
SfincsModel.setup_tiles(path: str | Path = None, region: dict = None, datasets_dep: List[dict] = [], zoom_range: int | List[int] = [0, 13], z_range: List[int] = [-20000.0, 20000.0], create_index_tiles: bool = True, create_topobathy_tiles: bool = True, fmt: str = 'bin')[source]#

Create both index and topobathy tiles in webmercator format.

  • path (Union[str, Path]) – Directory in which to store the index tiles, if None, the model root + tiles is used.

  • region (dict) – Dictionary describing region of interest, e.g.: * {‘bbox’: [xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax]}. Note bbox should be provided in WGS 84 * {‘geom’: ‘path/to/polygon_geometry’} If None, the model region is used.

  • datasets_dep (List[dict]) – List of dictionaries with topobathy data, each containing a dataset name or Path (elevtn) and optional merge arguments e.g.: [{‘elevtn’: merit_hydro, ‘zmin’: 0.01}, {‘elevtn’: gebco, ‘offset’: 0, ‘merge_method’: ‘first’, reproj_method: ‘bilinear’}] For a complete overview of all merge options, see merge_multi_dataarrays() Note that subgrid/dep_subgrid.tif is automatically used if present and datasets_dep is left empty.

  • zoom_range (Union[int, List[int]], optional) – Range of zoom levels for which tiles are created, by default [0,13]

  • z_range (List[int], optional) – Range of valid elevations that are included in the topobathy tiles, by default [-20000.0, 20000.0]

  • create_index_tiles (bool, optional) – If True, index tiles are created, by default True

  • create_topobathy_tiles (bool, optional) – If True, topobathy tiles are created, by default True.

  • fmt (str, optional) – Format of the tiles: “bin” (binary, default), or “png”.