# -- coding: utf-8 --
from numba import njit
import numpy as np
import math
from affine import Affine
import heapq
_R = 6371e3 # Radius of earth in m. Use 3956e3 for miles
AREA_FACTORS = {"m2": 1.0, "ha": 1e4, "km2": 1e6, "cell": 1}
# changed to N->S orientation in v0.5 TODO check if used in hydromt?
IDENTITY = Affine(1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, -1.0, 0.0)
__all__ = [
def spread2d(obs, msk=None, nodata=0, frc=None, latlon=False, transform=IDENTITY):
"""Returns filled array with nearest observations, origin cells and friction distance to origin.
The friction distance is measured through valid cells in the mask and has a uniform value of 1. by default.
The diagonal distance is taken as the hypot of the vertical and horizontal distances.
osb: 2D array
Initial array with observations.
msk: 2D array of bool, optional
Mask of valid cells to consider for filling.
nodata: int, float
Missing data value in obs. Cells with this value and where mask equals True are filled, by default 0.
frc: 2D array of float
Friction values, by default a uniform value of 1 is used.
latlon: bool
True for geographic CRS, False for projected CRS.
If True, the transform units are assumed to be degrees and converted to metric distances.
transform: Affine
Coefficients mapping pixel coordinates to coordinate reference system.
out: 2D array of obs.dtype
Output observations array where nodata values are filled with the nearest observation.
src: 2D array of int32
Linear index of origin cell.
dst: 2D array of float32
Distance to origin cell.
nrow, ncol = obs.shape
xres, yres, north = transform[0], abs(transform[4]), transform[5]
if latlon:
lats = north + (np.arange(nrow) + 0.5) * yres
dys = degree_metres_y(lats) * yres
dxs = degree_metres_x(lats) * xres
dx, dy = xres, yres
# output
out = obs.copy()
src = np.full(obs.shape, -1, dtype=np.int32) # linear index of source
dst = np.full(obs.shape, 0, dtype=np.float32) # distance from source
# initiate queue with correct dtype
# heapq is faster when fifo loop not in order of ascending distance from source;
# otherwise a fixed length numpy array queue is up to ~2x faster
q = [(np.float32(0), np.uint32(0), np.uint32(0)) for _ in range(0)]
for r in range(nrow):
for c in range(ncol):
if obs[r, c] != nodata:
if msk is None or msk[r, c]:
heapq.heappush(q, (np.float32(0), np.uint32(r), np.uint32(c)))
src[r, c] = r * ncol + c
obs = obs.ravel()
while len(q) > 0:
d0, r, c = heapq.heappop(q)
if dst[r, c] < d0:
f0 = 1.0 if frc is None else frc[r, c]
if latlon:
dx, dy = dxs[r], dys[r]
for dr in range(-1, 2):
for dc in range(-1, 2):
if dr == 0 and dc == 0:
r1, c1 = int(r) + dr, int(c) + dc
outside = r1 < 0 or r1 >= nrow or c1 < 0 or c1 >= ncol
if outside or (msk is not None and ~msk[r1, c1]):
d = d0 + np.hypot(dr * dy, dc * dx) * f0
if src[r1, c1] == -1 or d < dst[r1, c1]:
idx0 = src[r, c]
src[r1, c1] = idx0
dst[r1, c1] = d
out[r1, c1] = obs[idx0]
heapq.heappush(q, (np.float32(d), np.uint32(r1), np.uint32(c1)))
return out, src, dst
def get_edge(a, structure=np.ones((3, 3), dtype=bool)):
"""Get edge of valid cells.
a: 2D array of bool
Boolean array valid cells.
structure: 2D array with shape (3,3) of bool
Structuring element used to define which cells are neighbors.
edge: 2D array of bool
Boolean array edge cells.
assert structure.shape == (3, 3)
s = np.where(structure.ravel())[0]
edge = a.copy()
nrow, ncol = a.shape
for r in range(0, nrow):
for c in range(0, ncol):
if ~a[r, c] or r == 0 or r == nrow - 1 or c == 0 or c == ncol - 1:
a0 = a[slice(r - 1, r + 2), slice(c - 1, c + 2)].ravel()
if np.all(a0[s]):
edge[r, c] = False
return edge
# Adapted from https://github.com/rasterio/rasterio/blob/main/rasterio/transform.py
# changed xy and rowcol to work directly on numpy arrays
# avoid gdal dependency
def transform_from_origin(west, north, xsize, ysize):
"""Return an Affine transformation given upper left and pixel sizes.
Return an Affine transformation for a georeferenced raster given
the coordinates of its upper left corner `west`, `north` and pixel
sizes `xsize`, `ysize`.
return Affine.translation(west, north) * Affine.scale(xsize, -ysize)
def transform_from_bounds(west, south, east, north, width, height):
"""Return an Affine transformation given bounds, width and height.
Return an Affine transformation for a georeferenced raster given
its bounds `west`, `south`, `east`, `north` and its `width` and
`height` in number of pixels.
return Affine.translation(west, north) * Affine.scale(
(east - west) / width, (south - north) / height
def array_bounds(height, width, transform):
"""Return the bounds of an array given height, width, and a transform.
Return the `west, south, east, north` bounds of an array given
its height, width, and an affine transform.
w, n = transform.xoff, transform.yoff
e, s = transform * (width, height)
return w, s, e, n
def xy(transform, rows, cols, offset="center"):
"""Returns the x and y coordinates of pixels at `rows` and `cols`.
The pixel's center is returned by default, but a corner can be returned
by setting `offset` to one of `ul, ur, ll, lr`.
transform: Affine
Coefficients mapping pixel coordinates to coordinate reference system.
rows : ndarray or int
Pixel rows.
cols : ndarray or int
Pixel columns.
offset : {'center', 'ul', 'ur', 'll', 'lr'}
Determines if the returned coordinates are for the center of the
pixel or for a corner.
xs : ndarray of float
x coordinates in coordinate reference system
ys : ndarray of float
y coordinates in coordinate reference system
rows, cols = np.asarray(rows), np.asarray(cols)
if offset == "center":
coff, roff = (0.5, 0.5)
elif offset == "ul":
coff, roff = (0, 0)
elif offset == "ur":
coff, roff = (1, 0)
elif offset == "ll":
coff, roff = (0, 1)
elif offset == "lr":
coff, roff = (1, 1)
raise ValueError("Invalid offset")
xs, ys = transform * transform.translation(coff, roff) * (cols, rows)
return xs, ys
def rowcol(transform, xs, ys, op=np.floor, precision=None):
Returns the rows and cols of the pixels containing (x, y) given a
coordinate reference system.
Use an epsilon, magnitude determined by the precision parameter
and sign determined by the op function:
positive for floor, negative for ceil.
transform: Affine
Coefficients mapping pixel coordinates to coordinate reference system.
xs : ndarray or float
x values in coordinate reference system
ys : ndarray or float
y values in coordinate reference system
op : function {numpy.floor, numpy.ceil, numpy.round}
Function to convert fractional pixels to whole numbers
precision : int, optional
Decimal places of precision in indexing, as in `round()`.
rows : ndarray of ints
array of row indices
cols : ndarray of ints
array of column indices
xs, ys = np.asarray(xs), np.asarray(ys)
if precision is None:
eps = 0.0
eps = 10.0**-precision * (1.0 - 2.0 * op(0.1))
invtransform = ~transform
fcols, frows = invtransform * (xs + eps, ys - eps)
cols, rows = op(fcols).astype(int), op(frows).astype(int)
return rows, cols
def idxs_to_coords(idxs, transform, shape, offset="center"):
"""Returns coordinates of idxs raster indices based affine.
idxs : ndarray of int
linear indices
transform: Affine
Coefficients mapping pixel coordinates to coordinate reference system.
shape : tuple of int
The height, width of the raster.
offset : {'center', 'ul', 'ur', 'll', 'lr'}
Determines if the returned coordinates are for the center of the
pixel or for a corner.
xs : ndarray of float
x coordinates in coordinate reference system
ys : ndarray of float
y coordinates in coordinate reference system
if any linear index outside domain.
idxs = np.asarray(idxs).astype(int)
size = np.multiply(*shape)
if np.any(np.logical_or(idxs < 0, idxs >= size)):
raise IndexError("idxs coordinates outside domain")
ncol = shape[1]
rows = idxs // ncol
cols = idxs % ncol
return xy(transform, rows, cols, offset=offset)
def coords_to_idxs(xs, ys, transform, shape, op=np.floor, precision=None):
"""Returns linear indices of coordinates.
xs : ndarray or float
x values in coordinate reference system
ys : ndarray or float
y values in coordinate reference system
transform: Affine
Coefficients mapping pixel coordinates to coordinate reference system.
shape : tuple of int
The height, width of the raster.
op : function {numpy.floor, numpy.ceil, numpy.round}
Function to convert fractional pixels to whole numbers
precision : int, optional
Decimal places of precision in indexing, as in `round()`.
idxs : ndarray of ints
array of linear indices
if any coordinate outside domain.
nrow, ncol = shape
rows, cols = rowcol(transform, xs, ys, op=op, precision=precision)
if not np.all(
np.logical_and(rows >= 0, rows < nrow),
np.logical_and(cols >= 0, cols < ncol),
raise IndexError("XY coordinates outside domain")
return rows * ncol + cols
# TODO: rename to transform_to_coords & correct upstream use in pyflwdir and hydromt
def affine_to_coords(affine, shape):
"""Returs a raster axis with pixel center coordinates based on the affine.
affine: Affine
Coefficients mapping pixel coordinates to coordinate reference system.
shape : tuple of int
The height, width of the raster.
x, y coordinate arrays : tuple of ndarray of float
height, width = shape
x_coords, _ = affine * (np.arange(width) + 0.5, np.zeros(width) + 0.5)
_, y_coords = affine * (np.zeros(height) + 0.5, np.arange(height) + 0.5)
return x_coords, y_coords
def reggrid_dx(lats, lons):
"""returns a the cell widths (dx) for a regular grid with cell centers
lats & lons [m]."""
xres = np.abs(np.mean(np.diff(lons)))
dx = degree_metres_x(lats) * xres
return dx[:, None] * np.ones((lats.size, lons.size), dtype=lats.dtype)
def reggrid_dy(lats, lons):
"""returns a the cell heights (dy) for a regular grid with cell centers
lats & lons [m]."""
yres = np.abs(np.mean(np.diff(lats)))
dy = degree_metres_y(lats) * yres
return dy[:, None] * np.ones((lats.size, lons.size), dtype=lats.dtype)
def reggrid_area(lats, lons):
"""returns a the cell area for a regular grid with cell centres
lats & lons [m2]."""
xres = np.abs(np.mean(np.diff(lons)))
yres = np.abs(np.mean(np.diff(lats)))
area = np.ones((lats.size, lons.size), dtype=np.float32)
return cellarea(lats, xres, yres)[:, None] * area
def area_grid(transform, shape, latlon=False, unit="m2"):
"""Returns a regular grid with cell areas"""
unit = str(unit).lower()
if unit not in AREA_FACTORS:
fstr = '", "'.join(AREA_FACTORS.keys())
raise ValueError(f'Unknown unit: {unit}, select from "{fstr}".')
if unit == "cell":
area = np.ones(shape, dtype=np.int32)
elif latlon:
lon, lat = affine_to_coords(transform, shape)
area = reggrid_area(lat, lon) / AREA_FACTORS[unit]
elif not latlon:
area0 = abs(transform[0] * transform[4]) / AREA_FACTORS[unit]
area = np.full(shape, area0, dtype=np.float32)
return area
def cellarea(lat, xres, yres):
"""returns the area of cell with a given resolution (resx,resy) at a given
cell center latitude [m2]."""
l1 = np.radians(lat - np.abs(yres) / 2.0)
l2 = np.radians(lat + np.abs(yres) / 2.0)
dx = np.radians(np.abs(xres))
return _R**2 * dx * (np.sin(l2) - np.sin(l1))
def degree_metres_y(lat):
""" "returns the verical length of a degree in metres at
a given latitude."""
m1 = 111132.92 # latitude calculation term 1
m2 = -559.82 # latitude calculation term 2
m3 = 1.175 # latitude calculation term 3
m4 = -0.0023 # latitude calculation term 4
# # Calculate the length of a degree of latitude and longitude in meters
radlat = np.radians(lat)
latlen = (
+ (m2 * np.cos(2.0 * radlat))
+ (m3 * np.cos(4.0 * radlat))
+ (m4 * np.cos(6.0 * radlat))
return latlen
def degree_metres_x(lat):
""" "returns the horizontal length of a degree in metres at
a given latitude."""
p1 = 111412.84 # longitude calculation term 1
p2 = -93.5 # longitude calculation term 2
p3 = 0.118 # longitude calculation term 3
# # Calculate the length of a degree of latitude and longitude in meters
radlat = np.radians(lat)
longlen = (
(p1 * np.cos(radlat))
+ (p2 * np.cos(3.0 * radlat))
+ (p3 * np.cos(5.0 * radlat))
return longlen
def distance(idx0, idx1, ncol, latlon=False, transform=IDENTITY):
"""Return the the length between linear indices idx0 and idx1 on a regular raster
defined by the affine transform.
idx0, idx1 : int
index of start, end cell
ncol : int
number of columns in raster
latlon: bool
True for geographic CRS, False for projected CRS.
If True, the transform units are assumed to be degrees and converted to metric distances.
transform: Affine
Coefficients mapping pixel coordinates to coordinate reference system.
xres, yres, north = transform[0], transform[4], transform[5]
# compute delta row, col
r0 = int(idx0 // ncol)
r1 = int(idx1 // ncol)
dr = abs(r1 - r0)
dc = abs(int(idx1 % ncol) - int(idx0 % ncol))
if latlon: # calculate cell size in metres
lat = north + (r0 + r1) / 2.0 * yres
dy = 0.0 if dr == 0 else degree_metres_y(lat) * yres
dx = 0.0 if dc == 0 else degree_metres_x(lat) * xres
dy = xres
dx = yres
return math.hypot(dy * dr, dx * dc) # length
def features(flowpaths, xs=None, ys=None, transform=None, shape=None, **kwargs):
"""Returns a LineString feature for each stream
flowpaths : list of 1D-arrays of intp
linear indices of flowpaths
xs, ys : 1D-array of float
x, y coordinates
transform : Affine
Coefficients mapping pixel coordinates to coordinate reference system.
shape : tuple of int
The height, width of the raster.
kwargs : extra sample maps key-word arguments
optional maps to sample from
e.g.: strord=flw.stream_order()
feats : list of dict
Geofeatures, to be parsed by e.g. geopandas.GeoDataFrame.from_features
if xs is None or ys is None:
if transform is None or shape is None:
raise ValueError(
"transform and shape should be provided if xs and ys are None"
_size = shape[0] * shape[1]
_size = xs.size
for key in kwargs:
if not isinstance(kwargs[key], np.ndarray) or kwargs[key].size != _size:
raise ValueError(
f'Kwargs map "{key}" should be ndarrays of same size as coordinates'
feats = list()
for j, idxs in enumerate(flowpaths):
n = len(idxs)
if n < 2:
idx0 = idxs[0]
pit = idxs[-1] == idxs[-2]
props = {key: kwargs[key].flat[idx0] for key in kwargs}
if xs is None or ys is None:
xi, yi = idxs_to_coords(idxs, transform, shape)
coordinates = list(zip(xi, yi))
coordinates = [(xs[i], ys[i]) for i in idxs]
"type": "Feature",
"geometry": {
"type": "LineString",
"coordinates": coordinates,
"properties": {"idx": idx0, "idx_ds": idxs[-1], "pit": pit, **props},
return feats