Source code for imod.wq.slv

import pathlib

import jinja2
import pandas as pd

from imod.wq.pkgbase import Package

[docs] class PreconditionedConjugateGradientSolver(Package): """ The Preconditioned Conjugate Gradient Solver is used to solve the finite difference equations in each step of a MODFLOW stress period. Parameters ---------- max_iter: int is the maximum number of outer iterations - that is, calss to the solutions routine (MXITER). For a linear problem max_iter should be 1, unless more than 50 inner iterations are required, when max_iter could be as large as 10. A larger number (generally less than 100) is required for a nonlinear problem. inner_iter: int is the number of inner iterations (iter1). For nonlinear problems, inner_iter usually ranges from 10 to 30; a value of 30 will be sufficient for most linear problems. rclose: float is the residual criterion for convergence, in units of cubic length per time. The units for length and time are the same as established for all model data. When the maximum absolute value of the residual at all nodes during an iteration is less than or equal to RCLOSE, and the criterion for HCLOSE is also satisfied (see below), iteration stops. Default value: 100.0. **Nota bene**: this is aimed at regional modelling. For detailed studies (e.g. lab experiments) much smaller values can be required. Very general rule of thumb: should be less than 10% of smallest cell volume. hclose: float is the head change criterion for convergence, in units of length. When the maximum absolute value of head change from all nodes during an iteration is less than or equal to HCLOSE, and the criterion for RCLOSE is also satisfied (see above), iteration stops. Default value: 1.0e-4. **Nota bene**: This is aimed at regional modelling, ` for detailed studies (e.g. lab experiments) much smaller values can be required. relax: float, optional is the relaxation parameter used. Usually, RELAX = 1.0, but for some problems a value of 0.99, 0.98, or 0.97 will reduce the number of iterations required for convergence. Default value: 0.98. damp: float, optional is the damping factor. It is typically set equal to one, which indicates no damping. A value less than 1 and greater than 0 causes damping. DAMP does not affect inner iterations; instead, it affects outer iterations. Default value: 1.0. """ _pkg_id = "pcg" _template = ( "[pcg]\n" " mxiter = {max_iter}\n" " iter1 = {inner_iter}\n" " npcond = 1\n" " hclose = {hclose}\n" " rclose = {rclose}\n" " relax = {relax}\n" " iprpcg = 1\n" " mutpcg = 0\n" " damp = {damp}" )
[docs] def __init__( self, max_iter=150, inner_iter=100, rclose=1000.0, hclose=1.0e-4, relax=0.98, damp=1.0, ): super().__init__() self["max_iter"] = max_iter self["inner_iter"] = inner_iter self["rclose"] = rclose self["hclose"] = hclose self["relax"] = relax self["damp"] = damp
def _pkgcheck(self, ibound=None): to_check = ["max_iter", "inner_iter", "rclose", "hclose", "damp"] self._check_positive(to_check)
[docs] class GeneralizedConjugateGradientSolver(Package): """ The Generalized Conjugate Gradient Solver solves the matrix equations resulting from the implicit solution of the transport equation. Parameters ---------- max_iter: int is the maximum number of outer iterations (MXITER); it should be set to an integer greater than one (1) only when a nonlinear sorption isotherm is included in simulation. iter1: int is the maximum number of inner iterations (iter1); a value of 30-50 should be adequate for most problems. isolve: int is the type of preconditioners to be used with the Lanczos/ORTHOMIN acceleration scheme: isolve = 1: Jacobi isolve = 2: SSOR isolve = 3: Modified Incomplete Cholesky (MIC) (MIC usually converges faster, but it needs significantly more memory) lump_dispersion: bool is an integer flag for treatment of dispersion tensor cross terms: ncrs = 0: lump all dispersion cross terms to the right-hand-side (approximate but highly efficient). ncrs = 1: include full dispersion tensor (memory intensive). cclose: float is the convergence criterion in terms of relative concentration; a real value between 10-4 and 10-6 is generally adequate. """ _pkg_id = "gcg" _template = ( "[gcg]\n" " mxiter = {max_iter}\n" " iter1 = {inner_iter}\n" " isolve = {preconditioner}\n" " ncrs = {lump_dispersion}\n" " cclose = {cclose}\n" " iprgcg = 0" ) _keywords = { "preconditioner": {"jacobi": 1, "ssor": 2, "mic": 3}, "lump_dispersion": {True: 0, False: 1}, }
[docs] def __init__( self, max_iter=1, inner_iter=50, cclose=1.0e-6, preconditioner="mic", lump_dispersion=True, ): super().__init__() self["max_iter"] = max_iter self["inner_iter"] = inner_iter self["cclose"] = cclose self["preconditioner"] = preconditioner self["lump_dispersion"] = lump_dispersion
def _pkgcheck(self, ibound=None): to_check = ["max_iter", "inner_iter", "cclose"] self._check_positive(to_check)
class ParallelSolver(Package): """ Base package for the parallel solvers. """ def _compute_load_balance_weight(self, ibound): if self["partition"] == "rcb": if self["load_balance_weight"].values[()] is None: self["load_balance_weight"] = (ibound != 0).sum("layer").astype(float) def _render(self, directory): d = {k: v.values for k, v in self.dataset.data_vars.items()} if hasattr(self, "_keywords"): for key in self._keywords.keys(): self._replace_keyword(d, key) if self["partition"] == "rcb": d["load_balance_weight"] = self._compose_path( { "directory": directory, "name": "load_balance_weight", "extension": ".asc", } ) return self._template.render(**d) def save(self, directory): """ Overloaded method to write .asc instead of .idf. (This is an idiosyncracy of the parallel iMODwq code.) """ # TODO: remove this when iMOD_wq accepts idfs for the load grid. da = self["load_balance_weight"] if not da.dims == ("y", "x"): raise ValueError( "load_balance_weight dimensions must be exactly ('y', 'x')." ) path = pathlib.Path(directory).joinpath("load_balance_weight.asc") path.parent.mkdir(exist_ok=True, parents=True) pd.DataFrame(da.values).to_csv( path, sep="\t", header=False, index=False, float_format="%8.2f" )
[docs] class ParallelKrylovFlowSolver(ParallelSolver): """ The Parallel Krylov Flow Solver is used for parallel solving of the flow model. Parameters ---------- max_iter: int is the maximum number of outer iterations (MXITER); it should be set to an integer greater than one (1) only when a nonlinear sorption isotherm is included in simulation. inner_iter: int is the maximum number of inner iterations (INNERIT); a value of 30-50 should be adequate for most problems. hclose: float is the head change criterion for convergence (HCLOSEPKS), in units of length. When the maximum absolute value of head change from all nodes during an iteration is less than or equal to HCLOSE, and the criterion for RCLOSE is also satisfied (see below), iteration stops. rclose: float is the residual criterion for convergence (RCLOSEPKS), in units of cubic length per time. The units for length and time are the same as established for all model data. When the maximum absolute value of the residual at all nodes during an iteration is less than or equal to RCLOSE, and the criterion for HCLOSE is also satisfied (see above), iteration stops. relax: float is the relaxation parameter used. Usually, RELAX = 1.0, but for some problems a value of 0.99, 0.98, or 0.97 will reduce the number of iterations required for convergence. h_fstrict: float, optional is a factor to apply to HCLOSE to set a stricter hclose for the linear inner iterations (H_FSTRICTPKS). HCLOSE_inner is calculated as follows: HCLOSEPKS * H_FSTRICTPKS. r_fstrict: float, optional is a factor to apply to RCLOSE to set a stricter rclose for the linear inner iterations (R_FSTRICTPKS). RCLOSE_inner is calculated as follows: RCLOSEPKS * R_FSTRICTPKS. partition: {"uniform", "rcb"}, optional Partitioning option (PARTOPT). "uniform" partitions the model domain into equally sized subdomains. "rcb" (Recursive Coordinate Bisection) uses a 2D pointer grid with weights to partition the model domain. Default value: "uniform" solver: {"pcg"}, optional Flag indicating the linear solver to be used (ISOLVER). Default value: "pcg" preconditioner: {"ilu"}, optional Flag inicating the preconditioner to be used (NPC). Devault value: "ilu" deflate: {True, False}, optional Flag for deflation preconditioner. Default value: False debug: {True, False}, optional Debug option. Default value: False load_balance_weight: xarray.DataArray, optional 2D grid with load balance weights, used when partition = "rcb" (Recursive Coordinate Bisection). If None (default), then the module will create a load balance grid by summing active cells over layers: `(ibound != 0).sum("layer")` Note that even though the iMOD-SEAWAT helpfile states .idf is accepted, it is not. This load balance grid should be a .asc file (without a header). Formatting is done as follows: `pd.DataFrame(load_balance_weight.values).to_csv(path, sep='\\t', header=False, index=False, float_format = "%8.2f")` """ _pkg_id = "pksf" _template = jinja2.Template( "[pksf]\n" " mxiter = {{max_iter}}\n" " innerit = {{inner_iter}}\n" " hclosepks = {{hclose}}\n" " rclosepks = {{rclose}}\n" " relax = {{relax}}\n" " h_fstrictpks = {{h_fstrict}}\n" " r_fstrictpks = {{r_fstrict}}\n" " partopt = {{partition}}\n" " isolver = {{solver}}\n" " npc = {{preconditioner}}\n" " npcdef = {{deflate}}\n" "{% if load_balance_weight %} loadptr = {{load_balance_weight}}\n{% endif %}" " pressakey = {{debug}}\n" ) _keywords = { "partition": {"uniform": 0, "rcb": 5}, "solver": {"pcg": 1}, "preconditioner": {"ilu": 2}, "deflate": {False: 0, True: 1}, }
[docs] def __init__( self, max_iter=150, inner_iter=100, hclose=1.0e-4, rclose=1000.0, relax=0.98, h_fstrict=1.0, r_fstrict=1.0, partition="uniform", solver="pcg", preconditioner="ilu", deflate=False, debug=False, load_balance_weight=None, ): super().__init__() self["max_iter"] = max_iter self["inner_iter"] = inner_iter self["hclose"] = hclose self["rclose"] = rclose self["relax"] = relax self["h_fstrict"] = h_fstrict self["r_fstrict"] = r_fstrict self["partition"] = partition self["solver"] = solver self["preconditioner"] = preconditioner self["deflate"] = deflate self["debug"] = debug self["load_balance_weight"] = load_balance_weight
def _pkgcheck(self, ibound=None): to_check = [ "hclose", "rclose", "h_fstrict", "r_fstrict", "max_iter", "inner_iter", "relax", ] self._check_positive(to_check)
# TODO: fix # Check whether option is actually an available option # for opt_arg in self._keywords.keys(): # if self[opt_arg] not in self._keywords[opt_arg].keys(): # raise ValueError( # "Argument for {} not in {}, instead got {}".format( # opt_arg, self._keywords[opt_arg].keys(), self[opt_arg] # ) # ) #
[docs] class ParallelKrylovTransportSolver(ParallelSolver): """ The Parallel Krylov Transport Solver is used for parallel solving of the transport model. Parameters ---------- max_iter: int is the maximum number of outer iterations (MXITER); it should be set to an integer greater than one (1) only when a nonlinear sorption isotherm is included in simulation. inner_iter: int is the maximum number of inner iterations (INNERIT); a value of 30-50 should be adequate for most problems. cclose: float, optional is the convergence criterion in terms of relative concentration; a real value between 10-4 and 10-6 is generally adequate. Default value: 1.0e-6. relax: float, optional is the relaxation parameter used. Usually, RELAX = 1.0, but for some problems a value of 0.99, 0.98, or 0.97 will reduce the number of iterations required for convergence. Default value: 0.98. partition: {"uniform", "rcb"}, optional Partitioning option (PARTOPT). "uniform" partitions the model domain into equally sized subdomains. "rcb" (Recursive Coordinate Bisection) uses a 2D pointer grid with weights to partition the model domain. Default value: "uniform". solver: {"bicgstab", "gmres", "gcr"}, optional Flag indicating the linear solver to be used (ISOLVER). Default value: "bicgstab" preconditioner: {"ilu"}, optional Flag inicating the preconditioner to be used (NPC). Devault value: "ilu". debug: {True, False}, optional Debug option. Default value: False load_balance_weight: xarray.DataArray, optional 2D grid with load balance weights, used when partition = "rcb" (Recursive Coordinate Bisection). If None (default), then the module will create a load balance grid by summing active cells over layers: `(ibound != 0).sum("layer")` Note that even though the iMOD-SEAWAT helpfile states .idf is accepted, it is not. This load balance grid should be a .asc file (without a header). Formatting is done as follows: `pd.DataFrame(load_balance_weight.values).to_csv(path, sep='\\t', header=False, index=False, float_format = "%8.2f")` """ _pkg_id = "pkst" _template = jinja2.Template( "[pkst]\n" " mxiter = {{max_iter}}\n" " innerit = {{inner_iter}}\n" " cclosepks = {{cclose}}\n" " relax = {{relax}}\n" " partopt = {{partition}}\n" " isolver = {{solver}}\n" " npc = {{preconditioner}}\n" "{% if load_balance_weight %} loadptr = {{load_balance_weight}}\n{% endif %}" " pressakey = {{debug}}\n" ) _keywords = { "partition": {"uniform": 0, "rcb": 5}, "solver": {"bicgstab": 2, "gmres": 3, "gcr": 4}, "preconditioner": {"ilu": 2}, }
[docs] def __init__( self, max_iter=1, inner_iter=50, cclose=1.0e-6, relax=0.98, partition="uniform", solver="bicgstab", preconditioner="ilu", debug=False, load_balance_weight=None, ): super().__init__() self["max_iter"] = max_iter self["inner_iter"] = inner_iter self["cclose"] = cclose self["relax"] = relax self["partition"] = partition self["solver"] = solver self["preconditioner"] = preconditioner self["debug"] = debug self["load_balance_weight"] = load_balance_weight
def _pkgcheck(self, ibound=None): to_check = ["cclose", "max_iter", "inner_iter", "relax"] self._check_positive(to_check)
# TODO: fix # Check whether option is actually an available option # for opt_arg in self._keywords.keys(): # if self[opt_arg] not in self._keywords[opt_arg].keys(): # raise ValueError( # "Argument for {} not in {}, instead got {}".format( # opt_arg, self._keywords[opt_arg].keys(), self[opt_arg] # ) # )