[global] mtype = EM # type of Delwaq model ['EM', 'WQ'] data_libs = [local_sources.yml] # add optional paths to data yml files [setup_basemaps] include_soil = False # add a soil compartment in addition to the surface waters [setup_monitoring] mon_points = None # monitoring points ['None', 'segments', 'path to station location', 'source in DataCatalog'] mon_areas = compartments # monitoring areas ['None', 'compartments', 'subcatch'] [setup_hydrology_forcing] hydro_forcing_fn = wflow_output # source name of the hydrological forcing in the yaml file starttime = 2010-02-03 00:00:00 # start time of the Delwaq run endtime = 2010-02-10 00:00:00 # end time of the Delwaq run timestepsecs = 86400 # model timestep in seconds add_volume_offset = True # add a one-timestep offset to the volume data in the hydrological forcing file compared to the flows [setup_emission_raster] emission_fn = GHS-POP_2015 scale_method = average fillna_method = zero area_division = True