Source code for

from typing import Optional, Sequence

import numpy as np
import xarray as xr

from imod.logging import init_log_decorator
from imod.mf6.package import Package
from imod.schemata import DTypeSchema

def assign_index(arg):
    if isinstance(arg, xr.DataArray):
        arg = arg.values
    elif not isinstance(arg, (np.ndarray, list, tuple)):
        raise TypeError("should be a tuple, list, or numpy array")

    arr = np.array(arg)
    if arr.ndim != 1:
        raise ValueError("should be 1D")

    return xr.DataArray(arr, dims=("index",))

[docs] class Buoyancy(Package): """ Buoyancy package. This package must be included when performing variable density simulation. Note that ``reference_density`` is a single value, but ``density_concentration_slope``, ``reference_concentration`` and ``modelname`` require an entry for every active species. Please refer to the examples. Parameters ---------- reference_density: float, fluid reference density used in the equation of state. density_concentration_slope: sequence of floats Slope of the (linear) density concentration line used in the density equation of state. reference_concentration: sequence of floats Reference concentration used in the density equation of state. modelname: sequence of strings, Name of the GroundwaterTransport (GWT) model used for the concentrations. species: sequence of str, Name of the species used to calculate a density value. hhformulation_rhs: bool, optional. use the variable-density hydraulic head formulation and add off-diagonal terms to the right-hand. This option will prevent the BUY Package from adding asymmetric terms to the flow matrix. Default value is ``False``. densityfile: name of the binary output file to write density information. The density file has the same format as the head file. Density values will be written to the density file whenever heads are written to the binary head file. The settings for controlling head output are contained in the Output Control option. validate: {True, False} Flag to indicate whether the package should be validated upon initialization. This raises a ValidationError if package input is provided in the wrong manner. Defaults to True. Examples -------- The buoyancy input for a single species called "salinity", which is simulated by a GWT model called "gwt-1" are specified as follows: >>> buy = imod.mf6.Buoyance( ... reference_density=1000.0, ... density_concentration_slope=[0.025], ... reference_concentration=[0.0], ... modelname=["gwt-1"], ... species=["salinity"], ... ) Multiple species can be specified by presenting multiple values with an associated species coordinate. Two species, called "c1" and "c2", simulated by the GWT models "gwt-1" and "gwt-2" are specified as: >>> coords = {"species": ["c1", "c2"]} >>> buy = imod.mf6.Buoyance( ... reference_density=1000.0, ... density_concentration_slope=[0.025, 0.01], ... reference_concentration=[0.0, 0.0], ... modelname=["gwt-1", "gwt-2"], ... species=["c1", "c2"], ... ) """ _pkg_id = "buy" _template = Package._initialize_template(_pkg_id) _init_schemata = { "reference_density": [DTypeSchema(np.floating)], "density_concentration_slope": [DTypeSchema(np.floating)], "reference_concentration": [DTypeSchema(np.floating)], } _write_schemata = {}
[docs] @init_log_decorator() def __init__( self, reference_density: float, density_concentration_slope: Sequence[float], reference_concentration: Sequence[float], modelname: Sequence[str], species: Sequence[str], hhformulation_rhs: bool = False, densityfile: Optional[str] = None, validate: bool = True, ): dict_dataset = { "reference_density": reference_density, # Assign a shared index: this also forces equal lenghts "density_concentration_slope": assign_index(density_concentration_slope), "reference_concentration": assign_index(reference_concentration), "modelname": assign_index(modelname), "species": assign_index(species), "hhformulation_rhs": hhformulation_rhs, "densityfile": densityfile, } super().__init__(dict_dataset) self._validate_init_schemata(validate)
def render(self, directory, pkgname, globaltimes, binary): ds = self.dataset packagedata = [] for i, (a, b, c, d) in enumerate( zip( ds["density_concentration_slope"].values, ds["reference_concentration"].values, ds["modelname"].values, ds["species"].values, ) ): packagedata.append((i + 1, a, b, c, d)) d = { "nrhospecies": self.dataset["species"].size, "packagedata": packagedata, } for varname in ["hhformulation_rhs", "reference_density", "densityfile"]: value = self.dataset[varname].values[()] if self._valid(value): d[varname] = value return self._template.render(d) def update_transport_models(self, new_modelnames: Sequence[str]): """ The names of the transport models can change in some cases, for example when partitioning. Use this function to update the names of the transport models. """ transport_model_names = self.get_transport_model_names() if not len(transport_model_names) == len(new_modelnames): raise ValueError("the number of transport models cannot be changed.") for modelname, new_modelname in zip(transport_model_names, new_modelnames): if modelname not in new_modelname: raise ValueError( "new transport model names do not match the old ones. The new names should be equal to the old ones, with a suffix." ) self.dataset["modelname"] = assign_index(new_modelnames) def get_transport_model_names(self) -> list[str]: """ Returns the names of the transport models used by this buoyancy package. """ return list(self.dataset["modelname"].values)