
Here the roadmap for the HydroMT SFINCS plugin will be presented.

Short-term plans#

  • Add the possibility to setup, read and write the pump and culvert to the SfincsModel class. Note that SFINCS already supports this functionality.

  • Next to the inifile, also support reading and writing of the rstfile option to restart a simulation from a previous state.

  • Add more eleborate options to account for spatially varying infiltration.

  • Add functionality to burn rivers in subgrid tabels.

  • Add functionality to locally adjust subgrid tables, e.g. to account for green infrastructure.

  • Add support for other forcings such as wind and waves.

Long-term plans#

  • Add quadtree gridding functionality to the SfincsModel class. This allows to locally refine the grid.

  • Allow for easy coupling to SnapWave to account for wave effects.