Source code for imod.msw.model

import collections
from copy import copy
from pathlib import Path
from typing import Union

import jinja2
import numpy as np

from imod.msw.coupler_mapping import CouplerMapping
from imod.msw.grid_data import GridData
from imod.msw.idf_mapping import IdfMapping
from imod.msw.infiltration import Infiltration
from imod.msw.initial_conditions import (
from imod.msw.landuse import LanduseOptions
from imod.msw.meteo_grid import MeteoGrid
from imod.msw.meteo_mapping import EvapotranspirationMapping, PrecipitationMapping
from imod.msw.output_control import TimeOutputControl
from imod.msw.timeutil import to_metaswap_timeformat
from imod.msw.vegetation import AnnualCropFactors



    "vegetation_mdl": 1,
    "evapotranspiration_mdl": 1,
    "saltstress_mdl": 0,
    "surfacewater_mdl": 0,
    "infilimsat_opt": 0,
    "netcdf_per": 0,
    "postmsw_opt": 0,
    "dtgw": 1.0,
    "dtsw": 1.0,
    "ipstep": 2,
    "nxlvage_dim": 366,
    "co2": 404.32,
    "fact_beta2": 1.0,
    "rcsoil": 0.15,
    "iterur1": 3,
    "iterur2": 5,
    "tdbgsm": 91.0,
    "tdedsm": 270.0,
    "clocktime": 0,

class Model(collections.UserDict):
    def __setitem__(self, key, value):
        # TODO: Add packagecheck
        super().__setitem__(key, value)

    def update(self, *args, **kwargs):
        for k, v in dict(*args, **kwargs).items():
            self[k] = v

[docs] class MetaSwapModel(Model): """ Contains data and writes consistent model input files Parameters ---------- unsaturated_database: Path-like or str Path to the MetaSWAP soil physical database folder. """ _pkg_id = "model" _file_name = "para_sim.inp" _template = jinja2.Template( "{%for setting, value in settings.items()%}" "{{setting}} = {{value}}\n" "{%endfor%}" )
[docs] def __init__(self, unsaturated_database): super().__init__() self.simulation_settings = copy(DEFAULT_SETTINGS) self.simulation_settings["unsa_svat_path"] = ( self._render_unsaturated_database_path(unsaturated_database) )
def _render_unsaturated_database_path(self, unsaturated_database): # Force to Path object unsaturated_database = Path(unsaturated_database) # Render to string for MetaSWAP if unsaturated_database.is_absolute(): return f'"{unsaturated_database}\\"' else: # TODO: Test if this is how MetaSWAP accepts relative paths return f'"${unsaturated_database}\\"' def _check_required_packages(self): pkg_types_included = {type(pkg) for pkg in self.values()} missing_packages = set(REQUIRED_PACKAGES) - pkg_types_included if len(missing_packages) > 0: raise ValueError( f"Missing the following required packages: {missing_packages}" ) initial_condition_set = pkg_types_included & set(INITIAL_CONDITIONS_PACKAGES) if len(initial_condition_set) < 1: raise ValueError( "Missing InitialCondition package, assign one of " f"{INITIAL_CONDITIONS_PACKAGES}" ) elif len(initial_condition_set) > 1: raise ValueError( "Multiple InitialConditions assigned, choose one of " f"{initial_condition_set}" ) def _check_landuse_indices_in_lookup_options(self): grid_key = self._get_pkg_key(GridData) landuse_options_key = self._get_pkg_key(LanduseOptions) indices_in_grid = set(self[grid_key]["landuse"].values.ravel()) indices_in_options = set( self[landuse_options_key].dataset.coords["landuse_index"].values ) missing_indices = indices_in_grid - indices_in_options if len(missing_indices) > 0: raise ValueError( "Found the following landuse indices in GridData which " f"were not in LanduseOptions: {missing_indices}" ) def _check_vegetation_indices_in_annual_crop_factors(self): landuse_options_key = self._get_pkg_key(LanduseOptions) annual_crop_factors_key = self._get_pkg_key(AnnualCropFactors) indices_in_options = set( np.unique(self[landuse_options_key]["vegetation_index"]) ) indices_in_crop_factors = set( self[annual_crop_factors_key].dataset.coords["vegetation_index"].values ) missing_indices = indices_in_options - indices_in_crop_factors if len(missing_indices) > 0: raise ValueError( "Found the following vegetation indices in LanduseOptions " f"which were not in AnnualCropGrowth: {missing_indices}" ) def _get_starttime(self): """ Loop over all packages to get the minimum time. MetaSWAP requires a starttime in its simulation settings (para_sim.inp) """ starttimes = [] for pkgname in self: ds = self[pkgname].dataset if "time" in ds.coords: starttimes.append(ds["time"].min().values) starttime = min(starttimes) year, time_since_start_year = to_metaswap_timeformat([starttime]) year = int(year.values) time_since_start_year = float(time_since_start_year.values) return year, time_since_start_year def _get_pkg_key(self, pkg_type: type, optional_package: bool = False): for pkg_key, pkg in self.items(): if isinstance(pkg, pkg_type): return pkg_key if not optional_package: raise KeyError(f"Could not find package of type: {pkg_type}") def write(self, directory: Union[str, Path]): """ Write packages and simulation settings (para_sim.inp). Parameters ---------- directory: Path or str directory to write model in. """ # Model checks self._check_required_packages() self._check_vegetation_indices_in_annual_crop_factors() self._check_landuse_indices_in_lookup_options() # Force to Path directory = Path(directory) directory.mkdir(exist_ok=True, parents=True) # Add time settings year, time_since_start_year = self._get_starttime() self.simulation_settings["iybg"] = year self.simulation_settings["tdbg"] = time_since_start_year # Add IdfMapping settings idf_key = self._get_pkg_key(IdfMapping) self.simulation_settings.update(self[idf_key].get_output_settings()) filename = directory / self._file_name with open(filename, "w") as f: rendered = self._template.render(settings=self.simulation_settings) f.write(rendered) # Get index and svat grid_key = self._get_pkg_key(GridData) index, svat = self[grid_key].generate_index_array() # write package contents for pkgname in self: self[pkgname].write(directory, index, svat)