


Diaphragm Wall selected from the model window in D-Sheet Piling


Pile selected from the model window in D-Sheet Piling


Refering to Moment-Curvature Diagram(M-N-Kappa) in the D-SheetPiling UI


Pile selected from the model window in D-Sheet Piling


Pile selected from the model window in D-Sheet Piling


Sheet Piling selected from the model window in D-Sheet Piling


Refering to Moment-Curvature Diagram(M-N-Kappa) in the D-SheetPiling UI


Pile selected from the model window in D-Sheet Piling


Vertical Balance parameters


Wooden pile selected from the model window in D-Sheet Piling

class geolib.models.dsheetpiling.constructions.DiaphragmWall(**data)

Diaphragm Wall selected from the model window in D-Sheet Piling

  • name – Name of the element inputted

  • diaphragm_wall_properties – properties specifically used for the Diaphragm Wall element.

  • plastic_properties – plastic calculation properties. For the Diaphragm Wall option, these are always present.

  • data (Any)

diaphragm_wall_properties: Optional[DiaphragmWallProperties]
model_config: ClassVar[ConfigDict] = {'arbitrary_types_allowed': True, 'extra': 'forbid', 'ser_json_inf_nan': 'constants', 'validate_assignment': True, 'validate_default': True}

Configuration for the model, should be a dictionary conforming to [ConfigDict][pydantic.config.ConfigDict].

name: str
plastic_properties: Optional[FullPlasticCalculationProperties]
class geolib.models.dsheetpiling.constructions.DiaphragmWallProperties(**data)

Pile selected from the model window in D-Sheet Piling

  • material_type – Select the material of the sheet piling element : User defined, Steel, Concrete, Wood, Synthetic.

  • acting_width – The acting width can be used when the effective width changes along the sheet piling. D-SHEET PILING uses the acting width as a multiplication factor for the sheet piling stiffness and all loads, supports and reactions, except the normal force.

  • elastic_stiffness_ei – Stiffness of the section per running meter.

  • section_bottom_level – the vertical co-ordinate of the bottom of the sheet piling, in relation to the reference level.

  • mr_char_el: – Characterictic elastic moment without safety factors.:

  • material_factor_gamma_m

    The partial safety factor γm should be defined, only if the User defined material type is selected. Otherwise, the program will automatically apply the following factors (acc. to the corresponding Eurocode) to calculate the design allowable moment:

    • Steel: γm = 1 , acc. to Eurocode 3 – Part 5, art. 5.1.1(4) ;

    • Concrete: γm = 1.1, acc. to Eurocode 2 – Part 1.1, art. 3.1.6;

    • Wood: γm = 1 , acc. to Eurocode 5 – Part 1-2, art. 2.3(1);

    • Synthetic: γm = 1.2

  • modification_factor_k_mod

    The modification factor kmod should be defined, only if the User defined and synthetic material type is selected. Otherwise, the program will automatically apply the following factors:

    • Steel: kmod = 1 ;

    • Concrete: kmod = 1 ;

    • Wood: kmod= 1 ;

  • reduction_factor_on_ei – Reduction factor applied on the stiffness EI of the pile.

  • data (Any)

acting_width: Optional[float]
elastic_stiffness_ei: Optional[float]
material_factor_gamma_m: Optional[float]
material_type: Optional[SheetPilingElementMaterialType]
model_config: ClassVar[ConfigDict] = {'arbitrary_types_allowed': True, 'extra': 'forbid', 'ser_json_inf_nan': 'constants', 'validate_assignment': True, 'validate_default': True}

Configuration for the model, should be a dictionary conforming to [ConfigDict][pydantic.config.ConfigDict].

modification_factor_k_mod: Optional[float]
mr_char_el: Optional[float]
mr_char_pl: Optional[float]
note_on_reduction_factor: Optional[str]
reduction_factor_on_ei: Optional[float]
reduction_factor_on_maximum_moment: Optional[float]
section_bottom_level: Optional[float]
class geolib.models.dsheetpiling.constructions.FullPlasticCalculationProperties(**data)

Refering to Moment-Curvature Diagram(M-N-Kappa) in the D-SheetPiling UI

  • symmetrical – This option is True in case of a symmetric moment-curvature diagram.

  • eI_branch_2_positive – The flexural stiffness of the 2nd branch of the moment-curvature diagram (in compression).

  • eI_branch_2_negative – The flexural stiffness of the 2nd branch of the moment-curvature diagram (in traction).

  • moment_point_1_positive – The limit moment of the of the 1st branch of the moment-curvature diagram (in compression).

  • moment_point_1_negative – The limit moment of the of the 1st branch of the moment-curvature diagram (in traction).

  • plastic_moment_positive – The plastic moment of the positive part of the moment-curvature diagram (in compression).

  • plastic_moment_negative – The plastic moment of the positive part of the moment-curvature diagram (in traction).

  • eI_branch_3_positive – The flexural stiffness of the 3rd branch of the moment-curvaturediagram (in compression).

  • moment_point_2_positive – The limit moment of the of the 2nd branch of the moment-curvature diagram (in compression).

  • eI_branch_3_negative – The flexural stiffness of the 3rd branch of the moment-curvaturediagram (in traction).

  • moment_point_2_negative – The limit moment of the of the 2nd branch of the moment-curvature diagram (in traction).


data (Any)

eI_branch_2_negative: Optional[float]
eI_branch_2_positive: Optional[float]
eI_branch_3_negative: Optional[float]
eI_branch_3_positive: Optional[float]
model_config: ClassVar[ConfigDict] = {'arbitrary_types_allowed': True, 'extra': 'forbid', 'ser_json_inf_nan': 'constants', 'validate_assignment': True, 'validate_default': True}

Configuration for the model, should be a dictionary conforming to [ConfigDict][pydantic.config.ConfigDict].

moment_point_1_negative: Optional[float]
moment_point_1_positive: Optional[float]
moment_point_2_negative: Optional[float]
moment_point_2_positive: Optional[float]
plastic_moment_negative: Optional[float]
plastic_moment_positive: Optional[float]
symmetrical: Optional[bool]
class geolib.models.dsheetpiling.constructions.Pile(**data)

Pile selected from the model window in D-Sheet Piling

  • name – Name of the element inputted

  • pile_properties – properties specifically used for the Pile element.

  • plastic_properties – plastic calculation properties. If Elastic calculation checkbox is not selected.

  • data (Any)

model_config: ClassVar[ConfigDict] = {'arbitrary_types_allowed': True, 'extra': 'forbid', 'ser_json_inf_nan': 'constants', 'validate_assignment': True, 'validate_default': True}

Configuration for the model, should be a dictionary conforming to [ConfigDict][pydantic.config.ConfigDict].

name: str
pile_properties: Optional[PileProperties]
plastic_properties: Optional[FullPlasticCalculationProperties]
class geolib.models.dsheetpiling.constructions.PileProperties(**data)

Pile selected from the model window in D-Sheet Piling

  • material_type – Select the material of the sheet piling element : User defined, Steel, Concrete, Wood, Synthetic.

  • elastic_stiffness_ei – Stiffness of the section per running meter.

  • section_bottom_level – the vertical co-ordinate of the bottom of the sheet piling, in relation to the reference level.

  • mr_char_el – Characteristic elastic moment without safety factors.

  • material_factor_gamma_m – The partial safety factor γ m should be defined, only if the User defined material type

  • Otherwise (is selected.)

  • factors (the program will automatically apply the following)

  • moment ((acc. to the corresponding Eurocode) to calculate the design allowable)

  • Steel (*) – γm = 1 , acc. to Eurocode 3 – Part 5, art. 5.1.1(4)

  • Concrete (*) – γm = 1.1, acc. to Eurocode 2 – Part 1.1, art. 3.1.6

  • Wood (*) – γm = 1 , acc. to Eurocode 5 – Part 1-2, art. 2.3(1)

  • Synthetic (*) – γm = 1.2

  • modification_factor_k_mod – The modification factor kmod should be defined, only if the User defined

  • selected. (and synthetic material type is)

  • Otherwise

  • factors

  • Steel – kmod = 1

  • Concrete – kmod = 1

  • Wood – kmod= 1

  • reduction_factor_on_maximum_moment – The reduction factor applied to the maximum allowable moment

  • data (Any)

diameter: Optional[float]
elastic_stiffness_ei: Optional[float]
material_factor_gamma_m: Optional[float]
material_type: Optional[SheetPilingElementMaterialType]
model_config: ClassVar[ConfigDict] = {'arbitrary_types_allowed': True, 'extra': 'forbid', 'ser_json_inf_nan': 'constants', 'validate_assignment': True, 'validate_default': True}

Configuration for the model, should be a dictionary conforming to [ConfigDict][pydantic.config.ConfigDict].

modification_factor_k_mod: Optional[float]
mr_char_el: Optional[float]
mr_char_pl: Optional[float]
note_on_reduction_factor: Optional[str]
reduction_factor_on_ei: Optional[float]
reduction_factor_on_maximum_moment: Optional[float]
section_bottom_level: Optional[float]
class geolib.models.dsheetpiling.constructions.Sheet(**data)

Sheet Piling selected from the model window in D-Sheet Piling

  • name – Name of the element inputted

  • sheet_pile_properties – properties specifically used for the Sheet pile element.

  • plastic_properties – plastic calculation properties. If Elastic calculation checkbox is not selected.

  • data (Any)

model_config: ClassVar[ConfigDict] = {'arbitrary_types_allowed': True, 'extra': 'forbid', 'ser_json_inf_nan': 'constants', 'validate_assignment': True, 'validate_default': True}

Configuration for the model, should be a dictionary conforming to [ConfigDict][pydantic.config.ConfigDict].

name: str
plastic_properties: Optional[SheetPileModelPlasticCalculationProperties]
sheet_pile_properties: Optional[SheetPileProperties]
wooden_sheet_pile_properties: Optional[WoodenSheetPileProperties]
class geolib.models.dsheetpiling.constructions.SheetPileModelPlasticCalculationProperties(**data)

Refering to Moment-Curvature Diagram(M-N-Kappa) in the D-SheetPiling UI

  • plastic_moment_positive – The plastic moment of the positive part of the moment-curvature diagram (in compression).

  • plastic_moment_negative – The plastic moment of the positive part of the moment-curvature diagram (in traction).


data (Any)

model_config: ClassVar[ConfigDict] = {'arbitrary_types_allowed': True, 'extra': 'forbid', 'ser_json_inf_nan': 'constants', 'validate_assignment': True, 'validate_default': True}

Configuration for the model, should be a dictionary conforming to [ConfigDict][pydantic.config.ConfigDict].

plastic_moment_negative: Optional[float]
plastic_moment_positive: Optional[float]
symmetrical: Optional[bool]
class geolib.models.dsheetpiling.constructions.SheetPileProperties(**data)

Pile selected from the model window in D-Sheet Piling

  • material_type – Select the material of the sheet piling element : User defined, Steel, Concrete, Wood, Synthetic.

  • acting_width – The acting width can be used when the effective width changes along the sheet piling. D-SHEET PILING uses the acting width as a multiplication factor for the sheet piling stiffness and all loads, supports and reactions, except the normal force.

  • elastic_stiffness_ei – Stiffness of the section per running meter.

  • section_bottom_level – the vertical co-ordinate of the bottom of the sheet piling, in relation to the reference level.

  • mr_char_el – Characteristic elastic moment without safety factors.

  • material_factor_gamma_m

    The partial safety factor γm should be defined, only if the User defined material type is selected. Otherwise, the program will automatically apply the following factors (acc. to the corresponding Eurocode) to calculate the design allowable moment:

    • Steel: γm = 1 , acc. to Eurocode 3 – Part 5, art. 5.1.1(4)

    • Concrete: γm = 1.1, acc. to Eurocode 2 – Part 1.1, art. 3.1.6

    • Wood: γm = 1 , acc. to Eurocode 5 – Part 1-2, art. 2.3(1)

    • Synthetic: γm = 1.2

  • modification_factor_k_mod

    The modification factor kmod should be defined, only if the User defined and synthetic material type is selected. Otherwise, the program will automatically apply the following factors:

    • Steel: kmod = 1

    • Concrete: kmod = 1

    • Wood: kmod= 1

  • reduction_factor_on_maximum_moment – The reduction factor applied to the maximum allowable moment

  • reduction_factor_on_ei – Reduction factor applied on the stiffness EI of the pile.

  • wall]. (length of the perimeter of the sheet piling section per running meter of wall [m2/m2)

  • height – The thickness of the sheet piling profile [mm].

  • elastic_section_modulus_w_el – The section modulus (also called resisting moment in the Netherlands) of the sheet piling,

  • [cm3/m]

  • control (used for a Feasibility)

  • section_area – The cross-sectional area of the sheet piling, [cm3/m].

  • data (Any)

acting_width: Optional[float]
elastic_section_modulus_w_el: Optional[int]
elastic_stiffness_ei: Optional[float]
height: Optional[int]
material_factor_gamma_m: Optional[float]
material_type: Optional[SheetPilingElementMaterialType]
model_config: ClassVar[ConfigDict] = {'arbitrary_types_allowed': True, 'extra': 'forbid', 'ser_json_inf_nan': 'constants', 'validate_assignment': True, 'validate_default': True}

Configuration for the model, should be a dictionary conforming to [ConfigDict][pydantic.config.ConfigDict].

modification_factor_k_mod: Optional[float]
mr_char_el: Optional[float]
mr_char_pl: Optional[float]
note_on_reduction_factor: Optional[str]
reduction_factor_on_ei: Optional[float]
reduction_factor_on_maximum_moment: Optional[float]
section_area: Optional[int]
section_bottom_level: Optional[float]
width_of_sheet_piles: Optional[float]
class geolib.models.dsheetpiling.constructions.VerticalBalance(**data)

Vertical Balance parameters

  • max_point_resistance – Maximum point resistance (bearing capacity) at the pile point

  • xi_factor – Statistic factor related to the number of CPT’s used for derivation of the maximum point resistance

  • data (Any)

max_point_resistance: Optional[float]
model_config: ClassVar[ConfigDict] = {'arbitrary_types_allowed': True, 'extra': 'forbid', 'ser_json_inf_nan': 'constants', 'validate_assignment': True, 'validate_default': True}

Configuration for the model, should be a dictionary conforming to [ConfigDict][pydantic.config.ConfigDict].

xi_factor: Optional[float]
class geolib.models.dsheetpiling.constructions.WoodenSheetPileProperties(**data)

Wooden pile selected from the model window in D-Sheet Piling

  • elasticity_modulus_e_m_0_mean – The mean modulus of elasticity per running meter.

  • charac_flexural_strength_f_m_0_char – The characteristic flexural strength.

  • system_factor_k_sys – The system factor that considers the cooperation of structural elements.

  • deform_factor_k_def – Specifies deformation factor for the hardwoods or the reduction of the stiffness caused by the saturation of softwoods.

  • creep_factor_psi_2_eff – The value of considers the percentage of the load that is constantly present.

  • material_factor_gamma_m – The material factor.

  • modif_factor_on_f_m_0_char_short_term_k_mod_f_short – The short term modification factor of the strength to count for duration life of the wooden pile.

  • modif_factor_on_f_m_0_char_long_term_k_mod_f_long – The long term modification factor of the strength to count for duration life of the wooden pile.

  • modification_factor_on_e_m_0_d_k_mod_e – This value describes the modification factor of the elasticity.

  • data (Any)

charac_flexural_strength_f_m_0_char: Optional[float]
creep_factor_psi_2_eff: Optional[float]
deform_factor_k_def: Optional[float]
elasticity_modulus_e_m_0_mean: Optional[float]
material_factor_gamma_m: Optional[float]
model_config: ClassVar[ConfigDict] = {'arbitrary_types_allowed': True, 'extra': 'forbid', 'ser_json_inf_nan': 'constants', 'validate_assignment': True, 'validate_default': True}

Configuration for the model, should be a dictionary conforming to [ConfigDict][pydantic.config.ConfigDict].

modif_factor_on_f_m_0_char_long_term_k_mod_f_long: Optional[float]
modif_factor_on_f_m_0_char_short_term_k_mod_f_short: Optional[float]
modification_factor_on_e_m_0_d_k_mod_e: Optional[float]
system_factor_k_sys: Optional[float]