"""Landuse workflows for Wflow plugin."""
import logging
from typing import List, Optional
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import xarray as xr
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
__all__ = ["landuse", "lai", "create_lulc_lai_mapping_table", "lai_from_lulc_mapping"]
RESAMPLING = {"landuse": "nearest", "lai": "average", "alpha_h1": "mode"}
DTYPES = {"landuse": np.int16, "alpha_h1": np.int16}
def landuse(
da: xr.DataArray,
ds_like: xr.Dataset,
df: pd.DataFrame,
params: Optional[List] = None,
"""Return landuse map and related parameter maps.
The parameter maps are prepared based on landuse map and
mapping table as provided in the generic data folder of hydromt.
The following topography maps are calculated:
da : xarray.DataArray
DataArray containing LULC classes.
ds_like : xarray.DataArray
Dataset at model resolution.
ds_out : xarray.Dataset
Dataset containing gridded landuse based maps
keys = df.index.values
if params is None:
params = [p for p in df.columns if p != "description"]
elif not np.all(np.isin(params, df.columns)):
missing = [p for p in params if p not in df.columns]
raise ValueError(f"Parameter(s) missing in mapping file: {missing}")
# setup ds out
ds_out = xr.Dataset(coords=ds_like.raster.coords)
# setup reclass method
def reclass(x):
return np.vectorize(d.get)(x, nodata)
da = da.raster.interpolate_na(method="nearest")
# apply for each parameter
for param in params:
method = RESAMPLING.get(param, "average")
values = df[param].values
nodata = values[-1] # NOTE values is set in last row
d = dict(zip(keys, values)) # NOTE global param in reclass method
logger.info(f"Deriving {param} using {method} resampling (nodata={nodata}).")
da_param = xr.apply_ufunc(
reclass, da, dask="parallelized", output_dtypes=[values.dtype]
da_param.attrs.update(_FillValue=nodata) # first set new nodata values
ds_out[param] = da_param.raster.reproject_like(
ds_like, method=method
) # then resample
return ds_out
def lai(da: xr.DataArray, ds_like: xr.Dataset, logger=logger):
"""Return climatology of Leaf Area Index (LAI).
The following topography maps are calculated:
da : xarray.DataArray or xarray.Dataset
DataArray or Dataset with LAI array containing LAI values.
ds_like : xarray.DataArray
Dataset at model resolution.
da_out : xarray.DataArray
Dataset containing resampled LAI maps
if isinstance(da, xr.Dataset) and "LAI" in da:
da = da["LAI"]
elif not isinstance(da, xr.DataArray):
raise ValueError("lai method requires a DataArray or Dataset with LAI array")
method = RESAMPLING.get(da.name, "average")
nodata = da.raster.nodata
logger.info(f"Deriving {da.name} using {method} resampling (nodata={nodata}).")
da = da.astype(np.float32)
da = da.where(da.values != nodata).fillna(
) # Assuming missing values correspond to bare soil, urban and snow (LAI=0.0)
da_out = da.raster.reproject_like(ds_like, method=method)
return da_out
def create_lulc_lai_mapping_table(
da_lulc: xr.DataArray,
da_lai: xr.DataArray,
sampling_method: str = "any",
lulc_zero_classes: List[int] = [],
) -> pd.DataFrame:
Derive LAI values per landuse class.
da_lulc : xr.DataArray
Landuse map.
da_lai : xr.DataArray
Cyclic LAI map.
sampling_method : str, optional
Resampling method for the LULC data to the LAI resolution. Two methods are
* 'any' (default): if any cell of the desired landuse class is present in the
resampling window (even just one), it will be used to derive LAI values.
This method is less exact but will provide LAI values for all landuse
classes for the high resolution landuse map.
* 'mode': the most frequent value in the resampling window is
used. This method is less precise as for cells with a lot of different
landuse classes, the most frequent value might still be only a small
fraction of the cell. More landuse classes should however be covered and
it can always be used with the landuse map of the wflow model instead of
the original high resolution one.
* 'q3': only cells with the most frequent value (mode) and that cover 75%
(q3) of the resampling window will be used. This method is more exact but
for small basins, you may have less or no samples to derive LAI values
for some classes.
lulc_zero_classes : list of int, optional
List of landuse classes that should have zero for leaf area index values
for example waterbodies, open ocean etc. For very high resolution landuse
maps, urban surfaces and bare areas can be included here as well.
By default empty.
df_lai_mapping : pd.DataFrame
Mapping table with LAI values per landuse class. One column for each month and
one line per landuse class. The number of samples used to derive the mapping
values is also added to a `samples` column in the dataframe.
# check the method values
if sampling_method not in ["any", "mode", "q3"]:
raise ValueError(f"Unsupported resampling method: {sampling_method}")
# process the lai da
if "dim0" in da_lai.dims:
da_lai = da_lai.rename({"dim0": "time"})
da_lai = da_lai.raster.mask_nodata()
da_lai = da_lai.fillna(
) # use zeros to better represent city and open water surfaces
# landuse
da_lulc.name = "landuse"
lulc_classes = np.unique(da_lulc.values)
# Initialise the outputs
df_lai_mapping = None
if sampling_method != "any":
# The data can already be resampled to the LAI resolution
da_lulc_mode = da_lulc.raster.reproject_like(da_lai, method="mode")
if sampling_method == "q3":
# Filter mode cells that cover less than 75% of the resampling window
da_lulc_q3 = da_lulc.raster.reproject_like(da_lai, method="q3")
da_lulc = da_lulc_mode.where(
da_lulc_q3 == da_lulc_mode, da_lulc_mode.raster.nodata
da_lulc = da_lulc_mode
# Loop over the landuse classes
for lulc_id in lulc_classes:
logger.info(f"Processing landuse class {lulc_id}")
if lulc_id in lulc_zero_classes:
logger.info(f"Using zeros for landuse class {lulc_id}")
df_lai = pd.DataFrame(
data=[[0] * 12],
df_lai.index.name = "landuse"
n_samples = 0
# Select for a specific landuse class
lu = da_lulc.where(da_lulc == lulc_id, da_lulc.raster.nodata)
lu = lu.raster.mask_nodata()
if sampling_method == "any":
# Resample only now the landuse data to the LAI resolution
lu = lu.raster.reproject_like(da_lai, method="mode")
# Add lai
lu = lu.to_dataset()
lu["lai"] = da_lai
# Stack and remove the nodata values
lu = lu.stack(z=("y", "x")).dropna(dim="z", how="all", subset=["landuse"])
# Count the number of samples
n_samples = len(lu["z"])
if n_samples == 0:
f"No samples found for landuse class {lulc_id}. "
"Try using a different resampling method."
df_lai = pd.DataFrame(
data=[[0] * 12],
df_lai.index.name = "landuse"
# Compute the mean
lai_mean_per_lu = np.round(lu["lai"].load().mean(dim="z") / 10, 3)
# Add the landuse id as an extra dimension
lai_mean_per_lu = lai_mean_per_lu.expand_dims("landuse")
lai_mean_per_lu["landuse"] = [lulc_id]
# Convert to dataframe
df_lai = lai_mean_per_lu.drop_vars(
"spatial_ref", errors="ignore"
# Add number of samples in the first column
df_lai.insert(0, "samples", n_samples)
# Append to the output
if df_lai_mapping is None:
df_lai_mapping = df_lai
df_lai_mapping = pd.concat([df_lai_mapping, df_lai])
return df_lai_mapping
def lai_from_lulc_mapping(
da: xr.DataArray,
ds_like: xr.Dataset,
df: pd.DataFrame,
) -> xr.Dataset:
Derive LAI values from a landuse map and a mapping table.
da : xr.DataArray
Landuse map.
ds_like : xr.Dataset
Dataset at model resolution.
df : pd.DataFrame
Mapping table with LAI values per landuse class. One column for each month and
one line per landuse class.
logger : logging.Logger, optional
Logger object.
ds_lai : xr.Dataset
Dataset with LAI values for each month.
months = np.arange(1, 13)
# Map the monthly LAI values to the landuse map
ds_lai = landuse(
# Re-organise the dataset to have a time dimension
da_lai = ds_lai.to_array(dim="time", name="LAI")
return da_lai