Source code for imod.prepare.layerregrid

import numba
import numpy as np
import xarray as xr

from imod.prepare import common

# LayerRegrid does not support conductance method, nearest, or linear
METHODS = common.METHODS.copy()

def _regrid_layers(src, dst, src_top, dst_top, src_bot, dst_bot, method):
    Maps one set of layers unto the other.
    nlayer_src, nrow, ncol = src.shape
    nlayer_dst = dst.shape[0]
    values = np.zeros(nlayer_src)
    weights = np.zeros(nlayer_src)

    for i in range(nrow):
        for j in range(ncol):
            src_t = src_top[:, i, j]
            dst_t = dst_top[:, i, j]
            src_b = src_bot[:, i, j]
            dst_b = dst_bot[:, i, j]

            # ii is index of dst
            for ii in range(nlayer_dst):
                dt = dst_t[ii]
                db = dst_b[ii]
                if np.isnan(dt) or np.isnan(db):

                count = 0
                has_value = False
                # jj is index of src
                for jj in range(nlayer_src):
                    st = src_t[jj]
                    sb = src_b[jj]

                    if np.isnan(st) or np.isnan(sb):

                    overlap = common._overlap((db, dt), (sb, st))
                    if overlap == 0:

                    has_value = True
                    values[count] = src[jj, i, j]
                    weights[count] = overlap
                    count += 1
                    if has_value:
                        dst[ii, i, j] = method(values, weights)
                        # Reset
                        values[:count] = 0
                        weights[:count] = 0

    return dst

[docs] class LayerRegridder: """ Object to repeatedly regrid layers of similar objects. Compiles once on first call, can then be repeatedly called without JIT compilation overhead. Attributes ---------- method : str, function The method to use for regridding. Default available methods are: ``{"mean", "harmonic_mean", "geometric_mean", "sum", "minimum", "maximum", "mode", "median", "max_overlap"}`` """
[docs] def __init__(self, method): _method = common._get_method(method, METHODS) self.method = _method self._first_call = True
def _make_regrid(self): """ Use closure to avoid numba overhead """ jit_method = numba.njit(self.method) @numba.njit def regrid(src, dst, src_top, dst_top, src_bot, dst_bot): return _regrid_layers( src, dst, src_top, dst_top, src_bot, dst_bot, jit_method ) self._regrid = regrid def regrid( self, source, source_top, source_bottom, destination_top, destination_bottom ): """ Parameters ---------- source : xr.DataArray The values of the layered model. source_top : xr.DataArray The vertical location of the layer tops. destination_top : xr.DataArray The vertical location of the layer tops. source_bottom : xr.DataArray The vertical location of the layer bottoms. destination_bottom : xr.DataArray The vertical location of the layer bottoms. Returns ------- regridded : xr.DataArray """ def dim_format(dims): return ", ".join(dim for dim in dims) # Checks on inputs for da in [ source_top, source_bottom, source, destination_bottom, destination_top, ]: if not isinstance(da, xr.DataArray): raise TypeError("All arguments must be DataArrays.") if not da.dims == ("layer", "y", "x"): raise ValueError( "Dimensions for top, bottom, and source have to be exactly" f' ("layer", "y", "x"). Got instead {dim_format(da.dims)}.' ) for da in [source_bottom, source]: for dim in ["layer", "y", "x"]: if not source_top[dim].equals(da[dim]): raise ValueError(f"Input coordinates do not match along {dim}") if self._first_call: self._make_regrid() self._first_call = False dst = xr.full_like(destination_top, np.nan, dtype=source.dtype) dst.values = self._regrid( source.values, dst.values, source_top.values, destination_top.values, source_bottom.values, destination_bottom.values, ) return dst