Source code for hydromt_wflow.workflows.waterbodies

"""Waterbody workflows for Wflow plugin."""

import json
import logging

import geopandas as gp
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import shapely
import xarray as xr

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

__all__ = ["waterbodymaps", "reservoirattrs", "lakeattrs"]

[docs] def waterbodymaps( gdf, ds_like, wb_type="reservoir", uparea_name="uparea", logger=logger, ): """Return waterbody (reservoir/lake) maps (see list below). At model resolution based on gridded upstream area data input or outlet coordinates. The following waterbody maps are calculated: - resareas/lakeareas : waterbody areas mask [ID] - reslocs/lakelocs : waterbody outlets [ID] Parameters ---------- gdf : geopandas.GeoDataFrame GeoDataFrame containing reservoirs/lakes geometries and attributes. ds_like : xarray.DataArray Dataset at model resolution. uparea_name : str, optional Name of uparea variable in ds_like. If None then database coordinates will be used to setup outlets wb_type : str, optional either "reservoir" or "lake" Option to change the name of the maps depending on reservoir or lake Returns ------- ds_out : xarray.DataArray Dataset containing gridded waterbody data """ # Rasterize the GeoDataFrame to get the areas mask of waterbodies res_id = gdf["waterbody_id"].values da_wbmask = ds_like.raster.rasterize( gdf, col_name="waterbody_id", nodata=-999, all_touched=True, dtype=None, sindex=False, ) da_wbmask = da_wbmask.rename("resareas") da_wbmask.attrs.update(_FillValue=-999) ds_out = da_wbmask.to_dataset() if not np.all(np.isin(res_id, ds_out["resareas"])): gdf = gdf.loc[np.isin(res_id, ds_out["resareas"])] nskipped = res_id.size - gdf.index.size res_id = gdf["waterbody_id"].values logger.warning( f"{nskipped} reservoirs are not succesfully rasterized and skipped!!" " Consider increasing the lakes min_area threshold." ) # Initialize the waterbody outlet map ds_out["reslocs"] = xr.full_like(ds_out["resareas"], -999) # If an upstream area map is present in the model, gets outlets coordinates using/ # the maximum uparea in each waterbody mask to match model river network. if uparea_name is not None and uparea_name in ds_like.data_vars: logger.debug(f"Setting {wb_type} outlet map based maximum upstream area.") # create dataframe with x and y coord to be filled in either from uparea or from # xout and yout in hydrolakes data outdf = gdf[["waterbody_id"]].assign(xout=np.nan, yout=np.nan) ydim = ds_like.raster.y_dim xdim = ds_like.raster.x_dim for i in res_id: res_acc = ds_like[uparea_name].where(ds_out["resareas"] == i).load() max_res_acc = res_acc.where(res_acc == res_acc.max(), drop=True).squeeze() yacc = max_res_acc[ydim].values xacc = max_res_acc[xdim].values ds_out["reslocs"].loc[{f"{ydim}": yacc, f"{xdim}": xacc}] = i outdf.loc[outdf.waterbody_id == i, "xout"] = xacc outdf.loc[outdf.waterbody_id == i, "yout"] = yacc outgdf = gp.GeoDataFrame( outdf, geometry=gp.points_from_xy(outdf.xout, outdf.yout) ) # ELse use coordinates from the waterbody database elif "xout" in gdf.columns and "yout" in gdf.columns: logger.debug(f"Setting {wb_type} outlet map based on coordinates.") outdf = gdf[["waterbody_id", "xout", "yout"]] outgdf = gp.GeoDataFrame( outdf, geometry=gp.points_from_xy(outdf.xout, outdf.yout) ) ds_out["reslocs"] = ds_like.raster.rasterize( outgdf, col_name="waterbody_id", nodata=-999 ) # Else outlet map is equal to areas mask map else: ds_out["reslocs"] = ds_out["resareas"] logger.warning( f"Neither upstream area map nor {wb_type}'s outlet coordinates found. " f"Setting {wb_type} outlet map equal to the area map." ) # dummy outgdf outgdf = gdf[["waterbody_id"]] ds_out["reslocs"].attrs.update(_FillValue=-999) # fix dtypes ds_out["reslocs"] = ds_out["reslocs"].astype("int32") ds_out["resareas"] = ds_out["resareas"].astype("float32") if wb_type == "lake": ds_out = ds_out.rename({"resareas": "lakeareas", "reslocs": "lakelocs"}) return ds_out, outgdf
[docs] def reservoirattrs(gdf, timeseries_fn=None, perc_norm=50, perc_min=20, logger=logger): """Return reservoir attributes (see list below) needed for modelling. When specified, some of the reservoir attributes can be derived from \ earth observation data. Two options are currently available: 1. Global Water Watch data (Deltares, 2022) \ using gwwapi and 2. JRC (Peker, 2016) using hydroengine. The following reservoir attributes are calculated: - resmaxvolume : reservoir maximum volume [m3] - resarea : reservoir area [m2] - resdemand : reservoir demand flow [m3/s] - resmaxrelease : reservoir maximum release flow [m3/s] - resfullfrac : reservoir targeted full volume fraction [m3/m3] - resminfrac : reservoir targeted minimum volume fraction [m3/m3] Parameters ---------- gdf : geopandas.GeoDataFrame GeoDataFrame containing reservoirs geometries and attributes. timeseries_fn : str, optional Name of database from which time series of reservoir surface water area \ will be retrieved. Currently available: ['jrc', 'gww'] Defaults to Deltares' Global Water Watch database. perc_norm : int, optional Percentile for normal (operational) surface area perc_min: int, optional Percentile for minimal (operational) surface area Returns ------- df_out : pandas.DataFrame DataFrame containing reservoir attributes. df_plot : pandas.DataFrame DataFrame containing debugging values for reservoir building. df_ts : pandas.DataFrame DataFrame containing all downloaded reservoir time series. """ if timeseries_fn == "jrc": try: import hydroengine as he"Using reservoir timeseries from JRC via hydroengine.") except Exception: raise ImportError( "hydroengine package not found, cannot download jrc \ reservoir timeseries." ) elif timeseries_fn == "gww": try: from gwwapi import client as cli from gwwapi import utils"Using reservoir timeseries from GWW via gwwapi.") except Exception: raise ImportError( "gwwapi package not found, cannot download gww reservoir timeseries." ) elif timeseries_fn is not None: raise ValueError( f"timeseries_fn argument {timeseries_fn} not understood, \ please use one of [gww, jrc] or None." ) else: logger.debug( "Using reservoir attributes from reservoir database to compute parameters." ) # Initialize output DataFrame with empty values and reservoir ID df_out = pd.DataFrame( index=range(len(gdf["waterbody_id"])), columns=( [ "resid", "resmaxvolume", "resarea", "resdemand", "resmaxrelease", "resfullfrac", "resminfrac", ] ), ) df_out["resid"] = gdf["waterbody_id"].values # Create similar dataframe for EO time series df_EO = pd.DataFrame( index=range(len(gdf["waterbody_id"])), columns=(["resid", "maxarea", "normarea", "minarea", "capmin", "capmax"]), ) df_EO["resid"] = gdf["waterbody_id"].values # Create dtaframe for accuracy plots df_plot = pd.DataFrame( index=range(len(gdf["waterbody_id"])), columns=(["resid", "factor", "accuracy_min", "accuracy_norm"]), ) df_plot["resid"] = gdf["waterbody_id"].values # Create empty dataframe for timeseries exports df_ts = pd.DataFrame() # Get EO data for each reservoir if timeseries_fn == "jrc": for i in range(len(gdf["waterbody_id"])): ids = str(gdf["waterbody_id"].iloc[i]) try: logger.debug(f"Downloading HydroEngine time series for reservoir {ids}") time_series = he.get_lake_time_series( int(gdf["Hylak_id"].iloc[i]), "water_area" ) # Append series to df_ts which will contain all time series # of all dowloaded reservoirs, with an outer join on the datetime index ts_index = pd.to_datetime([k * 1000000 for k in time_series["time"]]) ts_values = time_series["water_area"] ts_series = pd.Series( data=ts_values, index=ts_index, name=int(gdf["Hylak_id"].iloc[i]) ) ts_series = ts_series[ts_series > 0].dropna() df_ts = pd.concat([df_ts, ts_series], join="outer", axis=1) # Save area stats area_series = np.array(time_series["water_area"]) # [m2] area_series_nozeros = area_series[area_series > 0] df_EO.loc[i, "maxarea"] = area_series_nozeros.max() df_EO.loc[i, "normarea"] = np.percentile( area_series_nozeros, perc_norm, axis=0 ) df_EO.loc[i, "minarea"] = np.percentile( area_series_nozeros, perc_min, axis=0 ) except Exception: logger.warning( f"No HydroEngine time series available for reservoir {ids}!" ) if timeseries_fn == "gww": # get bounds from gdf input as JSON object that can be used in # post request with the gww api gdf_bounds = json.dumps(*gdf.total_bounds, ccw=True).__geo_interface__ ) # get reservoirs wihtin these bounds gww_reservoirs = cli.get_reservoirs_by_geom(gdf_bounds) # from the response, create a dictonary, linking the gww_id to the hylak_id # (used in the default reservoir database) idlink = { k["properties"]["source_id"]: k["id"] for k in gww_reservoirs["features"] } for i in range(len(gdf["waterbody_id"])): ids = str(gdf["waterbody_id"].iloc[i]) try: logger.debug( f"Downloading Global Water Watch time series for reservoir {ids}" ) time_series = cli.get_reservoir_ts_monthly( idlink[int(gdf["Hylak_id"].iloc[i])] ) # Append series to df_ts which will contain all time series # of all dowloaded reservoirs, with an outer join on the datetime index ts_series = utils.to_timeseries( time_series, name=f'{int(gdf["Hylak_id"].iloc[i])}' ).drop_duplicates() df_ts = pd.concat([df_ts, ts_series], join="outer", axis=1) # Compute stats area_series = utils.to_timeseries(time_series)["area"].to_numpy() area_series_nozeros = area_series[area_series > 0] df_EO.loc[i, "maxarea"] = area_series_nozeros.max() df_EO.loc[i, "normarea"] = np.percentile( area_series_nozeros, perc_norm, axis=0 ) df_EO.loc[i, "minarea"] = np.percentile( area_series_nozeros, perc_min, axis=0 ) except Exception: logger.warning(f"No GWW time series available for reservoir {ids}!") # Sort timeseries dataframe (will be saved to root as .csv later) df_ts = df_ts.sort_index() # Compute resdemand and resmaxrelease either from average discharge if "Dis_avg" in gdf.columns: df_out["resdemand"] = gdf["Dis_avg"].values * 0.5 df_out["resmaxrelease"] = gdf["Dis_avg"].values * 4.0 # Get resarea either from EO or database depending if "Area_avg" in gdf.columns: df_out["resarea"] = gdf["Area_avg"].values if timeseries_fn is not None: df_out.loc[pd.notna(df_EO["maxarea"]), "resarea"] = df_EO["maxarea"][ pd.notna(df_EO["maxarea"]) ].values else: df_out.loc[pd.isna(df_out["resarea"]), "resarea"] = df_EO["maxarea"][ pd.isna(df_out["resarea"]) ].values else: df_out["resarea"] = df_EO["maxarea"].values # Get resmaxvolume from database if "Vol_avg" in gdf.columns: df_out["resmaxvolume"] = gdf["Vol_avg"].values # Compute target min and max fractions # First look if data is available from the database if "Capacity_min" in gdf.columns: df_out["resminfrac"] = gdf["Capacity_min"].values / df_out["resmaxvolume"] df_plot["accuracy_min"] = np.repeat(1.0, len(df_plot["accuracy_min"])) if "Capacity_norm" in gdf.columns: df_out["resfullfrac"] = gdf["Capacity_norm"].values / df_out["resmaxvolume"] df_plot["accuracy_norm"] = np.repeat(1.0, len(df_plot["accuracy_norm"])) # Then compute from EO data and fill or replace the previous values # (if a valid source is provided) # TODO for now assumes that the reservoir-db is used # (combination of GRanD and HydroLAKES) gdf = gdf.fillna(value=np.nan) for i in range(len(gdf["waterbody_id"])): # Initialise values # import pdb; pdb.set_trace() dam_height = np.nanmax([gdf["Dam_height"].iloc[i], 0.0]) max_level = np.nanmax([gdf["Depth_avg"].iloc[i], 0.0]) max_area = np.nanmax([df_out["resarea"].iloc[i], 0.0]) max_cap = np.nanmax([df_out["resmaxvolume"].iloc[i], 0.0]) norm_area = np.nanmax([df_EO["normarea"].iloc[i], 0.0]) if "Capacity_norm" in gdf.columns: norm_cap = np.nanmax([gdf["Capacity_norm"].iloc[i], 0.0]) else: norm_cap = 0.0 min_area = np.nanmax([df_EO["minarea"].iloc[i], 0.0]) if "Capacity_min" in gdf.columns: min_cap = np.nanmax([gdf["Capacity_min"].iloc[i], 0.0]) else: min_cap = 0.0 mv = 0.0 # Maximum level # a validation has shown that GRanD dam height is a more reliable value than # HydroLAKES depth average (when it is a larger value) if dam_height > max_level: max_level_f = dam_height factor_shape = dam_height / max_level "GRanD dam height used as max. level instead of HydroLAKES depth " f"average. Difference factor: {round(factor_shape, 2):.4f}" ) else: max_level_f = max_level factor_shape = 1.0 # coefficient for linear relationship lin_coeff = max_area / max_level_f # [m2/m] # # adjust factor based on chosen method # if method == 0: # factor_used = factor_shape # elif method == 1: # factor_used = 1.0 factor_used = 1.0 # Operational (norm) level if norm_cap != mv and norm_area != mv: norm_level = factor_used * (norm_cap / norm_area) # [m] norm_area_f = norm_area norm_cap_f = norm_cap accuracy_norm = 1 elif norm_cap != mv: norm_level = (norm_cap / lin_coeff) ** (1 / 2) # [m] norm_area_f = norm_cap / norm_level # [m] norm_cap_f = norm_cap accuracy_norm = 1 elif norm_area != mv: norm_level = norm_area / lin_coeff # [m] norm_area_f = norm_area norm_cap_f = norm_area * norm_level # [m3] accuracy_norm = 2 else: # the calculation is based on the max area (and not max level or max # capacity) as it is the most reliable value norm_area_f = max_area * 0.666 # [m] norm_level = norm_area_f / lin_coeff # [m] norm_cap_f = norm_area_f * norm_level # [m3] accuracy_norm = 3 # CHECK norm level (1) if accuracy_norm == 1 and norm_level > max_level_f: # it is assumed that the norm capacity value is not reliable, so this value # is delated and the linear relationship assumption is introduced norm_level = norm_area_f / lin_coeff # [m] norm_cap_f = norm_area_f * norm_level # [m3] accuracy_norm = 21 elif accuracy_norm == 2 and norm_level > max_level_f: norm_area_f = max_area * 0.666 # [m] norm_level = norm_area_f / lin_coeff # [m] norm_cap_f = norm_area_f * norm_level # [m3] accuracy_norm = 31 # Minimum level if min_area != mv and min_cap != mv: min_level = min_cap / min_area # [m] min_area_f = min_area min_cap_f = min_cap accuracy_min = 1 elif min_cap != mv: min_level = (min_cap / lin_coeff) ** (1 / 2) # [m] min_area_f = min_cap / min_level # [m] min_cap_f = min_cap # [m3] accuracy_min = 1 elif min_area != mv: min_level = min_area / lin_coeff # [m] min_area_f = min_area # [m] min_cap_f = min_area * min_level # [m3] accuracy_min = 2 else: # the calculation is based on the max area (and not max level or max # capacity) as it is the most reliable value min_area_f = max_area * 0.333 # [m] min_level = min_area_f / lin_coeff # [m] min_cap_f = min_area_f * min_level # [m3] accuracy_min = 3 # CHECK minumum level (1) if accuracy_min == 1 and min_level > norm_level: accuracy_min = 21 min_level = min_area_f / lin_coeff # [m] min_cap_f = min_area_f * min_level # [m3] elif accuracy_min == 2 and min_level > norm_level: accuracy_min = 31 min_area_f = max_area * 0.333 # [m] min_level = min_area_f / lin_coeff # [m] min_cap_f = (min_area_f * min_level) / 100 # [m3] elif min_level > norm_level: min_area_f = norm_area_f * 0.45 # [m] min_level = min_area_f / lin_coeff # [m] min_cap_f = min_area_f * min_level # [m3] accuracy_min = 4 # CHECK norm level (2) if norm_cap_f > max_cap: logger.warning("norm_cap > max_cap! setting norm_cap equal to max_cap.") norm_cap_f = max_cap accuracy_norm = 5 # CHECK minumum level (2) if min_cap_f > norm_cap_f: logger.warning("min_cap > norm_cap! setting min_cap equal to norm_cap.") min_cap_f = norm_cap_f accuracy_min = 5 # Resume results df_EO.loc[i, "capmin"] = min_cap_f df_EO.loc[i, "capmax"] = norm_cap_f df_plot.loc[i, "factor"] = factor_shape df_plot.loc[i, "accuracy_min"] = accuracy_min df_plot.loc[i, "accuracy_norm"] = accuracy_norm # Depending on priority EO update fullfrac and min frac if timeseries_fn is not None: df_out.resminfrac = df_EO["capmin"].values / df_out["resmaxvolume"].values df_out.resfullfrac = df_EO["capmax"].values / df_out["resmaxvolume"].values else: df_out.loc[pd.isna(df_out["resminfrac"]), "resminfrac"] = ( df_EO.loc[pd.isna(df_out["resminfrac"]), "capmin"].values / df_out.loc[pd.isna(df_out["resminfrac"]), "resmaxvolume"].values ) df_out.loc[pd.isna(df_out["resfullfrac"]), "resfullfrac"] = ( df_EO.loc[pd.isna(df_out["resfullfrac"]), "capmax"].values / df_out.loc[pd.isna(df_out["resfullfrac"]), "resmaxvolume"].values ) return df_out, df_plot, df_ts
[docs] def lakeattrs( ds: xr.Dataset, gdf: gp.GeoDataFrame, rating_dict: dict = dict(), add_maxstorage: bool = False, logger=logger, ): """ Return lake attributes (see list below) needed for modelling. If rating_dict is not empty, prepares also rating tables for wflow. The following reservoir attributes are calculated: - waterbody_id : waterbody id - LakeArea : lake area [m2] - LakeAvgLevel: lake average level [m] - LakeAvgOut: lake average outflow [m3/s] - Lake_b: lake rating curve coefficient [-] - Lake_e: lake rating curve exponent [-] - LakeStorFunc: option to compute storage curve [-] - LakeOutflowFunc: option to compute rating curve [-] - LakeThreshold: minimium threshold for lake outflow [m] - LinkedLakeLocs: id of linked lake location if any - LakeMaxStorage: maximum storage [m3] (optional) Parameters ---------- ds : xr.Dataset Dataset containing the lake locations and area gdf : gp.GeoDataFrame GeoDataFrame containing the lake locations and area rating_dict : dict, optional Dictionary containing the rating curve parameters, by default dict() add_maxstorage : bool, optional If True, adds the maximum storage to the output, by default False Returns ------- ds : xr.Dataset Dataset containing the lake locations with the attributes gdf : gp.GeoDataFrame GeoDataFrame containing the lake locations with the attributes rating_curves : dict Dictionary containing the rating curves in wflow format """ # rename to param values gdf = gdf.rename( columns={ "Area_avg": "LakeArea", "Depth_avg": "LakeAvgLevel", "Dis_avg": "LakeAvgOut", } ) # Add maximum volume / no filling of NaNs as assumes then # natural lake and not controlled if add_maxstorage: if "Vol_max" in gdf.columns: gdf = gdf.rename(columns={"Vol_max": "LakeMaxStorage"}) else: logger.warning( "No maximum storage 'Vol_max' column found, \ skip adding LakeMaxStorage map." ) # Minimum value for LakeAvgOut LakeAvgOut = gdf["LakeAvgOut"].copy() gdf["LakeAvgOut"] = np.maximum(gdf["LakeAvgOut"], 0.01) if "Lake_b" not in gdf.columns: gdf["Lake_b"] = gdf["LakeAvgOut"].values / (gdf["LakeAvgLevel"].values) ** (2) if "Lake_e" not in gdf.columns: gdf["Lake_e"] = 2 if "LakeThreshold" not in gdf.columns: gdf["LakeThreshold"] = 0.0 if "LinkedLakeLocs" not in gdf.columns: gdf["LinkedLakeLocs"] = 0 if "LakeStorFunc" not in gdf.columns: gdf["LakeStorFunc"] = 1 if "LakeOutflowFunc" not in gdf.columns: gdf["LakeOutflowFunc"] = 3 # Check if some LakeAvgOut values have been replaced if not np.all(LakeAvgOut == gdf["LakeAvgOut"]): logger.warning( "Some values of LakeAvgOut have been replaced by \ a minimum value of 0.01m3/s" ) # Check if rating curve is provided rating_curves = dict() if len(rating_dict) != 0: # Assume one rating curve per lake index for id in gdf["waterbody_id"].values: id = int(id) if id in rating_dict.keys(): df_rate = rating_dict[id] # Prepare the right tables for wflow # Update LakeStor and LakeOutflowFunc # Storage if "volume" in df_rate.columns: gdf.loc[gdf["waterbody_id"] == id, "LakeStorFunc"] = 2 df_stor = df_rate[["elevtn", "volume"]].dropna( subset=["elevtn", "volume"] ) df_stor.rename(columns={"elevtn": "H", "volume": "S"}, inplace=True) # add to rating_curves rating_curves[f"lake_sh_{id}"] = df_stor else: logger.warning( f"Storage data not available for lake {id}. Using default S=AH" ) # Rating if "discharge" in df_rate.columns: gdf.loc[gdf["waterbody_id"] == id, "LakeOutflowFunc"] = 1 df_rate = df_rate[["elevtn", "discharge"]].dropna( subset=["elevtn", "discharge"] ) df_rate.rename( columns={"elevtn": "H", "discharge": "Q"}, inplace=True, ) # Repeat Q for the 365 JDOY df_q = pd.concat([df_rate.Q] * (366), axis=1, ignore_index=True) df_q[0] = df_rate["H"] df_q.rename(columns={0: "H"}, inplace=True) # add to rating_curves rating_curves[f"lake_hq_{id}"] = df_q else: logger.warning( f"Rating data not available for lake {id}. \ Using default Modified Puls Approach" ) # Create raster of lake params lake_params = [ "waterbody_id", "LakeArea", "LakeAvgLevel", "LakeAvgOut", "Lake_b", "Lake_e", "LakeStorFunc", "LakeOutflowFunc", "LakeThreshold", "LinkedLakeLocs", ] if "LakeMaxStorage" in gdf.columns: lake_params.append("LakeMaxStorage") gdf_org_points = gp.GeoDataFrame( gdf[lake_params], geometry=gp.points_from_xy(gdf.xout, gdf.yout), ) for name in lake_params[1:]: da_lake = ds.raster.rasterize( gdf_org_points, col_name=name, dtype="float32", nodata=-999 ) ds[name] = da_lake return ds, gdf, rating_curves