Source code for hydromt_wflow.workflows.connect

"""Workflows to connect a wflow model to a 1D model."""

import logging

import geopandas as gpd
import hydromt
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import xarray as xr
from shapely.geometry import Point

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

__all__ = ["wflow_1dmodel_connection"]

[docs] def wflow_1dmodel_connection( gdf_riv: gpd.GeoDataFrame, ds_model: xr.Dataset, connection_method: str = "subbasin_area", area_max: float = 10.0, add_tributaries: bool = True, include_river_boundaries: bool = True, logger=logger, ) -> xr.Dataset: """ Connect wflow to a 1D model by deriving linked subcatchs (and tributaries). There are two methods to connect models: - `subbasin_area`: creates subcatchments linked to the 1d river based on an area threshold (area_max) for the subbasin size. With this method, if a tributary is larger than the area_max, it will be connected to the 1d river directly. - `nodes`: subcatchments are derived based on the 1driver nodes (used as gauges locations). With this method, large tributaries can also be derived separately using the add_tributaries option and adding a area_max threshold for the tributaries. If `add_tributary` option is on, you can decide to include or exclude the upstream boundary of the 1d river as an additionnal tributary using the `include_river_boundaries` option. Parameters ---------- gdf_riv : gpd.GeoDataFrame River geometry. ds_model : xr.Dataset Model dataset with 'flwdir', 'rivmsk', 'rivlen', 'uparea'. connection_method : str, default subbasin_area Method to connect wflow to the 1D model. Available methods are {'subbasin_area', 'nodes'}. area_max : float, default 10.0 Maximum area [km2] of the subbasins to connect to the 1D model in km2 with connection_method **subbasin_area** or **nodes** with add_tributaries set to True. add_tributaries : bool, default True If True, derive tributaries for the subbasins larger than area_max. Always True for **subbasin_area** method. include_river_boundaries : bool, default True If True, include the upstream boundary(ies) of the 1d river as an additional tributary(ies). logger : logging.Logger, optional Logger object, by default logger Returns ------- ds_out: xr.Dataset Dataset with variables 'subcatch' for the subbasin map, 'subcatch_riv' for the subbasin map masked with river cells to be able to save river output with wflow and 'gauges' for the tributaries outflow locations (add_tributaries True or subbasin_area method). """ # Checks dvars_model = ["flwdir", "rivmsk", "rivlen", "uparea"] if not np.all([v in ds_model for v in dvars_model]): raise ValueError(f"One or more variables missing from ds_model: {dvars_model}") # Reproject if != gdf_riv = gdf_riv.to_crs( # Derive flwdir flwdir = hydromt.flw.flwdir_from_da(ds_model["flwdir"]) # If tributaries or subbasins area method, # need to derive the tributaries areas first if connection_method == "subbasin_area" or add_tributaries:"Linking 1D river to wflow river") # 1. Derive the river edges / boundaries # merge multilinestrings in gdf_riv to linestrings riv1d = gdf_riv.explode().reset_index(drop=True) # get the edges of the riv1d riv1d_edges = riv1d.geometry.apply(lambda x: Point(x.coords[0])) riv1d_edges = pd.concat( [riv1d_edges, riv1d.geometry.apply(lambda x: Point(x.coords[-1]))] ) # find geometry that are unique in riv1d_edges riv1d_edges = gpd.GeoDataFrame( riv1d_edges[~riv1d_edges.duplicated(keep=False)],, geometry="geometry", ) # 2. snap edges to wflow river # TODO if uparea column in riv1d, use it to snap to the closest river # based on upstream area da_edges, idxs, ids = hydromt.flw.gauge_map( ds_model, xy=(riv1d_edges.geometry.x, riv1d_edges.geometry.y), stream=ds_model["rivmsk"].values, flwdir=flwdir, logger=logger, ) points = gpd.points_from_xy(*ds_model.raster.idx_to_xy(idxs)) # if csv contains additional columns, these are also written in the staticgeoms riv1d_edges = gpd.GeoDataFrame( index=ids.astype(np.int32), geometry=points, ) # 3. Derive the subbasins corresponding to the river edges da_edges_subbas, _ = hydromt.flw.basin_map( ds_model, flwdir=flwdir, xy=(riv1d_edges.geometry.x, riv1d_edges.geometry.y) ) da_edges_subbas.raster.set_crs( # convert to gdf gdf_edges_subbas = da_edges_subbas.raster.vectorize() # 4. Filter which subbasins are the upstream ones (tributaries) # and which ones are the downstream ones (main river) # and should be split into subbasins # First intersect riv1d with gdf_edges_subbas rivmerge = gpd.overlay(riv1d, gdf_edges_subbas).explode().reset_index(drop=True) # Compute len of river if rivmerge["len"] = rivmerge.geometry.to_crs(3857).length else: rivmerge["len"] = rivmerge.geometry.length # Groupby value and sum length rivmerge = rivmerge.groupby("value")["len"].sum() # Select the subcatch where rivlength is more than 5times rivlen_avg riv_mask = ds_model["rivmsk"].values == 1 rivlen_avg = ds_model["rivlen"].values[riv_mask].mean() subids = rivmerge.index[rivmerge > rivlen_avg * 5].values subcatch_to_split = gdf_edges_subbas[gdf_edges_subbas["value"].isin(subids)] subcatch_to_split = subcatch_to_split.to_crs( da_subcatch_to_split = ds_model.raster.rasterize(subcatch_to_split) # First tributaries are the edges that are not included in the subcatch_to_split gdf_tributaries = riv1d_edges[~riv1d_edges.index.isin(subids)] # 5. Derive a mask of gdf_riv in the subcatch_to_split wflow rivers # compute flw_path to mask out the river included in dfm 1d network xy = ( gdf_tributaries.geometry.x.values.tolist(), gdf_tributaries.geometry.y.values.tolist(), ) # Get paths flowpaths, dists = flwdir.path( xy=xy, max_length=None, unit="m", direction="down" ) feats = flwdir.geofeatures(flowpaths) gdf_paths = gpd.GeoDataFrame.from_features(feats, gdf_paths.index = np.arange(1, len(gdf_paths) + 1) # Create a mask with subcatch id in subcatch_to_split and flowpath is nodata da_flwpaths = ds_model.raster.rasterize(gdf_paths) da_flwpaths = da_flwpaths.where( da_subcatch_to_split != da_subcatch_to_split.raster.nodata, da_flwpaths.raster.nodata, ) # 6. Derive the tributaries # Find tributaries"Deriving tributaries") trib_msk = da_subcatch_to_split.where( da_flwpaths == da_flwpaths.raster.nodata, da_subcatch_to_split.raster.nodata ) trib_msk = trib_msk.where( (trib_msk != trib_msk.raster.nodata) & (ds_model["uparea"] > area_max) & (flwdir.downstream(da_flwpaths) != da_flwpaths.raster.nodata), trib_msk.raster.nodata, ) gdf_trib = trib_msk.raster.vectorize() # Test if there gdf_trib is empty if gdf_trib.empty:"No tributaries found") if not include_river_boundaries: gdf_tributaries = gpd.GeoDataFrame() else: gdf_trib["geometry"] = gdf_trib.centroid # Merge with gdf_tributary if include_river_boundaries # else only keep intersecting tributaries if include_river_boundaries: gdf_tributaries = pd.concat( [gdf_tributaries, gdf_trib.drop(["value"], axis=1)] ) else: gdf_tributaries = gdf_trib.drop(["value"], axis=1) gdf_tributaries.index = np.arange(1, len(gdf_tributaries) + 1) # 7. Mask the tributaries out of the subatch_to_split map if not gdf_tributaries.empty: # Derive the tributary basin map da_trib_subbas, _ = hydromt.flw.basin_map( ds_model, flwdir=flwdir, xy=(gdf_tributaries.geometry.x, gdf_tributaries.geometry.y), ) da_trib_subbas.raster.set_crs( # Mask tributaries da_flwdir_mask = ds_model["flwdir"].where( (da_subcatch_to_split != da_subcatch_to_split.raster.nodata) & (da_trib_subbas == da_trib_subbas.raster.nodata), ds_model["flwdir"].raster.nodata, ) else: # Mask subcatch to split only da_flwdir_mask = ds_model["flwdir"].where( da_subcatch_to_split != da_subcatch_to_split.raster.nodata, ds_model["flwdir"].raster.nodata, ) flwdir_mask = hydromt.flw.flwdir_from_da(da_flwdir_mask) else: # The mask for deriving subbasins is the whole wflow model flwdir_mask = flwdir gdf_tributaries = gpd.GeoDataFrame() # 8. Derive the subbasins if connection_method == "subbasin_area": "Deriving lateral subbasins based on" f"subbasin area threshold: {area_max} km2" ) # calculate subbasins with a minimum stream order 7 and its outlets subbas, idxs_out = flwdir_mask.subbasins_area(area_max) da_subbasins = xr.DataArray( data=subbas.astype(np.int32), dims=ds_model.raster.dims, coords=ds_model.raster.coords, ) da_subbasins.raster.set_nodata(0) da_subbasins.raster.set_crs( else: # Get the nodes from gdf_riv"Deriving subbasins based on 1D river nodes snapped to wflow river") # from multiline to line gdf_riv = gdf_riv.explode(ignore_index=True, index_parts=False) nodes = [] for bi, branch in gdf_riv.iterrows(): nodes.append([Point(branch.geometry.coords[0]), bi]) # start nodes.append([Point(branch.geometry.coords[-1]), bi]) # end gdf_nodes = gpd.GeoDataFrame( nodes, columns=["geometry", "river_id"], ) # Drop duplicates geometry gdf_nodes = gdf_nodes[~gdf_nodes.geometry.duplicated(keep="first")] gdf_nodes.index = np.arange(1, len(gdf_nodes) + 1) # Derive subbasins da_subbasins, _ = hydromt.flw.basin_map( ds_model, flwdir=flwdir_mask, xy=(gdf_nodes.geometry.x, gdf_nodes.geometry.y), stream=ds_model["rivmsk"].values, ) da_subbasins.raster.set_crs( = "subcatch" ds_out = da_subbasins.to_dataset() # Subcatchment map for river cells only (to be able to save river outputs in wflow) ds_out["subcatch_riv"] = da_subbasins.where( ds_model["rivmsk"] > 0, da_subbasins.raster.nodata ) # Add tributaries if not gdf_tributaries.empty: ds_out["gauges"] = ds_out.raster.rasterize( gdf_tributaries, col_name="index", nodata=0 ) return ds_out