
All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.

The format is based on Keep a Changelog, and this project adheres to Semantic Versioning.


[0.2.2] 2024-09-26#


  • Version 0.2.1 introduced new logic relying on geopandas 1.0+ shapely-wrapped functions, breaking compatibility with earlier geopandas versions. These method calls have been replaced with direct shapely functions, ensuring compatibility with older versions such as geopandas 0.14.

[0.2.1] 2024-09-04#


  • Added find_proximate_perimeter_points() to identify (near) dangling edges and extremely short edges in polygon perimeters.


  • Added a minimum_perimeter_spacing keyword to pandamesh.TriangleMesher and pandamesh.GmshMesher to define a tolerance for (near) dangling edges and very short edges in polygon perimeters. This tolerance is set to 1.0e-3 by default; it means that the meshers will error during initialization if slivers of 0.001 or thinner are found, or if consecutive vertices are within 0.001 of each other.

[0.2.0] 2024-09-03#


  • Previously, pandamesh.TriangleMesher would not respect specified cell sizes in areas that are fully bounded by linestrings (rather than polygons), e.g. three separate lines forming a triangular zone. The reason is that Triangle identifies such a zone as a separate region, and the point specifying the maximum area is isolated. This has been fixed by checking whether linestrings form any coincendental polygons, and including these polygons are separate zones.



[0.1.6] 2024-07-17#


  • pandamesh.GmshMesher now takes read_config_files and interruptible as initialization arguments for gmsh..


  • Compatibility changes for Numpy 2.0.

[0.1.5] 2024-02-06#


  • Inside of pandamesh.GmshMesher a check now occurs before finalization. This keeps gmsh from printing (harmless) errors to the console, which previously commonly happened at initialization.

  • pandamesh can now be imported in a sub-thread. gmsh will not run outside of the main interpreter thread, but it previously also prevented the entire import of pandamesh. Attempting to use the pandamesh.GmshMesher outside of the main thread will result in a RuntimeError.


  • pandamesh.GeneralVerbosity has been added to control the verbosity of Gmsh. It can be set via the GmshMesher.general_verbosity property. Its default value is SILENT.


  • A number of deprecations have been fixed. Most notable is the deprecation of geopandas.datasets. The South America geodataframe can now be fetched via

  • Checking of intersections of linestrings has currently been disabled: the current implementation is too strict and resulted in too many false positives.