Source code for

from os.path import isfile, basename, abspath, join, dirname
import io
from pathlib import Path
import glob
from fsspec.implementations import local
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
import geopandas as gpd
import xarray as xr
import dask
from shapely.geometry.base import GEOMETRY_TYPES
from shapely.geometry import box
import pyproj
import logging

from . import raster, vector, gis_utils, merge

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

__all__ = [

def open_raster(
    filename, mask_nodata=False, chunks={}, nodata=None, logger=logger, **kwargs
    """Open a gdal-readable file with rasterio based on
    :py:meth:`rioxarray.open_rasterio`, but return squeezed DataArray.

    filename : str, path, file-like, rasterio.DatasetReader, or rasterio.WarpedVRT
        Path to the file to open. Or already open rasterio dataset.
    mask_nodata : bool, optional
        set nodata values to np.nan (xarray default nodata value)
    nodata: int, float, optional
        Set nodata value if missing
    chunks : int, tuple or dict, optional
        Chunk sizes along each dimension, e.g., ``5``, ``(5, 5)`` or
        ``{'x': 5, 'y': 5}``. If chunks is provided, it used to load the new
        DataArray into a dask array.
        key-word arguments are passed to :py:meth:`xarray.open_dataset` with
        "rasterio" engine.

    data : DataArray
        masked=mask_nodata, default_name="data", engine="rasterio", chunks=chunks
    if not mask_nodata:  # if mask_and_scale by default True in xarray ?
    if isinstance(filename, io.IOBase):  # file-like does not handle chunks
        logger.warning("Removing chunks to read and load remote data.")
    # keep only 2D DataArray
    da = xr.open_dataarray(filename, **kwargs).squeeze(drop=True)
    # set missing _FillValue
    if mask_nodata:
    elif da.raster.nodata is None:
        if nodata is not None:
            logger.warning(f"nodata value missing for {filename}")
    # there is no option for scaling but not masking ...
    scale_factor = da.attrs.pop("scale_factor", 1)
    add_offset = da.attrs.pop("add_offset", 0)
    if not mask_nodata and (scale_factor != 1 or add_offset != 0):
        raise NotImplementedError(
            "scale and offset in combination with mask_nodata==False is not supported."
    return da

def open_mfraster(
    """Open multiple gdal-readable files as single Dataset with geospatial attributes.

    Each raster is turned into a DataArray with its name inferred from the filename.
    By default all DataArray are assumed to be on an identical grid and the output
    dataset is a merge of the rasters.
    If ``concat`` the DataArrays are concatenated along ``concat_dim`` returning a
    Dataset with a single 3D DataArray.
    If ``mosaic`` the DataArrays are concatenated along the the spatial dimensions
    using :py:meth:`~hydromt.raster.merge`.

    paths: str, list of str/Path/file-like
        Paths to the rasterio/gdal files.
        Paths can be provided as list of paths or a path pattern string which is
        interpreted according to the rules used by the Unix shell. The variable name
        is derived from the basename minus extension in case a list of paths:
        ``<name>.<extension>`` and based on the file basename minus pre-, postfix and
        extension in a path pattern: ``<prefix><*name><postfix>.<extension>``
    chunks: int, tuple or dict, optional
        Chunk sizes along each dimension, e.g., 5, (5, 5) or {'x': 5, 'y': 5}.
        If chunks is provided, it used to load the new DataArray into a dask array.
    concat: bool, optional
        If True, concatenate raster along ``concat_dim``. We destinguish the following
        filenames from which the numerical index and variable name are inferred, where
        the variable name is based on the first raster.
        ``<name>*<postfix>.<index>`` (PCRaster style; requires path pattern)
        ``<name>.<extension>`` (index based on order)
    concat_dim: str, optional
        Dimension name of concatenate index, by default 'dim0'
    mosaic: bool, optional
        If True create mosaic of several rasters. The variable is named based on
        variable name infered from the first raster.
    mosaic_kwargs: dict, optional
        Mosaic key_word arguments to unify raster crs and/or resolution. See
        :py:meth:`hydromt.merge.merge` for options.
        key-word arguments are passed to :py:meth:`hydromt.raster.open_raster`

    data : DataSet
        The newly created DataSet.
    if concat and mosaic:
        raise ValueError("Only one of 'mosaic' or 'concat' can be True.")
    prefix, postfix = "", ""
    if isinstance(paths, str):
        if "*" in paths:
            prefix, postfix = basename(paths).split(".")[0].split("*")
        paths = [fn for fn in glob.glob(paths) if not fn.endswith(".xml")]
        paths = [str(p) if isinstance(p, Path) else p for p in paths]
    if len(paths) == 0:
        raise OSError("no files to open")

    da_lst, index_lst, fn_attrs = [], [], []
    for i, fn in enumerate(paths):
        # read file
        da = open_raster(fn, chunks=chunks, **kwargs)

        # get name, attrs and index (if concat)
        if hasattr(fn, "path"):  # file-like
            bname = basename(fn.path)
            bname = basename(fn)
        if concat:
            # name based on basename until postfix or _
            vname = bname.split(".")[0].replace(postfix, "").split("_")[0]
            # index based on postfix behind "_"
            if "_" in bname and bname.split(".")[0].split("_")[1].isdigit():
                index = int(bname.split(".")[0].split("_")[1])
            # index based on file extension (PCRaster style)
            elif "." in bname and bname.split(".")[1].isdigit():
                index = int(bname.split(".")[1])
            # index based on postfix directly after prefix
            elif prefix != "" and bname.split(".")[0].strip(prefix).isdigit():
                index = int(bname.split(".")[0].strip(prefix))
            # index based on file order
                index = i
            # name based on basename minus pre- & postfix
            vname = bname.split(".")[0].replace(prefix, "").replace(postfix, "")
        fn_attrs.append(bname) = vname

        if i > 0:
            if not mosaic:
                # check if transform, shape and crs are close
                if not da_lst[0].raster.identical_grid(da):
                    raise xr.MergeError(f"Geotransform and/or shape do not match")
                # copy coordinates from first raster
                da[da.raster.x_dim] = da_lst[0][da.raster.x_dim]
                da[da.raster.y_dim] = da_lst[0][da.raster.y_dim]
            if concat or mosaic:
                # copy name from first raster
       = da_lst[0].name

    if concat or mosaic:
        if concat:
            with dask.config.set(**{"array.slicing.split_large_chunks": False}):
                da = xr.concat(da_lst, dim=concat_dim)
                da.coords[concat_dim] = xr.IndexVariable(concat_dim, index_lst)
                da = da.sortby(concat_dim).transpose(concat_dim, ...)
            da = merge.merge(da_lst, **mosaic_kwargs)  # spatial merge
            da.attrs.update({"source_file": "; ".join(fn_attrs)})
        ds = da.to_dataset()  # dataset for consistency
        ds = xr.merge(
        )  # , combine_attrs="drop") seems that with rioxarray drops all datarrays atrributes not just ds
        ds.attrs = {}

    # update spatial attributes
    if da_lst[0] is not None:[0], inplace=True)
    return ds

def open_raster_from_tindex(
    fn_tindex, bbox=None, geom=None, tileindex="location", mosaic_kwargs={}, **kwargs
    """Reads and merges raster tiles (potentially in different CRS) based on a
    tile index file as generated with `gdaltindex`. A bbox or geom describing the
    output area of interest is required.

    fn: path, str
        Path to tile index file.
    bbox : tuple of floats, optional
        (xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax) bounding box in EPGS:4326, by default None.
    geom : geopandas.GeoDataFrame/Series, optional
        A geometry defining the area of interest, by default None. The
        defaults to EPSG:4326 if not set.
    tileindex: str
        Field name to hold the file path/location to the indexed rasters
    mosaic_kwargs: dict, optional
        Mosaic key_word arguments to unify raster crs and/or resolution. See
        :py:meth:`~hydromt.merge.merge()` for options.
        key-word arguments are passed to :py:meth:``

    data : Dataset
        A single-variable Dataset of merged raster tiles.
    if bbox is not None and geom is None:
        geom = gpd.GeoDataFrame(geometry=[box(*bbox)], crs=4326)
    if geom is None:
        raise ValueError("bbox or geom required in combination with tile_index")
    gdf = gpd.read_file(fn_tindex)
    gdf = gdf.iloc[gdf.sindex.query(geom.to_crs(]
    if gdf.index.size == 0:
        raise IOError("No intersecting tiles found.")
    elif tileindex not in gdf.columns:
        raise IOError(f'Tile index "{tileindex}" column missing in tile index file.')
        root = dirname(fn_tindex)
        paths = []
        for fn in gdf[tileindex]:
            path = Path(str(fn))
            if not path.is_absolute():
                paths.append(Path(abspath(join(root, fn))))
    # read & merge data
    if "dst_bounds" not in mosaic_kwargs:
        mosaic_kwargs.update(mask=geom)  # limit output domain to bbox/geom
    ds_out = open_mfraster(
        paths, mosaic=len(paths) > 1, mosaic_kwargs=mosaic_kwargs, **kwargs
    # clip to extent
    ds_out = ds_out.raster.clip_geom(geom)
    name = ".".join(basename(fn_tindex).split(".")[:-1])
    ds_out = ds_out.rename({ds_out.raster.vars[0]: name})
    return ds_out  # dataset to be consitent with open_mfraster

def open_geodataset(
    """Open point location GIS file and timeseries file combine a single xarray.Dataset.

    fn_locs: path, str
        Path to point location file, see :py:meth:`geopandas.read_file` for options.
    fn_data: path, str
        Path to data file of which the index dimension which should match the geospatial
        coordinates index.
        This can either be a csv with datetime in the first column and the location
        index in the header row, or a netcdf with a time and index dimensions.
    var_name: str, optional
        Name of the variable in case of a csv fn_data file. By default, None and
        infered from basename.
    crs: str, `pyproj.CRS`, or dict
        Source coordinate reference system, ignored for files with a native crs.
    bbox : array of float, default None
        Filter features by given bounding box described by [xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax]
        Cannot be used with geom.
    geom : GeoDataFrame or GeoSeries | shapely Geometry, default None
        Filter for features that intersect with the geom.
        CRS mis-matches are resolved if given a GeoSeries or GeoDataFrame.
        Cannot be used with bbox.
        Key-word arguments passed to :py:func:`geopandas.read_file` to read the point geometry file.

    ds: xarray.Dataset
        Dataset with geospatial coordinates.
    if not isfile(fn_locs):
        raise IOError(f"GeoDataset point location file not found: {fn_locs}")
    # read geometry file
    gdf = open_vector(fn_locs, crs=crs, bbox=bbox, geom=geom, **kwargs)
    if index_dim is None:
        index_dim = if is not None else "index"
    # read timeseries file
    if fn_data is not None and isfile(fn_data):
        da_ts = open_timeseries_from_table(
            fn_data, name=var_name, index_dim=index_dim, logger=logger
        ds = vector.GeoDataset.from_gdf(gdf, da_ts)
    elif fn_data is not None:
        raise IOError(f"GeoDataset data file not found: {fn_data}")
        ds = vector.GeoDataset.from_gdf(gdf)  # coordinates only
    return ds.chunk(chunks)

def open_timeseries_from_table(
    fn, name=None, index_dim="index", logger=logger, **kwargs
    """Open timeseries csv file and parse to xarray.DataArray.
    Accepts files with time index on one dimension and numeric location index on the other dimension.
    In case of string location indices, non-numeric parts are filtered from the location index.

    fn: path, str
        Path to time series file
    name: str
        variable name, derived from basename of fn if None.
        key-word arguments are passed to the reader method

    da: xarray.DataArray
    kwargs0 = dict(index_col=0, parse_dates=True)
    df = pd.read_csv(fn, **kwargs0)
    # check if time index
    if np.dtype(df.index).type != np.datetime64:
            df.columns = pd.to_datetime(df.columns)
            df = df.T
        except ValueError:
            raise ValueError(f"No time index found in file: {fn}")
    # try parsing column index to integers
    if isinstance(df.columns[0], str):
            df.columns = [int("".join(filter(str.isdigit, n))) for n in df.columns]
            assert df.columns.size == np.unique(df.columns).size
        except (ValueError, AssertionError):
            raise ValueError(f"No numeric index found in file: {fn}") = index_dim
    name = name if name is not None else basename(fn).split(".")[0]
    return xr.DataArray(df, dims=("time", index_dim), name=name)

def open_vector(
    """Open fiona-compatible geometry, csv, excel or xy file and
    parse to :py:meth:`geopandas.GeoDataFrame`.

    CSV or XLS file are converted to point geometries based on default columns names
    for the x- and y-coordinates, or if given, the x_dim and y_dim arguments.

    fn : str
        path to geometry file
    driver: {'csv', 'xls', 'xy', 'vector'}, optional
        driver used to read the file: :py:meth:`geopandas.open_file` for gdal vector files,
        :py:meth:`` for csv, xls(x) and xy files.
        By default None, and infered from file extention.
    crs: str, `pyproj.CRS`, or dict
        Source coordinate reference system, ignored for files with a native crs.
    dst_crs: str, `pyproj.CRS`, or dict
        Destination coordinate reference system.
    bbox : array of float, default None
        Filter features by given bounding box described by [xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax]
        Cannot be used with mask.
    geom : GeoDataFrame or GeoSeries | shapely Geometry, default None
        Filter for features that intersect with the mask.
        CRS mis-matches are resolved if given a GeoSeries or GeoDataFrame.
        Cannot be used with bbox.
    predicate : {'intersects', 'within', 'contains', 'overlaps', 'crosses', 'touches'}, optional
        If predicate is provided, the GeoDataFrame is filtered by testing
        the predicate function against each item. Requires bbox or mask.
        By default 'intersects'
    x_dim, y_dim : str
        Name of x, y-coordinate columns, only applicable for csv or xls tables
    assert_gtype : {Point, LineString, Polygon}, optional
        If given, assert geometry type
    mode: {'r', 'a', 'w'}
        file opening mode (fiona files only), by default 'r'
        Keyword args to be passed to the driver method when opening the file

    gdf : geopandas.GeoDataFrame
        Parsed geometry file
    filtered = False
    driver = driver if driver is not None else str(fn).split(".")[-1].lower()
    if driver in ["csv", "xls", "xlsx", "xy"]:
        gdf = open_vector_from_table(fn, driver=driver, **kwargs)
        gdf = gpd.read_file(fn, bbox=bbox, mask=geom, mode=mode, **kwargs)
        filtered = predicate == "intersects"

    # check geometry type
    if assert_gtype is not None:
        assert_gtype = np.atleast_1d(assert_gtype)
        if not np.all(np.isin(assert_gtype, GEOMETRY_TYPES)):
            gtype_err = assert_gtype[~np.isin(assert_gtype, GEOMETRY_TYPES)]
            raise ValueError(
                f"geometry type(s) {gtype_err} unknown, select from {GEOMETRY_TYPES}"
        if not np.all(np.isin(gdf.geometry.type, assert_gtype)):
            raise ValueError(f"{fn} contains other geometries than {assert_gtype}")

    # check if crs and filter
    if is None and crs is not None:
        gdf = gdf.set_crs(pyproj.CRS.from_user_input(crs))
    elif is None:
        raise ValueError("The GeoDataFrame has no CRS. Set one using the crs option.")
    if dst_crs is not None:
        gdf = gdf.to_crs(dst_crs)
    # filter points
    if gdf.index.size > 0 and not filtered and (geom is not None or bbox is not None):
        idx = gis_utils.filter_gdf(gdf, geom=geom, bbox=bbox, predicate=predicate)
        gdf = gdf.iloc[idx, :]
    return gdf

def open_vector_from_table(
    """Read point geometry files from csv, xy or excel table files.

    driver: {'csv', 'xls', 'xlsx', 'xy'}
        If 'csv' use :py:meth:`pandas.read_csv` to read the data;
        If 'xls' or 'xlsx' use :py:meth:`pandas.read_excel` with `engine=openpyxl`
        If 'xy' use :py:meth:`pandas.read_csv` with `index_col=False`, `header=None`, `delim_whitespace=True`.
    x_dim, y_dim: str
        Name of x, y column. By default the x-column header should be one of
        ['x', 'longitude', 'lon', 'long'], and y-column header one of ['y', 'latitude', 'lat'].
        For xy files, which don't have a header, the first column is interpreted as x
        and the second as y column.
    crs: int, dict, or str, optional
        Coordinate reference system, accepts EPSG codes (int or str), proj (str or dict) or wkt (str)

    gdf: geopandas.GeoDataFrame
        Parsed and filtered point geometries
    driver = driver.lower() if driver is not None else str(fn).split(".")[-1].lower()
    if "index_col" not in kwargs:
    if driver in ["csv"]:
        df = pd.read_csv(fn, **kwargs)
    elif driver in ["xls", "xlsx"]:
        df = pd.read_excel(fn, engine="openpyxl", **kwargs)
    elif driver in ["xy"]:
        x_dim = x_dim if x_dim is not None else "x"
        y_dim = y_dim if y_dim is not None else "y"
        kwargs.update(index_col=False, header=None, delim_whitespace=True)
        df = pd.read_csv(fn, **kwargs).rename(columns={0: x_dim, 1: y_dim})
        raise IOError(f"Driver {driver} unknown.")
    # infer points from table
    df.columns = [c.lower() for c in df.columns]
    if x_dim is None:
        for dim in raster.XDIMS:
            if dim in df.columns:
                x_dim = dim
    if x_dim is None or x_dim not in df.columns:
        raise ValueError(f'x dimension "{x_dim}" not found in columns: {df.columns}.')
    if y_dim is None:
        for dim in raster.YDIMS:
            if dim in df.columns:
                y_dim = dim
    if y_dim is None or y_dim not in df.columns:
        raise ValueError(f'y dimension "{y_dim}" not found in columns: {df.columns}.')
    points = gpd.points_from_xy(df[x_dim], df[y_dim])
    gdf = gpd.GeoDataFrame(df.drop(columns=[x_dim, y_dim]), geometry=points, crs=crs)
    return gdf

[docs]def write_xy(fn, gdf, fmt="%.4f"): """Write geopandas.GeoDataFrame with Point geometries to point xy files. Parameters ---------- fn: str Path to the output file. gdf: geopandas.GeoDataFrame GeoDataFrame to write to point file. fmt: fmt String formatting. By default "%.4f". """ if not np.all(gdf.geometry.type == "Point"): raise ValueError("gdf should contain only Point geometries.") xy = np.stack((gdf.geometry.x.values, gdf.geometry.y.values)).T with open(fn, "w") as f: np.savetxt(f, xy, fmt=fmt)