
WflowModel.setup_outlets(river_only=True, toml_output='csv', gauge_toml_header=['Q'], gauge_toml_param=['lateral.river.q_av'])[source]#

Set the default gauge map based on basin outlets.

If wflow_subcatch is available, the catchment outlets IDs will be matching the wflow_subcatch IDs. If not, then IDs from 1 to number of outlets are used.

Can also add csv/netcdf output settings in the TOML.

Adds model layers:

  • wflow_gauges map: gauge IDs map from catchment outlets [-]

  • gauges geom: polygon of catchment outlets

  • river_only (bool, optional) – Only derive outlet locations if they are located on a river instead of locations for all catchments, by default True.

  • toml_output (str, optional) – One of [‘csv’, ‘netcdf’, None] to update [csv] or [netcdf] section of wflow toml file or do nothing. By default, ‘csv’.

  • gauge_toml_header (list, optional) – Save specific model parameters in csv section. This option defines the header of the csv file. By default saves Q (for lateral.river.q_av).

  • gauge_toml_param (list, optional) – Save specific model parameters in csv section. This option defines the wflow variable corresponding to the names in gauge_toml_header. By default saves lateral.river.q_av (for Q).