Source code for imod.flow.cap

import os
import pathlib

import jinja2

from imod.flow.pkgbase import Package

[docs] class MetaSwap(Package): """ The MetaSWAP package (CAP), provides the input to be converted to a MetaSWAP model, which is an external model code used to simulate the unsaturated zone. Note that only two-dimensional DataArrays with dimensions ``("y", "x")`` should be supplied to this package. In the current implementation time-related files are provided as external files ("extra files"). Similar to the iMODFLOW implementation of the projectfile. For now these need to be provided as a path. MetaSWAP is developed by Alterra, Wageningen as part of the SIMGRO model code. The SIMGRO framework is intended for regions with an undulating topography and unconsolidated sediments in the (shallow) subsoil. Both shallow and deep groundwater levels can be modelled by MetaSWAP. This model is based on a simplification of ‘straight Richards’, meaning that no special processes like hysteresis, preferential flow and bypass flow are modelled. Snow is not modelled, and neither the influence of frost on the soil water conductivity. A perched watertable can be present in the SVAT column model, but interflow is not modelled. Processes that are typical for steep slopes are not included. The code contains several parameterized water management schemes, including irrigation and water level management. References: * Van Walsum, P. E. V., 2017a. SIMGRO V7.3.3.2, Input and Output reference manual. Tech. Rep. Alterra-Report 913.3, Alterra, Wageningen. 98 pp. * Van Walsum, P. E. V., 2017b. SIMGRO V7.3.3.2, Users Guide. Tech. Rep. Alterra-Report 913.2, Alterra, Wageningen. 111 pp. * Van Walsum, P. E. V. and P. Groenendijk, 2008. "Quasi Steady-State Simulation on of the Unsaturated Zone in Groundwater Modeling of Lowland Regions." Vadose Zone Journal 7: 769-778. * Van Walsum, P. E. V., A. A. Veldhuizen and P. Groenendijk, 2016. SIMGRO V7.2.27, Theory and model implementation. Tech. Rep. Alterra-Report 913.1, Alterra, Wageningen. 93 pp 491. Parameters ---------- boundary : int or xr.DataArray of ints 2D boundary, used to specify active MetaSWAP elements, similar to ibound in the Boundary package landuse : int or xr.DataArray of ints Landuse codes, referred to in the lookup table file luse_mswp.inp rootzone_thickness : float or xr.DataArray of floats Rootzone thickness in cm (min. value is 10 centimeter). soil_physical_unit : int or xr.DataArray of ints Soil Physical Unit, referred to in the lookup table file fact_mswp.inp. meteo_station_number : float or xr.DataArray of ints Meteo station number, referred to by mete_mswp.inp. surface_elevation : float or xr.DataArray of floats Surface Elevation (m+MSL) sprinkling_type : int or xr.DataArray of ints Sprinkling type ("Artificial Recharge Type" in iMOD manual): * 0 = no occurrence * 1 = from groundwater * 2 = from surface water sprinkling_layer : int or xr.DataArray of ints Number of modellayer from which water is extracted ("Artificial Recharge Location" in iMOD manual) sprinkling_capacity : float or xr.DataArray of floats Sprinkling capacity (mm/d) sets the maximum amount extracted for sprinkling ("Artificial Recharge Capacity" in iMOD manual) wetted_area : float or xr.DataArray of floats Total area (m2) occupied by surface water elements. Values will be truncated by maximum cellsize. urban_area : float or xr.DataArray of floats Total area (m2) occupied by urban area. Values will be truncated by maximum cellsize. ponding_depth_urban : float or xr.DataArray of floats Ponding Depth Urban Area (m), specifying the acceptable depth of the ponding of water on the surface in the urban area before surface runoff occurs. ponding_depth_rural : float or xr.DataArray of floats Ponding Depth Rural Area (m), specifying the acceptable depth of the ponding of water on the surface in the rural area before surface runoff occurs. runoff_resistance_urban : float or xr.DataArray of floats Runoff Resistance Urban Area (day), specifying the resistance surface flow encounters in the urban area. The minimum value is equal to the model time period. runoff_resistance_rural : float or xr.DataArray of floats Runoff Resistance Rural Area (day), specifying the resistance surface flow encounters in the rural area. The minimum value is equal to the model time period. runon_resistance_urban : float or xr.DataArray of floats Runon Resistance Urban Area (day), specifying the resistance surface flow encounters to a model cell from an adjacent cell in the urban area. The minimum value is equal to the model time period. runon_resistance_rural : float or xr.DataArray of floats Runon Resistance Rural Area (day), specifying the resistance surface flow encounters to a model cell from an adjacent cell in the rural area. The minimum value is equal to the model time period. infiltration_capacity_urban : float or xr.DataArray of floats the infiltration capacity (m/d) of the soil surface in the urban area. The range is 0-1000 m/d. The NoDataValue -9999 indicates unlimited infiltration is possible. infiltration_capacity_rural : float or xr.DataArray of floats the infiltration capacity (m/d) of the soil surface in the urban area. The range is 0-1000 m/d. The NoDataValue -9999 indicates unlimited infiltration is possible. perched_water_table : float or xr.DataArray of floats Depth of the perched water table level (m) soil_moisture_factor : float Soil Moisture Factor to adjust the soil moisture coefficient. This factor may be used during calibration. Default value is 1.0. conductivity_factor : float Conductivity Factor to adjust the vertical conductivity. This factor may be used during calibration. Default value is 1.0. lookup_and_forcing_files : list of pathlib.Path or str List of paths to files required by MetaSWAP. This a list of lookup tables and meteorological information that is required by MetaSwap. Note that MetaSwap looks for files with a specific name, so calling "luse_svat.inp" something else will result in errors. To view the files required, you can call: ``print(MetaSwap()._required_extra)`` """ _pkg_id = "cap" _variable_order = [ "boundary", "landuse", "rootzone_thickness", "soil_physical_unit", "meteo_station_number", "surface_elevation", "sprinkling_type", "sprinkling_layer", "sprinkling_capacity", "wetted_area", "urban_area", "ponding_depth_urban", "ponding_depth_rural", "runoff_resistance_urban", "runoff_resistance_rural", "runon_resistance_urban", "runon_resistance_rural", "infiltration_capacity_urban", "infiltration_capacity_rural", "perched_water_table", "soil_moisture_factor", "conductivity_factor", ] _template_projectfile = jinja2.Template( "0001, ({{pkg_id}}), 1, {{name}}, {{variable_order}}\n" '{{"{:03d}".format(variable_order|length)}}, {{"{:03d}".format(n_entry)}}\n' "{%- for variable in variable_order%}\n" # Preserve variable order "{%- for layer, value in package_data[variable].items()%}\n" "{%- if value is string %}\n" # If string then assume path: # 1 indicates the layer is activated # 2 indicates the second element of the final two elements should be read # 1.000 is the multiplication factor # 0.000 is the addition factor # -9999 indicates there is no data, following iMOD usual practice '1, 2, {{"{:03d}".format(layer)}}, 1.000, 0.000, -9999., {{value}}\n' "{%- else %}\n" # Else assume a constant value is provided '1, 1, {{"{:03d}".format(layer)}}, 1.000, 0.000, {{value}}, ""\n' "{%- endif %}\n" "{%- endfor %}\n" "{%- endfor %}\n" # Section for EXTRA FILES comes below '{{"{:03d}".format(lookup_and_forcing_files|length)}},extra files\n' "{%- for file in lookup_and_forcing_files %}\n" "{{file}}\n" "{%- endfor %}\n" ) # TODO: Check which of these actually are required. _required_extra = [ "fact_svat.inp", "luse_svat.inp", "mete_grid.inp", "para_sim.inp", "tiop_sim.inp", "init_svat.inp", "comp_post.inp", "sel_key_svat_per.inp", ]
[docs] def __init__( self, boundary, landuse, rootzone_thickness, soil_physical_unit, meteo_station_number, surface_elevation, sprinkling_type, sprinkling_layer, sprinkling_capacity, wetted_area, urban_area, ponding_depth_urban, ponding_depth_rural, runoff_resistance_urban, runoff_resistance_rural, runon_resistance_urban, runon_resistance_rural, infiltration_capacity_urban, infiltration_capacity_rural, perched_water_table, lookup_and_forcing_files, soil_moisture_factor=1.0, conductivity_factor=1.0, ): super().__init__() self.dataset["boundary"] = boundary self.dataset["landuse"] = landuse self.dataset["rootzone_thickness"] = rootzone_thickness self.dataset["soil_physical_unit"] = soil_physical_unit self.dataset["meteo_station_number"] = meteo_station_number self.dataset["surface_elevation"] = surface_elevation self.dataset["sprinkling_type"] = sprinkling_type self.dataset["sprinkling_layer"] = sprinkling_layer self.dataset["sprinkling_capacity"] = sprinkling_capacity self.dataset["wetted_area"] = wetted_area self.dataset["urban_area"] = urban_area self.dataset["ponding_depth_urban"] = ponding_depth_urban self.dataset["ponding_depth_rural"] = ponding_depth_rural self.dataset["runoff_resistance_urban"] = runoff_resistance_urban self.dataset["runoff_resistance_rural"] = runoff_resistance_rural self.dataset["runon_resistance_urban"] = runon_resistance_urban self.dataset["runon_resistance_rural"] = runon_resistance_rural self.dataset["infiltration_capacity_urban"] = infiltration_capacity_urban self.dataset["infiltration_capacity_rural"] = infiltration_capacity_rural self.dataset["perched_water_table"] = perched_water_table self.dataset["soil_moisture_factor"] = soil_moisture_factor self.dataset["conductivity_factor"] = conductivity_factor self.lookup_and_forcing_files = lookup_and_forcing_files
def _force_absolute_path(self, f): """Force absolute path, because projectfile cannot handle relative paths""" return str(pathlib.Path(f).resolve()) def _render_projectfile(self, **kwargs): """ Returns ------- rendered : str The rendered projfectfile part, if part of PkgGroup: for a single boundary condition system. """ lookup_and_forcing_files = [ self._force_absolute_path(file) for file in self.lookup_and_forcing_files ] kwargs["lookup_and_forcing_files"] = lookup_and_forcing_files return self._template_projectfile.render(**kwargs) def check_lookup_and_forcing_files(self): """Check for presence of required MetaSWAP input files.""" filenames = {os.path.basename(f) for f in self.lookup_and_forcing_files} missing_files = set(self._required_extra) - filenames if len(missing_files) > 0: raise ValueError(f"Missing MetaSWAP input files {missing_files}") def _pkgcheck(self, active_cells=None): # Dataset.dims does not return a tuple, like DataArray does. # # Frozen(SortedKeysDict).keys() does not preserve ordering in keys # Therefore convert to set and check for symmetric difference, # to see if any dimensions are missing or unexpected dimensions are included. dims = set(self.dataset.dims.keys()) if len(dims.symmetric_difference(("y", "x"))) > 0: raise ValueError(f'Dataset dims not ("y", "x"), instead got {dims}') self.check_lookup_and_forcing_files()