Source code for imod.mf6.model_gwf

from __future__ import annotations

from typing import Optional

import cftime
import numpy as np

from imod.logging import init_log_decorator
from imod.mf6 import ConstantHead
from imod.mf6.clipped_boundary_condition_creator import create_clipped_boundary
from imod.mf6.model import Modflow6Model
from imod.typing import GridDataArray

[docs] class GroundwaterFlowModel(Modflow6Model): """ The GroundwaterFlowModel (GWF) simulates flow of (liquid) groundwater. More information can be found here: Parameters ---------- listing_file: Optional[str] = None name of the listing file to create for this GWF model. If not specified, then the name of the list file will be the basename of the GWF model name file and the 'lst' extension. print_input: bool = False keyword to indicate that the list of all model stress package information will be written to the listing file immediately after it is read. print_flows: bool = False keyword to indicate that the list of all model package flow rates will be printed to the listing file for every stress period time step in which "BUDGET PRINT" is specified in Output Control. save_flows: bool = False indicate that all model package flow terms will be written to the file specified with "BUDGET FILEOUT" in Output Control. newton: bool = False activates the Newton-Raphson formulation for groundwater flow between connected, convertible groundwater cells and stress packages that support calculation of Newton-Raphson terms for groundwater exchanges. under_relaxation: bool = False, indicates whether the groundwater head in a cell will be under-relaxed when water levels fall below the bottom of the model below any given cell. By default, Newton-Raphson UNDER_RELAXATION is not applied. """ _mandatory_packages = ("npf", "ic", "oc", "sto") _model_id = "gwf6" _template = Modflow6Model._initialize_template("gwf-nam.j2")
[docs] @init_log_decorator() def __init__( self, listing_file: Optional[str] = None, print_input: bool = False, print_flows: bool = False, save_flows: bool = False, newton: bool = False, under_relaxation: bool = False, ): super().__init__() self._options = { "listing_file": listing_file, "print_input": print_input, "print_flows": print_flows, "save_flows": save_flows, "newton": newton, "under_relaxation": under_relaxation, }
def clip_box( self, time_min: Optional[cftime.datetime | np.datetime64 | str] = None, time_max: Optional[cftime.datetime | np.datetime64 | str] = None, layer_min: Optional[int] = None, layer_max: Optional[int] = None, x_min: Optional[float] = None, x_max: Optional[float] = None, y_min: Optional[float] = None, y_max: Optional[float] = None, state_for_boundary: Optional[GridDataArray] = None, ): clipped = super().clip_box( time_min, time_max, layer_min, layer_max, x_min, x_max, y_min, y_max ) clipped_boundary_condition = self.__create_boundary_condition_clipped_boundary( self, clipped, state_for_boundary ) if clipped_boundary_condition is not None: clipped["chd_clipped"] = clipped_boundary_condition clipped.purge_empty_packages() return clipped def __create_boundary_condition_clipped_boundary( self, original_model: Modflow6Model, clipped_model: Modflow6Model, state_for_boundary: Optional[GridDataArray], ): unassigned_boundary_original_domain = ( self.__create_boundary_condition_for_unassigned_boundary( original_model, state_for_boundary ) ) return self.__create_boundary_condition_for_unassigned_boundary( clipped_model, state_for_boundary, [unassigned_boundary_original_domain] ) @staticmethod def __create_boundary_condition_for_unassigned_boundary( model: Modflow6Model, state_for_boundary: Optional[GridDataArray], additional_boundaries: Optional[list[ConstantHead]] = None, ): if state_for_boundary is None: return None constant_head_packages = [ pkg for name, pkg in model.items() if isinstance(pkg, ConstantHead) ] additional_boundaries = [ item for item in additional_boundaries or [] if item is not None ] constant_head_packages.extend(additional_boundaries) return create_clipped_boundary( model.domain, state_for_boundary, constant_head_packages ) def is_use_newton(self): return self._options["newton"] def set_newton(self, is_newton: bool) -> None: self._options["newton"] = is_newton def update_buoyancy_package(self, transport_models_per_flow_model) -> None: """ If the simulation is partitioned, then the buoyancy package, if present, must be updated for the renamed transport models. """ buoyancy_key = self._get_pkgkey("buy") if buoyancy_key is None: return buoyancy_package = self[buoyancy_key] transport_models_old = buoyancy_package.get_transport_model_names() if len(transport_models_old) == len(transport_models_per_flow_model): buoyancy_package.update_transport_models(transport_models_per_flow_model)