Source code for imod.wq.dsp

import jinja2

from imod.wq.pkgbase import Package

[docs] class Dispersion(Package): """ Solves the concentration change due to dispersion explicitly or formulates the coefficient matrix of the dispersion term for the matrix solver. Parameters ---------- longitudinal: float is the longitudinal dispersivity (AL), for every cell of the model grid (unit: L). Default value is 1.0 m. Nota bene: this is for regional applications. ratio_horizontal: float is a 1D real array defining the ratio of the horizontal transverse dispersivity (TRPT), to the longitudinal dispersivity. Each value in the array corresponds to one model layer. Some recent field studies suggest that ratio_horizontal is generally not greater than 0.1. ratio_vertical: float (TRPV) is the ratio of the vertical transverse dispersivity to the longitudinal dispersivity. Each value in the array corresponds to one model layer. Some recent field studies suggest that ratio_vertical is generally not greater than 0.01. Set ratio_vertical equal to ratio_horizontal to use the standard isotropic dispersion model. Otherwise, the modified isotropic dispersion model is used. diffusion_coefficient: float is the effective molecular diffusion coefficient (unit: L2T-1). Set diffusion_coefficient = 0 if the effect of molecular diffusion is considered unimportant. Each value in the array corresponds to one model layer. iMOD-wq always uses meters and days. """ _pkg_id = "dsp" _mapping = ( ("al", "longitudinal"), ("trpt", "ratio_horizontal"), ("trpv", "ratio_vertical"), ("dmcoef", "diffusion_coefficient"), ) _template = jinja2.Template( "[dsp]\n" " {%- for name, dictname in mapping -%}\n" " {%- for layer, value in dicts[dictname].items() %}\n" " {{name}}_l{{layer}} = {{value}}\n" " {%- endfor -%}\n" " {%- endfor -%}\n" )
[docs] def __init__( self, longitudinal=1.0, ratio_horizontal=0.1, ratio_vertical=0.1, diffusion_coefficient=8.64e-5, ): super().__init__() self["longitudinal"] = longitudinal self["ratio_horizontal"] = ratio_horizontal self["ratio_vertical"] = ratio_vertical self["diffusion_coefficient"] = diffusion_coefficient
def _render(self, directory, nlayer, *args, **kwargs): d = {"mapping": self._mapping} dicts = {} for varname in self.dataset.data_vars.keys(): dicts[varname] = self._compose_values_layer( varname, directory, nlayer=nlayer ) d["dicts"] = dicts return self._template.render(d) def _pkgcheck(self, ibound=None): to_check = [ "longitudinal", "ratio_horizontal", "ratio_vertical", "diffusion_coefficient", ] self._check_positive(to_check) self._check_location_consistent(to_check)