meshkernel.c_structures module
- class CContacts
C-structure intended for internal use only. It represents a Contacts struct as described by the MeshKernel API.
Used for communicating with the MeshKernel dll.
- The
attribute of this class contains the following fields: mesh1d_indices (POINTER(c_int)): The indices of the mesh1d nodes.
mesh2d_indices (POINTER(c_int)): The indices of the mesh2d faces.
num_contacts (c_int): The number of contacts.
- allocate_memory() Contacts
Allocate data according to the parameters with the "num_" prefix. The pointers are then set to the freshly allocated memory. The memory is owned by the Contacts instance which is returned by this method.
- Returns:
The object owning the allocated memory.
- Return type:
- static from_contacts(contacts: Contacts) CContacts
Creates a new CContacts instance from the given Contacts instance.
- mesh1d_indices
Structure/Union member
- mesh2d_indices
Structure/Union member
- num_contacts
Structure/Union member
- The
- class CCurvilinearGrid
C-structure intended for internal use only. It represents a Curvilinear struct as described by the MeshKernel API.
Used for communicating with the MeshKernel dll.
- The
attribute of this class contains the following fields: node_x (POINTER(c_double)): The x-coordinates of the nodes.
node_y (POINTER(c_double)): The y-coordinates of the nodes.
num_m (c_int): The number of curvilinear grid nodes along m.
num_n (c_int): The number of curvilinear grid nodes along n.
- allocate_memory() CurvilinearGrid
Allocate data according to the parameters with the "num_" prefix. The pointers are then set to the freshly allocated memory. The memory is owned by the CurvilinearGrid instance which is returned by this method.
- Returns:
The object owning the allocated memory.
- Return type:
- static from_curvilinearGrid(curvilinear_grid: CurvilinearGrid) CCurvilinearGrid
Creates a new CMesh instance from a given CurvilinearGrid instance.
- Parameters:
curvilinear_grid (CurvilinearGrid) – Class of numpy instances owning the state.
- Returns:
The created CCurvilinearGrid instance.
- Return type:
- node_x
Structure/Union member
- node_y
Structure/Union member
- num_m
Structure/Union member
- num_n
Structure/Union member
- The
- class CCurvilinearParameters
C-structure intended for internal use only. It represents an CurvilinearParameters struct as described by the MeshKernel API.
Used for communicating with the MeshKernel dll.
- The
attribute of this class contains the following fields: m_refinement (c_int): M-refinement factor for regular grid generation.
n_refinement (c_int): N-refinement factor for regular grid generation.
smoothing_iterations (c_int): Nr. of inner iterations in regular grid smoothing.
smoothing_parameter (c_double): Smoothing parameter.
attraction_parameter (c_double): Attraction/repulsion parameter.
- attraction_parameter
Structure/Union member
- static from_curvilinearParameters(curvilinear_parameters: CurvilinearParameters) CCurvilinearParameters
Creates a new CCurvilinearParameters instance from the given CurvilinearParameters instance.
- Parameters:
curvilinear_parameters (CurvilinearParameters) – The curvilinear parameters.
- Returns:
The created C-Structure for the given CurvilinearParameters.
- Return type:
- m_refinement
Structure/Union member
- n_refinement
Structure/Union member
- smoothing_iterations
Structure/Union member
- smoothing_parameter
Structure/Union member
- The
- class CGeometryList
C-structure intended for internal use only. It represents a GeometryList struct as described by the MeshKernel API.
Used for communicating with the MeshKernel dll.
- The
attribute of this class contains the following fields: geometry_separator (c_double): The value used as a separator in the coordinates.
inner_outer_separator (c_double): The value used to separate the inner part of a polygon from its outer part.
n_coordinates (c_int): The number of coordinate values.
x_coordinates (POINTER(c_double)): The x coordinates.
y_coordinates (POINTER(c_double)): The y coordinates.
values (POINTER(c_double)): The values on this mesh2d.
- static from_geometrylist(geometry_list: GeometryList) CGeometryList
Creates a new CGeometryList instance from the given GeometryList instance.
- Parameters:
geometry_list (GeometryList) – The geometry list.
- Returns:
The created C-Structure for the given GeometryList.
- Return type:
- geometry_separator
Structure/Union member
- inner_outer_separator
Structure/Union member
- n_coordinates
Structure/Union member
- values
Structure/Union member
- x_coordinates
Structure/Union member
- y_coordinates
Structure/Union member
- The
- class CGriddedSamples
C-structure intended for internal use only. It represents a GriddedSamples struct as described by the MeshKernel API.
Used for communicating with the MeshKernel dll.
- The
attribute of this class contains the following fields: num_x (c_int): Number of x gridded samples coordinates.
num_y (c_int): Number of y gridded samples coordinates.
x_origin (c_double): X coordinate of the grid origin.
y_origin (c_double): Y coordinate of the grid origin.
cell_size (c_int): Constant grid cell size.
x_coordinates (POINTER(c_double)): If not nullptr, coordinates for non-uniform grid spacing in x direction.
y_coordinates (POINTER(c_double)): If not nullptr, coordinates for non-uniform grid spacing in y direction.
values (POINTER(c_double)): Sample values.
- cell_size
Structure/Union member
- static from_griddedSamples(gridded_samples: GriddedSamples) CGriddedSamples
Creates a new CGriddedSamples instance from the given GriddedSamples instance.
- Parameters:
gridded_samples (GriddedSamples) – The GriddedSamples samples.
- Returns:
The created C-Structure for the given CGriddedSamples.
- Return type:
- num_x
Structure/Union member
- num_y
Structure/Union member
- value_type
Structure/Union member
- values
Structure/Union member
- x_coordinates
Structure/Union member
- x_origin
Structure/Union member
- y_coordinates
Structure/Union member
- y_origin
Structure/Union member
- The
- class CMakeGridParameters
C-structure intended for internal use only. It represents a MakeGridParameters struct as described by the MeshKernel API.
Used for communicating with the MeshKernel dll.
- The
attribute of this class contains the following fields: num_columns (c_int): The number of columns in x direction.
num_rows (c_int): The number of columns in y direction.
angle (c_double): The grid angle.
origin_x (c_double): The x coordinate of the origin, located at the bottom left corner.
origin_y (c_double): The y coordinate of the origin, located at the bottom left corner.
block_size_x (c_double): The grid block size in x dimension, used only for squared grids.
block_size_y (c_double): The grid block size in y dimension, used only for squared grids.
upper_right_x (c_double): The x coordinate of the upper right corner.
upper_right_y (c_double): The y coordinate of the upper right corner.
- angle
Structure/Union member
- block_size_x
Structure/Union member
- block_size_y
Structure/Union member
- static from_makegridparameters(make_grid_parameters: MakeGridParameters) CMakeGridParameters
Creates a new CMeshRefinementParameters instance from the given MeshRefinementParameters instance.
- Parameters:
make_grid_parameters (MakeGridParameters) – The make grid parameters.
- Returns:
The created C-Structure for the given MakeGridParameters.
- Return type:
- num_columns
Structure/Union member
- num_rows
Structure/Union member
- origin_x
Structure/Union member
- origin_y
Structure/Union member
- upper_right_x
Structure/Union member
- upper_right_y
Structure/Union member
- The
- class CMesh1d
C-structure intended for internal use only. It represents a Mesh1D struct as described by the MeshKernel API.
Used for communicating with the MeshKernel dll.
- The
attribute of this class contains the following fields: edge_nodes (POINTER(c_int)): The nodes composing each mesh 1d edge.
node_x (POINTER(c_double)): The x-coordinates of the nodes.
node_y (POINTER(c_double)): The y-coordinates of the nodes.
num_nodes (c_int): The number of nodes.
num_valid_nodes (c_int): The number of valid mesh nodes.
num_edges (c_int): The number of edges.
num_valid_edges (c_int): The number of valid edges.
- allocate_memory() Mesh1d
Allocate data according to the parameters with the "num_" prefix. The pointers are then set to the freshly allocated memory. The memory is owned by the Mesh1d instance which is returned by this method.
- Returns:
The object owning the allocated memory.
- Return type:
- edge_nodes
Structure/Union member
- static from_mesh1d(mesh1d: Mesh1d) CMesh1d
Creates a new CMesh instance from a given Mesh1d instance.
- node_x
Structure/Union member
- node_y
Structure/Union member
- num_edges
Structure/Union member
- num_nodes
Structure/Union member
- num_valid_edges
Structure/Union member
- num_valid_nodes
Structure/Union member
- The
- class CMesh2d
C-structure intended for internal use only. It represents a Mesh2D struct as described by the MeshKernel API.
Used for communicating with the MeshKernel dll.
- The
attribute of this class contains the following fields: edge_faces (POINTER(c_int)): The face indices for each edge.
edge_nodes (POINTER(c_int)): The nodes composing each mesh 2d edge.
face_edges (POINTER(c_int)): The edge indices for each face.
face_nodes (POINTER(c_int)): The nodes composing each mesh 2d face.
nodes_per_face (POINTER(c_int)): The nodes composing each mesh 2d face.
node_x (POINTER(c_double)): The x-coordinates of the nodes.
node_y (POINTER(c_double)): The y-coordinates of the nodes.
edge_x (POINTER(c_double)): The x-coordinates of the mesh edges’ middle points.
edge_y (POINTER(c_double)): The x-coordinates of the mesh edges’ middle points.
face_x (POINTER(c_double)): The x-coordinates of the mesh faces’ mass centers.
face_y (POINTER(c_double)): The y-coordinates of the mesh faces’ mass centers.
num_nodes (c_int): The number of mesh nodes.
num_valid_nodes (c_int): The number of valid 1d nodes
num_edges (c_int): The number of edges.
num_valid_edges (c_int): The number of valid edges
num_faces (c_int): The number of faces.
num_face_nodes (c_int): The total number of nodes composing the mesh 2d faces.
- allocate_memory() Mesh2d
Allocate data according to the parameters with the "num_" prefix. The pointers are then set to the freshly allocated memory. The memory is owned by the Mesh2d instance which is returned by this method.
- Returns:
The object owning the allocated memory.
- Return type:
- edge_faces
Structure/Union member
- edge_nodes
Structure/Union member
- edge_x
Structure/Union member
- edge_y
Structure/Union member
- face_edges
Structure/Union member
- face_nodes
Structure/Union member
- face_x
Structure/Union member
- face_y
Structure/Union member
- static from_mesh2d(mesh2d: Mesh2d) CMesh2d
Creates a new CMesh instance from a given Mesh2d instance.
- node_x
Structure/Union member
- node_y
Structure/Union member
- nodes_per_face
Structure/Union member
- num_edges
Structure/Union member
- num_face_nodes
Structure/Union member
- num_faces
Structure/Union member
- num_nodes
Structure/Union member
- num_valid_edges
Structure/Union member
- num_valid_nodes
Structure/Union member
- The
- class CMeshRefinementParameters
C-structure intended for internal use only. It represents a MeshRefinementParameters struct as described by the MeshKernel API.
Used for communicating with the MeshKernel dll.
- The
attribute of this class contains the following fields: max_refinement_iterations (c_int): Maximum number of refinement iterations.
refine_intersected (c_int): Whether to compute faces intersected by polygon (yes=1/no=0)
use_mass_center_when_refining (c_int): Whether to use the mass center when splitting a face in the refinement process (yes=1/no=0)
min_edge_size (c_double): Minimum cell size.
refinement_type (c_int): Refinement criterion type.
connect_hanging_nodes (c_int): Whether to connect hanging nodes at the end of the iteration.
account_for_samples_outside (c_int): Whether to take samples outside face into account.
- account_for_samples_outside_face
Structure/Union member
- connect_hanging_nodes
Structure/Union member
- directional_refinement
Structure/Union member
- static from_meshrefinementparameters(mesh_refinement_parameters: MeshRefinementParameters) CMeshRefinementParameters
Creates a new CMeshRefinementParameters instance from the given MeshRefinementParameters instance.
- Parameters:
mesh_refinement_parameters (MeshRefinementParameters) – The mesh refinement parameters.
- Returns:
The created C-Structure for the given MeshRefinementParameters.
- Return type:
- max_courant_time
Structure/Union member
- max_refinement_iterations
Structure/Union member
- min_edge_size
Structure/Union member
- refine_intersected
Structure/Union member
- refinement_type
Structure/Union member
- smoothing_iterations
Structure/Union member
- use_mass_center_when_refining
Structure/Union member
- The
- class COrthogonalizationParameters
C-structure intended for internal use only. It represents an OrthogonalizationParameters struct as described by the MeshKernel API.
Used for communicating with the MeshKernel dll.
- The
attribute of this class contains the following fields: outer_iterations (c_int): Number of outer iterations in orthogonalization.
boundary_iterations (c_int): Number of boundary iterations in grid/net orthogonalization within itatp.
inner_iterations (c_int): Number of inner iterations in grid/net orthogonalization within itbnd.
orthogonalization_to_smoothing_factor (c_double): Factor from between grid smoothing (0) and grid orthogonality (1).
orthogonalization_to_smoothing_factor_at_boundary (c_double): Minimum ATPF on the boundary.
areal_to_angle_smoothing_factor (c_double): Factor between smoother 1d0 and area-homogenizer 0d0.
- areal_to_angle_smoothing_factor
Structure/Union member
- boundary_iterations
Structure/Union member
- static from_orthogonalizationparameters(orthogonalization_parameters: OrthogonalizationParameters) COrthogonalizationParameters
Creates a new COrthogonalizationParameters instance from the given OrthogonalizationParameters instance.
- Parameters:
orthogonalization_parameters (OrthogonalizationParameters) – The orthogonalization parameters.
- Returns:
The created C-Structure for the given OrthogonalizationParameters.
- Return type:
- inner_iterations
Structure/Union member
- orthogonalization_to_smoothing_factor
Structure/Union member
- orthogonalization_to_smoothing_factor_at_boundary
Structure/Union member
- outer_iterations
Structure/Union member
- The
- class CSplinesToCurvilinearParameters
C-structure intended for internal use only. It represents an SplinesToCurvilinearParameters struct as described by the MeshKernel API.
Used for communicating with the MeshKernel dll.
- The
attribute of this class contains the following fields: aspect_ratio (c_double): Aspect ratio.
aspect_ratio_grow_factor (c_double): Grow factor of aspect ratio.
average_width (c_double): Average mesh width on center spline.
curvature_adapted_grid_spacing (c_int): Curvature adapted grid spacing.
grow_grid_outside (c_int): Grow the grid outside the prescribed grid height.
maximum_num_faces_in_uniform_part (c_int): Maximum number of layers in the uniform part.
nodes_on_top_of_each_other_tolerance (c_double): On-top-of-each-other tolerance.).
min_cosine_crossing_angles (c_double): Minimum allowed absolute value of crossing-angle cosine.
check_front_collisions (c_int): Check for collisions with other parts of the front.
remove_skinny_triangles (c_int): Check for collisions with other parts of the front.
- aspect_ratio
Structure/Union member
- aspect_ratio_grow_factor
Structure/Union member
- average_width
Structure/Union member
- check_front_collisions
Structure/Union member
- curvature_adapted_grid_spacing
Structure/Union member
- static from_splinesToCurvilinearParameters(splines_to_curvilinear_parameters: SplinesToCurvilinearParameters) CSplinesToCurvilinearParameters
Creates a new COrthogonalizationParameters instance from the given OrthogonalizationParameters instance.
- Parameters:
orthogonalization_parameters (OrthogonalizationParameters) – The orthogonalization parameters.
- Returns:
The created C-Structure for the given OrthogonalizationParameters.
- Return type:
- grow_grid_outside
Structure/Union member
- maximum_num_faces_in_uniform_part
Structure/Union member
- min_cosine_crossing_angles
Structure/Union member
- nodes_on_top_of_each_other_tolerance
Structure/Union member
- remove_skinny_triangles
Structure/Union member
- The