from typing import TextIO
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import xarray as xr
from imod.mf6.dis import StructuredDiscretization
from imod.mf6.interfaces.iregridpackage import IRegridPackage
from imod.mf6.mf6_wel_adapter import Mf6Wel
from imod.msw.fixed_format import VariableMetaData
from imod.msw.pkgbase import MetaSwapPackage
from imod.msw.regrid.regrid_schemes import SprinklingRegridMethod
from imod.msw.utilities.common import concat_imod5
from imod.typing import GridDataDict, Imod5DataDict, IntArray, SelSettingsType
from imod.typing.grid import zeros_like
def _ravel_per_subunit(da: xr.DataArray) -> np.ndarray:
# per defined well element, all subunits
array_out = da.to_numpy().ravel()
# per defined well element, per defined subunits
return array_out[np.isfinite(array_out)]
def _sprinkling_data_from_imod5_ipf(cap_data: GridDataDict) -> GridDataDict:
raise NotImplementedError(
"Assigning sprinkling wells with an IPF file is not supported, please specify them as IDF."
def _sprinkling_data_from_imod5_grid(cap_data: GridDataDict) -> GridDataDict:
drop_layer_kwargs: SelSettingsType = {
"layer": 0,
"drop": True,
"missing_dims": "ignore",
type = cap_data["artificial_recharge"].isel(**drop_layer_kwargs)
capacity = cap_data["artificial_recharge_capacity"].isel(**drop_layer_kwargs)
from_groundwater = type == 1
from_surfacewater = type == 2
is_active = type != 0
zero_where_active = zeros_like(type).where(is_active)
# Add zero where active, to have active cells set to 0.0.
max_abstraction_groundwater_rural = zero_where_active.where(
~from_groundwater, capacity
max_abstraction_surfacewater_rural = zero_where_active.where(
~from_surfacewater, capacity
# No sprinkling for urban environments
max_abstraction_urban = zero_where_active
data = {}
data["max_abstraction_groundwater"] = concat_imod5(
max_abstraction_groundwater_rural, max_abstraction_urban
data["max_abstraction_surfacewater"] = concat_imod5(
max_abstraction_surfacewater_rural, max_abstraction_urban
return data
class Sprinkling(MetaSwapPackage, IRegridPackage):
This contains the sprinkling capacities of links between SVAT units and
groundwater/surface water locations.
This class is responsible for the file `scap_svat.inp`
max_abstraction_groundwater: array of floats (xr.DataArray)
Describes the maximum abstraction of groundwater to SVAT units in m3 per
day. This array must not have a subunit coordinate.
max_abstraction_surfacewater: array of floats (xr.DataArray)
Describes the maximum abstraction of surfacewater to SVAT units in m3
per day. This array must not have a subunit coordinate.
_file_name = "scap_svat.inp"
_metadata_dict = {
"svat": VariableMetaData(10, 1, 99999999, int),
"max_abstraction_groundwater_mm_d": VariableMetaData(8, None, None, str),
"max_abstraction_surfacewater_mm_d": VariableMetaData(8, None, None, str),
"max_abstraction_groundwater": VariableMetaData(8, 0.0, 1e9, float),
"max_abstraction_surfacewater": VariableMetaData(8, 0.0, 1e9, float),
"svat_groundwater": VariableMetaData(10, 1, 99999999, int),
"layer": VariableMetaData(6, 1, 9999, int),
"trajectory": VariableMetaData(10, None, None, str),
_with_subunit = (
_without_subunit = ()
_to_fill = (
_regrid_method = SprinklingRegridMethod()
def __init__(
max_abstraction_groundwater: xr.DataArray,
max_abstraction_surfacewater: xr.DataArray,
self.dataset["max_abstraction_groundwater"] = max_abstraction_groundwater
self.dataset["max_abstraction_surfacewater"] = max_abstraction_surfacewater
def _render(
file: TextIO,
index: IntArray,
svat: xr.DataArray,
mf6_dis: StructuredDiscretization,
mf6_well: Mf6Wel,
if not isinstance(mf6_well, Mf6Wel):
raise TypeError(rf"well not of type 'Mf6Wel', got '{type(mf6_well)}'")
well_cellid = mf6_well["cellid"]
well_layer = well_cellid.sel(dim_cellid="layer").data
well_row = well_cellid.sel(dim_cellid="row").data - 1
well_column = well_cellid.sel(dim_cellid="column").data - 1
max_rate_per_svat = self.dataset["max_abstraction_groundwater"].where(svat > 0)
well_layer_per_svat = xr.full_like(max_rate_per_svat, np.nan)
well_layer_per_svat.values[:, well_row, well_column] = well_layer
is_active_per_svat = (max_rate_per_svat > 0) & well_layer_per_svat.notnull()
layer_active = well_layer_per_svat.where(is_active_per_svat)
layer_source = _ravel_per_subunit(layer_active).astype(dtype=np.int32)
svat_active = svat.where(is_active_per_svat)
svat_source_target = _ravel_per_subunit(svat_active).astype(dtype=np.int32)
data_dict: dict[str, str | np.ndarray] = {
"svat": svat_source_target,
"layer": layer_source,
"svat_groundwater": svat_source_target,
for var in self._with_subunit:
data_with_well = self.dataset[var].where(is_active_per_svat)
data_dict[var] = _ravel_per_subunit(data_with_well)
for var in self._to_fill:
data_dict[var] = ""
dataframe = pd.DataFrame(
data=data_dict, columns=list(self._metadata_dict.keys())
return self.write_dataframe_fixed_width(file, dataframe)
def from_imod5_data(cls, imod5_data: Imod5DataDict) -> "Sprinkling":
Import sprinkling data from imod5 data. Abstraction data for sprinkling
is defined in iMOD5 either with grids (IDF) or points (IPF) combined
with a grid. Depending on the type, the method does different conversions:
- grids (IDF)
The ``"artifical_recharge_layer"`` variable was defined as grid
(IDF), this grid defines in which layer a groundwater abstraction
well should be placed. The ``"artificial_recharge"`` grid contains
types which point to the type of abstraction:
* 0: no abstraction
* 1: groundwater abstraction
* 2: surfacewater abstraction
The ``"artificial_recharge_capacity"`` grid/constant defines the
capacity of each groundwater or surfacewater abstraction. This is an
``1:1`` mapping: Each grid cell maps to a separate well.
- points with grid (IPF & IDF)
The ``"artifical_recharge_layer"`` variable was defined as point
data (IPF), this table contains wellids with an abstraction capacity
and layer. The ``"artificial_recharge"`` grid contains a mapping of
grid cells to wellids in the point data. The
``"artificial_recharge_capacity"`` is ignored as the abstraction
capacity is already defined in the point data. This is an ``n:1``
mapping: multiple grid cells can map to one well.
imod5_data: dict[str, dict[str, GridDataArray]]
dictionary containing the arrays mentioned in the project file as
xarray datasets, under the key of the package type to which it
belongs, as returned by
Sprinkling package
cap_data = imod5_data["cap"]
if isinstance(cap_data["artificial_recharge_layer"], pd.DataFrame):
data = _sprinkling_data_from_imod5_ipf(cap_data)
data = _sprinkling_data_from_imod5_grid(cap_data)
return cls(**data)