"""Cleanup utilities"""
from enum import Enum
from typing import Optional
import pandas as pd
import xarray as xr
from imod.mf6.utilities.mask import mask_arrays
from imod.prepare.wells import locate_wells, validate_well_columnnames
from imod.schemata import scalar_None
from imod.typing import GridDataArray
class AlignLevelsMode(Enum):
def align_nodata(grids: dict[str, xr.DataArray]) -> dict[str, xr.DataArray]:
return mask_arrays(grids)
def align_interface_levels(
top: GridDataArray,
bottom: GridDataArray,
method: AlignLevelsMode = AlignLevelsMode.TOPDOWN,
) -> tuple[GridDataArray, GridDataArray]:
to_align = top < bottom
match method:
case AlignLevelsMode.BOTTOMUP:
return top.where(~to_align, bottom), bottom
case AlignLevelsMode.TOPDOWN:
return top, bottom.where(~to_align, top)
case _:
raise TypeError(f"Unmatched case for method, got {method}")
def _cleanup_robin_boundary(
idomain: GridDataArray, grids: dict[str, GridDataArray]
) -> dict[str, GridDataArray]:
"""Cleanup robin boundary condition (i.e. bc with conductance)"""
active = idomain == 1
# Deactivate conductance cells outside active domain; this nodata
# inconsistency will be aligned in the final call to align_nodata
conductance = grids["conductance"].where(active)
concentration = grids["concentration"]
# Make conductance cells with erronous values inactive
grids["conductance"] = conductance.where(conductance > 0.0)
# Clip negative concentration cells to 0.0
if (concentration is not None) and not scalar_None(concentration):
grids["concentration"] = concentration.clip(min=0.0)
# Align nodata
return align_nodata(grids)
def cleanup_riv(
idomain: GridDataArray,
bottom: GridDataArray,
stage: GridDataArray,
conductance: GridDataArray,
bottom_elevation: GridDataArray,
concentration: Optional[GridDataArray] = None,
) -> dict[str, GridDataArray]:
Clean up river data, fixes some common mistakes causing ValidationErrors by
doing the following:
- Cells where conductance <= 0 are deactivated.
- Cells where concentration < 0 are set to 0.0.
- Cells outside active domain (idomain==1) are removed.
- Align NoData: If one variable has an inactive cell in one cell, ensure
this cell is deactivated for all variables.
- River bottom elevations below model bottom of a layer are set to model
bottom of that layer.
- River bottom elevations which exceed river stage are lowered to river
idomain: xarray.DataArray | xugrid.UgridDataArray
MODFLOW 6 model domain. idomain==1 is considered active domain.
bottom: xarray.DataArray | xugrid.UgridDataArray
Grid with model bottoms
stage: xarray.DataArray | xugrid.UgridDataArray
Grid with river stages
conductance: xarray.DataArray | xugrid.UgridDataArray
Grid with conductances
bottom_elevation: xarray.DataArray | xugrid.UgridDataArray
Grid with river bottom elevations
concentration: xarray.DataArray | xugrid.UgridDataArray, optional
Optional grid with concentrations
dict[str, xarray.DataArray | xugrid.UgridDataArray]
Dict of cleaned up grids. Has keys: "stage", "conductance",
"bottom_elevation", "concentration".
# Output dict
output_dict = {
"stage": stage,
"conductance": conductance,
"bottom_elevation": bottom_elevation,
"concentration": concentration,
output_dict = _cleanup_robin_boundary(idomain, output_dict)
if (output_dict["stage"] < bottom).any():
raise ValueError(
"River stage below bottom of model layer, cannot fix this. "
"Probably rivers are assigned to the wrong layer, you can reallocate "
"river data to model layers with: "
# Ensure bottom elevation above model bottom
output_dict["bottom_elevation"], _ = align_interface_levels(
output_dict["bottom_elevation"], bottom, AlignLevelsMode.BOTTOMUP
# Ensure stage above bottom_elevation
output_dict["stage"], output_dict["bottom_elevation"] = align_interface_levels(
output_dict["stage"], output_dict["bottom_elevation"], AlignLevelsMode.TOPDOWN
return output_dict
def cleanup_drn(
idomain: GridDataArray,
elevation: GridDataArray,
conductance: GridDataArray,
concentration: Optional[GridDataArray] = None,
) -> dict[str, GridDataArray]:
Clean up drain data, fixes some common mistakes causing ValidationErrors by
doing the following:
- Cells where conductance <= 0 are deactivated.
- Cells where concentration < 0 are set to 0.0.
- Cells outside active domain (idomain==1) are removed.
- Align NoData: If one variable has an inactive cell in one cell, ensure
this cell is deactivated for all variables.
idomain: xarray.DataArray | xugrid.UgridDataArray
MODFLOW 6 model domain. idomain==1 is considered active domain.
elevation: xarray.DataArray | xugrid.UgridDataArray
Grid with drain elevations
conductance: xarray.DataArray | xugrid.UgridDataArray
Grid with conductances
concentration: xarray.DataArray | xugrid.UgridDataArray, optional
Optional grid with concentrations
dict[str, xarray.DataArray | xugrid.UgridDataArray]
Dict of cleaned up grids. Has keys: "elevation", "conductance",
# Output dict
output_dict = {
"elevation": elevation,
"conductance": conductance,
"concentration": concentration,
return _cleanup_robin_boundary(idomain, output_dict)
def cleanup_ghb(
idomain: GridDataArray,
head: GridDataArray,
conductance: GridDataArray,
concentration: Optional[GridDataArray] = None,
) -> dict[str, GridDataArray]:
Clean up general head boundary data, fixes some common mistakes causing
ValidationErrors by doing the following:
- Cells where conductance <= 0 are deactivated.
- Cells where concentration < 0 are set to 0.0.
- Cells outside active domain (idomain==1) are removed.
- Align NoData: If one variable has an inactive cell in one cell, ensure
this cell is deactivated for all variables.
idomain: xarray.DataArray | xugrid.UgridDataArray
MODFLOW 6 model domain. idomain==1 is considered active domain.
head: xarray.DataArray | xugrid.UgridDataArray
Grid with heads
conductance: xarray.DataArray | xugrid.UgridDataArray
Grid with conductances
concentration: xarray.DataArray | xugrid.UgridDataArray, optional
Optional grid with concentrations
dict[str, xarray.DataArray | xugrid.UgridDataArray]
Dict of cleaned up grids. Has keys: "head", "conductance",
# Output dict
output_dict = {
"head": head,
"conductance": conductance,
"concentration": concentration,
return _cleanup_robin_boundary(idomain, output_dict)
def _locate_wells_in_bounds(
wells: pd.DataFrame, top: GridDataArray, bottom: GridDataArray
) -> tuple[pd.DataFrame, pd.Series, pd.Series]:
Locate wells in model bounds, wells outside bounds are dropped. Returned
dataframes and series have well "id" as index.
wells_in_bounds: pd.DataFrame
wells in model boundaries. Has "id" as index.
xy_top_series: pd.Series
model top at well xy location. Has "id" as index.
xy_base_series: pd.Series
model base at well xy location. Has "id" as index.
id_in_bounds, xy_top, xy_bottom, _ = locate_wells(
wells, top, bottom, validate=False
xy_base_model = xy_bottom.isel(layer=-1, drop=True)
# Assign id as coordinates
xy_top = xy_top.assign_coords(id=("index", id_in_bounds))
xy_base_model = xy_base_model.assign_coords(id=("index", id_in_bounds))
# Create pandas dataframes/series with "id" as index.
xy_top_series = xy_top.to_dataframe(name="top").set_index("id")["top"]
xy_base_series = xy_base_model.to_dataframe(name="bottom").set_index("id")["bottom"]
wells_in_bounds = wells.set_index("id").loc[id_in_bounds]
return wells_in_bounds, xy_top_series, xy_base_series
def _clip_filter_screen_to_surface_level(
cleaned_wells: pd.DataFrame, xy_top_series: pd.Series
) -> pd.DataFrame:
cleaned_wells["screen_top"] = cleaned_wells["screen_top"].clip(upper=xy_top_series)
return cleaned_wells
def _drop_wells_below_model_base(
cleaned_wells: pd.DataFrame, xy_base_series: pd.Series
) -> pd.DataFrame:
is_below_base = cleaned_wells["screen_top"] >= xy_base_series
return cleaned_wells.loc[is_below_base]
def _clip_filter_bottom_to_model_base(
cleaned_wells: pd.DataFrame, xy_base_series: pd.Series
) -> pd.DataFrame:
cleaned_wells["screen_bottom"] = cleaned_wells["screen_bottom"].clip(
return cleaned_wells
def _set_inverted_filters_to_point_filters(cleaned_wells: pd.DataFrame) -> pd.DataFrame:
# Convert all filters where screen bottom exceeds screen top to
# point filters
cleaned_wells["screen_bottom"] = cleaned_wells["screen_bottom"].clip(
return cleaned_wells
def _set_ultrathin_filters_to_point_filters(
cleaned_wells: pd.DataFrame, minimum_thickness: float
) -> pd.DataFrame:
not_ultrathin_layer = (
cleaned_wells["screen_top"] - cleaned_wells["screen_bottom"]
) > minimum_thickness
cleaned_wells["screen_bottom"] = cleaned_wells["screen_bottom"].where(
not_ultrathin_layer, cleaned_wells["screen_top"]
return cleaned_wells
def cleanup_wel(
wells: pd.DataFrame,
top: GridDataArray,
bottom: GridDataArray,
minimum_thickness: float = 0.05,
) -> pd.DataFrame:
Clean up dataframe with wells, fixes some common mistakes in the following
1. Wells outside grid bounds are dropped
2. Filters above surface level are set to surface level
3. Drop wells with filters entirely below base
4. Clip filter screen_bottom to model base
5. Clip filter screen_bottom to screen_top
6. Well filters thinner than minimum thickness are made point filters
wells: pandas.Dataframe
Dataframe with wells to be cleaned up. Requires columns ``"x", "y",
"id", "screen_top", "screen_bottom"``
top: xarray.DataArray | xugrid.UgridDataArray
Grid with model top
bottom: xarray.DataArray | xugrid.UgridDataArray
Grid with model bottoms
minimum_thickness: float
Minimum thickness, filter thinner than this thickness are set to point
Cleaned well dataframe.
wells, names={"x", "y", "id", "screen_top", "screen_bottom"}
cleaned_wells, xy_top_series, xy_base_series = _locate_wells_in_bounds(
wells, top, bottom
cleaned_wells = _clip_filter_screen_to_surface_level(cleaned_wells, xy_top_series)
cleaned_wells = _drop_wells_below_model_base(cleaned_wells, xy_base_series)
cleaned_wells = _clip_filter_bottom_to_model_base(cleaned_wells, xy_base_series)
cleaned_wells = _set_inverted_filters_to_point_filters(cleaned_wells)
cleaned_wells = _set_ultrathin_filters_to_point_filters(
cleaned_wells, minimum_thickness
return cleaned_wells