Source code for hydromt.workflows.basin_mask

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
"""Scripts to derive (sub)basin geometries.

Based on pre-cooked basin index files, basin maps or flow direction maps.

import logging
import warnings
from os.path import isdir, isfile
from pathlib import Path

import geopandas as gpd
import numpy as np
import xarray as xr
from shapely.geometry import box

from .. import _compat
from ..data_adapter import GeoDataFrameAdapter
from ..data_catalog import DataCatalog
from ..flw import basin_map, flwdir_from_da, outlet_map, stream_map

# local
from ..models import MODELS

if _compat.HAS_XUGRID:
    import xugrid as xu

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

__all__ = ["get_basin_geometry", "parse_region"]

[docs] def parse_region(region, logger=logger, data_catalog=None): """Check and return parsed region arguments. Parameters ---------- region : dict Dictionary describing region of interest. For an exact clip of the region: * {'bbox': [xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax]} * {'geom': /path/to/polygon_geometry} For a region based of another models grid: * {'<model_name>': root} For a region based of the grid of a raster file: * {'grid': /path/to/raster} For a region based on a mesh grid of a mesh file: * {'mesh': /path/to/mesh} Entire basin can be defined based on an ID, one or multiple point location (x, y), or a region of interest (bounding box or geometry) for which the basin IDs are looked up. The basins withint the area of interest can be further filtered to only include basins with their outlet within the area of interest ('outlets': true) of stream threshold arguments (e.g.: 'uparea': 1000). Common use-cases include: * {'basin': ID} * {'basin': [ID1, ID2, ..]} * {'basin': [x, y]} * {'basin': [[x1, x2, ..], [y1, y2, ..]]} * {'basin': /path/to/point_geometry} * {'basin': [xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax]} * {'basin': [xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax], 'outlets': true} * {'basin': [xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax], '<variable>': threshold} Subbasins are defined by its outlet locations and include all area upstream from these points. The outlet locations can be passed as xy coordinate pairs, but also derived from the most downstream cell(s) within a area of interest defined by a bounding box or geometry, optionally refined by stream threshold arguments. The method can be speed up by providing an additional ``bounds`` argument which should contain all upstream cell. If cells upstream of the subbasin are not within the provide bounds a warning will be raised. Common use-cases include: * {'subbasin': [x, y], '<variable>': threshold} * { 'subbasin': [[x1, x2, ..], [y1, y2, ..]], '<variable>': threshold, 'bounds': [xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax] } * {'subbasin': /path/to/point_geometry, '<variable>': threshold} * {'subbasin': [xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax], '<variable>': threshold} * {'subbasin': /path/to/polygon_geometry, '<variable>': threshold} Interbasins are similar to subbasins but are bounded by a bounding box or geometry and do not include all upstream area. Common use-cases include: * {'interbasin': [xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax], '<variable>': threshold} * {'interbasin': [xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax], 'xy': [x, y]} * {'interbasin': /path/to/polygon_geometry, 'outlets': true} logger: The logger to use. Returns ------- kind : {'basin', 'subbasin', 'interbasin', 'geom', 'bbox', 'grid'} region kind kwargs : dict parsed region json """ if data_catalog is None: data_catalog = DataCatalog() kwargs = region.copy() # NOTE: the order is important to prioritize the arguments options = { "basin": ["basid", "geom", "bbox", "xy"], "subbasin": ["geom", "bbox", "xy"], "interbasin": ["geom", "bbox", "xy"], # FIXME remove interbasin & xy combi? "outlet": ["geom", "bbox"], # deprecated! "geom": ["geom"], "bbox": ["bbox"], "grid": ["RasterDataArray"], "mesh": ["UgridDataArray"], } kind = next(iter(kwargs)) # first key of region value0 = kwargs.pop(kind) if kind in MODELS: model_class = MODELS.load(kind) kwargs = dict(mod=model_class(root=value0, mode="r", logger=logger)) kind = "model" elif kind == "grid": kwargs = {"grid": data_catalog.get_rasterdataset(value0, driver_kwargs=kwargs)} elif kind == "mesh": if _compat.HAS_XUGRID: if isinstance(value0, (str, Path)) and isfile(value0): kwarg = dict(mesh=xu.open_dataset(value0)) elif isinstance(value0, (xu.UgridDataset, xu.UgridDataArray)): kwarg = dict(mesh=value0) elif isinstance(value0, (xu.Ugrid1d, xu.Ugrid2d)): kwarg = dict( mesh=xu.UgridDataset(value0.to_dataset(optional_attributes=True)) ) else: raise ValueError( f"Unrecognised type {type(value0)}." "Should be a path, data catalog key or xugrid object." ) kwargs.update(kwarg) else: raise ImportError("xugrid is required to read mesh files.") elif kind not in options: k_lst = '", "'.join(list(options.keys()) + list(MODELS)) raise ValueError(f'Region key "{kind}" not understood, select from "{k_lst}"') else: kwarg = _parse_region_value(value0, data_catalog=data_catalog) if len(kwarg) == 0 or next(iter(kwarg)) not in options[kind]: v_lst = '", "'.join(list(options[kind])) raise ValueError( f'Region value "{value0}" for kind={kind} not understood, ' f'provide one of "{v_lst}"' ) kwargs.update(kwarg) kwargs_str = dict() for k, v in kwargs.items(): if isinstance(v, gpd.GeoDataFrame): v = f"GeoDataFrame {v.total_bounds} (crs = {})" elif isinstance(v, xr.DataArray): v = f"DataArray {v.raster.bounds} (crs = {})" kwargs_str.update({k: v}) logger.debug(f"Parsed region (kind={kind}): {str(kwargs_str)}") return kind, kwargs
def _parse_region_value(value, data_catalog): kwarg = {} if isinstance(value, np.ndarray): value = value.tolist() # array to list if isinstance(value, list): if np.all([isinstance(p0, int) and abs(p0) > 180 for p0 in value]): # all int kwarg = dict(basid=value) elif len(value) == 4: # 4 floats kwarg = dict(bbox=value) elif len(value) == 2: # 2 floats kwarg = dict(xy=value) elif isinstance(value, tuple) and len(value) == 2: # tuple of x and y coords kwarg = dict(xy=value) elif isinstance(value, int): # single int kwarg = dict(basid=value) elif isinstance(value, (str, Path)) and isdir(value): kwarg = dict(root=value) elif isinstance(value, (str, Path)): geom = data_catalog.get_geodataframe(value) kwarg = dict(geom=geom) elif isinstance(value, gpd.GeoDataFrame): # geometry kwarg = dict(geom=value) else: raise ValueError(f"Region value {value} not understood.") if "geom" in kwarg and np.all(kwarg["geom"].geometry.type == "Point"): xy = ( kwarg["geom"].geometry.x.values, kwarg["geom"].geometry.y.values, ) kwarg = dict(xy=xy) return kwarg def _check_size(ds, logger=logger, threshold=12e3**2): # warning for large domain if ( np.multiply(*ds.raster.shape) > threshold ): # 12e3 ** 2 > 10x10 degree at 3 arcsec logger.warning( "Loading very large spatial domain to derive a subbasin. " "Provide initial 'bounds' if this takes too long." )
[docs] def get_basin_geometry( ds, basin_index=None, kind="basin", bounds=None, bbox=None, geom=None, xy=None, basid=None, outlets=False, basins_name="basins", flwdir_name="flwdir", ftype="infer", logger=logger, buffer=10, **stream_kwargs, ): """Return a geometry of the (sub)(inter)basin(s). This method derives a geometry of sub-, inter- or full basin based on an input dataset with flow-direction and optional basins ID raster data in combination with a matching basin geometry file containing the bounding boxes of each basin. Either ``bbox``, ``geom``, ``xy`` (or ``basid`` in case of ``kind='basin'``) must be provided. Parameters ---------- ds : xarray.Dataset dataset containing basin and flow direction variables basin_index: geopandas.GeoDataFrame or GeoDataFrameAdapter Dataframe with basin geomtries or bounding boxes with "basid" column corresponding to the ``ds[<basins_name>]`` map. kind : {"basin", "subbasin", "interbasin"} kind of basin description bounds: array_like of float, optional [xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax] coordinates of total bounding box, i.e. the data is clipped to this domain before futher processing. bbox : array_like of float, optional [xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax] coordinates to infer (sub)(inter)basin(s) geom : geopandas.GeoDataFrame, optional polygon geometry describing area of interest xy : tuple of array_like of float, optional x, y coordinates of (sub)basin outlet locations basid : int or array_like of int, optional basin IDs, must match values in basin maps outlets: bool, optional If True, include (sub)basins of outlets within domain only. flwdir_name : str, optional Name of flow direction variable in source, by default "flwdir" basins_name : str, optional Name of flow direction variable in source, by default "basins" ftype : {'d8', 'ldd', 'nextxy'}, optional name of flow direction type, by default None; use input ftype. stream_kwargs : key-word arguments name of variable in ds and threshold value buffer: The buffer to apply. logger: The logger to use. Returns ------- basin_geom : geopandas.geoDataFrame geometry the (sub)basin(s) outlet_geom : geopandas.geoDataFrame geometry the outlet point location """ kind_lst = ["basin", "subbasin", "interbasin"] if kind == "outlet": outlets = True kind = "basin" warnings.warn( 'kind="outlets" has been deprecated, use outlets=True in combination with ' 'kind="basin" or kind="interbasin" instead.', DeprecationWarning, stacklevel=2, ) elif kind not in kind_lst: msg = f"Unknown kind: {kind}, select from {kind_lst}." raise ValueError(msg) if bool(stream_kwargs.pop("within", False)): warnings.warn( '"within" stream argument has been deprecated.', DeprecationWarning, stacklevel=2, ) # check variables dvars = [flwdir_name] + [v for v in stream_kwargs] for name in dvars: if name not in ds.data_vars: raise ValueError(f"Dataset variable {name} not in ds.") # for interbasins we can limit the domain based on either bbox / geom or bounds if kind == "interbasin" and bounds is None: if bbox is None and geom is None: raise ValueError('"kind=interbasin" requires either "bbox" or "geom"') bounds = bbox if bbox is not None else geom.total_bounds # initial clip based on bounds if bounds is not None: ds = ds.raster.clip_bbox(bounds, buffer=buffer) # convert bbox to geom if geom is None and bbox is not None: geom = gpd.GeoDataFrame(geometry=[box(*bbox)], # check basin index # TODO understand pfafstetter codes gdf_bas = None if basin_index is not None: if isinstance(basin_index, GeoDataFrameAdapter): kwargs = dict(variables=["basid"]) if geom is not None: kwargs.update(geom=geom) elif xy is not None: xy0 = np.atleast_1d(xy[0]) xy1 = np.atleast_1d(xy[1]) kwargs.update( bbox=[ min(xy0) - 0.1, min(xy1) - 0.1, max(xy0) + 0.1, max(xy1) + 0.1, ] ) gdf_bas = basin_index.get_data(**kwargs) elif isinstance(basin_index, gpd.GeoDataFrame): gdf_bas = basin_index if "basid" not in gdf_bas.columns: raise ValueError("Basin geometries does not have 'basid' column.") if != logger.warning("Basin geometries CRS does not match the input raster CRS.") gdf_bas = gdf_bas.to_crs( ## BASINS if kind == "basin" or bounds is None: dvars = dvars + [basins_name] if basins_name not in ds: if gdf_bas is not None: gdf_bas = None logger.warning( "Basin geometries ignored as no corresponding" + " basin map is provided." ) _check_size(ds, logger)'basin map "{basins_name}" missing, calculating on the fly.') flwdir = flwdir_from_da(ds[flwdir_name], ftype=ftype) ds[basins_name] = xr.Variable(ds.raster.dims, flwdir.basins()) elif ( ds[basins_name].raster.nodata != 0 and ds[basins_name].raster.nodata is not None ): ds[basins_name].where(ds[basins_name] != ds[basins_name].raster.nodata, 0) ds[basins_name].raster.set_nodata(0) # clip ds_clip = ds[dvars] if geom is not None: ds_clip = ds[dvars].raster.clip_geom(geom, buffer=buffer, mask=True) # get basin IDs if xy is not None: logger.debug("Getting basin IDs at point locations.") sel = { ds.raster.x_dim: xr.IndexVariable("xy", np.atleast_1d(xy[0])), ds.raster.y_dim: xr.IndexVariable("xy", np.atleast_1d(xy[1])), } basid = np.unique(ds_clip[basins_name].sel(**sel, method="nearest").values) elif basid is None: if stream_kwargs or outlets: if stream_kwargs: stream = stream_map(ds_clip, **stream_kwargs) if outlets: outmap = outlet_map(ds_clip[flwdir_name], ftype=ftype) if stream_kwargs: stream = stream.where(outmap, 0) else: stream = outmap ds_clip[basins_name] = ds_clip[basins_name].where(stream, 0) logger.debug("Getting IDs of intersecting basins.") basid = np.unique(ds_clip[basins_name].values) basid = np.atleast_1d(basid) basid = basid[basid > 0] if basid.size == 0: raise ValueError("No basins found with given criteria.") # clip ds to total basin if gdf_bas is not None: gdf_match = np.isin(gdf_bas["basid"], basid) gdf_bas = gdf_bas.loc[gdf_match] if gdf_bas.index.size > 0: if geom is not None: xminbas, yminbas, xmaxbas, ymaxbas = gdf_bas.total_bounds # Check that total_bounds is at least bigger # than original geom bounds xmingeom, ymingeom, xmaxgeom, ymaxgeom = geom.total_bounds total_bounds = [ min(xminbas, xmingeom), min(yminbas, ymingeom), max(xmaxbas, xmaxgeom), max(ymaxbas, ymaxgeom), ] else: total_bounds = gdf_bas.total_bounds ds = ds[dvars].raster.clip_bbox(total_bounds, buffer=0) elif np.any(gdf_match): logger.warning("No matching basin IDs found in basin geometries.") # get full basin mask and use this mask ds_basin incl flow direction raster _mask = np.isin(ds[basins_name], basid) if not np.any(_mask > 0): raise ValueError(f"No basins found with IDs: {basid}") ds = ds[dvars].raster.mask(_mask) ds = ds.raster.clip_mask(ds[basins_name]) bas_mask = ds[basins_name] # INTER- & SUBBASINS xy_out = None if kind in ["subbasin", "interbasin"]: # get flow directions _check_size(ds, logger) # warning for large domain mask = False # if interbasin, set flwdir mask within geometry / bounding box if kind == "interbasin": # we have checked before that geom is not None mask = ds.raster.geometry_mask(geom) elif basins_name in ds: # set flwdir mask based on basin map mask = ds[basins_name] > 0 flwdir = flwdir_from_da(ds[flwdir_name], ftype=ftype, mask=mask) # get area of interest (aoi) mask if geom is not None: aoi = ds.raster.geometry_mask(geom) else: aoi = xr.DataArray( coords=ds.raster.coords, dims=ds.raster.dims, data=np.full(ds.raster.shape, True, dtype=bool), ) # all True # Convert xy to tuple if xy is not None: xy = (np.atleast_1d(xy[0]), np.atleast_1d(xy[1])) # get stream mask. Always over entire domain # to include cells downstream of aoi! kwargs = dict() if stream_kwargs: stream = stream_map(ds, **stream_kwargs) if not np.any(stream): raise ValueError(f"No streams found with: {stream_kwargs}.") if not outlets and xy is None: # get aoi outflow cells if none provided xy = flwdir.xy(flwdir.outflow_idxs(np.logical_and(stream, aoi).values)) elif not outlets: kwargs.update(stream=stream.values) if outlets: outmap = aoi.where(outlet_map(ds[flwdir_name], ftype=flwdir.ftype), False) if stream_kwargs: outmap = outmap.where(stream_kwargs, False) idxs_out = np.where(outmap.values.ravel())[0] if not np.any(outmap): raise ValueError("No outlets found with with given criteria.") xy = outmap.raster.idx_to_xy(idxs_out) # get subbasin map bas_mask, xy_out = basin_map(ds, flwdir, xy, **kwargs) # is subbasin with bounds check if all upstream cells are included if kind == "subbasin" and bounds is not None: geom = gpd.GeoDataFrame(geometry=[box(*bounds)], mask = ds.raster.geometry_mask(geom) if np.any(np.logical_and(mask == 0, bas_mask != 0)): logger.warning("The subbasin does not include all upstream cells.") if not np.any(bas_mask > 0): raise ValueError(f"No {kind} found with given criteria.") bas_mask = bas_mask.astype(np.int32) bas_mask.raster.set_crs( bas_mask.raster.set_nodata(0) w, s, e, n = bas_mask.raster.clip_mask(bas_mask).raster.bounds"{kind} bbox: [{w:.4f}, {s:.4f}, {e:.4f}, {n:.4f}]") # vectorize basins and outlets basin_geom = bas_mask.raster.vectorize() outlet_geom = None if xy_out is not None: points = gpd.points_from_xy(*xy_out) outlet_geom = gpd.GeoDataFrame(geometry=points, return basin_geom, outlet_geom