

This folder contains several iPython notebook examples for HydroMT-wflow.

These examples can be run online or on your local machine. To run these examples online press the binder badge above.

Local installation#

To run these examples on your local machine you need a copy of the examples folder of the repository and an installation of HydroMT-Wflow including some additional packages required to run the notebooks.

1 - Install HydroMT-wflow#

The first step is to install HydroMT-Wflow and the other Python dependencies in a separate environment, see the Install HydroMT-Wflow in a new environment section in the installation guide

To run the notebooks, you need to install additional dependencies that are jupyterlab to run the notebooks and cartopy for some plots. To install these packages in your existing hydromt-wflow environment, do (these packages are also available in conda-forge):

$ conda activate hydromt-wflow
$ pip install jupyterlab
$ pip install cartopy


To run the example notebook using pcraster, you will also need to install it from conda-forge (not available on pypi):

$ conda install -c conda-forge pcraster

2 - Download the content of the examples and notebooks#

To run the examples locally, you will need to download the content of the hydromt_wflow repository. You have two options:

  1. Download and unzip the examples manually

  2. Clone the hydromt_wflow GitHub repository


Depending on your installed version of hydromt and hydromt_wflow, you will need to download the correct versions of the examples. To check the version of hydromt_wflow that you have installed, do:

$ hydromt --models

model plugins:
 - wflow (hydromt_wflow 0.4.1)
 - wflow_sediment (hydromt_wflow 0.4.1)
generic models (hydromt 0.9.1)
 - grid_model
 - vector_model
 - mesh_model
 - network_model

In the examples above, we see version 0.4.1 of hydromt_wflow is installed and version 0.9.1 of hydromt.

Option 1: manual download and unzip

To manually download the examples on Windows, do (!replace with your own hydromt_wflow version!):

$ curl https://github.com/Deltares/hydromt_wflow/archive/refs/tags/v0.4.1.zip -O -L
$ tar -xf v0.4.1.zip
$ ren hydromt_wflow-0.4.1 hydromt_wflow

You can also download, unzip and rename manually if you prefer, rather than using the windows command prompt.

Option 2: cloning the hydromt_wflow repository

For git users, you can also get the examples by cloning the hydromt_wflow github repository and checkout the version you have installed:

$ git clone https://github.com/Deltares/hydromt_wflow.git
$ git checkout v0.4.1

3 - Running the examples#

Finally, start a jupyter lab server inside the examples folder after activating the hydromt-wflow environment, see below.

Alternatively, you can run the notebooks from Visual Studio Code.

$ conda activate hydromt-wflow
$ cd hydromt-wflow/examples
$ jupyter lab

List of examples#

For a static (non-interactive) view of the examples follow one of the links below:

Build model from command line interface

Update model from command line interface

Clip model from command line interface

Pre- Post-processing and visualization