"""Worflows dealing with pointer and Delwaq segments."""
import logging
from typing import List
import numpy as np
import xarray as xr
from hydromt import flw
from .emissions import gridarea, gridlength_gridwidth
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
__all__ = [
def hydromaps(
mask: str = "basins",
"""Return base information maps from hydromodel.
The following basemaps are extracted:\
- flwdir
- basins
- basmsk
- elevtn
- rivmsk
hydromodel : hydromt.model
HydroMT Model class containing the hydromodel to build DelwaqModel from.
mask: str, optional
Name of the mask to use to mask the maps. Either 'rivers' or 'basins' (default).
ds_out : xarray.Dataset
Dataset containing gridded emission map at model resolution.
ds_out = hydromodel.grid[hydromodel._MAPS["flwdir"]].rename("flwdir").to_dataset()
ds_out["basins"] = hydromodel.grid[hydromodel._MAPS["basins"]]
ds_out["river"] = hydromodel.grid[hydromodel._MAPS["rivmsk"]]
ds_out["rivlen"] = hydromodel.grid[hydromodel._MAPS["rivlen"]]
ds_out["rivwth"] = hydromodel.grid[hydromodel._MAPS["rivwth"]]
ds_out["elevtn"] = hydromodel.grid[hydromodel._MAPS["elevtn"]]
# Surface area maps
ds_out["rivarea"] = ds_out["rivlen"] * ds_out["rivwth"]
if "LakeArea" in hydromodel.grid:
ds_out["lakearea"] = hydromodel.grid["LakeArea"]
if "ResSimpleArea" in hydromodel.grid:
ds_out["resarea"] = hydromodel.grid["ResSimpleArea"]
basins_mv = ds_out["basins"].raster.nodata
ds_out["basmsk"] = xr.Variable(
data=(ds_out["basins"] != basins_mv),
river_mv = ds_out["river"].raster.nodata
ds_out["rivmsk"] = xr.Variable(
data=(ds_out["river"] != river_mv),
# Add mask
if mask == "rivers":
da_mask = ds_out["rivmsk"]
da_mask = ds_out["basmsk"]
ds_out = ds_out.drop_vars(["rivmsk", "basmsk"])
ds_out.coords["mask"] = da_mask
ds_out["modelmap"] = da_mask.astype(np.int32)
return ds_out
def maps_from_hydromodel(
maps=["rivmsk", "lndslp", "strord", "N", "SoilThickness", "thetaS"],
"""Return maps from hydromodel.
hydromodel : HydroMT Model
HydroMT Model class containing the hydromodel to get geometry data from from.
maps: list of str
List of variables from hydromodel to extract and extend.
By default ['rivmsk', 'lndslp', 'strord', 'N', 'SoilThickness', 'thetaS'].
ds_out : xarray.Dataset
Dataset containing gridded maps at model resolution.
ds_out = xr.Dataset()
for m in maps:
if f"{m}_River" in hydromodel.grid:
ds_out[m] = hydromodel.grid[f"{m}_River"].where(
elif m in hydromodel._MAPS:
if hydromodel._MAPS[m] in hydromodel.grid:
ds_out[m] = hydromodel.grid[hydromodel._MAPS[m]]
elif m in hydromodel.grid:
ds_out[m] = hydromodel.grid[m]
logger.warning(f"Map {m} not found in hydromodel, skipping.")
# Check if m is 3D and split into several variables
if m in ds_out and len(ds_out[m].shape) == 3:
# Find the name of the extra dimension
dim0 = ds_out[m].raster.dim0
dim0_values = ds_out[dim0].values
for i in range(ds_out[m].shape[0]):
ds_out[f"{m}_{dim0}_{dim0_values[i]}"] = ds_out[m][i]
ds_out = ds_out.drop_vars([m, dim0])
return ds_out
def geometrymaps(
"""Return geometry information maps from hydromodel.
The following basemaps are extracted:\
- surface
- length
- width
- latitude_grid
- optional: bankfull_volume if bankfull depth `rivdph` is available
hydromodel : HydroMT Model
HydroMT Model class containing the hydromodel to get geometry data from from.
ds_out : xarray.Dataset
Dataset containing gridded geometry map at model resolution.
### Geometry data ###
surface = gridarea(hydromodel.grid)
surface = surface.rename("surface")
length, width = gridlength_gridwidth(hydromodel.grid)
rivlen = hydromodel.grid[hydromodel._MAPS["rivlen"]]
rivwth = hydromodel.grid[hydromodel._MAPS["rivwth"]]
rivmsk = hydromodel.grid[hydromodel._MAPS["rivmsk"]]
# surface
surface = surface.where(rivmsk == False, rivlen * rivwth)
surface = surface.rename("surface")
# Add waterbodies to surface
for wb in ["LakeArea", "ResSimpleArea"]:
if wb in hydromodel.grid:
wb_surface = hydromodel.grid[wb]
surface = surface.where(wb_surface == wb_surface.raster.nodata, wb_surface)
# length
length = rivlen.where(rivmsk, length)
length = length.rename("length")
# width
width = rivwth.where(rivmsk, width)
width = width.rename("width")
ds_out = surface.to_dataset()
ds_out["length"] = length
ds_out["width"] = width
# Derive latitude of each cell
y_dim = ds_out.raster.y_dim
x_dim = ds_out.raster.x_dim
# Expend latitude dimension values to all cells of ds_out
ds_out["latitude_grid"] = xr.DataArray(
data=ds_out[y_dim].values.reshape(-1, 1).repeat(ds_out.dims[x_dim], axis=1),
# Bankfull volume
if hydromodel._MAPS["rivdph"] in hydromodel.grid:
ds_out["bankfull_volume"] = (
rivlen * rivwth * hydromodel.grid[hydromodel._MAPS["rivdph"]]
return ds_out
def pointer(
ds_hydro: xr.Dataset,
build_pointer: bool = False,
surface_water: str = "sfw",
boundaries: List[str] = ["bd"],
fluxes: List[str] = ["sfw>sfw", "bd>sfw"],
"""Return map with Delwaq segment ID and pointer.
The pointer matrix is built only if ``build_pointer`` is True.
ds_hydro : xr.Dataset
Dataset of the hydromaps, contains 'basins', 'ldd', 'modelmap'.
build_pointer: boolean, optional
Boolean to build a pointer file (delwaq) or not (demission).
If True, compartments, boundaries and fluxes lists must be provided.
surface_water : str, optional
Name of the surface water layer. By default 'sfw'.
boundaries: list of str, optional
List of names of boundaries to include. By default a unique boundary called
fluxes: list of str
List of fluxes to include between surface water/boundaries. Name convention
is '{surface_water_name}>{boundary_name}' for a flux from the surface water to a
boundary, ex 'sfw>bd'. By default ['sfw>sfw', 'bd>sfw'] for runoff and inwater.
Names in the fluxes list should match name in the hydrology_fn source in
nrofseg : int
Number of segments.
da_ptid : xarray.DataArray
DataArray containing the Delwaq segment IDs.
da_ptiddown : xarray.DataArray
DataArray containing the Delwaq downstream segment IDs.
pointer: numpy.ndarray, optional
Delwaq pointer array (4 columns) for exchanges.
bd_id: numpy.array, optional
Array with Delwaq boundary IDs.
bd_type: numpy.array, optional
Array ith Delwaq boundary names.
# Prepare segments ID layer ptid based on mask of active cells
ptid_mv = 0
np_ptid = ds_hydro["mask"].values.flatten().astype(np.int32)
ptid = np_ptid[np_ptid != ptid_mv]
ptid = np.arange(1, len(ptid) + 1)
nrofseg = np.amax(ptid)
np_ptid[np_ptid != ptid_mv] = ptid
np_ptid = np_ptid.reshape(
np.size(ds_hydro["mask"], 0), np.size(ds_hydro["mask"], 1)
da_ptid = xr.DataArray(
### Downstream IDs ###
# Start with searching for the ID of the downstream cells for lateral fluxes
flwdir = flw.flwdir_from_da(ds_hydro["ldd"], ftype="infer", mask=None)
# Boundaries
bd_id = []
bd_type = []
# Keep track of the lowest boundary id value
lowerid = 0
# Apply mask to ldd
da_ldd = ds_hydro["ldd"].where(ds_hydro["mask"], ds_hydro["ldd"].raster.nodata)
np_ldd = da_ldd.values
# Number of outlets
nb_out = len(np_ldd[np_ldd == 5])
ptiddown = flwdir.downstream(da_ptid).astype(np.int32)
# Remask cells draining to rivers
ptiddown[np_ptid == ptid_mv] = ptid_mv
# Outlets are boundaries and ptiddown should be negative
outid = np.arange((-lowerid) + 1, (-lowerid) + nb_out + 1) * -1
ptiddown[np_ldd == 5] = outid
lowerid = outid[-1]
bd_id = np.append(bd_id, (outid * (-1)))
bd_type = np.append(bd_type, [f"{surface_water}>out{id}" for id in bd_id])
# Add ptiddown to xarray
da_ptiddown = xr.DataArray(
# Build pointer
if build_pointer:
nbound = len(boundaries)
nflux = len(fluxes)
logger.info(f"Preparing pointer with {nbound} boundaries and {nflux} fluxes.")
### Add fluxes ###
zeros = np.zeros((nrofseg, 1))
pointer = None
for flux in fluxes:
flux0 = flux.split(">")[0]
flux1 = flux.split(">")[-1]
# Lateral flux (runoff)
if flux0 == flux1:
# Start building pointer with lateral fluxes (runoff)
ptid = da_ptid.values
ptid = ptid[ptid != ptid_mv].reshape(nrofseg, 1)
ptiddown = da_ptiddown.values
ptiddown = ptiddown[ptiddown != ptid_mv].reshape(nrofseg, 1)
if pointer is None:
pointer = np.hstack((ptid, ptiddown, zeros, zeros))
pointer = np.vstack(
(pointer, np.hstack((ptid, ptiddown, zeros, zeros)))
# Flux from/to boundaries
elif flux0 != surface_water or flux1 != surface_water:
# The boundary cells all have the same ID
boundid = lowerid - 1
lowerid = boundid
bd_id = np.append(bd_id, ([boundid * (-1)]))
bd_type = np.append(bd_type, ([flux]))
boundid = np.repeat(boundid, nrofseg).reshape(nrofseg, 1)
# Flux from boundaries
ptid = da_ptid.values
ptid = ptid[ptid != ptid_mv].reshape(nrofseg, 1)
if flux0 != surface_water:
pointerbd = np.hstack((boundid, ptid, zeros, zeros))
pointerbd = np.hstack((ptid, boundid, zeros, zeros))
if pointer is None:
pointer = pointerbd
pointer = np.vstack((pointer, pointerbd))
raise ValueError(
f"Flux {flux} should be of type{surface_water}>{surface_water}"
f"or {surface_water}>boundary or boundary>{surface_water}."
return nrofseg, da_ptid, da_ptiddown, pointer, bd_id, bd_type
return nrofseg, da_ptid, da_ptiddown