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Sample files

Sample .xyz files contain spatial input point data for a D-Flow FM model, and are used in various other input files.

A sample data file is described by the classes below.


XYZModel (ParsableFileModel) pydantic-model

Sample or forcing file.


Name Type Description
points List[]

List of XYZPoint

dict(self, *args, **kwargs)

Generate a dictionary representation of the model, optionally specifying which fields to include or exclude.

Source code in hydrolib/core/dflowfm/xyz/
def dict(self, *args, **kwargs):
    # speed up serializing by not converting these lowest models to dict
    return dict(points=self.points)

XYZPoint (BaseModel) pydantic-model

Single sample or forcing point.


Name Type Description
x float

x or λ coordinate

y float

y or φ coordinate

z float

sample value or group number (forcing)

comment Optional[str]

keyword for grouping (forcing)

comment: str pydantic-field

comment or group name



A parser for .xyz files which are like this:

number number number number number number # comment

Note that the whitespace can vary and the comment left out.

parse(filepath: Path) -> Dict staticmethod

Parse an .xyz file into a Dict with the list of points read.


Name Type Description Default
filepath Path

.xyz file to be read.



Type Description

dictionary with "points" value set to a list of points each of which is a dict itself, with keys 'x', 'y', 'z' and 'c' for an optional comment.


Type Description

if a line in the file contains no values that could be parsed.

Source code in hydrolib/core/dflowfm/xyz/
def parse(filepath: Path) -> Dict:
    """Parse an .xyz file into a Dict with the list of points read.

        filepath (Path): .xyz file to be read.

        Dict: dictionary with "points" value set to a list of points
            each of which is a dict itself, with keys 'x', 'y', 'z'
            and 'c' for an optional comment.

        ValueError: if a line in the file contains no values that
            could be parsed.

    data: Dict = dict(points=[])

    with"utf8") as f:
        for linenr, line in enumerate(f.readlines()):

            line = line.strip()
            if line.startswith("*") or len(line) == 0:

                x, y, z, *c = re.split(xyzpattern, line, maxsplit=3)
            except ValueError:
                raise ValueError(
                    f"Error parsing XYZ file '{filepath}', line {linenr+1}."

            c = c[0] if len(c) > 0 else ""
            c = c.strip("#").strip()
            if len(c) == 0:
                c = None

            data["points"].append(dict(x=x, y=y, z=z, comment=c))

    return data



serialize(path: Path, data: Dict, config: SerializerConfig, save_settings: ModelSaveSettings) -> None staticmethod

Serializes the XYZ data to the file at the specified path.


Name Type Description
path Path

The path to the destination file.

data Dict

The data to be serialized.

config SerializerConfig

The serialization configuration.

save_settings ModelSaveSettings

The model save settings.

Source code in hydrolib/core/dflowfm/xyz/
def serialize(
    path: Path,
    data: Dict,
    config: SerializerConfig,
    save_settings: ModelSaveSettings,
) -> None:
    Serializes the XYZ data to the file at the specified path.

        path (Path): The path to the destination file.
        data (Dict): The data to be serialized.
        config (SerializerConfig): The serialization configuration.
        save_settings (ModelSaveSettings): The model save settings.
    path.parent.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True)

    space = 1 * " "
    format_float = lambda x: f"{x:{config.float_format}}"

    with"w", encoding="utf8") as f:
        for point in data["points"]:
            geometry: str = space.join(
                [format_float(p) for p in XYZSerializer._get_point_values(point)]
            if point.comment:
                f.write(f"{geometry} # {point.comment}\n")
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