.. _configuration_file: Configuration file ================== The configuration file is necessary to describe the model and its dependencies. It is in the `toml `__ format and should have a ``.toml`` extension. Note that ``toml`` uses quote marks differently than ``python``. Single quotes in toml (``''``) are interpreted similarly to how python would interpret a rawstring (``r''`` or ``r""``), whereas double quotes (``""``) are interpreted in a similar manner to regular strings in python (``""`` or ``''``). This matters for paths on Windows, for which we advice to use single quotes. .. literalinclude:: config/metamod.toml :language: toml Config schema ------------- .. csv-table:: log_level :widths: 3, 7 description, "This setting determines the severity and therefore the verbosity of the log messages." type, string required, false default, INFO enum, "DEBUG, INFO, WARNING, ERROR, CRITICAL" .. csv-table:: timing :widths: 3, 7 description, "Specifies whether the coupling should be timed. This option requires the log level to at least include INFO." type, boolean required, false default, false .. csv-table:: driver_type :widths: 3, 7 description, "Specifies which driver should be used. Typically, this determines which hydrological kernels are coupled." type, string required, true enum, metamod driver ------ kernels ^^^^^^^ modflow6 """""""" .. csv-table:: dll :widths: 3, 7 description, "The path to the MODFLOW 6 library." type, string required, true .. csv-table:: dll_dep_dir :widths: 3, 7 description, "The path to the dependencies of MODFLOW 6." type, string required, false .. csv-table:: work_dir :widths: 3, 7 description, "The working directory MODFLOW 6 expects. This is the directory where the simulation name file resides." type, string required, true metaswap """""""" .. csv-table:: dll :widths: 3, 7 description, "The path to the MetaSWAP library." type, string required, true .. csv-table:: dll_dep_dir :widths: 3, 7 description, "The path to the dependencies of MetaSWAP." type, string required, false .. csv-table:: work_dir :widths: 3, 7 description, "The working directory MetaSWAP expects." type, string required, true coupling ^^^^^^^^ .. csv-table:: enable_sprinkling :widths: 3, 7 description, "Whether to enable sprinkling, that is: enable extracting groundwater for irrigation." type, boolean required, true .. csv-table:: mf6_model :widths: 3, 7 description, "Specifies the MODFLOW 6 model name to which MetaSWAP will be coupled." type, string required, true .. csv-table:: mf6_msw_recharge_pkg :widths: 3, 7 description, "Specifies the package name (specified in the Modflow 6 simulation name file) of the recharge package to which MetaSWAP will be coupled." type, string required, true .. csv-table:: mf6_msw_well_pkg :widths: 3, 7 description, "Specifies the package name (specified in the Modflow 6 simulation name file) of the recharge package to which MetaSWAP will be coupled. This setting is only required if ``enable_sprinkling`` is set to ``true``." type, string required, false .. csv-table:: mf6_msw_node_map :widths: 3, 7 description, "Path to the file specifying the mapping between MODFLOW 6 cells and MetaSWAP svats." type, string required, true .. csv-table:: mf6_msw_recharge_map :widths: 3, 7 description, "Path to the file specifying the mapping between MODFLOW 6 recharge cells and MetaSWAP svats." type, string required, true .. csv-table:: mf6_msw_recharge_map :widths: 3, 7 description, "Path to the file specifying the mapping between MODFLOW 6 wells and MetaSWAP svats. This setting is only required if ``enable_sprinkling`` is set to ``true``." type, string required, false