General information

Delft-FIAT is a free, python-based Fast Impact Assessment Tool, designed and continuously improved by Deltares. It is configured to run quick, consistent, and well-founded flood damage and risk calculations on the basis of flood maps and additional inputs such as depth-damage functions, asset locations, and their maximum potential damages. Delft-FIAT allows rapid assessment of the direct economic and monetary impacts to buildings, utilities, and roads for specified flood events and return periods. Fast impact modeling removes bottlenecks in climate adaptation planning, allowing for large numbers of calculations needed to understand the effectiveness of adaptation strategies and the changes in damage and risk as climate and socio-economic conditions change. In the further documentation, Delft-FIAT will be refered to simply as FIAT.

FIAT works with an easy format for exposed assets, consisting of information on the location, exposed value, ground floor height, and associated depth-damage functions, which can be modified by the user. A simple configuration file specifies the location of depth-damage functions and flood maps, as well as return periods of flood maps if calculating risk.

Flood maps
        Damage functions
    Flood Impact
Field Description
1 Flood maps Hazard input: Selected per damage/risk simulation
2 Damage functions Vulnerability input: Prepared when setting up the model, coupled to exposure objects
3 Exposure data Exposure input: Prepared when setting up the model, including exposure assets and max potential damages
4 Delft-FIAT Flood Impact Assesment Tool
5 Flood impact Resulting (economic) damages and risk
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