Getting started#
import os
import datetime as dt
import pandas as pd
import xarray as xr
import hatyan
# optionally set logging level/format (and stream to prevent red background)
import logging, sys
logging.basicConfig(level="INFO", format='%(message)s', stream=sys.stdout)
# defining a list of the components to be analysed ()'year' contains 94 components and the mean H0)
const_list = hatyan.get_const_list_hatyan('year')
# reading and editing time series (Cuxhaven dataset from UHSLC database)
# results in a pandas DataFrame a 'values' column (water level in meters) and a pd.DatetimeIndex as index
file_data_meas = ''
times_pred = slice("2017-01-01", "2018-12-31", "10min")
ts_data = xr.open_dataset(file_data_meas)
ts_data_sel = ts_data.sea_level.isel(record_id=0).sel(time=slice(times_pred.start,times_pred.stop))
# correct from mm to meters and for 5m offset
ts_data_sel = (ts_data_sel/1000-5).assign_attrs({'units':'meters'})
ts_meas = pd.DataFrame({'values':ts_data_sel.to_series()})
# inspect ts_meas
2017-01-01 00:00:00.000000 1.56
2017-01-01 01:00:00.028800 1.85
2017-01-01 01:59:59.971200 1.95
2017-01-01 03:00:00.000000 1.68
2017-01-01 04:00:00.028800 1.02
... ...
2018-12-31 19:00:00.028800 1.37
2018-12-31 19:59:59.971200 1.36
2018-12-31 21:00:00.000000 1.02
2018-12-31 22:00:00.028800 0.49
2018-12-31 22:59:59.971200 -0.04
[17520 rows x 1 columns]
# tidal analysis and plotting of results
comp_mean, comp_allperiods = hatyan.analysis(ts=ts_meas, const_list=const_list,
nodalfactors=True, return_allperiods=True,
fu_alltimes=True, analysis_perperiod='Y')
fig,(ax1,ax2) = hatyan.plot_components(comp=comp_mean, comp_allperiods=comp_allperiods)
# fig.savefig('components.png')
ANALYSIS initializing
nodalfactors = True
fu_alltimes = True
xfac = False
source = schureman
return_allperiods = True
analysis_perperiod = Y
xTxmat_condition_max = 12
n components analyzed = 95
analysis_perperiod=Y, separate periods are automatically determined from timeseries
analyzing 2017 of sequence ['2017', '2018']
#timesteps = 8760
tstart = 2017-01-01 00:00:00tstop = 2017-12-31 22:59:59
timestep = None
percentage_nan in values_meas_sel: 0.00%
nodal factors (f and u) are calculated for all timesteps
folding frequencies over Nyquist frequency, which is half of the dominant timestep (1.000008 hour), there are 2 unique timesteps)
Rayleigh criterion OK (always>0.70, minimum is 1.00)
Frequencies are far enough apart (always >0.000080, minimum is 0.000114)
calculating xTx matrix
condition of xTx matrix: 3.91
matrix system solved, elapsed time: 0:00:00.097953
analyzing 2018 of sequence ['2017', '2018']
#timesteps = 8760
tstart = 2018-01-01 00:00:00tstop = 2018-12-31 22:59:59
timestep = None
percentage_nan in values_meas_sel: 0.00%
nodal factors (f and u) are calculated for all timesteps
folding frequencies over Nyquist frequency, which is half of the dominant timestep (1.000008 hour), there are 2 unique timesteps)
Rayleigh criterion OK (always>0.70, minimum is 1.00)
Frequencies are far enough apart (always >0.000080, minimum is 0.000114)
calculating xTx matrix
condition of xTx matrix: 3.07
matrix system solved, elapsed time: 0:00:00.113993
vector averaging analysis results
# inspect comp_mean and comp_allyears
A phi_deg
A0 0.176758 0.000000
SA 0.152912 206.382104
SM 0.031652 62.808635
Q1 0.030270 190.224437
O1 0.101336 251.984056
... ... ...
4MSK11 0.000341 138.771702
M12 0.000908 28.411757
4MSN12 0.002074 37.926474
5MS12 0.002822 57.813504
4M2S12 0.001756 136.493273
[95 rows x 2 columns]
A phi_deg
time 2017 2018 2017 2018
A0 0.239889 0.113627 0.000000 0.000000
SA 0.166434 0.150569 220.878906 190.318683
SM 0.026600 0.040029 85.250947 48.113447
Q1 0.033676 0.027215 184.697532 197.069286
O1 0.098492 0.104180 251.757856 252.197905
... ... ... ... ...
4MSK11 0.000302 0.000386 147.469195 131.964070
M12 0.000755 0.001103 13.843620 38.324370
4MSN12 0.001891 0.002280 44.353711 32.598718
5MS12 0.002458 0.003188 59.218970 56.729557
4M2S12 0.001593 0.001932 142.110648 131.863926
[95 rows x 4 columns]
# tidal prediction and plotting of results (prediction settings are derived from the components dataframe)
ts_prediction = hatyan.prediction(comp=comp_mean, times=times_pred)
fig, (ax1,ax2) = hatyan.plot_timeseries(ts=ts_prediction, ts_validation=ts_meas)
ax1.legend(['prediction','measurement','difference','mean of prediction'])
# fig.savefig('prediction.png')
PREDICTION initializing
nodalfactors = True
fu_alltimes = True
xfac = False
source = schureman
prediction() atonce
components used = 95
tstart = 2017-01-01 00:00:00
tstop = 2018-12-31 00:00:00
timestep = <10 * Minutes>
nodal factors (f and u) are calculated for all timesteps
(-0.5, 0.5)
# calculation of HWLW and plotting of results
ts_ext_meas = hatyan.calc_HWLW(ts=ts_meas)
ts_ext_prediction = hatyan.calc_HWLW(ts=ts_prediction)
fig, (ax1,ax2) = hatyan.plot_timeseries(ts=ts_prediction, ts_validation=ts_meas,
ts_ext=ts_ext_prediction, ts_ext_validation=ts_ext_meas)
# fig.savefig('prediction_HWLW.png')
the timestep of the series for which to calculate extremes/HWLW is 60.00 minutes, but 1 minute is recommended
the timestep of the series for which to calculate extremes/HWLW is 10.00 minutes, but 1 minute is recommended
Calculating comparison statistics for extremes
HWLWno is not present in ts_ext or ts_ext_validation, trying to automatically derive it without M2phasediff argument (this might fail)
ANALYSIS initializing
nodalfactors = True
fu_alltimes = True
xfac = False
source = schureman
return_allperiods = False
analysis_perperiod = False
xTxmat_condition_max = 250
n components analyzed = 1
#timesteps = 2815
tstart = 2017-01-01 08:30:00tstop = 2018-12-30 12:40:00
timestep = None
percentage_nan in values_meas_sel: 0.00%
nodal factors (f and u) are calculated for all timesteps
folding frequencies over Nyquist frequency, which is half of the dominant timestep (5.666666666666667 hour), there are 14 unique timesteps)
calculating xTx matrix
condition of xTx matrix: 7.71
matrix system solved, elapsed time: 0:00:00.001000
ANALYSIS finished
no value or None for argument M2phasediff provided, automatically calculated correction w.r.t. Cadzand based on M2phase: -1.94 hours (-56.18 degrees)
ANALYSIS initializing
nodalfactors = True
fu_alltimes = True
xfac = False
source = schureman
return_allperiods = False
analysis_perperiod = False
xTxmat_condition_max = 250
n components analyzed = 1
#timesteps = 2819
tstart = 2017-01-01 09:00:00tstop = 2018-12-31 13:59:59
timestep = None
percentage_nan in values_meas_sel: 0.00%
nodal factors (f and u) are calculated for all timesteps
folding frequencies over Nyquist frequency, which is half of the dominant timestep (6.0 hour), there are 9 unique timesteps)
calculating xTx matrix
condition of xTx matrix: 6.30
matrix system solved, elapsed time: 0:00:00.001003
ANALYSIS finished
no value or None for argument M2phasediff provided, automatically calculated correction w.r.t. Cadzand based on M2phase: -2.01 hours (-58.39 degrees)
Time differences [minutes]
RMSE: 21.06
std: 21.06
abs max: 110.00
abs mean: 16.97
#NaN: 4 of 2819
Value differences [cm]
RMSE: 36.39
std: 36.39
abs max: 250.36
abs mean: 24.90
#NaN: 4 of 2819
(-1.0, 1.0)
# inspect ts_prediction and ts_ext_meas
2017-01-01 00:00:00 1.539879
2017-01-01 00:10:00 1.601895
2017-01-01 00:20:00 1.655407
2017-01-01 00:30:00 1.700647
2017-01-01 00:40:00 1.737943
... ...
2018-12-30 23:20:00 -0.805737
2018-12-30 23:30:00 -0.859481
2018-12-30 23:40:00 -0.910867
2018-12-30 23:50:00 -0.959596
2018-12-31 00:00:00 -1.005056
[104977 rows x 1 columns]
values HWLWcode prominences widths
2017-01-01 09:00:00.000000 -1.02 2 2.84 5.715404
2017-01-01 13:59:59.971200 1.82 1 2.84 6.345138
2017-01-01 21:00:00.000000 -1.21 2 3.14 5.791464
2017-01-02 01:59:59.971200 1.93 1 3.14 6.542304
2017-01-02 09:00:00.000000 -1.44 2 3.39 5.983549
... ... ... ... ...
2018-12-30 13:00:00.028800 -1.07 2 2.26 5.130510
2018-12-30 18:00:00.000000 1.19 1 2.26 6.036022
2018-12-31 01:00:00.028800 -1.39 2 2.91 6.330342
2018-12-31 07:00:00.028800 1.52 1 2.73 6.483151
2018-12-31 13:59:59.971200 -1.21 2 2.58 6.009798
[2819 rows x 4 columns]
fig, ax = hatyan.plot_HWLW_validatestats(ts_ext=ts_ext_prediction, ts_ext_validation=ts_ext_meas)
# fig.savefig('prediction_HWLW_validatestats.png')
# ts_prediction.attrs["station"] = "Cuxhaven"
# ts_prediction.attrs["vertref"] = "MSL"
# ts_ext_prediction.attrs["station"] = "Cuxhaven"
# ts_ext_prediction.attrs["vertref"] = "MSL"
# hatyan.write_netcdf(ts=ts_prediction, ts_ext=ts_ext_prediction, filename='')
Calculating comparison statistics for extremes
HWLWno is not present in ts_ext or ts_ext_validation, trying to automatically derive it without M2phasediff argument (this might fail)
ANALYSIS initializing
nodalfactors = True
fu_alltimes = True
xfac = False
source = schureman
return_allperiods = False
analysis_perperiod = False
xTxmat_condition_max = 250
n components analyzed = 1
#timesteps = 2815
tstart = 2017-01-01 08:30:00tstop = 2018-12-30 12:40:00
timestep = None
percentage_nan in values_meas_sel: 0.00%
nodal factors (f and u) are calculated for all timesteps
folding frequencies over Nyquist frequency, which is half of the dominant timestep (5.666666666666667 hour), there are 14 unique timesteps)
calculating xTx matrix
condition of xTx matrix: 7.71
matrix system solved, elapsed time: 0:00:00
ANALYSIS finished
no value or None for argument M2phasediff provided, automatically calculated correction w.r.t. Cadzand based on M2phase: -1.94 hours (-56.18 degrees)
ANALYSIS initializing
nodalfactors = True
fu_alltimes = True
xfac = False
source = schureman
return_allperiods = False
analysis_perperiod = False
xTxmat_condition_max = 250
n components analyzed = 1
#timesteps = 2819
tstart = 2017-01-01 09:00:00tstop = 2018-12-31 13:59:59
timestep = None
percentage_nan in values_meas_sel: 0.00%
nodal factors (f and u) are calculated for all timesteps
folding frequencies over Nyquist frequency, which is half of the dominant timestep (6.0 hour), there are 9 unique timesteps)
calculating xTx matrix
condition of xTx matrix: 6.30
matrix system solved, elapsed time: 0:00:00
ANALYSIS finished
no value or None for argument M2phasediff provided, automatically calculated correction w.r.t. Cadzand based on M2phase: -2.01 hours (-58.39 degrees)
Time differences [minutes]
RMSE: 21.06
std: 21.06
abs max: 110.00
abs mean: 16.97
#NaN: 4 of 2819
Value differences [cm]
RMSE: 36.39
std: 36.39
abs max: 250.36
abs mean: 24.90
#NaN: 4 of 2819