Source code for hydromt.merge

"""Implementations relating to merging of datasets and arrays."""
import numpy as np
import rasterio
from pyproj import CRS

from .raster import full_from_transform

[docs] def merge( data_arrays, dst_crs=None, dst_bounds=None, dst_res=None, align=True, mask=None, merge_method="first", **kwargs, ): """Merge multiple tiles to a single DataArray. If mismatching grid CRS or resolution, tiles are reprojected to match the output DataArray grid. If no destination grid is defined it is based on the first DataArray in the list. Based on :py:meth:`rasterio.merge.merge`. Arguments --------- data_arrays: list of xarray.DataArray Tiles to merge dst_crs: pyproj.CRS, int CRS (or EPSG code) of destination grid dst_bounds: list of float Bounding box [xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax] of destination grid dst_res: float Resolution of destination grid align : bool, optional If True, align grid with dst_res mask: geopands.GeoDataFrame, optional Mask of destination area of interest. Used to determine dst_crs, dst_bounds and dst_res if missing. merge_method: {'first','last','min','max','new'}, callable Merge method: * first: reverse painting * last: paint valid new on top of existing * min: pixel-wise min of existing and new * max: pixel-wise max of existing and new * new: assert no pixel overlap **kwargs: Key-word arguments passed to :py:meth:`~hydromt.raster.RasterDataArray.reproject` Returns ------- da_out: xarray.DataArray Merged tiles. """ # define merge method if merge_method == "first": def copyto(old_data, new_data, old_nodata, new_nodata): dmask = np.logical_and(old_nodata, ~new_nodata) old_data[dmask] = new_data[dmask] elif merge_method == "last": def copyto(old_data, new_data, old_nodata, new_nodata): dmask = ~new_nodata old_data[dmask] = new_data[dmask] elif merge_method == "min": def copyto(old_data, new_data, old_nodata, new_nodata): dmask = np.logical_and(~old_nodata, ~new_nodata) old_data[dmask] = np.minimum(old_data[dmask], new_data[dmask]) dmask = np.logical_and(old_nodata, ~new_nodata) old_data[dmask] = new_data[dmask] elif merge_method == "max": def copyto(old_data, new_data, old_nodata, new_nodata): dmask = np.logical_and(~old_nodata, ~new_nodata) old_data[dmask] = np.maximum(old_data[dmask], new_data[dmask]) dmask = np.logical_and(old_nodata, ~new_nodata) old_data[dmask] = new_data[dmask] elif merge_method == "new": def copyto(old_data, new_data, old_nodata, new_nodata): data_overlap = np.logical_and(~old_nodata, ~new_nodata) assert not np.any(data_overlap) mask = ~new_nodata old_data[mask] = new_data[mask] elif callable(merge_method): copyto = merge_method # resolve arguments if data_arrays[0].ndim != 2: raise ValueError("Mosaic is only implemented for 2D DataArrays.") if dst_crs is None and (dst_bounds is not None or dst_res is not None): raise ValueError("dst_bounds and dst_res not understood without dst_crs.") idx0 = 0 if mask is not None and (dst_res is None or dst_crs is None): # select array with largest overlap of valid cells if mask areas = [] for da in data_arrays: da_clipped = da.raster.clip_geom(geom=mask, mask=True) n = da_clipped.raster.mask_nodata().notnull().sum().load().item() areas.append(n) idx0 = np.argmax(areas) # if single layer with overlap of valid cells: return clip if np.sum(np.array(areas) > 0) == 1: return data_arrays[idx0].raster.clip_geom(mask) da0 = data_arrays[idx0] # used for default dst_crs and dst_res # dst CRS if dst_crs is None: dst_crs = else: dst_crs = CRS.from_user_input(dst_crs) # dst res if dst_res is None: dst_res = da0.raster.res if isinstance(dst_res, float): x_res, y_res = dst_res, -dst_res elif isinstance(dst_res, (tuple, list)) and len(dst_res) == 2: x_res, y_res = dst_res else: raise ValueError("dst_res not understood.") assert x_res > 0 # TODO test y_res > 0 dst_res = (x_res, -y_res) # NOTE: y_res is multiplied with -1 in rasterio! # dst bounds if dst_bounds is None and mask is not None: w, s, e, n = mask.to_crs(dst_crs).buffer(2 * abs(x_res)).total_bounds # align with da0 grid w0, s0, e0, n0 = da0.raster.bounds w = w0 + np.round((w - w0) / abs(x_res)) * abs(x_res) n = n0 + np.round((n - n0) / abs(y_res)) * abs(y_res) e = w + int(round((e - w) / abs(x_res))) * abs(x_res) s = n - int(round((n - s) / abs(y_res))) * abs(y_res) align = False # don't align with resolution elif dst_bounds is None: for i, da in enumerate(data_arrays): if i == 0: w, s, e, n = da.raster.transform_bounds(dst_crs) else: w1, s1, e1, n1 = da.raster.transform_bounds(dst_crs) w = min(w, w1) s = min(s, s1) e = max(e, e1) n = max(n, n1) else: w, s, e, n = dst_bounds # check N>S orientation top, bottom = (n, s) if y_res < 0 else (s, n) dst_bounds = w, bottom, e, top # dst transform width = int(round((e - w) / abs(x_res))) height = int(round((n - s) / abs(y_res))) transform = rasterio.transform.from_bounds(*dst_bounds, width, height) # align with dst_res if align: transform, width, height = rasterio.warp.aligned_target( transform, width, height, dst_res ) # creat output array nodata = da0.raster.nodata isnan = np.isnan(nodata) dtype = da0.dtype da_out = full_from_transform( transform=transform, shape=(height, width), nodata=nodata, dtype=dtype,, attrs=da0.attrs, crs=dst_crs, ) ys = da_out.raster.ycoords.values xs = da_out.raster.xcoords.values dest = da_out.values kwargs.update(dst_crs=dst_crs, dst_res=dst_res, align=True) sf_lst = [] for _, da in enumerate(data_arrays): if not da.raster.aligned_grid(da_out): # clip with buffer src_bbox = da_out.raster.transform_bounds( da = da.raster.clip_bbox(src_bbox, buffer=10) if np.any([da[dim].size == 0 for dim in da.raster.dims]): continue # out of bounds # reproject da = da.raster.reproject(**kwargs) # clip to dst_bounds da = da.raster.clip_bbox(dst_bounds) if np.any([da[dim].size == 0 for dim in da.raster.dims]): continue # out of bounds if "source_file" in da.attrs: sf_lst.append(da.attrs["source_file"]) # merge overlap w0, s0, e0, n0 = da.raster.bounds if y_res < 0: top = np.where(ys <= n0)[0][0] if n0 < ys[0] else 0 bottom = np.where(ys < s0)[0][0] if s0 > ys[-1] else None else: top = np.where(ys > n0)[0][0] if n0 < ys[-1] else 0 bottom = np.where(ys >= s0)[0][0] if s0 > ys[0] else None left = np.where(xs >= w0)[0][0] if w0 > xs[0] else 0 right = np.where(xs > e0)[0][0] if e0 < xs[-1] else None y_slice = slice(top, bottom) x_slice = slice(left, right) region = dest[y_slice, x_slice] temp =, nodata) if isnan: region_nodata = np.isnan(region) temp_nodata = np.isnan(temp) else: region_nodata = region == nodata temp_nodata = temp.mask copyto(region, temp, region_nodata, temp_nodata) # set attrs da_out.attrs.update(source_file="; ".join(sf_lst)) da_out.raster.set_crs(dst_crs) return da_out.raster.reset_spatial_dims_attrs()