What’s new#
All notable changes to this project will be documented in this page. Distinction is made between new methods (Added), changes to existing methods (Changed), bugfixes (Fixed), deprecated methods (Deprecated) and removed methods (Removed).
The format is based on Keep a Changelog, and this project adheres to Semantic Versioning.
v1.0.4 (Unreleased)#
improved subgrid tables that account for the wet fraction of the cell (#160)
add source points at headwater locations with SfincsModel.setup_river_inflow (#170)
improved subgrid tables are saved as NetCDF (#160)
In SfincsModel.setup_river_inflow, in case of a confluence within a user-defined buffer of the model boundary the confluence rather than both tributaries is selected as inflow point. (#202)
rounding errors in workflows.tile_window which resulted in erronuous slippy-tiles (#178)
“active geometry column to use has not been set” error for GeoDataFrame (#180)
v1.0.3 (3 January 2024)#
This release contains several changes and fixes. Most notably, models with a geographical CRS can now be build. Also note the changes in the default values in the sfincs.inp file.
support for HydroMT core v0.9
changed default value of dtmaxout to 86400 (was 99999.0) and for advection to 1 (instead of non-existing 2) in sfincs.inp (#156)
support for filtering forcing data from timeseries and locations based on model region (#162)
fixed SfincsModel.setup_subgrid for models with geograpgical CRS (#152)
fixed masking of elevation and manning datasets when providing mask attribute (#153)
fix a bug that caused some model files to be read twice (#161)
bugfix in workflows.bathymetry that was encountered while burning in rivers (#166)
v1.0.2 (9 November 2023)#
This release mostly contains bugfixes and improvements to existing methods. Some new features have been added as well, such as the option to add storage volume to the model to account for green infrastructure. Another addition is the generation of overviews for the Cloud Optimized GeoTIFF files for faster visualization.
SfincsModel.setup_storage_volume to account for green-infrastructure PR #101
Added reverse_river_geom keyword argument in workflows.river_boundary_points #PR 136
the COG files that are written automatically contain overviews for faster visualization PR #144
Changed setup_cn_infiltration_with_kr into setup_cn_infiltration_with_ks since saturated hydraulic conductivity (ks) is used instead of recovery rate (kr) PR #126
precision of coordinates in geoms and forcing now depends on CRS (geographic or not) PR #143
writing COG files in SfincsModel.setup_subgrid (the COG driver settings were wrong) PR #117
a constant offset in the datasets_dep argument to SfincsModel.setup_subgrid and SfincsModel.setup_dep was ignored PR #119
mismatch between gis data and the model grid causing issues while reading the model PR #128
Bugfixes in workflows.river_boundary_points to make sure function also works with geoDataFrame #PR 136
utils.downscale_floodmap now also works for large (rotated) grids PR #145
v1.0.1 (3 August 2023)#
This release contains several new features, such as burning in river bathymetry into the subgrid, setting up drainage structures and adding wind and pressure forcing. It also contains several bugfixes and improvements to existing methods. It is recommended to use this release together with the latest version of the SFINCS model.
SfincsModel.setup_cn_infiltration_with_kr to setup three layers related to the curve number (maximum and effective infiltration capacity; seff and smax) and recovery rate (kr) PR #87
SfincsModelsetup_drainage_structures to setup drainage structures (pumps,culverts) from a geodataframe. PR#90
Added SfincsModel.setup_wind_forcing, SfincsModel.setup_wind_forcing_from_grid and SfincsModel.setup_pressure_forcing_from_grid methods to easily add wind and pressure forcing. PR #92
SfincsModel.setup_observation_lines to setup model observation lines (cross-sections) to monitor discharges. PR #114
SfincsModel.setup_subgrid now supports the ‘riv_datasets’ to burn in river bathymetry into the subgrid. PR #84
SfincsModel.setup_mask_active argument reset_mask default to True PR #94
SfincsModel.read_config allows to use a template input file from a directory different than the model root. PR #102
Added the option to use landuse/landcover data combined with a reclass table to SfincsModel.setup_constant_infiltration. PR #103
Enabled to provide locations only (so no timeseries) for SfincsModel.setup_waterlevel_forcing and SfincsModel.setup_discharge_forcing PR #104
New optional buffer argument in SfincsModel.setup_discharge_forcing to select gauges around boundary only. PR #104
SfincsModel.plot_basemaps now supports other CRS than UTM zones. PR #111
New functionality within SfincsModel.setup_structures to use high resolution dem for weir elevation. PR #109
hydromt_data.yml is written to the model root directory with used data sources.
bugfix in SfincsModel.write_forcing to ensure all NetCDF files are written instead of only the first one. PR #86
bugfix in SfincsModel.read_config & SfincsInput.read for relative paths in inp file. PR #88
bugfix in SfincsModel.setup_subgrid to ensure that a ‘big geotiff’ will be written by default when ‘write_dep_tif’ or ‘write_man_tif’ are True
fix memory issues caused by rasterizing the model region and reprojecting before clipping of rasters. PR #94
bugfix in Sfincs.read_forcing when combining attributes from the locations stored in the gis folder with the actual forcing locations. PR #99
bugfix in SfincsModel.setup_discharge_from_grid when snapping based on upstream area in case a src points is outside of the uparea grid domain. PR #99
burn_river_zb and get_river_bathymetry workflow methods have been deprecated in favor of burn_river_rect. PR #84
v1.0 (17 April 2023)#
This release is a major update of the SfincsModel interface. It contains many new features, such as support for rotated grids, subgrid and improved support for building models from Python scripts. The documentation and exmaples have been updated to reflect these changes.
The release however also contains several breaking changes as we have tried to improve the consistency of the interface and match it more closely to the SFINCS model itself. Please carefully check the API reference for the new methods and arguments.
Main differences#
setup_region has been replaced by setup_grid_from_region and setup_grid. This method actually creates an empty regular grid based on a region of interest or user-defined coordinates, shape, rotation, etc..
setup_dep has replaced setup_topobathy and setup_merge_topobathy. This method can now also be used to setup a bathymetry map from multiple sources at once.
setup_mask_active has replaced setup_mask.
setup_mask_bounds has replaced setup_bounds
setup_waterlevel_forcing has replaced setup_h_forcing and now supports merging fording from several data sources
setup_discharge_forcing has replaced setup_q_forcing and now supports merging fording from several data sources
setup_discharge_forcing_from_grid has replaces setup_q_forcing_from_grid
setup_precip_forcing has replaced setup_p_forcing
setup_precip_forcing_from_grid has replaced setup_p_forcing_from_grid
setup_observation_points has replace setup_gauges
setup_grid to setup a user-defined regular grid based coordinates, shape, rotation, etc.
setup_subgrid to setup subgrid tables (sbgfile) based on one ore more elevation and Manning roughness datasets
setup_constant_infiltration to setup a constant infiltration rate maps (qinffile)
setup_waterlevel_bnd_from_mask to setup water level boundary points (bndfile) based on the SFINCS model mask (mskfile)
setup_tiles to create tiles of the model for fast visualization
setup_river_inflow and setup_river_outflow are now based river centerline data (which can be derivded from hydrography data). This is more robust compared to the previous method which was based on reprojected flow direction data.
Removed (not replaced)#
setup_basemaps This method was already deprecated in v0.2.1 and has now been removed.
setup_river_hydrography This method was removed as reprojection of the hydrography data is no longer required for river inflow/outflow.
setup_river_bathymetry This method was removed as river bathymetry should ideally be burned in the subgrid data of the model rather than the dep file itself to be able to include rivers with widths smaller than the model grid cell size. A new option to burn rivers in the subgrid data will be added in to setup_subgrid a future release.
New low-level classes#
These classes are not intended to be used directly by the user, but are used internally by the SfincsModel class.
The SfincsInput class contains methods to generate, read and write SFINCS input files
The RegularGrid class contains methods to create and manipulate regular grids
The SubgridTableRegular class contains methods to create and manipulate subgrid tables for regular grids
v0.2.1 (23 February 2022)#
setup_basemaps has been replaced by setup_topobathy
In setup_mask, the “active_mask_fn” argument has been renamed to “mask_fn” for consistency
In setup_river_inflow and setup_river_outflow the “basemaps_fn” argument has been renamed to “hydrography_fn” for consistency
In setup_river_outflow the “outflow_width” argument has been renamed to “river_width” for consistency with setup_river_inflow
setup_q_forcing_from_grid and workflows.snap_discharge have a “rel_error” and “abs_error” argument instead of a single “max_error” argument.
bugfix setup_p_forcing to ensure the data is 1D when passed to set_forcing_1d method
bugfix setup_p_forcing_from_grid when aggregating with a multi polygon region.
bugfix read_results with new corner_x/y instead of edge_x/y dimensions in sfincs_map.nc
setup_region method to set the (hydrological) model region of interest (before part of setup_basemaps).
setup_river_hydrography allows to derive hydrography data [‘flwdir’, ‘uparea’] from the model elevation or reproject it from a global dataset. Derived ‘uparea’ and ‘flwdir’ maps are saved in the GIS folder and can be reused later (if kept together with the model)
setup_river_bathymetry to estimate a river depth based on bankfull discharge and river width. A mask of river cells ‘rivmsk’ is kept in the GIS folder.
Added parameter mapping file for ESA Worldcover dataset
setup_mask and setup_bounds both have a “mask_fn”, “include_mask_fn” and “exclude_mask_fn” polygon and “min_elv” and “max_elv” elevation arguments to determine valid / boundary cells.
setup_mask and setup_bounds have a “reset_mask” and “reset_bounds” option respectively to start with a clean mask or remove previously set boundary cells.
setup_mask takes a new “drop_area” argument to drop regions of contiguous cells smaller than this maximum area threshold, useful to remove (spurious) small islands.
setup_mask takes a new “fill_area” argument to fill regions of contiguous cells below the “min_elv” or above “max_elv” threshold surrounded by cells within the valid elevation range.
In setup_bounds and setup_mask a “connectivity” argument is exposed to determine whether edge cells or regions of contiguous cells should be based on D4 (horizontal and vertical) or D8 (also diagonal) connections.
In setup_bounds we avoid open boundary cells (mask == 3) next to water level boundary cells (mask == 2)
setup_merge_topobathy has a new “max_width” argument to use bathymetry data from new source within a fixed width around the topography data.
- setup_river_inflow and setup_river_outflow are now based on the same workflows.river_boundary_points method.
Both have a “river_upa” and “river_len” argument and the hydrography data is not required if setup_river_hydrography is ran beforehand. The model domain is also determined on-the-fly, thus it is not required to run setup_mask beforehand.
setup_river_inflow has a new “river_width” argument to ensure closed boundary cells near a discharge source location
write_config has a new “rel_path” argument that allows you to write sfincs.inp with references to model files in the root and rel_path directory.
Write dep file with cm accuracy. This should be sufficient but also hides differences between linux and window builds.
Exposed “interp_method” argument in setup_merge_topobathy to select interpolation method to fill NaNs.
setup_cn_infiltration and setup_manning_roughness use default values for river cells as defined in setup_river_bathymetry
The setup_manning_rougness has a new “sea_man” argument to set a constant roughness for cells below zero elevation.
An improved version of interbasins region option has been implemented, see hydroMT core v0.4.5 for details.
Bumped minimal pyflwdir version to 0.5.5
Use mamba to setup CI environments
v0.2.0 (2 August 2021)#
scsfile variable changed to maximum soil moisture retention [inch]; was curve number [-]
fix setting delimited text based geodatasets for h and q forcing.
Bumped minimal hydromt version to 0.4.2
into multiple smaller methods:setup_merge_topobathy
separated many low-level methods into utils.py and plots.py
save bzs/bzd & dis/src only as GeoDataArray at forcing and do not copy the locations at staticgeoms.
sort src/bnd files on x_dim for comparability between OS
staticmaps are by default saved (and read) in S->N orientation as this matches the SFINCS better.
support for SFINCS files:
structures: sfincs.thd & sfincs.weir
results: sfincs_map.nc & sfincs_his.nc
states: sfincs.restart
forcing: sfincs.precip
new methods:
with support for spatial uniform precipsetup_merge_topobathy
to merge a new topo/bathymetry dataset with the basemap DEMsetup_mask
methods to setup the sfincs mask filesetup_structures
thd/weir files are read/written as part of read_staticgeomsread_states
methods with support for restartread_results
(previously part of read_staticmaps)
new workflows:
build from python example
overviews with SfincsModel setup components & SfincsModel data
v0.1.0 (18 May 2021)#
Noticeable changes are a new setup_river_inflow
and setup_river_outflow
setup_river_outflow method to set ouflow (msk=3) boundary at river outflow points
Updated to hydromt v0.4.1
Now latest and stable versions.
Updated build instructions
Added build_coastal_model, build_riverine_model and plot_sfincs_map notebooks to the examples.