from typing import Dict, List, Sequence, Tuple, Union
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import xarray as xr
# from xugrid.plot.pyvista import to_pyvista_grid
from xugrid.core.accessorbase import AbstractUgridAccessor
from xugrid.core.wrap import UgridDataArray, UgridDataset
from xugrid.ugrid.ugrid1d import Ugrid1d
from xugrid.ugrid.ugrid2d import Ugrid2d
from xugrid.ugrid.ugridbase import UgridType
class UgridDatasetAccessor(AbstractUgridAccessor):
def __init__(self, obj: xr.Dataset, grids: Sequence[UgridType]):
self.obj = obj
self.grids = grids
def grid(self) -> UgridType:
Returns the single UGRID topology in this dataset. Raises a TypeError if
the dataset contains more than one topology.
ngrid = len(self.grids)
if ngrid == 1:
return self.grids[0]
raise TypeError(
"Can only access grid topology via `.grid` if dataset contains "
f"exactly one grid. Dataset contains {ngrid} grids. Use "
"`.grids` instead."
def name(self) -> str:
Returns name of the single UGRID topology in this dataset. Raises a
TypeError if the dataset contains more than one topology.
ngrid = len(self.grids)
if ngrid == 1:
raise TypeError(
"Can only access grid name via `.name` if dataset contains "
f"exactly one grid. Dataset contains {ngrid} grids. Use "
"`.names` instead."
def names(self) -> List[str]:
"""Names of all the UGRID topologies in the dataset."""
return [ for grid in self.grids]
def topology(self) -> Dict[str, UgridType]:
"""Mapping from names to UGRID topologies."""
return { grid for grid in self.grids}
def bounds(self) -> Dict[str, Tuple]:
Mapping from grid name to tuple containing ``minx, miny, maxx, maxy``
values of the grid's node coordinates for every grid in the dataset.
return { grid.bounds for grid in self.grids}
def total_bounds(self) -> Tuple:
Returns a tuple containing ``minx, miny, maxx, maxy`` values for the
bounds of the dataset as a whole. Currently does not check whether the
coordinate reference systems (CRS) of the grids in the dataset match.
bounds = np.column_stack(list(self.bounds.values()))
return (
def rename(self, new_name_or_name_dict: Union[str, Dict[str, str]]) -> UgridDataset:
Give a new name to the UGRID topology and update the associated
coordinate and dimension names in the Dataset.
new_name_or_name_dict: str or dict
If the argument is a string, the new name of the topology. This
only works if the dataset contains a single UGRID topology. If the
argument is a dict, it used as a mapping from old names to new
if isinstance(new_name_or_name_dict, str):
ngrid = len(self.grids)
if ngrid != 1:
raise TypeError(
"Can only rename with a single name if dataset contains "
f"exactly one grid. Dataset contains {ngrid} grids. Provide "
"a dictionary of old name to new name instead."
name = new_name_or_name_dict
new_grid, names = self.grid.rename(name, return_name_dict=True)
new_grids = [new_grid]
elif isinstance(new_name_or_name_dict, dict):
names = {}
new_grids = []
for grid in self.grids:
name = new_name_or_name_dict.get(
if name is None:
new_grid = grid
new_grid, name_dict = grid.rename(name, return_name_dict=True)
raise TypeError(
"new_name_or_name_dict should be str or dict, received instead: "
obj = self.obj
to_rename = tuple(obj.data_vars) + tuple(obj.coords) + tuple(obj.dims)
new_obj = obj.rename({k: v for k, v in names.items() if k in to_rename})
return UgridDataset(new_obj, new_grids)
def assign_node_coords(self) -> UgridDataset:
Assign node coordinates from the grid to the object.
Returns a new object with all the original data in addition to the new
node coordinates of the grid.
assigned: UgridDataset
result = self.obj
for grid in self.grids:
result = grid.assign_node_coords(result)
return UgridDataset(result, self.grids)
def assign_edge_coords(self) -> UgridDataset:
Assign edge coordinates from the grid to the object.
Returns a new object with all the original data in addition to the new
node coordinates of the grid.
assigned: UgridDataset
result = self.obj
for grid in self.grids:
result = grid.assign_edge_coords(result)
return UgridDataset(result, self.grids)
def assign_face_coords(self) -> UgridDataset:
Assign face coordinates from the grid to the object.
Returns a new object with all the original data in addition to the new
node coordinates of the grid.
assigned: UgridDataset
result = self.obj
for grid in self.grids:
if grid.topology_dimension > 1:
result = grid.assign_face_coords(result)
return UgridDataset(result, self.grids)
def set_node_coords(self, node_x: str, node_y: str, topology: str = None):
Given names of x and y coordinates of the nodes of an object, set them
as the coordinates in the grid.
node_x: str
Name of the x coordinate of the nodes in the object.
node_y: str
Name of the y coordinate of the nodes in the object.
topology: str, optional
Name of the grid topology in which to set the node_x and node_y
coordinates. Can be omitted if the UgridDataset contains only a
single grid.
if topology is None:
if len(self.grids) == 1:
grid = self.grids[0]
raise ValueError(
"topology must be specified when dataset contains multiple datasets"
grids = [grid for grid in self.grid if == topology]
if len(grids != 1):
raise ValueError(
f"Expected one grid with topology {topology}, found: {len(grids)}"
grid = grids[0]
grid.set_node_coords(node_x, node_y, self.obj)
def sel(self, x=None, y=None):
new_obj = self.obj
new_grids = []
for grid in self.grids:
result = grid.sel(new_obj, x, y)
if isinstance(result, tuple):
new_obj, new_grid = result
new_obj = result
if new_grids:
return UgridDataset(new_obj, new_grids)
return result
def sel_points(self, x, y, out_of_bounds="warn", fill_value=np.nan):
Select points in the unstructured grid.
Out-of-bounds points are ignored. They may be identified via the
``index`` coordinate of the returned selection.
x: ndarray of floats with shape ``(n_points,)``
y: ndarray of floats with shape ``(n_points,)``
out_of_bounds: str, default ``"warn"``
What to do when points are located outside of any feature:
* raise: raise a ValueError.
* ignore: return ``fill_value`` for the out of bounds points.
* warn: give a warning and return NaN for the out of bounds points.
* drop: drop the out of bounds points. They may be identified
via the ``index`` coordinate of the returned selection.
fill_value: scalar, DataArray, Dataset, or callable, optional, default: np.nan
Value to assign to out-of-bounds points if out_of_bounds is warn
or ignore. Forwarded to xarray's ``.where()`` method.
points: Union[xr.DataArray, xr.Dataset]
The name of the topology is prefixed in the x, y coordinates.
result = self.obj
for grid in self.grids:
result = grid.sel_points(result, x, y, out_of_bounds, fill_value)
return result
def rasterize(self, resolution: float) -> xr.Dataset:
Rasterize all face data on 2D unstructured grids by sampling.
resolution: float
Spacing in x and y.
rasterized: xr.Dataset
datasets = []
for grid in self.grids:
xx, yy, index = grid.rasterize(resolution, self.total_bounds)
datasets.append(self._raster(xx, yy, index))
return xr.merge(datasets)
def rasterize_like(self, other: Union[xr.DataArray, xr.Dataset]) -> xr.Dataset:
Rasterize unstructured all face data on 2D unstructured grids by
sampling on the x and y coordinates of ``other``.
resolution: float
Spacing in x and y.
other: Union[xr.DataArray, xr.Dataset]
Object to take x and y coordinates from.
rasterized: xr.Dataset
x = other["x"].to_numpy()
y = other["y"].to_numpy()
datasets = []
for grid in self.grids:
xx, yy, index = grid.rasterize_like(x, y)
datasets.append(self._raster(xx, yy, index))
return xr.merge(datasets)
def to_periodic(self):
Convert every grid to a periodic grid, where the rightmost boundary
shares its nodes with the leftmost boundary.
periodic: UgridDataset
grids = []
result = self.obj
for grid in self.grids:
new_grid, result = grid.to_periodic(obj=result)
return UgridDataset(result, grids)
def to_nonperiodic(self, xmax: float):
Convert the grid from a periodic grid (where the rightmost boundary shares its
nodes with the leftmost boundary) to an aperiodic grid, where the leftmost nodes
are separate from the rightmost nodes.
xmax: float
The x-value of the newly created rightmost boundary nodes.
nonperiodic: UgridDataset
grids = []
result = self.obj
for grid in self.grids:
new_grid, result = grid.to_nonperiodic(xmax=xmax, obj=result)
return UgridDataset(result, grids)
def intersect_line(
self, start: Sequence[float], end: Sequence[float]
) -> xr.Dataset:
Intersect a line with the grid of this data, and fetch the values of
the intersected faces.
obj: xr.DataArray or xr.Dataset
start: sequence of two floats
coordinate pair (x, y), designating the start point of the line.
end: sequence of two floats
coordinate pair (x, y), designating the end point of the line.
intersection: xr.Dataset
The name of the topology is prefixed in the x, y and s
(spatium=distance) coordinates.
obj = self.obj
for grid in self.grids:
obj = grid.intersect_line(obj, start, end)
return obj
def intersect_linestring(self, linestring) -> xr.Dataset:
Intersect the grid along a collection of linestrings. Returns a new Dataset
with the values for each intersected segment.
linestring: shapely.LineString
intersection: xr.Dataset
The name of the topology is prefixed in the x, y and s
(spatium=distance) coordinates.
obj = self.obj
for grid in self.grids:
obj = grid.intersect_linestring(obj, linestring)
return obj
def to_dataset(self, optional_attributes: bool = False):
Convert this UgridDataset into a standard
The UGRID topology information is added as standard data variables.
optional_attributes: bool, default: False.
Whether to generate the UGRID optional attributes.
dataset: UgridDataset
return xr.merge(
[grid.to_dataset(self.obj, optional_attributes) for grid in self.grids]
def crs(self):
The Coordinate Reference System (CRS) represented as a ``pyproj.CRS`` object.
Returns None if the CRS is not set.
crs: dict
A dictionary containing the names of the grids and their CRS.
return { for grid in self.grids}
def set_crs(
crs: Union["pyproj.CRS", str] = None, # type: ignore # noqa
epsg: int = None,
allow_override: bool = False,
topology: str = None,
Set the Coordinate Reference System (CRS) of a UGRID topology.
NOTE: The underlying geometries are not transformed to this CRS. To
transform the geometries to a new CRS, use the ``to_crs`` method.
crs : pyproj.CRS, optional if `epsg` is specified
The value can be anything accepted
by :meth:`pyproj.CRS.from_user_input() <>`,
such as an authority string (eg "EPSG:4326") or a WKT string.
epsg : int, optional if `crs` is specified
EPSG code specifying the projection.
allow_override : bool, default False
If the the UGRID topology already has a CRS, allow to replace the
existing CRS, even when both are not equal.
topology: str, optional
Name of the grid topology in which to set the CRS.
Sets the CRS for all grids if left unspecified.
if topology is None:
grids = self.grids
names = [ for grid in self.grids]
if topology not in names:
raise ValueError(f"{topology} not found. Expected one of: {names}")
grids = [grid for grid in self.grids if == topology]
for grid in grids:
grid.set_crs(crs, epsg, allow_override)
def to_crs(
crs: Union["pyproj.CRS", str] = None, # type: ignore # noqa
epsg: int = None,
topology: str = None,
) -> UgridDataset:
Transform geometries to a new coordinate reference system.
Transform all geometries in an active geometry column to a different coordinate
reference system. The ``crs`` attribute on the current Ugrid must
be set. Either ``crs`` or ``epsg`` may be specified for output.
This method will transform all points in all objects. It has no notion
of projecting the cells. All segments joining points are assumed to be
lines in the current projection, not geodesics. Objects crossing the
dateline (or other projection boundary) will have undesirable behavior.
crs : pyproj.CRS, optional if `epsg` is specified
The value can be anything accepted by
:meth:`pyproj.CRS.from_user_input() <>`,
such as an authority string (eg "EPSG:4326") or a WKT string.
epsg : int, optional if `crs` is specified
EPSG code specifying output projection.
topology: str, optional
Name of the grid topology to reproject.
Reprojects all grids if left unspecified.
if topology is None:
grids = [grid.to_crs(crs, epsg) for grid in self.grids]
names = [ for grid in self.grids]
if topology not in names:
raise ValueError(f"{topology} not found. Expected one of: {names}")
grids = [
grid.to_crs(crs, epsg) if == topology else grid.copy()
for grid in self.grids
uds = UgridDataset(self.obj, grids)
return uds.ugrid.assign_node_coords()
def to_geodataframe(self, dim_order=None) -> "geopandas.GeoDataFrame": # type: ignore # noqa
Convert data and topology of one facet (node, edge, face) of the grid
to a geopandas GeoDataFrame. This also determines the geometry type of
the geodataframe:
* node: point
* edge: line
* face: polygon
name: str
Name to give to the array (required if unnamed).
Hierarchical dimension order for the resulting dataframe. Array content is
transposed to this order and then written out as flat vectors in contiguous
order, so the last dimension in this list will be contiguous in the resulting
DataFrame. This has a major influence on which operations are efficient on the
resulting dataframe.
If provided, must include all dimensions of this DataArray. By default,
dimensions are sorted according to the DataArray dimensions order.
geodataframe: gpd.GeoDataFrame
import geopandas as gpd
ds = self.obj
gdfs = []
for grid in self.grids:
if grid.topology_dimension == 1:
dim = grid.edge_dimension
elif grid.topology_dimension == 2:
dim = grid.face_dimension
raise ValueError("invalid topology dimension on grid")
variables = [var for var in ds.data_vars if dim in ds.variables[var].dims]
if variables:
data = ds[variables].to_dataframe(dim_order=dim_order)
data = None
# TODO deal with time-dependent data, etc.
# Basically requires checking which variables are static, which aren't.
# For non-static, requires repeating all geometries.
# Call reset_index on multi-index to generate them as regular columns.
return pd.concat(gdfs)
def reindex_like(
other: Union[UgridType, UgridDataArray, UgridDataset],
tolerance: float = 0.0,
Conform this object to match the topology of another object. The
topologies must be exactly equivalent: only the order of the nodes,
edges, and faces may differ.
Topologies are matched by name, and dimension names must match for
equivalent topologies.
other: Ugrid1d, Ugrid2d, UgridDataArray, UgridDataset
obj: DataArray or Dataset
tolerance: float, default value 0.0.
Maximum distance between inexact coordinate matches.
reindexed: UgridDataset
if isinstance(other, (Ugrid1d, Ugrid2d)):
other_grids = [other]
elif isinstance(other, (UgridDataArray, UgridDataset)):
other_grids = other.ugrid.grids
raise TypeError(
"Expected Ugrid1d, Ugrid2d, UgridDataArray, or UgridDataset,"
f"received instead: {type(other).__name__}"
# Convert to dict to match by name
other_grids = { grid for grid in other_grids}
new_grids = []
result = self.obj
for grid in self.grids:
other = other_grids.get(
if other:
result = grid.reindex_like(other, obj=result, tolerance=tolerance)
return UgridDataset(result, new_grids)