Source code for numba_celltree.celltree

from typing import Tuple

import numpy as np

from .algorithms import (
from .constants import (
from .creation import initialize
from .geometry_utils import build_bboxes, counter_clockwise
from .query import (

# Ensure all types are as as statically expected.
def cast_vertices(vertices: FloatArray, copy: bool = False) -> FloatArray:
    if isinstance(vertices, np.ndarray):
        vertices = vertices.astype(FloatDType, copy=copy)
        vertices = np.ascontiguousarray(vertices, dtype=FloatDType)
    if vertices.ndim != 2 or vertices.shape[1] != 2:
        raise ValueError("vertices must have shape (n_points, 2)")
    return vertices

def cast_faces(faces: IntArray, fill_value: int) -> IntArray:
    if isinstance(faces, np.ndarray):
        faces = faces.astype(IntDType, copy=True)
        faces = np.ascontiguousarray(faces, dtype=IntDType)
    if faces.ndim != 2:
        raise ValueError("faces must have shape (n_face, n_max_vert)")
    n_face, n_max_vert = faces.shape
    if n_face > MAX_N_FACE:
        raise ValueError(
            f"faces contains {n_face} faces. "
            f"numba_celltree supports a maximum of {MAX_N_FACE} faces. "
            f"Increase MAX_N_FACE in the source code, or supply a smaller mesh."
    if n_max_vert > MAX_N_VERTEX:
        raise ValueError(
            f"faces contains up to {n_max_vert} vertices for a single face. "
            f"numba_celltree supports a maximum of {MAX_N_VERTEX} vertices. "
            f"Increase MAX_N_VERTEX in the source code, or alter the mesh."
    if fill_value != FILL_VALUE:
        faces[faces == fill_value] = FILL_VALUE
    return faces

def cast_bboxes(bbox_coords: FloatArray) -> FloatArray:
    bbox_coords = np.ascontiguousarray(bbox_coords, dtype=FloatDType)
    if bbox_coords.ndim != 2 or bbox_coords.shape[1] != 4:
        raise ValueError("bbox_coords must have shape (n_box, 4)")
    return bbox_coords

def cast_edges(edges: FloatArray) -> FloatArray:
    edges = np.ascontiguousarray(edges, dtype=FloatDType)
    if edges.ndim != 3 or edges.shape[1] != 2 or edges.shape[2] != 2:
        raise ValueError("edges must have shape (n_edge, 2, 2)")
    return edges

def bbox_tree(bb_coords: FloatArray) -> FloatArray:
    xmin = bb_coords[:, 0].min()
    xmax = bb_coords[:, 1].max()
    ymin = bb_coords[:, 2].min()
    ymax = bb_coords[:, 3].max()
    return np.array([xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax], dtype=FloatDType)

[docs] class CellTree2d: """ Construct a cell tree from 2D vertices and a faces indexing array. Parameters ---------- vertices: ndarray of floats with shape ``(n_point, 2)`` Corner coordinates (x, y) of the cells. faces: ndarray of integers with shape ``(n_face, n_max_vert)`` Index identifying for every face the indices of its corner nodes. If a face has less corner nodes than ``n_max_vert``, its last indices should be equal to ``fill_value``. n_buckets: int, optional, default: 4 The number of "buckets" used in tree construction. Must be higher or equal to 2. Values over 8 provide diminishing returns. cells_per_leaf: int, optional, default: 2 The number of cells in the leaf nodes of the cell tree. Can be set to only 1, but this doubles memory footprint for slightly faster lookup. Increase this to reduce memory usage at the cost of lookup performance. fill_value: int, optional, default: -1 Fill value marking empty nodes in ``faces``. """ def __init__( self, vertices: FloatArray, faces: IntArray, fill_value: int, n_buckets: int = 4, cells_per_leaf: int = 2, ): if n_buckets < 2: raise ValueError("n_buckets must be >= 2") if cells_per_leaf < 1: raise ValueError("cells_per_leaf must be >= 1") vertices = cast_vertices(vertices, copy=True) faces = cast_faces(faces, fill_value) counter_clockwise(vertices, faces) nodes, bb_indices, bb_coords = initialize( vertices, faces, n_buckets, cells_per_leaf ) self.vertices = vertices self.faces = faces self.n_buckets = n_buckets self.cells_per_leaf = cells_per_leaf self.nodes = nodes self.bb_indices = bb_indices self.bb_coords = bb_coords self.bbox = bbox_tree(bb_coords) self.celltree_data = CellTreeData( self.faces, self.vertices, self.nodes, self.bb_indices, self.bb_coords, self.bbox, self.cells_per_leaf, )
[docs] def locate_points(self, points: FloatArray) -> IntArray: """ Find the index of a face that contains a point. Parameters ---------- points: ndarray of floats with shape ``(n_point, 2)`` Returns ------- tree_face_indices: ndarray of integers with shape ``(n_point,)`` For every point, the index of the face it falls in. Points not falling in any faces are marked with a value of ``-1``. """ points = cast_vertices(points) return locate_points(points, self.celltree_data)
[docs] def locate_boxes(self, bbox_coords: FloatArray) -> Tuple[IntArray, IntArray]: """ Find the index of a face intersecting with a bounding box. Parameters ---------- bbox_coords: ndarray of floats with shape ``(n_box, 4)`` Every row containing ``(xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax)``. Returns ------- bbox_indices: ndarray of integers with shape ``(n_found,)`` Indices of the bounding box. tree_face_indices: ndarray of integers with shape ``(n_found,)`` Indices of the face. """ bbox_coords = cast_bboxes(bbox_coords) return locate_boxes(bbox_coords, self.celltree_data)
[docs] def intersect_boxes( self, bbox_coords: FloatArray ) -> Tuple[IntArray, IntArray, FloatArray]: """ Find the index of a box intersecting with a face, and the area of intersection. Parameters ---------- bbox_coords: ndarray of floats with shape ``(n_box, 4)`` Every row containing ``(xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax)``. Returns ------- bbox_indices: ndarray of integers with shape ``(n_found,)`` Indices of the bounding box. tree_face_indices: ndarray of integers with shape ``(n_found,)`` Indices of the tree faces. area: ndarray of floats with shape ``(n_found,)`` Area of intersection between the two intersecting faces. """ bbox_coords = cast_bboxes(bbox_coords) i, j = locate_boxes(bbox_coords, self.celltree_data) area = box_area_of_intersection( bbox_coords=bbox_coords, vertices=self.vertices, faces=self.faces, indices_bbox=i, indices_face=j, ) # Separating axes declares polygons with shared edges as touching. # Make sure we only include actual intersections. actual = area > 0 return i[actual], j[actual], area[actual]
def _locate_faces( self, vertices: FloatArray, faces: IntArray ) -> Tuple[IntArray, IntArray]: """ Find the index of a face intersecting with another face. Only sharing an edge also counts as an intersection, due to the use of the separating axis theorem to define intersection. The area of the overlap is zero in such a case. Parameters ---------- vertices: ndarray of floats with shape ``(n_point, 2)`` Corner coordinates (x, y) of the cells. faces: ndarray of integers with shape ``(n_face, n_max_vert)`` Index identifying for every face the indices of its corner nodes. If a face has less corner nodes than n_max_vert, its last indices should be equal to ``fill_value``. Returns ------- face_indices: ndarray of integers with shape ``(n_found,)`` Indices of the faces. tree_face_indices: ndarray of integers with shape ``(n_found,)`` Indices of the tree faces. """ counter_clockwise(vertices, faces) bbox_coords = build_bboxes(faces, vertices) shortlist_i, shortlist_j = locate_boxes(bbox_coords, self.celltree_data) intersects = polygons_intersect( vertices_a=vertices, vertices_b=self.vertices, faces_a=faces, faces_b=self.faces, indices_a=shortlist_i, indices_b=shortlist_j, ) return shortlist_i[intersects], shortlist_j[intersects]
[docs] def intersect_faces( self, vertices: FloatArray, faces: IntArray, fill_value: int ) -> Tuple[IntArray, IntArray, FloatArray]: """ Find the index of a face intersecting with another face, and the area of intersection. Parameters ---------- vertices: ndarray of floats with shape ``(n_point, 2)`` Corner coordinates (x, y) of the cells. faces: ndarray of integers with shape ``(n_face, n_max_vert)`` Index identifying for every face the indices of its corner nodes. If a face has less corner nodes than n_max_vert, its last indices should be equal to ``fill_value``. fill_value: int, optional, default: -1 Fill value marking empty nodes in ``faces``. Returns ------- face_indices: ndarray of integers with shape ``(n_found,)`` Indices of the faces. tree_face_indices: ndarray of integers with shape ``(n_found,)`` Indices of the tree faces. area: ndarray of floats with shape ``(n_found,)`` Area of intersection between the two intersecting faces. """ vertices = cast_vertices(vertices) faces = cast_faces(faces, fill_value) i, j = self._locate_faces(vertices, faces) area = area_of_intersection( vertices_a=vertices, vertices_b=self.vertices, faces_a=faces, faces_b=self.faces, indices_a=i, indices_b=j, ) # Separating axes declares polygons with shared edges as touching. # Make sure we only include actual intersections. actual = area > 0 return i[actual], j[actual], area[actual]
[docs] def intersect_edges( self, edge_coords: FloatArray ) -> Tuple[IntArray, IntArray, FloatArray]: """ Find the index of a face intersecting with an edge. Parameters ---------- edge_coords: ndarray of floats with shape ``(n_edge, 2, 2)`` Every row containing ``((x0, y0), (x1, y1))``. Returns ------- edge_indices: ndarray of integers with shape ``(n_found,)`` Indices of the bounding box. tree_face_indices: ndarray of integers with shape ``(n_found,)`` Indices of the face. length: ndarray of floats with shape ``(n_found,)`` Length of intersection of the edge inside of the face. """ edge_coords = cast_edges(edge_coords) return locate_edges(edge_coords, self.celltree_data)
[docs] def compute_barycentric_weights( self, points: FloatArray, ) -> Tuple[IntArray, FloatArray]: """ Compute barycentric weights for points located inside of the grid. Parameters ---------- points: ndarray of floats with shape ``(n_point, 2)`` Returns ------- tree_face_indices: ndarray of integers with shape ``(n_point,)`` For every point, the index of the face it falls in. Points not falling in any faces are marked with a value of ``-1``. barycentric_weights: ndarray of integers with shape ``(n_point, n_max_vert)`` For every point, the barycentric weights of the vertices of the face in which the point is located. For points not falling in any faces, the weight of all vertices is 0. """ face_indices = self.locate_points(points) n_max_vert = self.faces.shape[1] if n_max_vert > 3: f = barycentric_wachspress_weights else: f = barycentric_triangle_weights weights = f( points, face_indices, self.faces, self.vertices, ) return face_indices, weights
@property def node_bounds(self): """Return the bounds (xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax) for every node of the tree.""" return collect_node_bounds(self.celltree_data)
[docs] def validate_node_bounds(self) -> BoolArray: """ Traverse the tree. Check whether all children are contained in the bounding box. For the leaf nodes, check whether the bounding boxes are contained. Returns ------- node_validity: np.array of bool For each node, whether all children are fully contained by its bounds. """ return validate_node_bounds(self.celltree_data, self.node_bounds)
[docs] def to_dict_of_lists(self): """ Convert the tree structure to a dict of lists. Such a dict can be ingested by e.g. NetworkX to produce visualize the tree structure. Returns ------- dict_of_lists: Dict[Int, List[Int]] Contains for every node a list with its children. Examples -------- >>> import networkx >>> from networkx.drawing.nx_pydot import graphviz_layout >>> d = celltree.to_dict_of_lists() >>> G = networkx.DiGraph(d) >>> positions = graphviz_layout(G, prog="dot") >>> networkx.draw(G, positions, with_labels=True) Note that computing the graphviz layout may be quite slow! """ dict_of_lists = {} for parent_index, node in enumerate(self.celltree_data.nodes): left_child = node["child"] if left_child == -1: dict_of_lists[parent_index] = [] else: right_child = left_child + 1 dict_of_lists[parent_index] = [left_child, right_child] return dict_of_lists