"""This module is strongly inspired by / copied from xarray/plot/plot.py."""
import functools
import numpy as np
from xugrid.constants import FloatDType
from xugrid.plot.utils import (
from xugrid.ugrid.connectivity import close_polygons
NODE = 0
EDGE = 1
FACE = 2
def get_ugrid_dim(grid, da) -> int:
dim = da.dims[0]
if dim == grid.node_dimension:
return NODE
elif dim == grid.edge_dimension:
return EDGE
elif dim == grid.face_dimension:
return FACE
allowed_dims = [grid.node_dimension, grid.edge_dimension, grid.face_dimension]
raise ValueError(
f"Not a valid UGRID dimension: {dim}," f"should be one of: {allowed_dims}"
def override_signature(f):
def wrapper(func):
func.__wrapped__ = f
return func
return wrapper
def _plot2d(plotfunc):
Decorator for common 2d plotting logic
Also adds the 2d plot method to class _PlotMethods
""" # noqa: D401
commondoc = """
topology : Union[Ugrid1d, Ugrid2d, Tuple[FloatArray, FloatArray], Triangulation]
Mesh topology.
darray : DataArray
Must be two-dimensional, unless creating faceted plots.
figsize : tuple, optional
A tuple (width, height) of the figure in inches.
Mutually exclusive with ``size`` and ``ax``.
aspect : scalar, optional
Aspect ratio of plot, so that ``aspect * size`` gives the *width* in
inches. Only used if a ``size`` is provided.
size : scalar, optional
If provided, create a new figure for the plot with the given size:
*height* (in inches) of each plot. See also: ``aspect``.
ax : matplotlib axes object, optional
Axes on which to plot. By default, use the current axes.
Mutually exclusive with ``size`` and ``figsize``.
row : string, optional
If passed, make row faceted plots on this dimension name.
col : string, optional
If passed, make column faceted plots on this dimension name.
col_wrap : int, optional
Use together with ``col`` to wrap faceted plots.
xticks, yticks : array-like, optional
Specify tick locations for *x*- and *y*-axis.
xlim, ylim : array-like, optional
Specify *x*- and *y*-axis limits.
xincrease : None, True, or False, optional
Should the values on the *x* axis be increasing from left to right?
If ``None``, use the default for the Matplotlib function.
yincrease : None, True, or False, optional
Should the values on the *y* axis be increasing from top to bottom?
If ``None``, use the default for the Matplotlib function.
add_colorbar : bool, optional
Add colorbar to axes.
add_labels : bool, optional
Use xarray metadata to label axes.
norm : matplotlib.colors.Normalize, optional
If ``norm`` has ``vmin`` or ``vmax`` specified, the corresponding
kwarg must be ``None``.
vmin, vmax : float, optional
Values to anchor the colormap, otherwise they are inferred from the
data and other keyword arguments. When a diverging dataset is inferred,
setting one of these values will fix the other by symmetry around
``center``. Setting both values prevents use of a diverging colormap.
If discrete levels are provided as an explicit list, both of these
values are ignored.
cmap : matplotlib colormap name or colormap, optional
The mapping from data values to color space. If not provided, this
will be either be ``'viridis'`` (if the function infers a sequential
dataset) or ``'RdBu_r'`` (if the function infers a diverging dataset).
See :doc:`Choosing Colormaps in Matplotlib <matplotlib:tutorials/colors/colormaps>`
for more information.
If *seaborn* is installed, ``cmap`` may also be a
`seaborn color palette <https://seaborn.pydata.org/tutorial/color_palettes.html>`_.
Note: if ``cmap`` is a seaborn color palette and the plot type
is not ``'contour'`` or ``'contourf'``, ``levels`` must also be specified.
colors : str or array-like of color-like, optional
A single color or a sequence of colors. If the plot type is not ``'contour'``
or ``'contourf'``, the ``levels`` argument is required.
center : float, optional
The value at which to center the colormap. Passing this value implies
use of a diverging colormap. Setting it to ``False`` prevents use of a
diverging colormap.
robust : bool, optional
If ``True`` and ``vmin`` or ``vmax`` are absent, the colormap range is
computed with 2nd and 98th percentiles instead of the extreme values.
extend : {'neither', 'both', 'min', 'max'}, optional
How to draw arrows extending the colorbar beyond its limits. If not
provided, ``extend`` is inferred from ``vmin``, ``vmax`` and the data limits.
levels : int or array-like, optional
Split the colormap (``cmap``) into discrete color intervals. If an integer
is provided, "nice" levels are chosen based on the data range: this can
imply that the final number of levels is not exactly the expected one.
Setting ``vmin`` and/or ``vmax`` with ``levels=N`` is equivalent to
setting ``levels=np.linspace(vmin, vmax, N)``.
infer_intervals : bool, optional
Only applies to pcolormesh. If ``True``, the coordinate intervals are
passed to pcolormesh. If ``False``, the original coordinates are used
(this can be useful for certain map projections). The default is to
always infer intervals, unless the mesh is irregular and plotted on
a map projection.
subplot_kws : dict, optional
Dictionary of keyword arguments for Matplotlib subplots. Only used
for 2D and faceted plots.
(see :py:meth:`matplotlib:matplotlib.figure.Figure.add_subplot`).
cbar_ax : matplotlib axes object, optional
Axes in which to draw the colorbar.
cbar_kwargs : dict, optional
Dictionary of keyword arguments to pass to the colorbar
(see :meth:`matplotlib:matplotlib.figure.Figure.colorbar`).
**kwargs : optional
Additional keyword arguments to wrapped Matplotlib function.
artist :
The same type of primitive artist that the wrapped Matplotlib
function returns.
# Build on the original docstring
plotfunc.__doc__ = f"{plotfunc.__doc__}\n{commondoc}"
# plotfunc and newplotfunc have different signatures:
# - plotfunc: (x, y, z, ax, **kwargs)
# - newplotfunc: (darray, x, y, **kwargs)
# where plotfunc accepts numpy arrays, while newplotfunc accepts a DataArray
# and variable names. newplotfunc also explicitly lists most kwargs, so we
# need to shorten it
def signature(topology, darray, **kwargs):
pass # pragma: no-cover
def newplotfunc(
# All 2d plots in xarray share this function signature.
# Method signature below should be consistent.
# Decide on a default for the colorbar before facetgrids
if add_colorbar is None:
add_colorbar = True
if (
darray is None
or plotfunc.__name__ == "contour"
or (plotfunc.__name__ == "surface" and cmap is None)
add_colorbar = False
if subplot_kws is None:
subplot_kws = {}
if plotfunc.__name__ == "surface" and not kwargs.get("_is_facetgrid", False):
if ax is None:
# TODO: Importing Axes3D is no longer necessary in matplotlib >= 3.2.
# Remove when minimum requirement of matplotlib is 3.2:
from mpl_toolkits.mplot3d import Axes3D # type: ignore # noqa: F401
# delete so it does not end up in locals()
del Axes3D
# Need to create a "3d" Axes instance for surface plots
subplot_kws["projection"] = "3d"
# In facet grids, shared axis labels don't make sense for surface plots
sharex = False
sharey = False
# Handle facetgrids first
if row or col:
if darray is None:
raise ValueError(
"Cannot create facetgrid with only topology and no data."
allargs = locals().copy()
del allargs["darray"]
del allargs["imshow_rgb"]
# Need the decorated plotting function
allargs["plotfunc"] = globals()[plotfunc.__name__]
return _easy_facetgrid(darray, kind="dataarray", **allargs)
# For 3d plot, ensure given ax is a Axes3D object
if (
plotfunc.__name__ == "surface"
and not kwargs.get("_is_facetgrid", False)
and ax is not None
import mpl_toolkits # type: ignore
if not isinstance(ax, mpl_toolkits.mplot3d.Axes3D):
raise ValueError(
"If ax is passed to surface(), it must be created with "
# darray may be None when plotting just edges (the mesh)
if darray is not None:
cmap_params, cbar_kwargs = _process_cmap_cbar_kwargs(
_is_facetgrid=kwargs.pop("_is_facetgrid", False),
cmap_params = {}
cbar_kwargs = {}
if "contour" in plotfunc.__name__:
# extend is a keyword argument only for contour and contourf, but
# passing it to the colorbar is sufficient for imshow and
# pcolormesh
kwargs["extend"] = cmap_params["extend"]
kwargs["levels"] = cmap_params["levels"]
# if colors == a single color, matplotlib draws dashed negative
# contours. we lose this feature if we pass cmap and not colors
if isinstance(colors, str):
cmap_params["cmap"] = None
kwargs["colors"] = colors
if "imshow" == plotfunc.__name__ and isinstance(aspect, str):
# forbid usage of mpl strings
raise ValueError(
"plt.imshow's `aspect` string kwarg is not available in xugrid. "
"Use a float instead."
for key in ["cmap", "vmin", "vmax", "norm"]:
kwargs[key] = cmap_params.get(key)
ax = get_axis(figsize, size, aspect, ax, **subplot_kws)
primitive = plotfunc(
if size is not None:
# Try to get a 1:1 ratio between x and y coordinates by default. If
# colorbar is present, we need to make room for it in the
# x-direction. 1.26 is the magic number; the colorbar takes up 26%
# additional space by default.
if aspect is None:
xmin, xmax = ax.get_xlim()
ymin, ymax = ax.get_ylim()
aspect = (xmax - xmin) / (ymax - ymin)
if add_colorbar:
aspect *= 1.26
# Preserve height, adjust width if needed; Do not call
# ax.set_aspect: this shrinks or grows the ax relative to the
# colobar
figsize = (size * aspect, size)
# Label the plot with metadata
if darray is not None and add_labels:
# TODO: grab x and y information from topology?
if plotfunc.__name__ == "surface":
if add_colorbar:
if add_labels and "label" not in cbar_kwargs:
cbar_kwargs["label"] = label_from_attrs(darray)
cbar = _add_colorbar(primitive, ax, cbar_ax, cbar_kwargs, cmap_params)
elif cbar_ax is not None or cbar_kwargs:
# inform the user about keywords which aren't used
raise ValueError(
"cbar_ax and cbar_kwargs can't be used with add_colorbar=False."
# origin kwarg overrides yincrease
if "origin" in kwargs:
yincrease = None
# Spatial x and y coordinates: no need for e.g. logarithm axes.
xscale = None
yscale = None
ax, xincrease, yincrease, xscale, yscale, xticks, yticks, xlim, ylim
return primitive
return newplotfunc
def scatter(grid, da, ax, **kwargs):
dim = get_ugrid_dim(grid, da)
x, y = getattr(grid, COORDS[dim]).T
primitive = ax.scatter(x, y, c=da.to_numpy().ravel(), **kwargs)
return primitive
def tripcolor(grid, da, ax, **kwargs):
dim = get_ugrid_dim(grid, da)
if dim != NODE:
raise ValueError("tripcolor only supports data on nodes")
(x, y, triangles), _ = grid.triangulation
primitive = ax.tripcolor(x, y, triangles, da.to_numpy().ravel(), **kwargs)
return primitive
def line(grid, da, ax, **kwargs):
from matplotlib.collections import LineCollection
if da is not None:
dim = get_ugrid_dim(grid, da)
if dim != EDGE:
raise ValueError("line only supports data on edges")
dim = None
edge_nodes = grid.edge_node_connectivity
n_edge = len(edge_nodes)
edge_coords = np.empty((n_edge, 2, 2), dtype=FloatDType)
node_0 = edge_nodes[:, 0]
node_1 = edge_nodes[:, 1]
edge_coords[:, 0, 0] = grid.node_x[node_0]
edge_coords[:, 0, 1] = grid.node_y[node_0]
edge_coords[:, 1, 0] = grid.node_x[node_1]
edge_coords[:, 1, 1] = grid.node_y[node_1]
# PolyCollection takes a norm, but not vmin, vmax.
norm = kwargs.get("norm", None)
vmin = kwargs.pop("vmin", None)
vmax = kwargs.pop("vmax", None)
collection = LineCollection(edge_coords, **kwargs)
if dim == EDGE:
collection._scale_norm(norm, vmin, vmax)
primitive = ax.add_collection(collection, autolim=False)
xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax = grid.bounds
ax.set_xlim(xmin, xmax)
ax.set_ylim(ymin, ymax)
return primitive
def imshow(grid, da, ax, **kwargs):
Image plot of 2D DataArray.
Wraps :py:func:`matplotlib:matplotlib.pyplot.imshow`.
This rasterizes the grid before plotting. Pass a ``resolution`` keyword to
control the rasterization resolution.
dim = get_ugrid_dim(grid, da)
if dim != FACE:
raise ValueError("imshow only supports data on faces")
if "extent" not in kwargs:
xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax = grid.bounds
kwargs["extent"] = xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax
if kwargs.get("origin", None) == "upper":
xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax = kwargs["extent"]
xmin, xmax, ymax, ymin = kwargs["extent"]
dx = xmax - xmin
dy = ymax - ymin
# Check if a rasterization resolution is passed; Default to 500 raster
# cells otherwise for the smallest axis.
resolution = kwargs.pop("resolution", None)
if resolution is None:
resolution = min(dx, dy) / 500
_, _, index = grid.rasterize(resolution)
img = da.to_numpy()[index].astype(float)
img[index == -1] = np.nan
primitive = ax.imshow(img, **kwargs)
return primitive
def contour(grid, da, ax, **kwargs):
Create a contour plot of a 2D UgridDataArray.
Wraps :py:func:`matplotlib:matplotlib.pyplot.tricontour`.
dim = get_ugrid_dim(grid, da)
if dim == NODE:
(x, y, triangles), _ = grid.triangulation
z = da
elif dim == FACE:
(x, y, triangles), index = grid.centroid_triangulation
z = da.isel({grid.face_dimension: index})
raise ValueError("contour only supports data on nodes or faces")
primitive = ax.tricontour(x, y, triangles, z.to_numpy().ravel(), **kwargs)
return primitive
def contourf(grid, da, ax, **kwargs):
Create a filled contour plot of a 2D UgridDataArray.
Wraps :py:func:`matplotlib:matplotlib.pyplot.tricontourf`.
dim = get_ugrid_dim(grid, da)
if dim == NODE:
(x, y, triangles), _ = grid.triangulation
z = da
elif dim == FACE:
(x, y, triangles), index = grid.centroid_triangulation
z = da.isel({grid.face_dimension: index})
raise ValueError("contourf only supports data on nodes or faces")
primitive = ax.tricontourf(x, y, triangles, z.to_numpy().ravel(), **kwargs)
return primitive
def pcolormesh(grid, da, ax, **kwargs):
Create a pseudocolor mesh plot of a 2D UgridDataArray.
Wraps matplotlib PolyCollection.
from matplotlib.collections import PolyCollection
dim = get_ugrid_dim(grid, da)
if dim != FACE:
raise ValueError("pcolormesh only supports data on faces")
nodes = grid.node_coordinates
faces, _ = close_polygons(grid.face_node_connectivity)
vertices = nodes[faces]
# PolyCollection takes a norm, but not vmin, vmax.
norm = kwargs.get("norm", None)
vmin = kwargs.pop("vmin", None)
vmax = kwargs.pop("vmax", None)
kwargs["closed"] = False # Vertices are closing.
# Set edgecolor to face by default, since we get a lot of white lines,
# especially for larger grids.
if "edgecolors" not in kwargs:
kwargs["edgecolors"] = "face"
collection = PolyCollection(vertices, **kwargs)
collection._scale_norm(norm, vmin, vmax)
primitive = ax.add_collection(collection, autolim=False)
xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax = grid.bounds
ax.set_xlim(xmin, xmax)
ax.set_ylim(ymin, ymax)
corners = (xmin, ymin), (xmax, ymax)
return primitive
def surface(grid, da, ax, **kwargs):
Create a surface plot of a 2D UgridDataArray.
Wraps :py:func:`matplotlib:mplot3d:plot_trisurf`.
dim = get_ugrid_dim(grid, da)
if dim == NODE:
(x, y, triangles), _ = grid.triangulation
z = da
elif dim == FACE:
(x, y, triangles), index = grid.centroid_triangulation
z = da.isel({grid.face_dimension: index})
raise ValueError("surface only supports data on nodes or faces")
primitive = ax.plot_trisurf(x, y, triangles, z.to_numpy().ravel(), **kwargs)
return primitive
def plot(
Plot the data of the DataArray on the Ugrid topology.
Default plot of DataArray using :py:mod:`matplotlib:matplotlib.pyplot`.
Calls xarray plotting function based on the topology dimension of the data.
=============== ===========================
Dimension Plotting function
=============== ===========================
Face :py:func:`xugrid.plot.pcolormesh`
Edge :py:func:`xugrid.plot.line`
Node :py:func:`xugrid.plot.tripcolor`
=============== ===========================
darray : DataArray
grid: Union[Ugrid1d, Ugrid2d]
**kwargs : optional
Additional keyword arguments for Matplotlib.
dim = darray.dims[0]
kwargs["ax"] = ax
if grid.topology_dimension == 1:
if dim == grid.edge_dimension:
return line(grid, darray, **kwargs)
elif dim == grid.node_dimension:
return scatter(grid, darray, **kwargs)
raise ValueError("Data dimensions is not one of node or edge dimension.")
elif grid.topology_dimension == 2:
if dim == grid.face_dimension:
return pcolormesh(grid, darray, **kwargs)
elif dim == grid.node_dimension:
return tripcolor(grid, darray, **kwargs)
elif dim == grid.edge_dimension:
return line(grid, darray, **kwargs)
raise ValueError(
"Data dimensions is not one of face, node, or edge dimension."
raise ValueError("Topology dimension is not 1 or 2")
class _PlotMethods:
Enables use of plot functions as attributes.
For example UgridDataArray.ugrid.plot.pcolormesh()
__slots__ = ("grid", "darray")
def __init__(self, obj):
darray = obj.obj
grid = obj.grid
invalid = set(darray.dims) - grid.dims
if invalid:
raise ValueError(
f"UgridDataArray contains non-topology dimensions: {invalid}.\n"
f"Expected only one of {grid.dims}."
self.grid = grid
self.darray = darray.squeeze().compute()
def __call__(self, **kwargs):
return plot(self.grid, self.darray, **kwargs)
def contour(self, *args, **kwargs):
return contour(self.grid, self.darray, *args, **kwargs)
def contourf(self, *args, **kwargs):
return contourf(self.grid, self.darray, *args, **kwargs)
def imshow(self, *args, **kwargs):
return imshow(self.grid, self.darray, *args, **kwargs)
def line(self, *args, **kwargs):
if self.darray.dims[0] == self.grid.edge_dimension:
z = self.darray
z = None
return line(self.grid, z, *args, **kwargs)
def pcolormesh(self, *args, **kwargs):
return pcolormesh(self.grid, self.darray, *args, **kwargs)
def scatter(self, *args, **kwargs):
return scatter(self.grid, self.darray, *args, **kwargs)
def surface(self, *args, **kwargs):
return surface(self.grid, self.darray, *args, **kwargs)
def tripcolor(self, *args, **kwargs):
return tripcolor(self.grid, self.darray, *args, **kwargs)