Source code for imod.msw.grid_data

import numpy as np
import xarray as xr

from imod.msw.fixed_format import VariableMetaData
from imod.msw.pkgbase import MetaSwapPackage
from imod.util.spatial import spatial_reference

[docs] class GridData(MetaSwapPackage): """ This contains the grid data of MetaSWAP. This class is responsible for the file `area_svat.inp` Parameters ---------- area: array of floats (xr.DataArray) Describes the area of SVAT units. This array must have a subunit coordinate to describe different landuses. landuse: array of integers (xr.DataArray) Describes the landuse type of SVAT units. This array must have a subunit coordinate. rootzone_depth: array of floats (xr.DataArray) Describes the rootzone depth of SVAT units. This array must have a subunit coordinate to describe different landuses. surface_elevation: array of floats (xr.DataArray) Describes the surface elevation of SVAT units. This array must not have a subunit coordinate. soil_physical_unit: array of integers (xr.DataArray) Describes the physical parameters of SVAT units. These parameters will be looked up in a table according to the given integers. This array must not have a subunit coordinate. active: array of bools (xr.DataArray) Describes whether SVAT units are active or not. This array must not have a subunit coordinate. """ _file_name = "area_svat.inp" _metadata_dict = { "svat": VariableMetaData(10, 1, 99999999, int), "area": VariableMetaData(10, 0.0, 999999.0, float), "surface_elevation": VariableMetaData(8, -9999.0, 9999.0, float), "temp": VariableMetaData(8, None, None, str), "soil_physical_unit": VariableMetaData(6, 1, 999999, int), "soil_physical_unit_string": VariableMetaData(16, None, None, str), "landuse": VariableMetaData(6, 1, 999999, int), "rootzone_depth": VariableMetaData(8, 0.0, 10.0, float), } _with_subunit = ("area", "landuse", "rootzone_depth") _without_subunit = ("surface_elevation", "soil_physical_unit") _to_fill = ("soil_physical_unit_string", "temp")
[docs] def __init__( self, area: xr.DataArray, landuse: xr.DataArray, rootzone_depth: xr.DataArray, surface_elevation: xr.DataArray, soil_physical_unit: xr.DataArray, active: xr.DataArray, ): super().__init__() self.dataset["area"] = area self.dataset["landuse"] = landuse self.dataset["rootzone_depth"] = rootzone_depth self.dataset["surface_elevation"] = surface_elevation self.dataset["soil_physical_unit"] = soil_physical_unit self.dataset["active"] = active self._pkgcheck()
def generate_index_array(self): """ Generate index arrays to be used on other packages """ area = self.dataset["area"] active = self.dataset["active"] isactive = area.where(active).notnull() index = isactive.values.ravel() svat = xr.full_like(area, fill_value=0, dtype=np.int64).rename("svat") svat.values[isactive.values] = np.arange(1, index.sum() + 1) return index, svat def _pkgcheck(self): super()._pkgcheck() dx, _, _, dy, _, _ = spatial_reference(self.dataset) if (not np.isscalar(dx)) or (not np.isscalar(dy)): raise ValueError("MetaSWAP only supports equidistant grids") active = self.dataset["active"] cell_area = active.astype(float) * dx * abs(dy) total_area = self.dataset["area"].sum(dim="subunit") # Apparently all regional models intentionally provided area grids # smaller than cell area, to allow surface waters as workaround. unequal_area = (total_area > cell_area).values[active.values] if np.any(unequal_area): raise ValueError( "Provided area grid with total areas larger than cell area" )