Source code for imod.wq.bas

import jinja2
import numpy as np
import scipy.ndimage
import xarray as xr

from imod import util
from imod.wq.pkgbase import Package

[docs] class BasicFlow(Package): """ The Basic package is used to specify certain data used in all models. These include: 1. the locations of acitve, inactive, and specified head in cells, 2. the head stored in inactive cells, 3. the initial head in all cells, and 4. the top and bottom of the aquifer The number of layers (NLAY) is automatically calculated using the IBOUND. Thickness is calculated using the specified tops en bottoms. The Basic package input file is required in all models. Parameters ---------- ibound: xr.DataArray of integers is the boundary variable. If IBOUND(J,I,K) < 0, cell J,I,K has a constant head. If IBOUND(J,I,K) = 0, cell J,I,K is inactive. If IBOUND(J,I,K) > 0, cell J,I,K is active. top: float or xr.DataArray of floats is the top elevation of layer 1. For the common situation in which the top layer represents a water-table aquifer, it may be reasonable to set `top` equal to land-surface elevation. bottom: xr.DataArray of floats is the bottom elevation of model layers or Quasi-3d confining beds. The DataArray should at least include the `layer` dimension. starting_head: float or xr.DataArray of floats is initial (starting) head—that is, head at the beginning of the simulation (STRT). starting_head must be specified for all simulations, including steady-state simulations. One value is read for every model cell. Usually, these values are read a layer at a time. inactive_head: float, optional is the value of head to be assigned to all inactive (no flow) cells (IBOUND = 0) throughout the simulation (HNOFLO). Because head at inactive cells is unused in model calculations, this does not affect model results but serves to identify inactive cells when head is printed. This value is also used as drawdown at inactive cells if the drawdown option is used. Even if the user does not anticipate having inactive cells, a value for inactive_head must be entered. Default value is 1.0e30. """ _pkg_id = "bas6" _template = jinja2.Template( "[bas6]\n" " {%- for layer, value in ibound.items() %}\n" " ibound_l{{layer}} = {{value}}\n" " {%- endfor %}\n" " hnoflo = {{inactive_head}}\n" " {%- for layer, value in starting_head.items() %}\n" " strt_l{{layer}} = {{value}}\n" " {%- endfor -%}" )
[docs] def __init__(self, ibound, top, bottom, starting_head, inactive_head=1.0e30): self._check_ibound(ibound) super().__init__() self["ibound"] = ibound self["top"] = top self["bottom"] = bottom self["starting_head"] = starting_head self["inactive_head"] = inactive_head
def _check_ibound(self, ibound): if not isinstance(ibound, xr.DataArray): raise TypeError("ibound must be xarray.DataArray") dims = ibound.dims if not (dims == ("layer", "y", "x") or dims == ("z", "y", "x")): raise ValueError( f'ibound dimensions must be ("layer", "y", "x") or ("z", "y", "x"),' f" got instead {dims}" ) def _render(self, directory, nlayer, *args, **kwargs): """ Renders part of runfile that ends up under [bas] section. """ d = {} for varname in ("ibound", "starting_head"): d[varname] = self._compose_values_layer(varname, directory, nlayer) d["inactive_head"] = self["inactive_head"].values return self._template.render(d) def _compose_top(self, directory): """ Composes paths to file, or gets the appropriate scalar value for a top of model domain. Parameters ---------- directory : str """ da = self["top"] if "x" in da.coords and "y" in da.coords: if not len(da.shape) == 2: raise ValueError("Top should either be 2d or a scalar value") d = {} d["name"] = "top" d["directory"] = directory d["extension"] = ".idf" value = self._compose_path(d) else: if not da.shape == (): raise ValueError("Top should either be 2d or a scalar value") value = float(da) return value @staticmethod def _cellsizes(dx): ncell = dx.size index_ends = np.argwhere(np.diff(dx) != 0.0) + 1 index_ends = np.append(index_ends, ncell) index_starts = np.insert(index_ends[:-1], 0, 0) + 1 d = {} for s, e in zip(index_starts, index_ends): value = abs(float(dx[s - 1])) if s == e: d[f"{s}"] = value else: d[f"{s}:{e}"] = value return d def _render_dis(self, directory, nlayer): """ Renders part of runfile that ends up under [dis] section. """ d = {} d["top"] = self._compose_top(directory) d["bottom"] = self._compose_values_layer("bottom", directory, nlayer) d["nlay"], d["nrow"], d["ncol"] = self["ibound"].shape # TODO: check dx > 0, dy < 0? if "dx" not in self.dataset or "dy" not in self.dataset: # assume equidistant dx, _, _ = util.spatial.coord_reference(self.dataset["x"]) dy, _, _ = util.spatial.coord_reference(self.dataset["y"]) else: dx = self.dataset.coords["dx"] dy = self.dataset.coords["dy"] if isinstance(dy, (float, int)) or dy.shape in ((), (1,)): d["dy"] = {"?": abs(float(dy))} else: d["dy"] = self._cellsizes(dy) if isinstance(dx, (float, int)) or dx.shape in ((), (1,)): d["dx"] = {"?": abs(float(dx))} else: d["dx"] = self._cellsizes(dx) # Non-time dependent part of dis # Can be inferred from ibound _dis_template = jinja2.Template( "[dis]\n" " nlay = {{nlay}}\n" " nrow = {{nrow}}\n" " ncol = {{ncol}}\n" " {%- for row, value in dy.items() %}\n" " delc_r{{row}} = {{value}}\n" " {%- endfor %}\n" " {%- for col, value in dx.items() %}\n" " delr_c{{col}} = {{value}}\n" " {%- endfor %}\n" " top = {{top}}\n" " {%- for layer, value in bottom.items() %}\n" " botm_l{{layer}} = {{value}}\n" " {%- endfor %}\n" " laycbd_l? = 0" ) return _dis_template.render(d) def thickness(self): """ Computes layer thickness from top and bottom data. Returns ------- thickness : xr.DataArray """ th = xr.concat( [ self["top"] - self["bottom"].sel(layer=1), -1.0 * self["bottom"].diff("layer"), ], dim="layer", ) # Concat results in wrong dimension order (y, x, layer), transpose to # fix dimension order. return th.transpose("layer", "y", "x", missing_dims="ignore") def _pkgcheck(self, ibound=None): if (self["top"] < self["bottom"]).any(): raise ValueError(f"top should be larger than bottom in {self}") active_cells = self["ibound"] != 0 if (active_cells & np.isnan(self["starting_head"])).any(): raise ValueError( f"Active cells in ibound may not have a nan value in starting_head in {self}" ) _, nlabels = scipy.ndimage.label(active_cells.values) if nlabels > 1: raise ValueError( f"{nlabels} disconnected model domain detected in the ibound in {self}" )