Download example models
For each wflow Model a test model is available that can help to understand the data requirements and the usage of each Model. The TOML configuration file per available model are listed in the Table below:
model | TOML configuration file |
wflow_sbm + kinematic wave | sbm_config.toml |
wflow_sbm + groundwater flow | sbm_gwf_config.toml |
wflow_sediment | sediment_config.toml |
The associated Model files (input static, forcing and state files) can easily be downloaded and for this we share the following Julia code (per Model) that downloads the required files to your current working directory. For running these test model see also Usage and Command Line Interface.
wflow_sbm + kinematic wave
# urls to TOML and netCDF of the Moselle example model
= ""
toml_url = ""
staticmaps = ""
forcing = ""
# create a "data" directory in the current directory
= joinpath(@__DIR__, "data")
datadir mkpath(datadir)
= joinpath(@__DIR__, "sbm_config.toml")
# download resources to current and data dirs
download(staticmaps, joinpath(datadir, ""))
download(forcing, joinpath(datadir, ""))
download(instates, joinpath(datadir, ""))
download(toml_url, toml_path)
wflow_sbm + groundwater flow
# urls to TOML and netCDF of the Moselle example model
= ""
toml_url = ""
staticmaps = ""
# create a "data" directory in the current directory
= joinpath(@__DIR__, "data")
datadir mkpath(datadir)
= joinpath(@__DIR__, "sbm_gwf_config.toml")
# download resources to current and data dirs
download(staticmaps, joinpath(datadir, ""))
download(forcing, joinpath(datadir, ""))
download(toml_url, toml_path)
# urls to TOML and netCDF of the Moselle example model
= ""
toml_url = ""
staticmaps = ""
forcing = ""
# create a "data" directory in the current directory
= joinpath(@__DIR__, "data")
datadir mkpath(datadir)
= joinpath(@__DIR__, "sediment_config.toml")
# download resources to current and data dirs
download(staticmaps, joinpath(datadir, ""))
download(forcing, joinpath(datadir, ""))
download(instates, joinpath(datadir, ""))
download(toml_url, toml_path)