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External forcings file

The external forcing .ext file contains the forcing data for a D-Flow FM model. This includes open boundaries, lateral discharges and meteorological forcings. The documentation below only concerns the 'new' format (ExtForceFileNew in the MDU file).


Boundary (INIBasedModel) pydantic-model

A [Boundary] block for use inside an external forcings file, i.e., a ExtModel.

All lowercased attributes match with the boundary input as described in UM Sec.C.5.2.1.

check_nodeid_or_locationfile_present(values: Dict) classmethod

Verifies that either nodeid or locationfile properties have been set.


Name Type Description Default
values Dict

Dictionary with values already validated.



Type Description

When none of the values are present.


Type Description

Validated dictionary of values for Boundary.

Source code in hydrolib/core/dflowfm/ext/
def check_nodeid_or_locationfile_present(cls, values: Dict):
    Verifies that either nodeid or locationfile properties have been set.

        values (Dict): Dictionary with values already validated.

        ValueError: When none of the values are present.

        Dict: Validated dictionary of values for Boundary.
    node_id = values.get("nodeid", None)
    location_file = values.get("locationfile", None)
    if str_is_empty_or_none(node_id) and not cls._is_valid_locationfile_data(
        raise ValueError(
            "Either nodeId or locationFile fields should be specified."
    return values

forcing: ForcingBase property readonly

Retrieves the corresponding forcing data for this boundary.


Type Description

The corresponding forcing data. None when this boundary does not have a forcing file or when the data cannot be found.

Generic attribute for models that have children fields that could contain files.

Source code in hydrolib/core/dflowfm/ext/
def is_intermediate_link(self) -> bool:
    return True

ExtGeneral (INIGeneral) pydantic-model

The external forcing file's [General] section with file meta data.

ExtModel (INIModel) pydantic-model

The overall external forcings model that contains the contents of one external forcings file (new format).

This model is typically referenced under a FMModel.external_forcing.extforcefilenew.


Name Type Description
general ExtGeneral

[General] block with file metadata.

boundary List[Boundary]

List of [Boundary] blocks for all boundary conditions.

lateral List[Lateral]

List of [Lateral] blocks for all lateral discharges.

meteo List[Meteo]

List of [Meteo] blocks for all meteorological forcings.

Lateral (INIBasedModel) pydantic-model

A [Lateral] block for use inside an external forcings file, i.e., a ExtModel.

All lowercased attributes match with the lateral input as described in UM Sec.C.5.2.2.

Generic attribute for models that have children fields that could contain files.

Source code in hydrolib/core/dflowfm/ext/
def is_intermediate_link(self) -> bool:
    return True

validate_location_type(v: str) -> str classmethod

Method to validate whether the specified location type is correct.


Name Type Description Default
v str

Given value for the locationtype field.



Type Description

When the value given for locationtype is unknown.


Type Description

Validated locationtype string.

Source code in hydrolib/core/dflowfm/ext/
def validate_location_type(cls, v: str) -> str:
    Method to validate whether the specified location type is correct.

        v (str): Given value for the locationtype field.

        ValueError: When the value given for locationtype is unknown.

        str: Validated locationtype string.
    possible_values = ["1d", "2d", "all"]
    if v.lower() not in possible_values:
        raise ValueError(
            "Value given ({}) not accepted, should be one of: {}".format(
                v, ", ".join(possible_values)
    return v

validate_that_location_specification_is_correct(values: Dict) -> Dict classmethod

Validates that the correct location specification is given.

Source code in hydrolib/core/dflowfm/ext/
def validate_that_location_specification_is_correct(cls, values: Dict) -> Dict:
    """Validates that the correct location specification is given."""
    return validate_location_specification(
        values, config=LocationValidationConfiguration(minimum_num_coordinates=1)

Meteo (INIBasedModel) pydantic-model

A [Meteo] block for use inside an external forcings file, i.e., a ExtModel.

All lowercased attributes match with the meteo input as described in UM Sec.C.5.2.3.

Generic attribute for models that have children fields that could contain files.

Source code in hydrolib/core/dflowfm/ext/
def is_intermediate_link(self) -> bool:
    return True

MeteoForcingFileType (str, Enum)

Enum class containing the valid values for the forcingFileType attribute in Meteo class.


str: Space-uniform time series in <*.bc> file.


str: NetCDF, either with gridded data, or multiple station time series.


str: Space-uniform time series in <*.tim> file.

MeteoInterpolationMethod (str, Enum)

Enum class containing the valid values for the interpolationMethod attribute in Meteo class.


str: Nearest-neighbour interpolation, only with station-data in forcingFileType=netcdf

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