Source code for xugrid.ugrid.conventions

This module deals with extracting the relevant data from the UGRID attributes.

It takes some inspiration from:
import warnings
from collections import ChainMap
from itertools import chain
from typing import Dict, List, Tuple

import xarray as xr

class UgridDimensionError(Exception):

class UgridCoordinateError(Exception):

    1: ("node_dimension", "edge_dimension"),
    2: ("node_dimension", "face_dimension", "edge_dimension"),

    1: ("node_coordinates", "edge_coordinates"),
    2: ("node_coordinates", "face_coordinates", "edge_coordinates"),
    "node_coordinates": "node_dimension",
    "edge_coordinates": "edge_dimension",
    "face_coordinates": "face_dimension",

    1: ("edge_node_connectivity",),
    2: (

    "face_node_connectivity": ("face_dimension", None),
    "edge_node_connectivity": ("edge_dimension", 2),
    "face_edge_connectivity": ("face_dimension", None),
    "face_face_connectivity": ("face_dimension", None),
    "edge_face_connectivity": ("edge_dimension", 2),
    "boundary_node_connectivity": ("boundary_edge_dimension", 2),

X_STANDARD_NAMES = ("projection_x_coordinate", "longitude")
Y_STANDARD_NAMES = ("projection_y_coordinate", "latitude")

LATLON = False
    "node_x": {
        PROJECTED: {
            "standard_name": "projection_x_coordinate",
        LATLON: {
            "standard_name": "longitude",
    "node_y": {
        PROJECTED: {
            "standard_name": "projection_y_coordinate",
        LATLON: {
            "standard_name": "latitude",
    "edge_x": {
        PROJECTED: {
            "standard_name": "projection_x_coordinate",
        LATLON: {
            "standard_name": "longitude",
    "edge_y": {
        PROJECTED: {
            "standard_name": "projection_y_coordinate",
        LATLON: {
            "standard_name": "latitude",
    "face_x": {
        PROJECTED: {
            "standard_name": "projection_x_coordinate",
        LATLON: {
            "standard_name": "longitude",
    "face_y": {
        PROJECTED: {
            "standard_name": "projection_y_coordinate",
        LATLON: {
            "standard_name": "latitude",
    "face_node_connectivity": {
        "cf_role": "face_node_connectivity",
        "start_index": 0,
        "_FillValue": -1,
    "edge_node_connectivity": {
        "cf_role": "edge_node_connectivity",
        "start_index": 0,
        "_FillValue": -1,
    "face_edge_connectivity": {
        "cf_role": "face_edge_connectivity",
        "start_index": 0,
        "_FillValue": -1,
    "face_face_connectivity": {
        "cf_role": "face_face_connectivity",
        "start_index": 0,
        "_FillValue": -1,
    "edge_face_connectivity": {
        "cf_role": "edge_face_connectivity",
        "start_index": 0,
        "_FillValue": -1,
    "boundary_node_connectivity": {
        "cf_role": "boundary_node_connectivity",
        "start_index": 0,
        "_FillValue": -1,

def default_topology_attrs(name: str, topology_dimension: int):
    if topology_dimension == 1:
        return {
            "cf_role": "mesh_topology",
            "long_name": "Topology data of 1D network",
            "topology_dimension": 1,
            "node_dimension": f"{name}_nNodes",
            "edge_dimension": f"{name}_nEdges",
            "edge_node_connectivity": f"{name}_edge_nodes",
            "node_coordinates": f"{name}_node_x {name}_node_y",
            "edge_coordinates": f"{name}_edge_x {name}_edge_y",
    elif topology_dimension == 2:
        return {
            "cf_role": "mesh_topology",
            "long_name": "Topology data of 2D mesh",
            "topology_dimension": 2,
            "node_dimension": f"{name}_nNodes",
            "edge_dimension": f"{name}_nEdges",
            "face_dimension": f"{name}_nFaces",
            "max_face_nodes_dimension": f"{name}_nMax_face_nodes",
            "boundary_edge_dimension": f"{name}_nBoundary_edges",
            "edge_node_connectivity": f"{name}_edge_nodes",
            "face_node_connectivity": f"{name}_face_nodes",
            "face_edge_connectivity": f"{name}_face_edges",
            "edge_face_connectivity": f"{name}_edge_faces",
            "boundary_node_connectivity": f"{name}_boundary_nodes",
            "face_face_connectivity": f"{name}_face_faces",
            "node_coordinates": f"{name}_node_x {name}_node_y",
            "edge_coordinates": f"{name}_edge_x {name}_edge_y",
            "face_coordinates": f"{name}_face_x {name}_face_y",
        raise ValueError(
            f"topology_dimensions should be 1 or 2, received {topology_dimension}"

def _get_topology(ds: xr.Dataset) -> List[str]:
    return [k for k in ds.data_vars if ds[k].attrs.get("cf_role") == "mesh_topology"]

def _infer_xy_coords(
    ds: xr.Dataset, candidates: List[str]
) -> Tuple[List[str], List[str]]:
    # TODO: add argument for latitude / longitude?
    x = []
    y = []
    for candidate in candidates:
        stdname = ds[candidate].attrs.get("standard_name")
        if stdname in X_STANDARD_NAMES:
        elif stdname in Y_STANDARD_NAMES:

    if not x and not y:
        first = candidates[0]
        second = candidates[1]
            f"No standard_name of {X_STANDARD_NAMES + Y_STANDARD_NAMES} in {candidates}.\n"
            f"Using {first} and {second} as projected x and y coordinates."
    elif not x:
        raise UgridCoordinateError(
            "No standard_name of {X_STANDARD_NAMES} in {candidates}"
    elif not y:
        raise UgridCoordinateError(
            "No standard_name of {Y_STANDARD_NAMES} in {candidates}"

    return x, y

def _get_coordinates(
    ds: xr.Dataset, topologies: List[str]
) -> Dict[str, Dict[str, Tuple[List[str], List[str]]]]:
    topology_dict = {}
    for topology in topologies:
        attrs = ds[topology].attrs
        topodim = attrs["topology_dimension"]
        vardict = {}
        for name in _COORD_NAMES[topodim]:
            if name in attrs:
                candidates = [c for c in attrs[name].split(" ") if c in ds]
                if len(candidates) == 0:
                        f"the following variables are specified for UGRID {name}: "
                        f'"{attrs[name]}", but they are not present in the dataset'
                if len(candidates) < 2:
                    raise UgridCoordinateError(
                        f"{topology}: at least two values required for UGRID {name},"
                        f' while only "{attrs[name]}" are specified.'
                vardict[name] = _infer_xy_coords(ds, candidates)

        topology_dict[topology] = vardict

    return topology_dict

def _infer_dims(
    ds: xr.Dataset,
    connectivities: Dict[str, str],
    coordinates: Dict[str, Dict[str, Tuple[List[str]]]],
    vardict: Dict[str, str],
) -> Dict[str, str]:
    """Infer dimensions based on connectivity and coordinates."""
    inferred = {}
    for role, varname in connectivities.items():
        expected_dims = _CONNECTIVITY_DIMS[role]
        var_dims = ds[varname].dims
        for key, dim in zip(expected_dims, var_dims):
            if isinstance(key, str):
                prev_dim = inferred.get(key)
                # Not specified: default order can be used to infer dimensions.
                if prev_dim is None:
                    inferred[key] = dim
                    if prev_dim not in var_dims:
                        raise UgridDimensionError(
                            f"{key}: {prev_dim} not in {role}: {varname}"
                            f" with dimensions: {var_dims}"
            elif isinstance(key, int):
                dim_size = ds.sizes[dim]
                if not dim_size == key:
                    raise UgridDimensionError(
                        f"Expected size {key} for dimension {dim} in variable "
                        f"{varname} with role {role}, found instead: "

            # If key is None, we don't do any checking.

    for role, varnames in coordinates.items():
        key = _COORD_DIMS[role]
        for varname in chain.from_iterable(varnames):
            var_dims = ds[varname].dims
            if len(var_dims) != 1:
            var_dim = var_dims[0]

            prev_dim = vardict.get(key) or inferred.get(key)
            if prev_dim is None:
                inferred[key] = var_dim
                if prev_dim != var_dim:
                    raise UgridDimensionError(
                        f"Conflicting names for {key}: {prev_dim} versus {var_dim}"

    return inferred

def _get_dimensions(
    ds: xr.Dataset,
    topologies: List[str],
    connectivity: Dict[str, Dict[str, str]],
    coordinates: Dict[str, Dict[str, Tuple[List[str]]]],
) -> Dict[str, Dict[str, str]]:
    Get the dimensions from the topology attributes and infer them from
    connectivity arrays or coordinates.
    topology_dict = {}
    for topology in topologies:
        attrs = ds[topology].attrs
        topodim = attrs["topology_dimension"]
        # dimensions are optionally required: only if the dimension order is
        # nonstandard in any of the connectivity variables.
        vardict = {k: attrs[k] for k in _DIM_NAMES[topodim] if k in attrs}
        inferred = _infer_dims(
            ds, connectivity[topology], coordinates[topology], vardict
        topology_dict[topology] = {**vardict, **inferred}

    return topology_dict

def _get_connectivity(
    ds: xr.Dataset, topologies: List[str]
) -> Dict[str, Dict[str, str]]:
    topology_dict = {}
    for topology in topologies:
        attrs = ds[topology].attrs
        topodim = attrs["topology_dimension"]
        topology_dict[topology] = {
            k: attrs[k]
            for k in _CONNECTIVITY_NAMES[topodim]
            if (k in attrs) and (attrs[k] in ds)
    return topology_dict

[docs] @xr.register_dataset_accessor("ugrid_roles") class UgridRolesAccessor: """ Xarray Dataset "accessor" to retrieve the names of UGRID variables. Examples -------- To get a list of the UGRID dummy variables in the dataset: >>> dataset.ugrid_roles.topology To get the names of the connectivity variables in the dataset: >>> dataset.ugrid_roles.connectivity Names can also be accessed directly through the topology: >>> dataset.ugrid_roles["mesh2d"]["node_dimension"] """
[docs] def __init__(self, ds: xr.Dataset): self._ds = ds
def __getitem__(self, key: str): if key not in self.topology: raise KeyError(key) return ChainMap( self.dimensions[key], self.coordinates[key], self.connectivity[key] ) @property def topology(self) -> List[str]: """ Get the names of the topology dummy variables, marked by a CF-role of ``mesh_topology``. Returns ------- topology: List[str] """ return _get_topology(self._ds) @property def coordinates(self) -> Dict[str, Dict[str, Tuple[List[str], List[str]]]]: """ Get the names of the coordinate variables from the topology attributes. Returns a dictionary with the coordinates for the UGRID coordinates: * node coordinates * edge coordinates * face coordinates Multiple coordinates may be defined. The coordinates are grouped by their role (x or y). Returns ------- coordinates: dict[str, dict[str, Tuple[List[str]]]] """ return _get_coordinates(self._ds, self.topology) @property def dimensions(self) -> Dict[str, Dict[str, str]]: """ Get the dimension names from the topology attributes and infer them from connectivity arrays or coordinates. Returns a dictionary with the UGRID dimensions per topology: * node dimension * edge dimension * face dimension Returns ------- dimensions: dict[str, dict[str, str]] """ return _get_dimensions( self._ds, self.topology, self.connectivity, self.coordinates ) @property def connectivity(self) -> Dict[str, Dict[str, str]]: """ Get the names of the variables containing the UGRID connectivity data. * face_node_connectivity * edge_node_connectivity * face_edge_connectivity * edge_face_connectivity Returns ------- connectivity: Dict[str, Dict[str, str]] """ return _get_connectivity(self._ds, self.topology) def __repr__(self): dimensions = self.dimensions coordinates = self.coordinates connectivity = self.connectivity def make_text_section(subtitle, entries, vardict): tab = " " rows = [f"{tab}{subtitle}"] for role in entries: if role in vardict: rows += [f"{tab}{tab}{role}: {vardict[role]}"] else: rows += [f"{tab}{tab}{role}: n/a"] rows.append("") return rows rows = [] for topology in self.topology: topodim = self._ds[topology].attrs["topology_dimension"] rows += [f"UGRID {topodim}D Topology {topology}:"] rows += make_text_section( "Dimensions:", _DIM_NAMES[topodim], dimensions[topology] ) rows += make_text_section( "Connectivity:", _CONNECTIVITY_NAMES[topodim], connectivity[topology] ) rows += make_text_section( "Coordinates:", _COORD_NAMES[topodim], coordinates[topology] ) return "\n".join(rows)