Developer Notes


QGIS-Tim uses pixi to manage installing dependencies and run common tasks.

Follow the instructions on the Getting Started page.


To build the TimML and TTim server application with PyInstaller, run pixi run build-backend

This creates a built PyInstaller application in ./dist/gistim.

Run pixi run zip-backend to create a ZIP file of the PyInstaller application. Run pixi run zip-plugin to create a ZIP file of the QGIS plugin that can be installed in QGIS.

To test the created ZIP files: Install the QGIS from the ZIP file, start the QGIS plugin and try to install the ZIP file via the “Install TimML and TTim server” button.

Creating new release

Make a GitHub release

To create a new release:

  1. Go to the QGIS-Tim releases page
  2. Click on the “Draft a new release” button.
  3. Create a new tag.
  4. Write a title and description.
  5. Publish the release.
  6. PyInstaller applications will now be automatically built.

GitHub actions have been defined to automatically build PyInstaller applications on Windows, macOS, and Linux; and to create a ZIP file of the QGIS plugin. These run automatically when a new tag is defined. The defined workflows will upload their files to an existing release. This means tags should only be created via the GitHub “Draft a new release” functionality, or no release will be available to upload to.

Upload the plugin to the QGIS respository

Login to the QGIS plugin repository and upload the ZIP file of the QGIS plugin.