Source code for dfm_tools.meshkernel_helpers

import xugrid as xu
import meshkernel
import xarray as xr
import datetime as dt
from dfm_tools import __version__
import getpass
import numpy as np
from dfm_tools.coastlines import get_coastlines_gdb
from netCDF4 import default_fillvals
import geopandas as gpd
from shapely import MultiPolygon, LineString, MultiLineString
from shapely.ops import linemerge
from itertools import groupby
from shapely import Polygon

__all__ = [

[docs] def meshkernel_delete_withcoastlines(mk:meshkernel.MeshKernel, res:str='f', min_area:float = 0, crs:(int,str) = None): """ Wrapper around meshkernel_delete_withgdf, which automatically gets the bbox from the meshkernel object and retrieves the coastlines_gdf. Parameters ---------- mk : meshkernel.MeshKernel DESCRIPTION. res : str, optional DESCRIPTION. The default is 'f'. min_area : float, optional DESCRIPTION. The default is 0. crs : (int,str), optional DESCRIPTION. The default is None. Returns ------- None. """ mesh_bnds = mk.mesh2d_get_mesh_boundaries_as_polygons() bbox = (mesh_bnds.x_coordinates.min(), mesh_bnds.y_coordinates.min(), mesh_bnds.x_coordinates.max(), mesh_bnds.y_coordinates.max()) coastlines_gdf = get_coastlines_gdb(bbox=bbox, res=res, min_area=min_area, crs=crs) meshkernel_delete_withgdf(mk, coastlines_gdf)
[docs] def meshkernel_delete_withshp(mk:meshkernel.MeshKernel, coastlines_shp:str, crs:(int,str) = None): """ Delete parts of mesh that are inside the shapefile polygon. Parameters ---------- mk : meshkernel.MeshKernel DESCRIPTION. coastlines_shp : str Path to the shp file. crs : (int,str), optional DESCRIPTION. The default is None. Returns ------- None. """ mesh_bnds = mk.mesh2d_get_mesh_boundaries_as_polygons() bbox = (mesh_bnds.x_coordinates.min(), mesh_bnds.y_coordinates.min(), mesh_bnds.x_coordinates.max(), mesh_bnds.y_coordinates.max()) coastlines_gdb = gpd.read_file(coastlines_shp, bbox=bbox) if crs: coastlines_gdb = coastlines_gdb.to_crs(crs) meshkernel_delete_withgdf(mk, coastlines_gdb)
[docs] def meshkernel_delete_withgdf(mk:meshkernel.MeshKernel, coastlines_gdf:gpd.GeoDataFrame): """ Delete parts of mesh that are inside the polygons/Linestrings in a GeoDataFrame. Parameters ---------- mk : meshkernel.MeshKernel DESCRIPTION. coastlines_gdf : gpd.GeoDataFrame DESCRIPTION. Returns ------- None. """ for coastline_geom in coastlines_gdf['geometry']: xx, yy = coastline_geom.exterior.coords.xy xx = np.array(xx) yy = np.array(yy) delete_pol_geom = meshkernel.GeometryList(x_coordinates=xx, y_coordinates=yy) #TODO: .copy()/to_numpy() makes the array contiguous in memory, which is necessary for meshkernel.mesh2d_delete() mk.mesh2d_delete(geometry_list=delete_pol_geom, delete_option=meshkernel.DeleteMeshOption.INSIDE_NOT_INTERSECTED, invert_deletion=False)
[docs] def meshkernel_get_illegalcells(mk): # get illegalcells from meshkernel instance illegalcells_geom = mk.mesh2d_get_face_polygons(num_edges=6) # convert xy coords to numpy array illegalcells_np = np.c_[illegalcells_geom.x_coordinates, illegalcells_geom.y_coordinates] # split illegalcells array based on the geomtry_separator xy_lists = [list(g) for k, g in groupby(illegalcells_np, lambda x: (x != illegalcells_geom.geometry_separator).all()) if k] # convert to geodataframe of Polygons list_polygons = [Polygon(xylist) for xylist in xy_lists] illegalcells_gdf = gpd.GeoDataFrame(geometry=list_polygons) return illegalcells_gdf
def geographic_to_meshkernel_projection(is_geographic:bool) -> meshkernel.ProjectionType: """ converts is_geographic boolean to meshkernel.ProjectionType (SPHERICAL OR CARTESIAN) Parameters ---------- is_geographic : bool DESCRIPTION. Returns ------- projection : TYPE DESCRIPTION. """ if is_geographic: projection = meshkernel.ProjectionType.SPHERICAL else: projection = meshkernel.ProjectionType.CARTESIAN return projection def meshkernel_is_geographic(mk): if mk.get_projection()==meshkernel.ProjectionType.CARTESIAN: is_geographic = False else: is_geographic = True return is_geographic
[docs] def meshkernel_to_UgridDataset(mk:meshkernel.MeshKernel, crs:(int,str) = None) -> xu.UgridDataset: """ Convert a meshkernel object to a UgridDataset, including a variable with the crs (used by dflowfm to distinguish spherical/cartesian networks). The UgridDataset enables bathymetry interpolation and writing to netfile. Parameters ---------- mk : meshkernel.MeshKernel DESCRIPTION. crs : (int,str), optional DESCRIPTION. The default is None. Returns ------- TYPE DESCRIPTION. """ crs_is_geographic = crs_to_isgeographic(crs) mesh2d_grid = mk.mesh2d_get() #check if both crs and grid are geograpic or not #TODO: do this in xugrid: grid_is_geographic = meshkernel_is_geographic(mk) if crs_is_geographic != grid_is_geographic: raise ValueError(f"crs has is_geographic={crs_is_geographic} and grid has is_geographic={grid_is_geographic}. This is not allowed.") # TODO: below is not correctly handled by xugrid yet, projected=False does not give is_geographic=True # related issue is xu_grid = xu.Ugrid2d.from_meshkernel(mesh2d_grid, projected= not crs_is_geographic, crs=crs) # convert 0-based to 1-based indices for connectivity variables like face_node_connectivity # this is required by delft3dfm xu_grid.start_index = 1 xu_grid_ds = xu_grid.to_dataset() # convert to uds and add attrs and crs xu_grid_uds = xu.UgridDataset(xu_grid_ds) xu_grid_uds = xu_grid_uds.assign_attrs({#'Conventions': 'CF-1.8 UGRID-1.0 Deltares-0.10', #TODO: conventions come from xugrid, so this line is probably not necessary 'institution': 'Deltares', 'references': '', 'source': f'Created with meshkernel {meshkernel.__version__}, xugrid {xu.__version__} and dfm_tools {__version__}', 'history': 'Created on %s, %s'%('%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S%z'),getpass.getuser()), #TODO: add timezone }) # add crs including attrs if crs is not None: xu_grid_uds.ugrid.set_crs(crs) uds_add_crs_attrs(xu_grid_uds) return xu_grid_uds
def uds_get_crs(uds): uds_crs_dict = if uds_crs_dict is None: return None else: keys = list(uds_crs_dict.keys()) crs = uds_crs_dict[keys[0]] return crs def uds_add_crs_attrs(uds:(xu.UgridDataset,xr.Dataset)): """ Parameters ---------- uds : (xu.UgridDataset,xr.Dataset) DESCRIPTION. crs : (str,int) epsg, e.g. 'EPSG:4326' or 4326. Raises ------ ValueError DESCRIPTION. Returns ------- None. """ # TODO: upon crs conversion and to_netcdf(), the netcdf file could get two crs vars, catch this grid_is_geographic = uds.grid.is_geographic crs = uds_get_crs(uds) #get crs information (name/num) if crs is None: crs_num = 0 crs_str = 'EPSG:0' crs_name = '' crs_is_geographic = False else: # get crs info, should actually be `import pyproj; pyproj.CRS.from_user_input(crs)` crs_info = gpd.GeoSeries(crs=crs).crs #also contains area-of-use (name/bounds), datum (ellipsoid/prime-meridian) crs_num = crs_info.to_epsg() crs_str = crs_info.to_string() crs_name = crs_is_geographic = crs_info.is_geographic # TODO: standard names for lat/lon in crs_info.cs_to_cf() #check if combination of is_geographic and crs makes sense if grid_is_geographic != crs_is_geographic: raise ValueError(f"`grid_is_geographic` mismatch between provided grid (is_geographic={grid_is_geographic}) and provided crs ({crs}, is_geographic={crs_is_geographic})") # TODO: consider always using the same crs_varn, align with xugrid # QGIS also does not recognize epsg anymore when renaming variable to `crs` # or something else (`wgs84` and `projected_coordinate_system` both do work) if grid_is_geographic: crs_varn = 'wgs84' else: crs_varn = 'projected_coordinate_system' attribute_dict = { 'name': crs_name, # not required, but convenient for the user 'epsg': np.array(crs_num, dtype=int), # epsg or EPSG_code should be present for the interacter to load the grid and by QGIS to recognize the epsg. 'EPSG_code': crs_str, # epsg or EPSG_code should be present for the interacter to load the grid and by QGIS to recognize the epsg. } if grid_is_geographic: # without grid_mapping_name="latitude_longitude", interacter sees the grid as cartesian # grid_mapping_name is not available for projected crs's attribute_dict['grid_mapping_name'] = crs_info.to_cf()['grid_mapping_name'] uds[crs_varn] = xr.DataArray(np.array(default_fillvals['i4'],dtype=int),dims=(),attrs=attribute_dict) def crs_to_isgeographic(crs=None): if crs is None: is_geographic = False else: import pyproj crs = pyproj.CRS.from_user_input(crs) is_geographic = crs.is_geographic return is_geographic
[docs] def make_basegrid(lon_min,lon_max,lat_min,lat_max,dx,dy,angle=0, crs=None, is_geographic=None): """ empty docstring """ if is_geographic is not None: raise ValueError("'is_geographic' was deprecated as argument for dfmt.make_basegrid(), it is now derived from 'crs' instead") is_geographic = crs_to_isgeographic(crs) projection = geographic_to_meshkernel_projection(is_geographic) # create base grid make_grid_parameters = meshkernel.MakeGridParameters(angle=angle, origin_x=lon_min, origin_y=lat_min, upper_right_x=lon_max, upper_right_y=lat_max, block_size_x=dx, block_size_y=dy) mk = meshkernel.MeshKernel(projection=projection) mk.curvilinear_compute_rectangular_grid_on_extension(make_grid_parameters) mk.curvilinear_convert_to_mesh2d() #convert to ugrid/mesh2d return mk
[docs] def refine_basegrid(mk, data_bathy_sel, min_edge_size): """ empty docstring """ lon_np = data_bathy_sel.lon.to_numpy() lat_np = values_np = data_bathy_sel.to_numpy().flatten() gridded_samples = meshkernel.GriddedSamples(x_coordinates=lon_np,y_coordinates=lat_np,values=values_np) #refinement mesh_refinement_parameters = meshkernel.MeshRefinementParameters(min_edge_size=min_edge_size, #always in meters refinement_type=meshkernel.RefinementType(1), #Wavecourant/1, connect_hanging_nodes=True, #set to False to do multiple refinement steps (e.g. for multiple regions) smoothing_iterations=2, max_courant_time=120) mk.mesh2d_refine_based_on_gridded_samples(gridded_samples=gridded_samples, mesh_refinement_params=mesh_refinement_parameters, use_nodal_refinement=True) #TODO: what does this do? return mk
def meshkernel_get_outer_xycoords(mk:meshkernel.MeshKernel): mesh_bnds = mk.mesh2d_get_mesh_boundaries_as_polygons() xcoords = mesh_bnds.x_coordinates ycoords = mesh_bnds.y_coordinates if mesh_bnds.geometry_separator in xcoords: # TODO: would be nice to get only the outer xycoords instead # or to have easier selection of outer xycoords raise Exception('use meshkernel_get_outer_xycoords() on an uncut grid') return xcoords, ycoords
[docs] def meshkernel_get_bbox(mk:meshkernel.MeshKernel): """ get the bbox of a meshkernel instance as (xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax) """ xcoords, ycoords = meshkernel_get_outer_xycoords(mk) bbox = (xcoords.min(), ycoords.min(), xcoords.max(), ycoords.max()) return bbox
[docs] def generate_bndpli_cutland(mk:meshkernel.MeshKernel, res:str='f', min_area:float = 0, crs:(int,str) = None, buffer:float = 0): """ Generate a boundary polyline from the meshkernel object and cut away the landward part. Be sure to do this on the base/refined grid, not on the grid where the landward cells were already cut. Parameters ---------- mk : meshkernel.MeshKernel DESCRIPTION. res : str, optional DESCRIPTION. The default is 'f'. min_area : float, optional DESCRIPTION. The default is 0. crs : (int,str), optional DESCRIPTION. The default is None. buffer : float, optional DESCRIPTION. The default is 0. Returns ------- bnd_gdf : TYPE DESCRIPTION. """ bbox = meshkernel_get_bbox(mk) coastlines_gdf = get_coastlines_gdb(bbox=bbox, res=res, min_area=min_area, crs=crs) xcoords,ycoords = meshkernel_get_outer_xycoords(mk) mesh_bnds_xy = np.c_[xcoords,ycoords] meshbnd_ls = LineString(mesh_bnds_xy) coastlines_mp = MultiPolygon(coastlines_gdf.geometry.tolist()) coastlines_mp = coastlines_mp.buffer(buffer) bnd_ls = meshbnd_ls.difference(coastlines_mp) #attempt to merge MultiLineString to single LineString if isinstance(bnd_ls,MultiLineString): print('attemting to merge lines in MultiLineString to single LineString (if connected)') bnd_ls = linemerge(bnd_ls) #convert MultiLineString/LineString to GeoDataFrame if isinstance(bnd_ls,MultiLineString): bnd_gdf = gpd.GeoDataFrame(geometry=list(bnd_ls.geoms)) elif isinstance(bnd_ls,LineString): bnd_gdf = gpd.GeoDataFrame(geometry=[bnd_ls]) #set crs from coastlines = return bnd_gdf
[docs] def interpolate_bndpli(bnd_gdf,res): """ interpolate bnd_gdf to a new resolution """ #TODO: keep corners of grid, maybe use mk.polygon_refine() bnd_gdf_interp = bnd_gdf.copy() for irow,row in bnd_gdf_interp.iterrows(): bnd_ls = row.geometry interp_range = np.arange(0,bnd_ls.length,res) bnd_ls_interp_points = bnd_ls.interpolate(interp_range) if len(bnd_ls_interp_points)==1: #no change if interp results in only one point continue bnd_ls_interp = LineString(bnd_ls_interp_points) bnd_gdf_interp.loc[irow,'geometry'] = bnd_ls_interp return bnd_gdf_interp