Source code for imod.util.spatial

Utility functions for dealing with the spatial
location of rasters: :func:`imod.util.spatial.coord_reference`,
:func:`imod.util.spatial_reference` and :func:`imod.util.transform`. These are
used internally, but are not private since they may be useful to users as well.

import collections
import re
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Any, Dict, Optional, Sequence, Tuple, Union

import affine
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import xarray as xr
import xugrid as xu

from imod.typing import FloatArray, GridDataset, IntArray
from imod.util.imports import MissingOptionalModule

# since rasterio, shapely, rioxarray, and geopandas are a big dependencies that are
# sometimes hard to install and not always required, we made this an optional
# dependency
    import rasterio
except ImportError:
    rasterio = MissingOptionalModule("rasterio")

    import shapely
except ImportError:
    shapely = MissingOptionalModule("shapely")

    import geopandas as gpd
        import geopandas as gpd
    except ImportError:
        gpd = MissingOptionalModule("geopandas")

    import rioxarray
except ImportError:
    rasterio = MissingOptionalModule("rioxarray")

def _xycoords(bounds, cellsizes) -> Dict[str, Any]:
    """Based on bounds and cellsizes, construct coords with spatial information"""
    # unpack tuples
    xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax = bounds
    dx, dy = cellsizes
    coords: collections.OrderedDict[str, Any] = collections.OrderedDict()
    # from cell size to x and y coordinates
    if isinstance(dx, (int, float, np.int_)):  # equidistant
        coords["x"] = np.arange(xmin + dx / 2.0, xmax, dx)
        coords["y"] = np.arange(ymax + dy / 2.0, ymin, dy)
        coords["dx"] = np.array(float(dx))
        coords["dy"] = np.array(float(dy))
    else:  # nonequidistant
        # even though IDF may store them as float32, we always convert them to float64
        dx = dx.astype(np.float64)
        dy = dy.astype(np.float64)
        coords["x"] = xmin + np.cumsum(dx) - 0.5 * dx
        coords["y"] = ymax + np.cumsum(dy) - 0.5 * dy
        if np.allclose(dx, dx[0]) and np.allclose(dy, dy[0]):
            coords["dx"] = np.array(float(dx[0]))
            coords["dy"] = np.array(float(dy[0]))
            coords["dx"] = ("x", dx)
            coords["dy"] = ("y", dy)
    return coords

[docs] def coord_reference(da_coord) -> Tuple[float, float, float]: """ Extracts dx, xmin, xmax for a coordinate DataArray, where x is any coordinate. If the DataArray coordinates are nonequidistant, dx will be returned as 1D ndarray instead of float. Parameters ---------- a : xarray.DataArray of a coordinate Returns -------------- tuple (dx, xmin, xmax) for a coordinate x """ x = da_coord.values # Possibly non-equidistant dx_string = f"d{}" if dx_string in da_coord.coords: dx = da_coord.coords[dx_string] if (dx.shape == x.shape) and (dx.size != 1): # choose correctly for decreasing coordinate if dx[0] < 0.0: end = 0 start = -1 else: start = 0 end = -1 dx = dx.values.astype(np.float64) xmin = float(x.min()) - 0.5 * abs(dx[start]) xmax = float(x.max()) + 0.5 * abs(dx[end]) # As a single value if equidistant if np.allclose(dx, dx[0]): dx = dx[0] else: dx = float(dx) xmin = float(x.min()) - 0.5 * abs(dx) xmax = float(x.max()) + 0.5 * abs(dx) elif x.size == 1: raise ValueError( f"DataArray has size 1 along {}, so cellsize must be provided" f" as a coordinate named d{}." ) else: # Equidistant # TODO: decide on decent criterium for what equidistant means # make use of floating point epsilon? E.g: # dxs = np.diff(x.astype(np.float64)) dx = dxs[0] atolx = abs(1.0e-4 * dx) if not np.allclose(dxs, dx, atolx): raise ValueError( f"DataArray has to be equidistant along {}, or cellsizes" f" must be provided as a coordinate named d{}." ) # as xarray uses midpoint coordinates xmin = float(x.min()) - 0.5 * abs(dx) xmax = float(x.max()) + 0.5 * abs(dx) return dx, xmin, xmax
[docs] def spatial_reference( a: xr.DataArray, ) -> Tuple[float, float, float, float, float, float]: """ Extracts spatial reference from DataArray. If the DataArray coordinates are nonequidistant, dx and dy will be returned as 1D ndarray instead of float. Parameters ---------- a : xarray.DataArray Returns -------------- tuple (dx, xmin, xmax, dy, ymin, ymax) """ dx, xmin, xmax = coord_reference(a["x"]) dy, ymin, ymax = coord_reference(a["y"]) return dx, xmin, xmax, dy, ymin, ymax
[docs] def transform(a: xr.DataArray) -> affine.Affine: """ Extract the spatial reference information from the DataArray coordinates, into an affine.Affine object for writing to e.g. rasterio supported formats. Parameters ---------- a : xarray.DataArray Returns ------- affine.Affine """ dx, xmin, _, dy, _, ymax = spatial_reference(a) def equidistant(dx, name): if isinstance(dx, np.ndarray): if np.unique(dx).size == 1: return dx[0] else: raise ValueError(f"DataArray is not equidistant along {name}") else: return dx dx = equidistant(dx, "x") dy = equidistant(dy, "y") if dx < 0.0: raise ValueError("dx must be positive") if dy > 0.0: raise ValueError("dy must be negative") return affine.Affine(dx, 0.0, xmin, 0.0, dy, ymax)
def ugrid2d_data(da: xr.DataArray, face_dim: str) -> xr.DataArray: """ Reshape a structured (x, y) DataArray into unstructured (face) form. Extra dimensions are maintained: e.g. (time, layer, x, y) becomes (time, layer, face). Parameters ---------- da: xr.DataArray Structured DataArray with last two dimensions ("y", "x"). Returns ------- Unstructured DataArray with dimensions ("y", "x") replaced by ("face",). """ if da.dims[-2:] != ("y", "x"): raise ValueError('Last two dimensions of da must be ("y", "x")') dims = da.dims[:-2] coords = {k: da.coords[k] for k in dims} return xr.DataArray(*da.shape[:-2], -1), coords=coords, dims=[*dims, face_dim],, ) def unstack_dim_into_variable(dataset: GridDataset, dim: str) -> GridDataset: """ Unstack each variable containing ``dim`` into separate variables. """ unstacked = dataset.copy() variables_containing_dim = [ variable for variable in dataset.data_vars if dim in dataset[variable].dims ] for variable in variables_containing_dim: stacked = unstacked[variable] unstacked = unstacked.drop_vars(variable) # type: ignore for index in stacked[dim].values: unstacked[f"{variable}_{dim}_{index}"] = stacked.sel( indexers={dim: index}, drop=True ) if dim in unstacked.coords: unstacked = unstacked.drop_vars(dim) return unstacked
[docs] def mdal_compliant_ugrid2d( dataset: xr.Dataset, crs: Optional[Any] = None ) -> xr.Dataset: """ Ensures the xarray Dataset will be written to a UGRID netCDF that will be accepted by MDAL. * Unstacks variables with a layer dimension into separate variables. * Removes absent entries from the mesh topology attributes. * Sets encoding to float for datetime variables. Parameters ---------- dataset: xarray.Dataset Dataset to make compliant with MDAL crs: Any, Optional Anything accepted by Requires ``rioxarray`` installed. Returns ------- unstacked: xr.Dataset """ ds = unstack_dim_into_variable(dataset, "layer") # Find topology variables for variable in ds.data_vars: attrs = ds[variable].attrs if attrs.get("cf_role") == "mesh_topology": # Possible attributes: # # "cf_role" # "long_name" # "topology_dimension" # "node_dimension": required # "node_coordinates": required # "edge_dimension": optional # "edge_node_connectivity": optional # "face_dimension": required # "face_node_connectivity": required # "max_face_nodes_dimension": required # "face_coordinates": optional node_dim = attrs.get("node_dimension") edge_dim = attrs.get("edge_dimension") face_dim = attrs.get("face_dimension") # Drop the coordinates on the UGRID dimensions to_drop = [] for dim in (node_dim, edge_dim, face_dim): if dim is not None and dim in ds.coords: to_drop.append(dim) ds = ds.drop_vars(to_drop) if edge_dim and edge_dim not in ds.dims: attrs.pop("edge_dimension") face_coords = attrs.get("face_coordinates") if face_coords and face_coords not in ds.coords: attrs.pop("face_coordinates") edge_nodes = attrs.get("edge_node_connectivity") if edge_nodes and edge_nodes not in ds: attrs.pop("edge_node_connectivity") if crs is not None: if isinstance(rioxarray, MissingOptionalModule): raise ModuleNotFoundError("rioxarray is required for this functionality"), inplace=True) # Make sure time is encoded as a float for MDAL # TODO: MDAL requires all data variables to be float (this excludes the UGRID topology data) for var in ds.coords: if np.issubdtype(ds[var].dtype, np.datetime64): ds[var].encoding["dtype"] = np.float64 return ds
[docs] def from_mdal_compliant_ugrid2d(dataset: xu.UgridDataset) -> xu.UgridDataset: """ Undo some of the changes of ``mdal_compliant_ugrid2d``: re-stack the layers. Parameters ---------- dataset: xugrid.UgridDataset Returns ------- restacked: xugrid.UgridDataset """ ds = dataset.ugrid.obj pattern = re.compile(r"(\w+)_layer_(\d+)") matches = [(variable, for variable in ds.data_vars] matches = [(variable, match) for (variable, match) in matches if match is not None] if not matches: return dataset # First deal with the variables that may remain untouched. other_vars = set(ds.data_vars).difference([variable for (variable, _) in matches]) restacked = ds[list(other_vars)] # Next group by name, which will be the output dataset variable name. grouped = collections.defaultdict(list) for variable, match in matches: name, layer = match.groups() # type: ignore da = ds[variable] grouped[name].append(da.assign_coords(layer=int(layer))) # Concatenate, and make sure the dimension order is natural. ugrid_dims = {dim for grid in dataset.ugrid.grids for dim in grid.dimensions} for variable, das in grouped.items(): da = xr.concat(sorted(das, key=lambda da: da["layer"]), dim="layer") newdims = list(da.dims) newdims.remove("layer") # If it's a spatial dataset, the layer should be second last. if ugrid_dims.intersection(newdims): newdims.insert(-1, "layer") # If not, the layer should be last. else: newdims.append("layer") if tuple(newdims) != da.dims: da = da.transpose(*newdims) restacked[variable] = da return xu.UgridDataset(restacked, grids=dataset.ugrid.grids)
[docs] def to_ugrid2d(data: Union[xr.DataArray, xr.Dataset]) -> xr.Dataset: """ Convert a structured DataArray or Dataset into its UGRID-2D quadrilateral equivalent. See: Parameters ---------- data: Union[xr.DataArray, xr.Dataset] Dataset or DataArray with last two dimensions ("y", "x"). In case of a Dataset, the 2D topology is defined once and variables are added one by one. In case of a DataArray, a name is required; a name can be set with: `` = "..."``' Returns ------- ugrid2d_dataset: xr.Dataset The equivalent data, in UGRID-2D quadrilateral form. """ if not isinstance(data, (xr.DataArray, xr.Dataset)): raise TypeError("data must be xarray.DataArray or xr.Dataset") grid = xu.Ugrid2d.from_structured(data) ds = grid.to_dataset() if isinstance(data, xr.Dataset): for variable in data.data_vars: ds[variable] = ugrid2d_data(data[variable], grid.face_dimension) if isinstance(data, xr.DataArray): if is None: raise ValueError( 'A name is required for the DataArray. It can be set with `` = "..."`' ) ds[] = ugrid2d_data(data, grid.face_dimension) return mdal_compliant_ugrid2d(ds)
def gdal_compliant_grid( data: Union[xr.DataArray, xr.Dataset], crs: Optional[Any] = None, ) -> Union[xr.DataArray, xr.Dataset]: """ Assign attributes to x,y coordinates to make data accepted by GDAL. Parameters ---------- data: xr.DataArray | xr.Dataset Structured data with a x and y coordinate. crs: Any, Optional Anything accepted by Requires ``rioxarray`` installed. Returns ------- data with attributes to be accepted by GDAL. """ x_attrs = { "axis": "X", "long_name": "x coordinate of projection", "standard_name": "projection_x_coordinate", } y_attrs = { "axis": "Y", "long_name": "y coordinate of projection", "standard_name": "projection_y_coordinate", } # Use of ``dims`` in xarray currently inconsistent between DataArray and # Dataset, therefore use .sizes.keys() to force getting the same thing. # FUTURE: change this to set(data.dims) when made consistent. dims = {str(k) for k in data.sizes.keys()} missing_dims = {"x", "y"} - dims if len(missing_dims) > 0: raise ValueError(f"Missing dimensions: {missing_dims}") x_coord_attrs = data.coords["x"].assign_attrs(x_attrs) y_coord_attrs = data.coords["y"].assign_attrs(y_attrs) data_gdal = data.assign_coords(x=x_coord_attrs, y=y_coord_attrs) if crs is not None: if isinstance(rioxarray, MissingOptionalModule): raise ModuleNotFoundError("rioxarray is required for this functionality") elif ( is not None) and ( != crs): raise ValueError( "Grid already has CRS different then provided CRS. " f"Grid has {}, got {crs}." ), inplace=True) return data_gdal
[docs] def empty_2d( dx: Union[float, FloatArray], xmin: float, xmax: float, dy: Union[float, FloatArray], ymin: float, ymax: float, ) -> xr.DataArray: """ Create an empty 2D (x, y) DataArray. ``dx`` and ``dy`` may be provided as: * scalar: for equidistant spacing * array: for non-equidistant spacing Note that xarray (and netCDF4) uses midpoint coordinates. ``xmin`` and ``xmax`` are used to generate the appropriate midpoints. Parameters ---------- dx: float, 1d array of floats cell size along x xmin: float xmax: float dy: float, 1d array of floats cell size along y ymin: float ymax: float Returns ------- empty: xr.DataArray Filled with NaN. """ bounds = (xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax) cellsizes = (np.abs(dx), -np.abs(dy)) coords = _xycoords(bounds, cellsizes) nrow = coords["y"].size ncol = coords["x"].size return xr.DataArray( data=np.full((nrow, ncol), np.nan), coords=coords, dims=["y", "x"] )
[docs] def empty_3d( dx: Union[float, FloatArray], xmin: float, xmax: float, dy: Union[float, FloatArray], ymin: float, ymax: float, layer: Union[int, Sequence[int], IntArray], ) -> xr.DataArray: """ Create an empty 2D (x, y) DataArray. ``dx`` and ``dy`` may be provided as: * scalar: for equidistant spacing * array: for non-equidistant spacing Note that xarray (and netCDF4) uses midpoint coordinates. ``xmin`` and ``xmax`` are used to generate the appropriate midpoints. Parameters ---------- dx: float, 1d array of floats cell size along x xmin: float xmax: float dy: float, 1d array of floats cell size along y ymin: float ymax: float layer: int, sequence of integers, 1d array of integers Returns ------- empty: xr.DataArray Filled with NaN. """ bounds = (xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax) cellsizes = (np.abs(dx), -np.abs(dy)) coords = _xycoords(bounds, cellsizes) nrow = coords["y"].size ncol = coords["x"].size layer = _layer(layer) coords["layer"] = layer return xr.DataArray( data=np.full((layer.size, nrow, ncol), np.nan), coords=coords, dims=["layer", "y", "x"], )
[docs] def empty_2d_transient( dx: Union[float, FloatArray], xmin: float, xmax: float, dy: Union[float, FloatArray], ymin: float, ymax: float, time: Any, ) -> xr.DataArray: """ Create an empty transient 2D (time, x, y) DataArray. ``dx`` and ``dy`` may be provided as: * scalar: for equidistant spacing * array: for non-equidistant spacing Note that xarray (and netCDF4) uses midpoint coordinates. ``xmin`` and ``xmax`` are used to generate the appropriate midpoints. Parameters ---------- dx: float, 1d array of floats cell size along x xmin: float xmax: float dy: float, 1d array of floats cell size along y ymin: float ymax: float time: Any One or more of: str, numpy datetime64, pandas Timestamp Returns ------- empty: xr.DataArray Filled with NaN. """ bounds = (xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax) cellsizes = (np.abs(dx), -np.abs(dy)) coords = _xycoords(bounds, cellsizes) nrow = coords["y"].size ncol = coords["x"].size time = _time(time) coords["time"] = time return xr.DataArray( data=np.full((time.size, nrow, ncol), np.nan), coords=coords, dims=["time", "y", "x"], )
[docs] def empty_3d_transient( dx: Union[float, FloatArray], xmin: float, xmax: float, dy: Union[float, FloatArray], ymin: float, ymax: float, layer: Union[int, Sequence[int], IntArray], time: Any, ) -> xr.DataArray: """ Create an empty transient 3D (time, layer, x, y) DataArray. ``dx`` and ``dy`` may be provided as: * scalar: for equidistant spacing * array: for non-equidistant spacing Note that xarray (and netCDF4) uses midpoint coordinates. ``xmin`` and ``xmax`` are used to generate the appropriate midpoints. Parameters ---------- dx: float, 1d array of floats cell size along x xmin: float xmax: float dy: float, 1d array of floats cell size along y ymin: float ymax: float layer: int, sequence of integers, 1d array of integers time: Any One or more of: str, numpy datetime64, pandas Timestamp Returns ------- empty: xr.DataArray Filled with NaN. """ bounds = (xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax) cellsizes = (np.abs(dx), -np.abs(dy)) coords = _xycoords(bounds, cellsizes) nrow = coords["y"].size ncol = coords["x"].size layer = _layer(layer) coords["layer"] = layer time = _time(time) coords["time"] = time return xr.DataArray( data=np.full((time.size, layer.size, nrow, ncol), np.nan), coords=coords, dims=["time", "layer", "y", "x"], )
def _layer(layer: Union[int, Sequence[int], IntArray]) -> IntArray: layer = np.atleast_1d(layer) if layer.ndim > 1: raise ValueError("layer must be 1d") return layer def _time(time: Any) -> Any: time = np.atleast_1d(time) if time.ndim > 1: raise ValueError("time must be 1d") return pd.to_datetime(time) def is_divisor(numerator: Union[float, FloatArray], denominator: float) -> bool: """ Parameters ---------- numerator: np.array of floats or float denominator: float Returns ------- is_divisor: bool """ denominator = np.abs(denominator) remainder = np.abs(numerator) % denominator return bool(np.all(np.isclose(remainder, 0.0) | np.isclose(remainder, denominator))) def _polygonize(da: xr.DataArray) -> "gpd.GeoDataFrame": """ Polygonize a 2D-DataArray into a GeoDataFrame of polygons. Private method located in util.spatial to work around circular imports. """ if da.dims != ("y", "x"): raise ValueError('Dimensions must be ("y", "x")') values = da.values if values.dtype == np.float64: values = values.astype(np.float32) affine_transform = transform(da) shapes = rasterio.features.shapes(values, transform=affine_transform) geometries = [] colvalues = [] for geom, colval in shapes: geometries.append(shapely.geometry.Polygon(geom["coordinates"][0])) colvalues.append(colval) gdf = gpd.GeoDataFrame({"value": colvalues, "geometry": geometries}) = da.attrs.get("crs") return gdf