edge_connectivity() return self._edge_node_connectivity @edge_node_connectivity.setter def edge_node_connectivity(self, value): self._edge_node_connectivity = value @property def face_edge_connectivity(self) -> csr_matrix: """ Face to edge connectivity. Returns ------- connectivity: csr_matrix """ if self._face_edge_connectivity is None: self._edge_connectivity() return self._face_edge_connectivity @property def boundary_node_connectivity(self) -> IntArray: """ Boundary node connectivity Returns ------- connectivity: ndarray of integers with shape ``(n_boundary_edge, 2)`` """ if self._boundary_node_connectivity is None: self._boundary_node_connectivity = connectivity.boundary_node_connectivity( self.edge_face_connectivity, self.fill_value, self.edge_node_connectivity, ) return self._boundary_node_connectivity @property def centroids(self) -> FloatArray: """ Centroid (x, y) of every face. Returns ------- centroids: ndarray of floats with shape ``(n_face, 2)`` """ if self._centroids is None: self._centroids = connectivity.centroids( self.face_node_connectivity, self.fill_value, self.node_x, self.node_y, ) return self._centroids @property def circumcenters(self): """ Circumenter (x, y) of every face; only works for fully triangular grids. """ if self._circumcenters is None: self._circumcenters = connectivity.circumcenters( self.face_node_connectivity, self.fill_value, self.node_x, self.node_y, ) return self._circumcenters @property def area(self) -> FloatArray: """Area of every face.""" if self._area is None: self._area = connectivity.area( self.face_node_connectivity, self.fill_value, self.node_x, self.node_y, ) return self._area @property def perimeter(self) -> FloatArray: """Perimeter length of every face.""" if self._perimeter is None: self._perimeter = connectivity.perimeter( self.face_node_connectivity, self.fill_value, self.node_x, self.node_y, ) return self._perimeter @property def face_bounds(self): """ Returns a numpy array with columns ``minx, miny, maxx, maxy``, describing the bounds of every face in the grid. Returns ------- face_bounds: np.ndarray of shape (n_face, 4) """ x = self.node_x[self.face_node_connectivity] y = self.node_y[self.face_node_connectivity] isfill = self.face_node_connectivity == self.fill_value x[isfill] = np.nan y[isfill] = np.nan return np.column_stack( [ np.nanmin(x, axis=1), np.nanmin(y, axis=1), np.nanmax(x, axis=1), np.nanmax(y, axis=1), ] ) @property def face_x(self): """x-coordinate of centroid of every face""" return self.centroids[:, 0] @property def face_y(self): """y-coordinate of centroid of every face""" return self.centroids[:, 1] @property def face_coordinates(self) -> FloatArray: """ Centroid (x, y) of every face. Returns ------- centroids: ndarray of floats with shape ``(n_face, 2)`` """ return self.centroids @property def face_node_coordinates(self) -> FloatArray: """ Node coordinates of every face. "Fill node" coordinates are set as NaN. Returns ------- face_node_coordinates: ndarray of floats with shape ``(n_face, n_max_node_per_face, 2)`` """ coords = np.full( (self.n_face, self.n_max_node_per_face, 2), np.nan, dtype=FloatDType ) is_node = self.face_node_connectivity != self.fill_value index = self.face_node_connectivity[is_node] coords[is_node, :] = self.node_coordinates[index] return coords @property def edge_face_connectivity(self) -> IntArray: """ Edge to face connectivity. An edge may belong to a single face (exterior edge), or it may be shared by two faces (interior edge). An exterior edge will contain a ``fill_value`` for the second column. Returns ------- connectivity: ndarray of integers with shape ``(n_edge, 2)``. """ if self._edge_face_connectivity is None: self._edge_face_connectivity = connectivity.invert_dense( self.face_edge_connectivity, self.fill_value ) return self._edge_face_connectivity @property def face_face_connectivity(self) -> csr_matrix: """ Face to face connectivity. Derived from shared edges. The connectivity is represented as an adjacency matrix in CSR format, with the row and column indices as a (0-based) face index. The data of the matrix contains the edge index as every connection is formed by a shared edge. Returns ------- connectivity: csr_matrix """ if self._face_face_connectivity is None: self._face_face_connectivity = connectivity.face_face_connectivity( self.edge_face_connectivity, self.fill_value ) return self._face_face_connectivity @property def node_face_connectivity(self): """ Node to face connectivity. Inverted from face node connectivity. Returns ------- connectivity: csr_matrix """ if self._node_face_connectivity is None: self._node_face_connectivity = connectivity.invert_dense_to_sparse( self.face_node_connectivity, self.fill_value ) return self._node_face_connectivity def connectivity_matrix(self, dim: str, xy_weights: bool): if dim == self.node_dimension: connectivity = self.node_node_connectivity.copy() coordinates = self.node_coordinates elif dim == self.face_dimension: connectivity = self.face_face_connectivity.copy() coordinates = self.centroids else: raise ValueError( f"Expected {self.node_dimension} or {self.face_dimension}; got: {dim}" ) if xy_weights: = self._connectivity_weights(connectivity, coordinates) return connectivity @property def mesh(self) -> "mk.Mesh2d": # type: ignore # noqa """ Create if needed, and return meshkernel Mesh2d object. Returns ------- mesh: meshkernel.Mesh2d """ import meshkernel as mk edge_nodes = self.edge_node_connectivity.ravel().astype(np.int32) is_node = self.face_node_connectivity != self.fill_value nodes_per_face = is_node.sum(axis=1).astype(np.int32) face_nodes = self.face_node_connectivity[is_node].ravel().astype(np.int32) if self._mesh is None: self._mesh = mk.Mesh2d( node_x=self.node_x, node_y=self.node_y, edge_nodes=edge_nodes, face_nodes=face_nodes, nodes_per_face=nodes_per_face, ) return self._mesh @property def meshkernel(self) -> "mk.MeshKernel": # type: ignore # noqa """ Create if needed, and return meshkernel MeshKernel instance. Returns ------- meshkernel: meshkernel.MeshKernel """ import meshkernel as mk if self._meshkernel is None: if self.is_geographic: mk_projection = mk.ProjectionType.SPHERICAL else: mk_projection = mk.ProjectionType.CARTESIAN self._meshkernel = mk.MeshKernel(mk_projection) self._meshkernel.mesh2d_set(self.mesh) return self._meshkernel @property def voronoi_topology(self): """ Centroidal Voronoi tesselation of this UGRID2D topology. Returns ------- vertices: ndarray of floats with shape ``(n_centroids, 2)`` face_node_connectivity: csr_matrix Describes face node connectivity of voronoi topology. face_index: 1d array of integers """ if self._voronoi_topology is None: vertices, faces, face_index = voronoi_topology( self.node_face_connectivity, self.node_coordinates, self.centroids, self.edge_face_connectivity, self.edge_node_connectivity, self.fill_value, add_exterior=True, add_vertices=False, ) self._voronoi_topology = vertices, faces, face_index return self._voronoi_topology @property def centroid_triangulation(self): """ Triangulation of centroidal voronoi tesselation. Required for e.g. contouring face data, which takes triangles and associated values at the triangle vertices. Returns ------- vertices: ndarray of floats with shape ``(n_centroids, 2)`` face_node_connectivity: ndarray of integers with shape ``(n_triangle, 3)`` Describes face node connectivity of triangle topology. face_index: 1d array of integers """ if self._centroid_triangulation is None: nodes, faces, face_index = self.voronoi_topology triangles, _ = connectivity.triangulate(faces, self.fill_value) triangulation = (nodes[:, 0].copy(), nodes[:, 1].copy(), triangles) self._centroid_triangulation = (triangulation, face_index) return self._centroid_triangulation @property def triangulation(self): """ Triangulation of the UGRID2D topology. Returns ------- triangulation: tuple Contains node_x, node_y, triangle face_node_connectivity. triangle_face_connectivity: 1d array of integers Identifies the original face for every triangle. """ if self._triangulation is None: triangles, triangle_face_connectivity = connectivity.triangulate( self.face_node_connectivity, self.fill_value ) triangulation = (self.node_x, self.node_y, triangles) self._triangulation = (triangulation, triangle_face_connectivity) return self._triangulation @property def exterior_edges(self) -> IntArray: """ Get all exterior edges, i.e. edges with no other face. Returns ------- edge_index: 1d array of integers """ # Numpy argwhere doesn't return a 1D array return np.nonzero(self.edge_face_connectivity[:, 1] == self.fill_value)[0] @property def exterior_faces(self) -> IntArray: """ Get all exterior faces, i.e. faces with an unshared edge. Returns ------- face_index: 1d array of integers """ exterior_edges = self.exterior_edges exterior_faces = self.edge_face_connectivity[exterior_edges].ravel() return np.unique(exterior_faces[exterior_faces != self.fill_value]) @property def celltree(self): """ Initializes the celltree if needed, and returns celltree. A celltree is a search structure for spatial lookups in unstructured grids. """ if self._celltree is None: self._celltree = CellTree2d( self.node_coordinates, self.face_node_connectivity, self.fill_value ) return self._celltree
[docs] def validate_edge_node_connectivity(self): """ Mark valid edges, by comparing face_node_connectivity and edge_node_connectivity. Edges that are not part of a face, as well as duplicate edges are marked ``False``. An error is raised if the face_node_connectivity defines more unique edges than the edge_node_connectivity. Returns ------- valid: np.ndarray of bool Marks for every edge whether it is valid. Examples -------- To purge invalid edges and associated data from a dataset that contains un-associated or duplicate edges: >>> uds = xugrid.open_dataset("") >>> valid = uds.ugrid.grid.validate_edge_node_connectivity() >>> purged = uds.isel({grid.edge_dimension: valid}) """ return connectivity.validate_edge_node_connectivity( self.face_node_connectivity, self.fill_value, self.edge_node_connectivity, )
[docs] def assign_face_coords( self, obj: Union[xr.DataArray, xr.Dataset], ) -> Union[xr.DataArray, xr.Dataset]: """ Assign face coordinates from the grid to the object. Returns a new object with all the original data in addition to the new node coordinates of the grid. Parameters ---------- obj: xr.DataArray or xr.Dataset Returns ------- assigned (same type as obj) """ xname = self._indexes.get("face_x", f"{}_face_x") yname = self._indexes.get("face_y", f"{}_face_y") x_attrs = conventions.DEFAULT_ATTRS["face_x"][self.projected] y_attrs = conventions.DEFAULT_ATTRS["face_y"][self.projected] coords = { xname: xr.DataArray( data=self.face_x, dims=(self.face_dimension,), attrs=x_attrs, ), yname: xr.DataArray( data=self.face_y, dims=(self.face_dimension,), attrs=y_attrs, ), } return obj.assign_coords(coords)
[docs] def locate_points(self, points: FloatArray): """ Find in which face points are located. Parameters ---------- points: ndarray of floats with shape ``(n_point, 2)`` Returns ------- face_index: ndarray of integers with shape ``(n_points,)`` """ return self.celltree.locate_points(points)
[docs] def intersect_edges(self, edges: FloatArray): """ Find in which face edges are located and compute the intersection with the face edges. Parameters ---------- edges: ndarray of floats with shape ``(n_edge, 2, 2)`` The first dimensions represents the different edges. The second dimensions represents the start and end of every edge. The third dimensions reresent the x and y coordinate of every vertex. Returns ------- edge_index: ndarray of integers with shape ``(n_intersection,)`` face_index: ndarray of integers with shape ``(n_intersection,)`` intersections: ndarray of float with shape ``(n_intersection, 2, 2)`` """ return self.celltree.intersect_edges(edges)
[docs] def locate_bounding_box( self, xmin: float, ymin: float, xmax: float, ymax: float ) -> IntArray: """ Find which faces are located in the bounding box. The centroids of the faces are used. Parameters ---------- xmin: float, ymin: float, xmax: float, ymax: float Returns ------- face_index: ndarray of bools with shape ``(n_face,)`` """ return np.nonzero( (self.face_x >= xmin) & (self.face_x < xmax) & (self.face_y >= ymin) & (self.face_y < ymax) )[0]
[docs] def compute_barycentric_weights( self, points: FloatArray ) -> Tuple[IntArray, FloatArray]: """ Find in which face the points are located, and compute the barycentric weight for every vertex of the face. Parameters ---------- points: ndarray of floats with shape ``(n_point, 2)`` Returns ------- face_index: ndarray of integers with shape ``(n_points,)`` weights: ndarray of floats with shape ```(n_points, n_max_node)`` """ return self.celltree.compute_barycentric_weights(points)
[docs] def rasterize_like( self, x: FloatArray, y: FloatArray ) -> Tuple[FloatArray, FloatArray, IntArray]: """ Rasterize unstructured grid by sampling on the x and y coordinates. Parameters ---------- x: 1d array of floats with shape ``(ncol,)`` y: 1d array of floats with shape ``(nrow,)`` Returns ------- x: 1d array of floats with shape ``(ncol,)`` y: 1d array of floats with shape ``(nrow,)`` face_index: 1d array of integers with shape ``(nrow * ncol,)`` """ yy, xx = np.meshgrid(y, x, indexing="ij") nodes = np.column_stack([xx.ravel(), yy.ravel()]) index = self.celltree.locate_points(nodes).reshape((y.size, x.size)) return x, y, index
[docs] def rasterize( self, resolution: float, bounds: Optional[Tuple[float, float, float, float]] = None, ) -> Tuple[FloatArray, FloatArray, IntArray]: """ Rasterize unstructured grid by sampling. x and y coordinates are generated from the bounds of the UGRID2D topology and the provided resolution. Parameters ---------- resolution: float Spacing in x and y. bounds: tuple of four floats, optional xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax Returns ------- x: 1d array of floats with shape ``(ncol,)`` y: 1d array of floats with shape ``(nrow,)`` face_index: 1d array of integers with shape ``(nrow * ncol,)`` """ if bounds is None: bounds = self.bounds xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax = bounds d = abs(resolution) xmin = np.floor(xmin / d) * d xmax = np.ceil(xmax / d) * d ymin = np.floor(ymin / d) * d ymax = np.ceil(ymax / d) * d x = np.arange(xmin + 0.5 * d, xmax, d) y = np.arange(ymax - 0.5 * d, ymin, -d) return self.rasterize_like(x, y)
[docs] def topology_subset( self, face_index: Union[BoolArray, IntArray], return_index: bool = False ): """ Create a new UGRID1D topology for a subset of this topology. Parameters ---------- face_index: 1d array of integers or bool Edges of the subset. return_index: bool, optional Whether to return node_index, edge_index, face_index. Returns ------- subset: Ugrid2d indexes: dict Dictionary with keys node dimension, edge dimension, face dimension and values their respective index. Only returned if return_index is True. """ if not isinstance(face_index, pd.Index): face_index = as_pandas_index(face_index, self.n_face) # The pandas index may only contain uniques. So if size matches, it may # be the identity. range_index = pd.RangeIndex(0, self.n_face) if face_index.size == self.n_face and face_index.equals(range_index): # TODO: return self.copy instead? if return_index: indexes = { self.node_dimension: pd.RangeIndex(0, self.n_node), self.edge_dimension: pd.RangeIndex(0, self.n_edge), self.face_dimension: range_index, } return self, indexes else: return self index = face_index.to_numpy() face_subset = self.face_node_connectivity[index] node_index = np.unique(face_subset.ravel()) node_index = node_index[node_index != self.fill_value] new_faces = connectivity.renumber(face_subset, self.fill_value) node_x = self.node_x[node_index] node_y = self.node_y[node_index] edge_index = None new_edges = None if self.edge_node_connectivity is not None: edge_index = np.unique(self.face_edge_connectivity[index].ravel()) edge_index = edge_index[edge_index != self.fill_value] edge_subset = self.edge_node_connectivity[edge_index] new_edges = connectivity.renumber(edge_subset) grid = self.__class__( node_x, node_y, self.fill_value, new_faces,, edge_node_connectivity=new_edges, indexes=self._indexes, projected=self.projected,, attrs=self._attrs, ) if return_index: indexes = { self.node_dimension: pd.Index(node_index), self.face_dimension: face_index, } if edge_index is not None: indexes[self.edge_dimension] = pd.Index(edge_index) return grid, indexes else: return grid
def clip_box( self, xmin: float, ymin: float, xmax: float, ymax: float, ): xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax = self.bounds bounds = [xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax] face_index = self.locate_bounding_box(*bounds) return self.topology_subset(face_index)
[docs] def isel(self, indexers=None, return_index=False, **indexers_kwargs): """ Select based on node, edge, or face. Face selection always results in a valid UGRID topology. Node or edge selection may result in invalid topologies (incomplete faces), and will error in such a case. Parameters ---------- indexers: dict of str to np.ndarray of integers or bools return_index: bool, optional Whether to return node_index, edge_index, face_index. Returns ------- obj: xr.Dataset or xr.DataArray grid: Ugrid2d indexes: dict Dictionary with keys node dimension, edge dimension, face dimension and values their respective index. Only returned if return_index is True. """ indexers = either_dict_or_kwargs(indexers, indexers_kwargs, "isel") alldims = set(self.dimensions) invalid = indexers.keys() - alldims if invalid: raise ValueError( f"Dimensions {invalid} do not exist. Expected one of {alldims}" ) indexers = { k: as_pandas_index(v, self.dimensions[k]) for k, v in indexers.items() } nodedim, edgedim, facedim = self.dimensions face_index = {} if nodedim in indexers: node_index = indexers[nodedim] face_index[nodedim] = np.unique( self.node_face_connectivity[node_index].data ) if edgedim in indexers: edge_index = indexers[edgedim] index = np.unique(self.edge_face_connectivity[edge_index]) face_index[edgedim] = index[index != self.fill_value] if facedim in indexers: face_index[facedim] = indexers[facedim] # Convert all to pandas index. face_index = {k: as_pandas_index(v, self.n_face) for k, v in face_index.items()} # Check the indexes against each other. index = self._precheck(face_index) grid, finalized_indexers = self.topology_subset(index, return_index=True) self._postcheck(indexers, finalized_indexers) if return_index: return grid, finalized_indexers else: return grid
def _validate_indexer(self, indexer) -> Union[slice, np.ndarray]: if isinstance(indexer, slice): s = indexer if s.start is not None and s.stop is not None: if s.start >= s.stop: raise ValueError( "slice stop should be larger than slice start, received: " f"start: {s.start}, stop: {s.stop}" ) if s.step is not None: indexer = np.arange(s.start, s.stop, s.step) elif s.start is None or s.stop is None: if s.step is not None: raise ValueError( "step should be None if slice start or stop is None" ) else: # Convert it into a 1d numpy array if isinstance(indexer, xr.DataArray): indexer = indexer.to_numpy() if isinstance(indexer, (list, np.ndarray, int, float)): indexer = np.atleast_1d(indexer) else: raise TypeError( f"Invalid indexer type: {type(indexer).__name__}, " "allowed types: integer, float, list, numpy array, xarray DataArray" ) if indexer.ndim > 1: raise ValueError("index should be 0d or 1d") return indexer def _sel_box( self, obj, x: slice, y: slice, ): xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax = self.bounds bounds = [ numeric_bound(x.start, xmin), numeric_bound(y.start, ymin), numeric_bound(x.stop, xmax), numeric_bound(y.stop, ymax), ] face_index = self.locate_bounding_box(*bounds) grid, indexes = self.topology_subset(face_index, return_index=True) indexes = {k: v for k, v in indexes.items() if k in obj.dims} new_obj = obj.isel(indexes) return new_obj, grid def _sel_line( self, obj, start, end, ): edges = np.array([[start, end]]) _, index, xy = self.intersect_edges(edges) coords, index = section_coordinates( edges, xy, self.face_dimension, index, ) return obj.isel({self.face_dimension: index}).assign_coords(coords) def _sel_yline( self, obj, x: float, y: slice, ): xmin, _, xmax, _ = self.bounds if y.size != 1: raise ValueError( "If x is a slice without steps, y should be a single value" ) y = y[0] xstart = numeric_bound(x.start, xmin) xstop = numeric_bound(x.stop, xmax) return self._sel_line(obj, start=(xstart, y), end=(xstop, y)) def _sel_xline( self, obj, x: float, y: slice, ): _, ymin, _, ymax = self.bounds if x.size != 1: raise ValueError( "If y is a slice without steps, x should be a single value" ) x = x[0] ystart = numeric_bound(y.start, ymin) ystop = numeric_bound(y.stop, ymax) return self._sel_line(obj, start=(x, ystart), end=(x, ystop))
[docs] def sel_points(self, obj, x: FloatArray, y: FloatArray): """ Select points in the unstructured grid. Out-of-bounds points are ignored. They may be identified via the ``index`` coordinate of the returned selection. Parameters ---------- x: 1d array of floats with shape ``(n_points,)`` y: 1d array of floats with shape ``(n_points,)`` obj: xr.DataArray or xr.Dataset Returns ------- selection: xr.DataArray or xr.Dataset The name of the topology is prefixed in the x, y coordinates. """ x = np.atleast_1d(x) y = np.atleast_1d(y) if x.shape != y.shape: raise ValueError("shape of x does not match shape of y") if x.ndim != 1: raise ValueError("x and y must be 1d") dim = self.face_dimension xy = np.column_stack([x, y]) index = self.locate_points(xy) valid = index != -1 index = index[valid] coords = { f"{}_index": (dim, np.arange(len(valid))[valid]), f"{}_x": (dim, xy[valid, 0]), f"{}_y": (dim, xy[valid, 1]), } return obj.isel({dim: index}).assign_coords(coords)
[docs] def intersect_line(self, obj, start: Sequence[float], end: Sequence[float]): """ Intersect a line with this grid, and fetch the values of the intersected faces. Parameters ---------- obj: xr.DataArray or xr.Dataset start: sequence of two floats coordinate pair (x, y), designating the start point of the line. end: sequence of two floats coordinate pair (x, y), designating the end point of the line. Returns ------- selection: xr.DataArray or xr.Dataset The name of the topology is prefixed in the x, y and s (spatium=distance) coordinates. """ if (len(start) != 2) or (len(end) != 2): raise ValueError("Start and end coordinate pairs must have length two") return self._sel_line(obj, start, end)
[docs] def intersect_linestring( self, obj: Union[xr.DataArray, xr.Dataset], linestring: "shapely.geometry.LineString", # type: ignore # noqa ) -> Union[xr.DataArray, xr.Dataset]: """ Intersect linestrings with this grid, and fetch the values of the intersected faces. Parameters ---------- obj: xr.DataArray or xr.Dataset linestring: shapely.geometry.lineString Returns ------- selection: xr.DataArray or xr.Dataset The name of the topology is prefixed in the x, y and s (spatium=distance) coordinates. """ import shapely xy = shapely.get_coordinates([linestring]) edges = np.stack((xy[:-1], xy[1:]), axis=1) edge_index, face_index, intersections = self.intersect_edges(edges) # Compute the cumulative length along the edges edge_length = np.linalg.norm(edges[:, 1] - edges[:, 0], axis=1) cumulative_length = np.empty_like(edge_length) cumulative_length[0] = 0 np.cumsum(edge_length[:-1], out=cumulative_length[1:]) # Compute the distance for every intersection to the start of the linestring. intersection_centroid = intersections.mean(axis=1) distance_node_to_intersection = np.linalg.norm( intersection_centroid - edges[edge_index, 0], axis=1 ) s = distance_node_to_intersection + cumulative_length[edge_index] # Now sort everything according to s. sorter = np.argsort(s) face_index = face_index[sorter] intersection_centroid = intersection_centroid[sorter] intersections = intersections[sorter] facedim = self.face_dimension coords = { f"{}_s": (facedim, s[sorter]), f"{}_x": (facedim, intersection_centroid[:, 0]), f"{}_y": (facedim, intersection_centroid[:, 1]), } return obj.isel({facedim: face_index}).assign_coords(coords)
[docs] def sel(self, obj, x=None, y=None): """ Find selection in the UGRID x and y coordinates. The indexing for x and y always occurs orthogonally, i.e.: ``.sel(x=[0.0, 5.0], y=[10.0, 15.0])`` results in a four points. For vectorized indexing (equal to ``zip``ing through x and y), see ``.sel_points``. Parameters ---------- obj: xr.DataArray or xr.Dataset x: float, 1d array, slice y: float, 1d array, slice Returns ------- dimension: str as_ugrid: bool index: 1d array of integers coords: dict """ if x is None: x = slice(None, None) if y is None: y = slice(None, None) x = self._validate_indexer(x) y = self._validate_indexer(y) if isinstance(x, slice) and isinstance(y, slice): f = self._sel_box elif isinstance(x, slice) and isinstance(y, np.ndarray): f = self._sel_yline elif isinstance(x, np.ndarray) and isinstance(y, slice): f = self._sel_xline elif isinstance(x, np.ndarray) and isinstance(y, np.ndarray): # Orthogonal points y, x = [a.ravel() for a in np.meshgrid(y, x, indexing="ij")] f = self.sel_points else: raise TypeError( f"Invalid indexer types: {type(x).__name__}, and {type(y).__name__}" ) return f(obj, x, y)
[docs] def label_partitions(self, n_part: int) -> "xugrid.UgridDataArray": """ Generate partition labesl for this grid topology using METIS: This method utilizes the pymetis Python bindings: Parameters ---------- n_part: integer The number of parts to partition the mesh. Returns ------- partition_labels: UgridDataArray of integers """ import pymetis adjacency_matrix = self.face_face_connectivity _, partition_index = pymetis.part_graph( nparts=n_part, xadj=adjacency_matrix.indptr, adjncy=adjacency_matrix.indices, ) return xugrid.UgridDataArray( obj=xr.DataArray( data=np.array(partition_index), dims=(self.core_dimension,), name="labels", ), grid=self, )
[docs] def partition(self, n_part: int): """ Partition this grid topology using METIS: This method utilizes the pymetis Python bindings: Parameters ---------- n_part: integer The number of parts to partition the mesh. Returns ------- partitions """ from xugrid.ugrid.partitioning import labels_to_indices labels = self.label_partitions(n_part) indices = labels_to_indices(labels.values) return [self.topology_subset(index) for index in indices]
[docs] @staticmethod def merge_partitions( grids: Sequence["Ugrid2d"] ) -> tuple["Ugrid2d", dict[str, np.array]]: """ Merge grid partitions into a single whole. Duplicate faces are included only once, and removed from subsequent partitions before merging. Parameters ---------- grids: sequence of Ugrid2d Returns ------- merged: Ugrid2d """ from xugrid.ugrid import partitioning # Grab a sample grid grid = next(iter(grids)) fill_value = grid.fill_value node_coordinates, node_indexes, node_inverse = partitioning.merge_nodes(grids) new_faces, face_indexes = partitioning.merge_faces( grids, node_inverse, fill_value ) indexes = { grid.node_dimension: node_indexes, grid.face_dimension: face_indexes, } if grid._edge_node_connectivity is not None: new_edges, edge_indexes = partitioning.merge_edges(grids, node_inverse) indexes[grid.edge_dimension] = edge_indexes else: new_edges = None merged_grid = Ugrid2d( *node_coordinates.T, fill_value, new_faces,, edge_node_connectivity=new_edges, indexes=grid._indexes, projected=grid.projected,, attrs=grid._attrs, ) return merged_grid, indexes
[docs] def to_periodic(self, obj=None): """ Convert this grid to a periodic grid, where the rightmost nodes are equal to the leftmost nodes. Note: for this to work, the y-coordinates on the left boundary must match those on the right boundary exactly. Returns ------- periodic_grid: Ugrid2d aligned: xr.DataArray or xr.Dataset """ xmin, _, xmax, _ = self.bounds coordinates = self.node_coordinates is_right = np.isclose(coordinates[:, 0], xmax) is_left = np.isclose(coordinates[:, 0], xmin) node_y = coordinates[:, 1] if not np.allclose(np.sort(node_y[is_left]), np.sort(node_y[is_right])): raise ValueError( "y-coordinates of the left and right boundaries do not match" ) # Discard the rightmost nodes. Preserve the order in the faces, and the # order of the nodes. coordinates[is_right, 0] = xmin _, node_index, inverse = np.unique( coordinates, return_index=True, return_inverse=True, axis=0 ) inverse = inverse.ravel() # Create a mapping of the inverse index to the new node index. new_index = connectivity.renumber(node_index) new_faces = new_index[inverse[self.face_node_connectivity]] # Get the selection of nodes, and keep the order. node_index.sort() new_xy = self.node_coordinates[node_index] # Preserve the order of the edge_node_connectivity if it is present. new_edges = None edge_index = None if self._edge_node_connectivity is not None: new_edges = inverse[self.edge_node_connectivity] new_edges.sort(axis=1) _, edge_index = np.unique(new_edges, axis=0, return_index=True) edge_index.sort() new_edges = new_index[new_edges][edge_index] new = Ugrid2d( node_x=new_xy[:, 0], node_y=new_xy[:, 1], face_node_connectivity=new_faces, fill_value=self.fill_value,, edge_node_connectivity=new_edges, indexes=self._indexes, projected=self.projected,, attrs=self.attrs, ) if obj is not None: indexes = { self.face_dimension: pd.RangeIndex(0, self.n_face), self.node_dimension: pd.Index(node_index), } if edge_index is not None: indexes[self.edge_dimension] = pd.Index(edge_index) indexes = {k: v for k, v in indexes.items() if k in obj.dims} return new, obj.isel(**indexes) else: return new
[docs] def to_nonperiodic(self, xmax: float, obj=None): """ Convert this grid from a periodic grid (where the rightmost boundary shares its nodes with the leftmost boundary) to an aperiodic grid, where the leftmost nodes are separate from the rightmost nodes. Parameters ---------- xmax: float The x-value of the newly created rightmost boundary nodes. obj: xr.DataArray or xr.Dataset Returns ------- nonperiodic_grid: Ugrid2d aligned: xr.DataArray or xr.Dataset """ xleft, _, xright, _ = self.bounds half_domain = 0.5 * (xright - xleft) # Extract all x coordinates for every face. Then identify the nodes # which have a value of e.g. -180, while the max x value for the face # is 180.0. These nodes should be duplicated. x = self.face_node_coordinates[..., 0] is_periodic = (np.nanmax(x, axis=1)[:, np.newaxis] - x) > half_domain periodic_nodes = self.face_node_connectivity[is_periodic] uniques, new_nodes = np.unique(periodic_nodes, return_inverse=True) new_x = np.full(uniques.size, xmax) new_y = self.node_y[uniques] new_faces = self.face_node_connectivity.copy() new_faces[is_periodic] = new_nodes + self.n_node # edge_node_connectivity must be rederived, since we've added a number # of new edges and new nodes. new = Ugrid2d( node_x=np.concatenate((self.node_x, new_x)), node_y=np.concatenate((self.node_y, new_y)), face_node_connectivity=new_faces, fill_value=self.fill_value,, edge_node_connectivity=None, indexes=self._indexes, projected=self.projected,, attrs=self.attrs, ) edge_index = None if self._edge_node_connectivity is not None: # If there is edge associated data, we need to duplicate the data # of the edges. It is impossible(?) to do this on the edges # directly, due to the possible presence of "symmetric" edges: # 2 # /|\ # / | \ # 0__1__0 # # (0, 1) and (1, 0) are topologically distinct, but only in the # face definition. In the new grid, the 0 on the right will have # become node 3, creating distinct edges. # # Note that any data with the edge is only stored once, which is # incorrect(!), but a given for these grids and would be a problem # for the simulation code producing these results. # # We use a casting trick to collapse two integers into one so we # can use searchsorted easily. edges = ( np.sort(self.edge_node_connectivity, axis=1) .astype(np.int32) .view(np.int64) .ravel() ) # Create a mapping of the new nodes created above, to the original nodes. # Then, find the new edges in the old using searchsorted. mapping = np.concatenate((np.arange(self.n_node), uniques)) new_edges = ( np.sort(mapping[new.edge_node_connectivity], axis=1) .astype(np.int32) .view(np.int64) .ravel() ) edge_index = np.searchsorted(edges, new_edges, sorter=np.argsort(edges)) # Reshuffle to keep the original order as intact as possible; how # much benefit does this actually give? sorter = np.argsort(edge_index) new._edge_node_connectivity = new._edge_node_connectivity[sorter] edge_index = edge_index[sorter] if obj is not None: indexes = { self.face_dimension: pd.RangeIndex(0, self.n_face), self.node_dimension: pd.Index( np.concatenate((np.arange(self.n_node), uniques)) ), } if edge_index is not None: indexes[self.edge_dimension] = pd.Index(edge_index) indexes = {k: v for k, v in indexes.items() if k in obj.dims} return new, obj.isel(**indexes) else: return new
[docs] def reindex_like( self, other: "Ugrid2d", obj: Union[xr.DataArray, xr.Dataset], tolerance: float = 0.0, ): """ Conform a DataArray or Dataset to match the topology of another Ugrid2D topology. The topologies must be exactly equivalent: only the order of the nodes, edges, and faces may differ. Parameters ---------- other: Ugrid2d obj: DataArray or Dataset tolerance: float, default value 0.0. Maximum distance between inexact coordinate matches. Returns ------- reindexed: DataArray or Dataset """ if not isinstance(other, Ugrid2d): raise TypeError(f"Expected Ugrid2d, received: {type(other).__name__}") indexers = { self.node_dimension: connectivity.index_like( xy_a=self.node_coordinates, xy_b=other.node_coordinates, tolerance=tolerance, ), self.face_dimension: connectivity.index_like( xy_a=self.centroids, xy_b=other.centroids, tolerance=tolerance, ), } if other._edge_node_connectivity is not None: indexers[self.edge_dimension] = connectivity.index_like( xy_a=self.edge_coordinates, xy_b=other.edge_coordinates, tolerance=tolerance, ) return obj.isel(indexers, missing_dims="ignore")
[docs] def triangulate(self): """ Triangulate this UGRID2D topology, breaks more complex polygons down into triangles. Returns ------- triangles: Ugrid2d """ triangles, _ = connectivity.triangulate( self.face_node_connectivity, self.fill_value ) return Ugrid2d(self.node_x, self.node_y, self.fill_value, triangles)
def _tesselate_voronoi(self, centroids, add_exterior, add_vertices): if add_exterior: edge_face_connectivity = self.edge_face_connectivity edge_node_connectivity = self.edge_node_connectivity else: edge_face_connectivity = None edge_node_connectivity = None vertices, faces, _ = voronoi_topology( self.node_face_connectivity, self.node_coordinates, centroids, edge_face_connectivity, edge_node_connectivity, self.fill_value, add_exterior, add_vertices, ) faces = connectivity.to_dense(faces, self.fill_value) return Ugrid2d(vertices[:, 0], vertices[:, 1], self.fill_value, faces)
[docs] def tesselate_centroidal_voronoi(self, add_exterior=True, add_vertices=True): """ Create a centroidal Voronoi tesselation of this UGRID2D topology. Such a tesselation is not guaranteed to produce convex cells. To ensure convexity, set ``add_vertices=False`` -- this will result in a different exterior, however. Parameters ---------- add_exterior: bool, default: True add_vertices: bool, default: True Returns ------- tesselation: Ugrid2d """ return self._tesselate_voronoi(self.centroids, add_exterior, add_vertices)
[docs] def tesselate_circumcenter_voronoi(self, add_exterior=True, add_vertices=True): """ Create a circumcenter Voronoi tesselation of this UGRID2D topology. Such a tesselation is not guaranteed to produce convex cells. To ensure convexity, set ``add_vertices=False`` -- this will result in a different exterior, however. Parameters ---------- add_exterior: bool, default: True add_vertices: bool, default: True Returns ------- tesselation: Ugrid2d """ return self._tesselate_voronoi(self.circumcenters, add_exterior, add_vertices)
[docs] def reverse_cuthill_mckee(self, dimension=None): """ Reduces bandwith of the connectivity matrix. Wraps :py:func:`scipy.sparse.csgraph.reverse_cuthill_mckee`. Returns ------- reordered: Ugrid2d """ # TODO: dispatch on dimension? reordering = reverse_cuthill_mckee( graph=self.face_face_connectivity, symmetric_mode=True, ) reordered_grid = Ugrid2d( self.node_x, self.node_y, self.fill_value, self.face_node_connectivity[reordering], ) return reordered_grid, reordering
def refine_polygon( self, polygon: "shapely.geometry.Polygon", # type: ignore # noqa min_face_size: float, refine_intersected: bool = True, use_mass_center_when_refining: bool = True, refinement_type: str = "refinement_levels", connect_hanging_nodes: bool = True, account_for_samples_outside_face: bool = True, max_refinement_iterations: int = 10, ): import meshkernel as mk geometry_list = mku.to_geometry_list(polygon) refinement_type = mku.either_string_or_enum(refinement_type, mk.RefinementType) self._initialize_mesh_kernel() mesh_refinement_params = mk.MeshRefinementParameters( refine_intersected, use_mass_center_when_refining, min_face_size, refinement_type, connect_hanging_nodes, account_for_samples_outside_face, max_refinement_iterations, ) self._meshkernel.mesh2d_refine_based_on_polygon( geometry_list, mesh_refinement_params, ) def delete_polygon( self, polygon: "shapely.geometry.Polygon", # type: ignore # noqa delete_option: str = "all_face_circumenters", invert_deletion: bool = False, ): import meshkernel as mk geometry_list = mku.to_geometry_list(polygon) delete_option = mku.either_string_or_enum(delete_option, mk.DeleteMeshOption) self._initialize_mesh_kernel() self._meshkernel.mesh2d_delete(geometry_list, delete_option, invert_deletion) @staticmethod def from_polygon( polygon: "shapely.geometry.Polygon", # type: ignore # noqa ): import meshkernel as mk geometry_list = mku.to_geometry_list(polygon) _mesh_kernel = mk.MeshKernel() _mesh_kernel.mesh2d_make_mesh_from_polygon(geometry_list) mesh = _mesh_kernel.mesh2d_get() n_max_node = mesh.nodes_per_face.max() ds = Ugrid2d.topology_dataset( mesh.node_x, mesh.node_y, mesh.face_nodes.reshape((-1, n_max_node)), ) ugrid = Ugrid2d(ds) ugrid.mesh = mesh ugrid._meshkernel = _mesh_kernel return ugrid
[docs] @staticmethod def earcut_triangulate_polygons(polygons, return_index: bool = False): """ Break down polygons using mapbox_earcut, and create a mesh from the resulting triangles. Parameters ---------- polygons: ndarray of shapely polygons return_index: bool, default is False. Returns ------- grid: xugrid.Ugrid2d index: ndarray of integer, optional The polygon index for each triangle. Only provided if ``return_index`` is True. """ return xugrid.ugrid.burn.grid_from_earcut_polygons( polygons, return_index=return_index )
[docs] @classmethod def from_geodataframe(cls, geodataframe: "geopandas.GeoDataFrame") -> "Ugrid2d": # type: ignore # noqa """ Convert a geodataframe of polygons to UGRID2D topology. Parameters ---------- geodataframe: geopandas GeoDataFrame Returns ------- topology: Ugrid2d """ import geopandas as gpd if not isinstance(geodataframe, gpd.GeoDataFrame): raise TypeError( f"Expected GeoDataFrame, received: {type(geodataframe).__name__}" ) return cls.from_shapely(geodataframe.geometry.to_numpy(),
[docs] @staticmethod def from_shapely(geometry: PolygonArray, crs=None) -> "Ugrid2d": """ Convert an array of shapely polygons to UGRID2D topology. Parameters ---------- geometry: np.ndarray of shapely polygons crs: Any, optional Coordinate Reference System of the geometry objects. Can be anything accepted by :meth:`pyproj.CRS.from_user_input() <>`, such as an authority string (eg "EPSG:4326") or a WKT string. Returns ------- topology: Ugrid2d """ import shapely if not (shapely.get_type_id(geometry) == shapely.GeometryType.POLYGON).all(): raise TypeError( "Can only create Ugrid2d from shapely Polygon geometries, " "geometry contains other types of geometries." ) x, y, face_node_connectivity, fill_value = conversion.polygons_to_faces( geometry ) return Ugrid2d(x, y, fill_value, face_node_connectivity, crs=crs)
@staticmethod def _from_intervals_helper( node_x: np.ndarray, node_y: np.ndarray, nx: int, ny: int, ) -> "Ugrid2d": linear_index = np.arange(node_x.size, dtype=IntDType).reshape((ny + 1, nx + 1)) # Allocate face_node_connectivity face_nodes = np.empty((ny * nx, 4), dtype=IntDType) # Set connectivity in counterclockwise manner left, right = slice(None, -1), slice(1, None) lower, upper = slice(None, -1), slice(1, None) if node_x[1] < node_x[0]: # x_decreasing left, right = right, left if node_y[ny + 1] < node_y[0]: # y_decreasing lower, upper = upper, lower face_nodes[:, 0] = linear_index[lower, left].ravel() face_nodes[:, 1] = linear_index[lower, right].ravel() face_nodes[:, 2] = linear_index[upper, right].ravel() face_nodes[:, 3] = linear_index[upper, left].ravel() return Ugrid2d(node_x, node_y, -1, face_nodes)
[docs] @staticmethod def from_structured_intervals1d( x_intervals: np.ndarray, y_intervals: np.ndarray, ) -> "Ugrid2d": """ Create a Ugrid2d topology from a structured topology based on 1D intervals. Parameters ---------- x_intervals: np.ndarray of shape (M + 1,) x-coordinate interval values for N row and M columns. y_intervals: np.ndarray of shape (N + 1,) y-coordinate interval values for N row and M columns. """ x_intervals = np.asarray(x_intervals) y_intervals = np.asarray(y_intervals) nx = x_intervals.shape[0] - 1 ny = y_intervals.shape[0] - 1 node_y, node_x = ( a.ravel() for a in np.meshgrid(y_intervals, x_intervals, indexing="ij") ) return Ugrid2d._from_intervals_helper(node_x, node_y, nx, ny)
[docs] @staticmethod def from_structured_intervals2d( x_intervals: np.ndarray, y_intervals: np.ndarray, ) -> "Ugrid2d": """ Create a Ugrid2d topology from a structured topology based on 2D intervals. Parameters ---------- x_intervals: np.ndarray of shape shape (N + 1, M + 1) x-coordinate interval values for N row and M columns. y_intervals: np.ndarray of shape shape (N + 1, M + 1) y-coordinate interval values for N row and M columns. """ x_intervals = np.asarray(x_intervals) y_intervals = np.asarray(y_intervals) shape = x_intervals.shape if (x_intervals.ndim != 2) or (y_intervals.ndim != 2): raise ValueError("Dimensions of intervals must be 2D.") if shape != y_intervals.shape: raise ValueError( "Interval shapes must match. Found: " f"x_intervals: {shape}, versus y_intervals: {y_intervals.shape}" ) nx = shape[1] - 1 ny = shape[0] - 1 node_x = x_intervals.ravel() node_y = y_intervals.ravel() return Ugrid2d._from_intervals_helper(node_x, node_y, nx, ny)
[docs] @staticmethod def from_structured_bounds( x_bounds: np.ndarray, y_bounds: np.ndarray, ) -> "Ugrid2d": """ Create a Ugrid2d topology from a structured topology based on 1D bounds. The bounds contain the lower and upper cell boundary for each cell. Parameters ---------- x_bounds: np.ndarray of shape (M, 2) x-coordinate bounds for N row and M columns. y_bounds: np.ndarray of shape (N, 2) y-coordinate bounds for N row and M columns. Returns ------- grid: Ugrid2d """ nx, _ = x_bounds.shape ny, _ = y_bounds.shape x = conversion.bounds_to_vertices(x_bounds) y = conversion.bounds_to_vertices(y_bounds) node_y, node_x = (a.ravel() for a in np.meshgrid(y, x, indexing="ij")) return Ugrid2d._from_intervals_helper(node_x, node_y, nx, ny)
[docs] @staticmethod def from_structured( data: Union[xr.DataArray, xr.Dataset], x: str | None = None, y: str | None = None, ) -> "Ugrid2d": """ Create a Ugrid2d topology from an axis-aligned rectilinear structured topology. This method assumes the coordinates are 1D. Use ``from_structured_multicoord`` for 2D x and y coordinates, e.g. for (approximated) curvilinear and rotated structured topologies. Parameters ---------- data: xr.DataArray or xr.Dataset x: str, optional Name of the 1D coordinate to use as the UGRID x-coordinate. y: str, optional Name of the 1D coordinate to use as the UGRID y-coordinate. Returns ------- grid: Ugrid2d """ if x is None or y is None: x, y = conversion.infer_xy_coords(data) if x is None or y is None: raise ValueError( "Could not infer bounds. Please provide x and y explicitly." ) x_intervals = conversion.infer_interval_breaks1d(data, x) y_intervals = conversion.infer_interval_breaks1d(data, y) return Ugrid2d.from_structured_intervals1d(x_intervals, y_intervals)
[docs] @staticmethod def from_structured_multicoord( data: Union[xr.DataArray, xr.Dataset], x: str, y: str, ) -> "Ugrid2d": """ Create a Ugrid2d topology from a structured topology, including rotated and (approximated) curvilinear topologies. This method assumes the coordinates are 2D. Use ``from_structured`` for 1D x and y coordinates, which is generally the case for axis-aligned rectilinear topologies (most rasters). Parameters ---------- data: xr.DataArray or xr.Dataset x: str Name of the 2D coordinate to use as the UGRID x-coordinate. y: str Name of the 2D coordinate to use as the UGRID y-coordinate. Returns ------- grid: Ugrid2d """ xv = conversion.infer_interval_breaks(data[x], axis=1, check_monotonic=True) xv = conversion.infer_interval_breaks(xv, axis=0) yv = conversion.infer_interval_breaks(data[y], axis=1) yv = conversion.infer_interval_breaks(yv, axis=0, check_monotonic=True) return Ugrid2d.from_structured_intervals2d(xv, yv)
[docs] def to_shapely(self, dim): """ Convert UGRID topology to shapely objects. * nodes: points * edges: linestrings * faces: polygons Parameters ---------- dim: str Node, edge, or face dimension. Returns ------- geometry: ndarray of shapely.Geometry """ if dim == self.face_dimension: return conversion.faces_to_polygons( self.node_x, self.node_y, self.face_node_connectivity, self.fill_value, ) elif dim == self.node_dimension: return conversion.nodes_to_points( self.node_x, self.node_y, ) elif dim == self.edge_dimension: return conversion.edges_to_linestrings( self.node_x, self.node_y, self.edge_node_connectivity, ) else: raise ValueError( f"Dimension {dim} is not a face, node, or edge dimension of the" " Ugrid2d topology." )
[docs] def bounding_polygon(self) -> "shapely.Polygon": # type: ignore # noqa """ Construct the bounding polygon of the grid. This polygon may include holes if the grid also contains holes. """ import shapely def _bbox_area(bounds): return (bounds[2] - bounds[0]) * (bounds[3] - bounds[1]) edges = self.node_coordinates[self.boundary_node_connectivity] collection = shapely.polygonize(shapely.linestrings(edges)) polygon = max(collection.geoms, key=lambda x: _bbox_area(x.bounds)) return polygon
[docs] def create_data_array(self, data: ArrayLike, facet: str) -> "xugrid.UgridDataArray": """ Create a UgridDataArray from this grid and a 1D array of values. Parameters ---------- data: array like Values for this array. Must be a ``numpy.ndarray`` or castable to it. grid: Ugrid1d, Ugrid2d facet: str With which facet to associate the data. Options for Ugrid1d are, ``"node"`` or ``"edge"``. Options for Ugrid2d are ``"node"``, ``"edge"``, or ``"face"``. Returns ------- uda: UgridDataArray """ if facet == "node": dimension = self.node_dimension elif facet == "edge": dimension = self.edge_dimension elif facet == "face": dimension = self.face_dimension else: raise ValueError(f"Invalid facet: {facet}. Must be one of: node, edge.") return self._create_data_array(data, dimension)